
Hololive: The Mystery of Death

Two years later, after the attack on Hololive Productions, Amelia Watson set out to find other Hololive members and uncover the mystery that lies behind the attack.

Akirin_Shiroyami · Others
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12 Chs

Chapter 9:( HoloMyth vs. HoloCouncil )

"Greetings, people of HoloMyth," Death called out. "As I just found out about your departure with the other idols, I must get to work as soon as possible, so they are here to play with you."

"What have you done to them?!" Ame shouted furiously.

"Nothing but distorted their souls a bit, now they only listen to me," Death explained.

"Sensei, please stop," Calli pleaded.

"Don't worry Calli, when this is all over and when you return to Hell with me, we will welcome you like a hero, we'll go back to how it used to be. Our reaping business needs you Calli, more and more souls are lost and stolen by those creatures who live in Hell. Without us, no, without you, your beloved humans will slowly die out."

"You, I saw you in the multiverse, how did you do that?"Ame asked.

"Well let's just say, there aren't any multiverse variants of me. As a God, and the ONLY God of Death, I also have the power to travel multidimensional, how else do you think people from other realms die?" Death explained. "Humans do believe that Hell is located 18 floors below the Earth's ground and Heaven is above the clouds, but in reality, both realms are one unique realm that does not have a duplicate that exists outside your reach. For example, there are multiple demi-gods, your Goddess of Chaos, that rat, could be a male in another universe. So what's below Earth's ground is the planet's core and what's above the clouds is space, it is where I lured this Warden of Time in with the Speaker of Space, two birds with one stone. I then traveled to the Amazon forest and hunted down the Keeper of Nature and thus having all 5 of them."

"Gura, we gotta find a way to evacuate the citizens in Kushiro before we start fighting," Ina warned her.

"Oh don't worry," Death overheard them. "This is a special hidden art of mine that allows you to fight freely in this realm. It is basically like, what you call it? Ah yes, Doctor Strange's Mirror Realm, but I call it the Shinigami's Palm and the only way to get out of the realm is to defeat everything that contains my own personal dark matters. I don't want more humans to be harmed, as that will only make Calli sad. Well, I bid you farewell, the idols have separated, it will take some time to kill them all."

Death excited the Shinigami's Palm and the dead bodies started moving. HoloCouncil members opened their eyes in sync and slowly descended from the portals that were hanging them. Their eyes were pure white, the pupils of the eyes are gone, they each took out their weapon, Bae strengthened her claws, Mumei took out a bow and arrows, Kronii split her clock into two swords, Fauna summoned her catalyst and Sana powered up by consuming the gravity forces of planets.

"You gals wanna pick an opponent to your advantage?" Calli asked as she took out her scythe.

"I'll fight Fauna, I can burn her down easily," Kiara replied, taking out her sword and shield.

"I wanna fight Bae," Gura grinned as she summoned her trident.

"I'll fight Kroni, I defeated her once, I can beat her again," said Ame, taking out her pocket watch and preparing her syringes.

"Death beat Mumei once, so I'll let Calli fight Mumei, which means I'm left with Sana," Ina analyzed as she took out the Ancient One's spell book. The 10 of them stared at each other until Bae took the first step, she dashed in extreme speed towards them and Gura went in front of her, blocked her claws with her trident, then deformed the trident into a hydro cannon and blasted Bae to one side. As Gura pursued Bae, HoloCouncil split out, which was in favor of HoloMyth as they tried to keep this battle to a 1v1. 

Huge vines that are as thick as several trucks struck out from the ground, and smashed towards the oncoming Kiara, who blazed through it. The vines whipped and smacked, but Kiara blocked it with her shield and slashed it with her sword. A few more vines came from behind, knocking out everything, seats, street lights, cars, everything that stood in their way. Reacting to the oncoming danger, Kiara held up her shield and set it ablazed, then she charged through the vines like a NFL quarterback player and the fires burned through the vines before it could even touch the shield. Kiara threw the shield towards Fauna like Captain America, and Fauna summoned several 1000 year old trees and managed to block it off until the last one, the other trees were burnt down. 

