
Time to move on

It tastes ok but considering it is without salt and seasoning it is very good. Better than expected. But the best thing is i'm not hungry anymore.

Info: The meat contains mana. Your mana recovery rate is doubled for the next four hours [1].

Oh this was unexpecated but nice although the only thing i do the next four hours is sleeping. But the discovery that meat can speed up the recovery rate of mana is good to know. Perhaps there are other thing with good effects. Something like double healing rate. I roast the all meat such that i have something to eat tomorrow and than i need some sleep. It would be nice if i could find some town tomorrow. After the last meat was roased it was time for me to sleep. I fell asleep although there was no pillow and no blanket fortunately i was sleepy enough.

Slowly i'm opening my eyes. Light from a new day is shining on to my face. I'm cold. Time to get up, eat something and get going to get warm. Meat is not my favorite breakfast but it is better than nothing. After my breakfast i was thinking about my water problem. I need something to bring some water with me. The idea i come up with was to make a approximately 15 cm (≈ 6 zoll ) thick log into a bottle. The only way of doing this was to use magic or rather mana. On the top a made a hole with approximately 13 cm diameter until shortly before the bottom. It looks like a tupe with only one side open. I made another 13 cm log the lid. The spell to make the bottle had cost me two mana. During the night me mana regenerated completly. So i have three mana left. Now that i have a something to carry water. I must go back inside the forest to get some water. I on my way. Fortunately now that it is bright and i have more time my arms look not as bad as last time as i was walking this path. After a short while i'm back by the waster source. This time there is no animal. I fill my water container and go back. Arrived at my sleeping place. I pick up the meat and resume my journey. But this time a have a better idea than just walk i a random direction. I will use a spell to detect the nearest town. "Show me the direction from the nearest town" i say. Just as last time with the water a glowing arrow appears in front of me pointing fortunately not in the direction of the forest or the direction i was coming from. The arrow is pointing in the opposite direction of the forest. And so i start my journey in this direction in hope for a near town. After walking for four hours i made a stop to eat some meat and resumted my journey afterwards. I was walking another two hours as i was seeing something on the horizon.

[1] Humans need three to five hours to digest meat.