
Trade 1

The gate is open and the two patrols are standing right and left from the gate. But they do not seem to stop people from going through the gate. Good for me. I need to ask someone where i can sell the flower. When i ask the patrols i could find out if it is really ok to enter the town but on the other side i don't know if it is a good idea to ask patrols a question. I think the better idea is to just enter the town and ask someone else. And so i enter the town and just as i though the patrols don't care. Inside a can see a medieval looking town with thinks everywhere i can't recognize. Thinks like street lamps that do not look like lamps working with electricity or fuel. They look more like magic lamps with a kristall in the center. Here and there i can see people walking by. A man is coming from the rigth side. As he is walking by i ask him: "Excuse me". "Yes how can i help you" he says. "I search for a place to sell herbs" i say. "Mmm just follow the street until you reach a square. On the square are two shops one of them should buy your herbs" he says. "Ok thank you" i say. "No problem" he says. A short while later i arrive at the square. The square is fild with a fountain in the center on the right side are market stalls selling food. the left side is open with shops selling clothes, weapons, and other thinks people need to live. One shop have dryed herbs hanging outside. I think i try to sell me flower in this shop. But now that i think about selling i remember i have no idea about the money system here. It is properbly better to first find out the price from knifes ,hotel rooms, and other stuff i need to survive. And so i visit the weapons shop first. Inside there are swords, spears, bows, and armors in all shapes and sizes. Some of them have glowing runes on them. Someone ask me: "hello what are you searching". "I search a knife for traveling and hunting" i say. "Yes here around the corner on the right side we have knifes in all sizes" he says. I look at the knifes and pick one. The one i want has a 20 cm (8 zoll) long blade. I ask: "how much dos this knife costs". "This knife costs one silver" he says. "I'm not from here. Can you tell me how much that is" i ask. "one silver is 25 bronze and one hundred silver is one gold" [1] he answers. "ok thank you i will come back with the money" i say. I leave the shop and go to the inn i saw on the way to the square. Arrived in the inn i ask the reception: "How much dos one night cost". "One night costs 5 bronze". I went back to the square and saw that a breed is purchasable for one bronze before i try to sell my flower.

[1] medieval money system.

Dukat (gold coin)= 240 Luz. Schillinge (silver coin) = 1440 Angster = 2880 Heller / Pfennige