Fauna then summoned an entire forest, locking Kiara within it like a prisoner in a cage, blocking the shield out of sight, the rise of the forest splashed dirt all around, putting out the fires that Kiara originally burned. The trees completely blocked out the sunlight and Kiara became noticeable as she was shining like a star. Kiara started running around trying not to get pinpointed, but outside of the forest, Fauna already summoned hundreds of vines, trying to crush Kiara. Kiara heard ruffling sounds from above as the thick vines started showering down like meteors. Their identities are almost the same, both represent the meaning of life, but in different ways, Kiara hopped and dashed around to dodge the huge vines, when she's cornered, she'll just slash her way through with her sword. But that one moment of delay, trapped in one spot allowed Fauna to pinpoint Kiara's exacted location, the moment Kiara slashed through the vines that cornered her, hundreds of other vines came from every direction, flying towards Kiara, the trees bent and stretched to support the AoE attack of the vines and finally, the vines crushed Kiara. Fauna made sure there weren't spaces in between the wines, but she somehow felt the temperature rising. 

The vines slowly melted down into pieces of molten lava, then the vines started to crack while flame burst out of them. The fire spread throughout the forest as the center of the vines was completely burned down and now surrounded by flames. Kiara was reborn. A phoenix emerged from the sea of flames that drowned the entire forest, the real Fauna would panic to shit, but this lifeless version of her remained silent. She tried summoning more trees to overgrow the old ones and knocking out the fire, but that didn't work, her catalyst was burnt to ashes. Kiara then flew towards Fauna like a flaming arrow and knocked Fauna down.

As they separated, Sana and Ina both rose above the ground, floating in midair. Sana bolted towards Ina with a punch, Ina performed a shield spell to block it. Sana punched the shield so hard that the wind force shattered all the windows of the nearby buildings. Ina tried holding onto her shield, but Sana's strength was overwhelming her and she's pushing Ina back. Tentacles flew out from behind to help push the shield back against Sana's force, but Sana switched hands and punched with her other fist and broke Ina's shield. Ina was sent flying, crashed into a building across the river, after hitting the building, Ina shook her head to try and clear her mind, but she looked up and saw Sana about to Falco Punch her, so she quickly climbed up and flew to the otherside of the building. Sana didn't stop and she smashed the building with brute force like a planet hitting on to the building, the building immediately started to break down and collapse, pieces of concrete fell off the building and showered onto Ina. Ina was buried under a huge pile of rubble.

Sana didn't wait to check if Ina is alive or not and immediately charged at the demolished building as if the Moon was about to hit the Earth. But before Sana could reach for the punch, several tentacles flew out from below the pile of rubbles and strangled her. Ina stood up with the help of her tentacles lifting all the rubbles aside and felt a little dizzy. Sana struggled against the tentacles while Ina sent more tentacles to slap Sana as hard as she could. While Sana was getting slapped, she suddenly activated her ability and deleted the 'space' between her and Ina. Surprised by the 'teleportation', Sana punched Ina in the stomach and Ina was knocked back and through several buildings. Her spell book did perform an emergency shield spell but it didn't help. Ina felt dizzier and dizzier by the moment as Sana demolished buildings after buildings while slowly walking towards Ina. Ina's tentacles knocked the ground and threw giant rocks at Sana, but when the rock was just about to hit Sana, it stopped midair. Sana has increased the amount of Space in between the rock and her face to almost infinite, therefore the rock didn't reach her.

Ina then summoned the Ancient One's magic and rays of light shot down from above the sky, but Sana dodged them by deleting a certain space between here and there. Sana waited till Ina shot out her tentacles to try and restrain her, then she erased the space between her and the space where she will be just above Ina and then teleported to above Ina to punch her from above, but Ina saw it coming. Amongst all the tentacles that was stretched out, some hid behind the others, the hidden tentacles acted as a back up and restrained Sana once more, and before Sana could do anything, Ina performed a strong spell and shot out a light beam from her hand and the beam pushed Sana to the outer space.

On the other side of the river, right next to where Ina was, Mumei didn't waste any time waiting, she fired off arrows after arrows while her feathers flew out on their own acting like a bullet. Calli raised her scythe and spun it at high speed to deflect them, but little did she know that the feathers acted on their own, so when they were deflected, while the arrows fell onto the ground, the feathers turned around and shot Calli from another angle. Calli stood up and learned her mistake and now she is spinning her scythe around her as much as possible, but when Calli was deflecting the arrows behind her, the feathers stabbed from up front. There is only so much Calli can block at once, she then summoned her dark arts, dark matters covered Calli up 360 degrees, blocking out all the arrows and feathers.

