
Holy Warrior

This will be a story about a young man saving a damned World. Read if you like. Don't if you Don't. No pressure. I will try to get out a chapter a day during week days. My weekends are to hectic, to write the best chapters I can. So to make this a quality novel, I cannot write on the weekends. P.S This is my first novel, so if you like it. I would appreciate it if you added it to your library, and kept up to date on it. Still working out the kinks of my writing style.

Imaginary_Scholar · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The Escape Plan

In the smithy

Carter, "Allright, that should just about do it."

Joanns, "Does everyone understand the plan?"

Marhaus, "I understand. Do you understand your highness?"

Christopher, "This is a very simple plan. Do you really think it will work?"

Carter, "Simple? What kind of world do you live in? Does being a Prince, mean that you are experienced in smuggling?"

Christopher, 'Of course not, but this is the most obvious way to escape from a castle.'..

Christopher, "How lazy are the guards, that they wouldn't even check your cargo?"

Carter, "Don't worry about that. We will be covering you both in a blanket, that was Enchanted with Camouflage. We get a lot of trades, due to the tough financial times we are in right now.".. "This right here is an Enchanted blanket, used by experienced Hunters." He said holding up a dirty old blanket.

Marhaus holding his nose, "Do you really expect us to cover ourselves in that?"

Christopher placed his hand on Marhaus's shoulder. "You don't have to like it, it just has to work."

Ignoring Carter, he then turns to look at Joanns. "Are you sure it works?"

Carter, "Hey, are you ignoring me?"

Christopher doesn't respond to that, causing Joanns to chuckle.

Joanns, "Are you being funny on purpose?"

Christopher, "Not really.. I just assumed you were the brains of the outfit."

Carter got irritated by that comment.

Joanns, "I see. You are very perceptive, and yes. The blanket works, I have tested it myself."

Carter, "Allright, allright. Now that everyone is on board. Let's get started."

They began grabbing all the weapons and armor, that were damaged beyond repair. Placing them into sacks for disposal.

Christopher and Marhaus got into the brother's cart, before having the camouflage blanket placed on them. The sacks were then placed on top, finishing the disguise.

Joanns, "The sun will be up soon, so we have to get a move on. The time allotted for dumping is almost here. If this plan is to work, we need to make it in time."

All of them were in agreement, and the brothers dragged their cart to the portcullis. Upon reaching the front gates, the sun had just began to rise.

They noticed the gates had more Guards than normal.

Christopher activated God's Eyes, seeing that the six guard's levels were at a measly 15 each. 'Worst-case scenario I can distract one, while Marhaus takes care of the rest.'.. "We don't have to worry, if things turn bad. Marhaus should be able to handle it."

With this reassurance they carried on.

Guard One, "Hey. What are you two doing?"

Guard Two, "Hey. I know these guys. They are a couple of Blacksmiths... They haven't been doing that great lately, thanks to the famine."

Guard Three, "What's a couple of Blacksmiths doing at the gates, this early in the morning?"

Carter, "We are just here to perform the last burial rights, for these broken weapons."

Guard One, "Ahh. An important job. Without all these blessed weapons in the moat. Some higher leveled undead may have been able to get past the Holy Water."

Guard Four, "You don't mind if we check the cart, do you? There have been reports of intruders in the city walls."

Joanns, "Not at all sir. We have nothing to hide."

The Guards began checking the cart for anything that may be hidden. They looked right past Christopher and Marhaus, thanks to the camouflage blanket.

After the guards were done searching. They let them pass through the gates.

Guard Two, "Hey, don't go over the drawbridge. It's not safe past the moat. Just go along the side of the moat, until you find a good spot to dump the weapons."

Joanns, "Thank you for the reminder, sir."

Guard Two, 'He is such a gentleman. I hope his store starts doing better soon.. I'll have to pay it a visit, when I need my sword sharpened.'

Carter and Joanns pulled their cart out of view of the Guards, before taking the sacks out of the cart.

Carter, "We are in the clear, you can come out now."

Marhaus, "It's about time. It really stinks under that blanket."

After they got out of the cart, Christopher bowed to the Blacksmiths. "Thank you a lot. You have both helped save our lives. If you ever need my help, don't hesitate to ask for it. For if it is within my power to do so, I will offer my help."

Joanns, "Coming from a Prince. That means a lot."

Marhaus, "You have no idea."

Christopher, "Well, I guess there is only one way, that we are getting across this moat. Marina if you would be so kind. Can you open up a path for us."

Surprising Carter and Joanns, the water split open. Just like in the story of Moses.

Carter, "What's going on."

Joanns, "I didn't expect you to be a Wizard."

Christopher, "This is neither me nor Marhaus.. It is our spirit guide, Marina."

Joanns, "You have a Water Spirit, for a spirit guide?"

Marhaus, "I thought you said, she was a Wind Spirit?"

Christopher, "She is a Wind Spirit, but she is also a Princess Of The Sea."

Joanns, "I have heard stories of a Princess Of The Sea. It's a story from a long time ago, thought to be a myth."

Christopher, "Do you know something about her?"

Joanns, "Not much. Just that she is the love interest, of a famous French King. The King is long since dead, as this is a story from nearly 300 years ago."

Christopher, "So she is famous, huh. Maybe I'll be able to find out more about her in time."

After all that was said, the group then said their goodbyes. Christopher and Marhaus went through the path, being careful to not get cut by any weapons lying about. While Carter and Joanns put the weapons in the moat, after it was filled back in with water.

Carter yelled, knowing he was far enough away from the Guards. "You watch your back out there! It's very dangerous outside the cities!"

Christopher, "We'll keep that in mind."