
Another road story

I follow the road and go past the village. While i walk away from the village the fields getting fewer. After half an hour i'm back in the wilderness. Another one and a half hours passes and i decide to eat the rest of the fake deer meat. Not only to fill my stomache but also to get the mana recovery effect.

Info: Your mana recovery rate is doubled the next four hours.

Four hours is excatly the time i need to reach the town if i can believe the villagers. As i resume my journey i think about what i could sell in the town to get some money. It would be good if i could find something to sell on the way because the only think i have on me to sell is my watch. And i really don't want to lose my watch. With enough mana i could make or find something valuable. The problem is i need five mana to translate the conversations with the people. "Show body condition" i say.

Health: 50 / 50

Mana: 2/5

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Constitution : 10

Intelligence: 14

Experience: 2 / 5

Free points: 0

two hours in the past i had zero mana. This means for every hour my mana recovers 20%. In the case of five mana maximal i get 1 mana every hour and 2 with double recovery speed. This also means i can use five mana if i time it right and have five mana left when i reach the town. My idea is to use the direction or rather the search arrow spell to find something valuable on the way. But for this spell i need four mana this means in need to wait another hour before i can use it. And so i'm walking another hour in the endless fields of grass fortunately this time on a road not as on the first day off-highway. Walking off-highway is at least twice as much work as walking on a road. A hour passes. "Show me the thing with the most value nearest the road" i say. I can feel how mana leaves my body and on the same time a glowing arrow appears in mid air. Unfortunately the arrow is pointing beakwards to the right. Not my luckiest day. There is nothing a can do about it so i follow the arrow. After 15 minutes the arrow stops and points on a flower. My luck is not as bad as i thought. The flower looks really ordinary and has not yet bloomed. If the arrow would not point at it i couldn't tell the difference to the surrounding flowers. Without damaging the flower i dig it out and return to the road. With half an hour delay i resume my journey. Four hours passes whitout something happening and i reach the town. In front of me is a small town with a stone wall. To enter the town one must go through a gateway. There are man protecting it. Behind the wall i can see that most of houses are build off wood but a can also spot some stone houses. As i approach the gate i say: "Translate all my conversations".