Suddenly, the rainfire stopped, Calli held the dark matter down and looked around, Mumei had disappeared. Calli scanned the buildings around her, but then an arrow flew out from behind her and shot her on the shoulder. Calli turned to the direction where the arrows came from, but just as she turned, another arrow was fired from her left, and scraped Calli's back before her dark matters could react on defense. Calli pulled the arrow out from her shoulder and healed it by covering her wound up with dark matter when suddenly another arrow shot from behind and scraped Calli's stomach on the left side. Calli thought to herself lucky that Mumei missed two shots and is now panicking on how to find her.

Calli took a deep breath and activated her senses, this version of Mumei does not have a soul, but this is Death's Shinigami's Palm, therefore her dark matters do be working well in this realm as well. Several arrows slashed and stabbed Calli while she's searching but Calli didn't flinch. Mumei was moving around between multiple buildings, she turned around and was about to shoot another arrow, but a dark matter next to her sensed her and grabbed her. Mumei' feathers flew out and cut the dark matter off and Mumei flew away, little did she know that a small part of the dark matter was already attached to her. Calli sensed Mumei's presence and turned to face towards Mumei and glared at her. The owl stared back at Calli while shooting out several arrows, but the dark matter reacted quickly this time and blocked all of them. Calli raised her scythe once more and charged towards Mumei, Mumei tried to shoot another arrows, but dark matter formed behind her and Calli teleported to the dark matter behind Mumei and slashed Muemi, thus finally taking Mumei down.

Before the split battle started, Gura sent Bae flying with a hydro cannon, she flew and crashed into a building while Gura pursued her. When Gura reached the crash site, Bae was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly Bae dashed behind her and tackled her, then jumped back and hid behind buildings again. Gura stumbled and rolled onto the ground after she was tackled, she noticed that she's been pushed inside the Kushiro Fisherman's Wharf Moo. Rows of stalls, people selling and buying in this busy place, Gura went to touch on one of the humans passing by, but her hand just fades through them, she remembered that they are in Shinigami's Palm, whatever she does here won't affect the real world. Gura turns around, she knows that Bae is hiding in between all the busy crowds. Suddenly Bae charged towards Gura from behind, Gura reacted and used her trident to block Bae, but there was no one there. Confused at the false sense of alarm, Bae snuck up and scratched Gura from behind.

The chaos confusion began to take effect on Gura's mind and she's hallucinating things now. She thought she tripped on the chair, but she tripped on herself instead. Several Bae's ran towards Gura from every direction and continued to scratch and push Gura around. Bae proceeded bouncing around the pillars like lasers bouncing off mirrors. Gura washed her mind with water and cleared her mind. She looked up and saw the pillars were starting to cripple, Bae had been forcefully bouncing off pillars around the entire mall for the past minute. The floors started to crack and Gura stood up and started running towards the exit of the mall. Concretes cracked and fell next to Gura as she kept running, the humans were smashed but also unharmed. When Gura reached the exit, Bae was waiting for her and slashed her one more time before letting the entire market fall on her. Bae jumped to the top of the glass mall next to the market that collapsed and watched from above.

"Maybe you've forgotten that we are literally next to the river that opens up to the ocean??" Gura cackled from below all those broken concrete. Bae was confused at what she meant until she saw water flowing between the spaces and into the center of the crashed sight. Water rose into a huge veil, blasting all the pebbles away and in the center of the bubble stood Gura. The blue color slowly faded into red as her blood spilled from her wound from the fallen pebbles that cut her. Gura's clothes and hair strand are dyed red, she opened her eyes, the calming blue color disappeared and the ferocious red aura pressured Bae. Bae dashed into the water, breaking a hole in the bubble, but she found herself drowning within the water bubble. Gura raised her hand and the water veil bubble turned into the shape of a shark and swam in midair with Bae at its mouth, then the water shark slammed itself onto the glass mall, pushing Bae down to the floor by the splashing water, destroying the entire mall along with it. The water deformed and red Gura walked towards Bae slowly and drowned her within another bubble of water to make sure Bae stays unconscious while healing her own wound by washing it with water. The red returned to blue.

Between the two sides of the river, there's a bridge in between. Ame took out her pocket watch and then time stopped. Ame froze while Kronii flew towards Ame raising both of her swords. Just when Kronii was about to slash her sword, time reverse froze and Ame could move instead of Kronii. In this frozen time Ame threw one syringe at Kronii, but she unfroze her time lock and cut the syringe in half. Ame unfroze all time but Kronii suddenly teleported in front of Ame and slashed her. Ame fell back and couldn't stand up, her stomach was bleeding too much. She could just reverse time and dodge the cut, but Kronii will just fast forward it. How did Kronii teleport, Ame thought to herself, and then held her clock close to her wound. But before she could fast forward the time to heal her wound, Kronii teleported again. But then an idea struck through Ame's mind, and before Kronii could slash her, Ame teleported to about 5 meters behind her and dodged the attack.

