

The think i see on the horizon looks like a little village but i'm not shure. I'm way to far away to say it for sure. What i think to see are some houses surrounded by a wooden wall and fields. As my journey continues me hope grows with every sign of human live. Half a hour later i can see the first field. And from there small dirt paths lead in the direction of the village. While i'm walking on a dirt path i reach another half an hour later a bigger road. It isn't a normal cobble stone road but you could see that this road is the main road to the village. As the fields get more and more and the road bigger i reach the village. The village consists of 9 wood houses a wood wall with one entrance. The road i'm currently on dosn't cross the village and passes the village on the left. On the right side is a small river. As i walk closer to the village i can see two persons on a field talking. My first humans of this world. And now i release a big problem i had not though about. I understand not one language of this world. My only option is to use a spell for translation. Fortunately my mana is fuel. Let's hope that five mana is enough. "Translate all conversations from me" i say.

Info: For the next hour all conversations will be translated

How many mana does this cost me i think. "Show body condition" i say.

Health: 48 / 50

Mana: 0/5

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Constitution : 10

Intelligence: 14

Experience: 2 / 5

Free points: 0

Oh the cost of this spell is five mana thats a lot. Lets make the best in the next hour. As i look at the two villagers i notice that there clothes does not look like people from a medieval time as you would expect. They have colorful clothes as people in a modern world. This must be related tothe fact that this world has magic. While i come near the villagers they notice me. "Hello foreign, it is rare to have someone visiting use. I'm curious what brings you here." says one villager. "Hallo, i'm on a journey through here. I have a question can i sell something here and buy some furs and a knife" I say. He looks at me from botton to the top and says "You look not like someone hows on a journey". "Yeah that's true. I had an incidence with an animal and lost my belongings. Thats also the reason why i'm looking for a knife and some furs" i say. "To get something here will be hard. All we need we buy in the next bigger town six hours from here" says the second villager. "Do you think i can reach the town before it gets dark" i ask. "That should be possible i think" says the second villager. "Ok thanks in wich direction must i go to reach the town" i ask. "Just follow the road" says the first villager. "Thank you and good bye" i say. "bye". And so i'm back on the road.