Instead of fast forwarding time to heal her, she could also fast forward her entire body to move through time. Ame healed her wound then shot out a time slowing bubble and trapped Kronii inside it, no matter how fast Kronii tries to cancel out the time slowing, the bubble will force it to slow even more to cancel Kronii out. On a clock, both hands are always moving clockwise, Kronii raised her sword and reversed that, so instead of slowing, it has become a time increasing bubble. Ame tried closing the bubble, but Kronii was too quick for her, she flew out the bubble and knocked Ame's watch out of her hand and then stabbed Ame's stomach. Ame screamed in pain and then Kronii swung the other sword and stabbed Ame's chest, blood spilled everywhere and Ame's scream slowly faded away, she raised her hand and clenched the two swords that stabbed her.

She slowly pulls the swords out with raw strength, even against Kronii's full strength of trying to push the swords back in. Flesh grew out of Ame's body, completely healing her wounds and enhancing her muscles. She slowly grew bigger and stronger, until she was jacked with muscles and buffed with a rich and clear 8 packs. She crushed the swords with her bare hands and screamed her gremlin laugh. She is now about two heads taller than Kronii, and while looking down at her, she told Kronii that she's gonna ground pound her mom real hard in a deep voice. Kronii noticed that Ame doesn't have her pocket watch, so she stopped time, but instead of being frozen in time, Buff Ame kept moving, she grabbed Kronii and crushed her arms, then swung her around and Ame slammed Kronii onto the ground, then ground pounded her. She let out a victory gremlin screech while slowly returning back to normal. She turned around and gathered Myth back together.

"Is everyone okay?" Ame asked after she picked up her watch and everyone nodded when they gathered at the bridge. "Damn gals, you caused so much more damage than I did, thank god we're in a separate realm. Speaking of the Shinigami's Palm, we defeated the Council, why aren't we out yet??"

"I don't know, for me, I think Bae is under that pile of rubbles," Gura pointed at the shattered building.

"I don't feel right saying this, but I burned Fauna," Kiara's voice trailed off when she said that.

"I-I… I'm feeling very dizzy, I… can't keep my eyes open much longer, my head hurts a lot," Ina moaned.

"Oh my reaper, are you ok Ina, lemme check that-" but before Calli can reach out to Ina, a meteor crashed into the river next to them. All 5 of them looked up and saw Sana's eyes peering at them from outside of Earth. Sana activated her concept of Space mode and grew so large that Earth is like the size of a baseball to her. Sana started moving away and Calli shouted "When the fuck did Sana-, oh my holy what the shit is that the moon?!"

Sana grabbed the moon and chuck it down like she's using Rasengan, the Earth's gravitational force stripped pieces of the moon apart and the huge chunk of space rocks flew across the globe, showering the Earth with meteors. 

"Ina, where and when did you send Sana back to space??" Ame asked with an idea in mind.

"I don't know, my head hurts so much, I can't think," Ina replied.

"Ina I need you to think now or else we're all gonna die," Ame asked again, agitated.

"Uhh, I think it's over here, like 5 minutes ago," Ina pointed out, and Ame fast forwarded herself to where she would be in 15 minutes.

"Ina, did Sana hit your head that hard?" Gura asked, but Ina moaned about the pain instead of replying to it.

Ame 'teleported' to the top of a building, and set the time to 6 minutes ago, she double clicked and whispered: "past."

She closed her eyes, and then opened them again after a second. From a window nearby, she saw Sana teleported above Ina and then Ina's backup tentacles strangled Sana. Ina raised her hand and blasted Sana into the air before she fainted. Ame jumped out of the window and onto Sana's back and stabbed her with several tranquilizers, the syringes pierced through Sana's skin and Ame's weight made her stop flying and started falling, but all that fell onto the ground was Sana herself, Ame faded away, because Ame came back to the past and changed the past, the timeline split, therefore the Ame that came back that stabbed Sana with tranquilizers will cease to exist, and the Ame that was supposed to be in this timeline is still there.

Thud! Sana's body fell from the sky and onto the ground.

"Is everyone okay?" Ame asked after she picked up her watch and everyone nodded when they gathered at the bridge. "Damn gals, you caused so much more damage than me, thank god we're in a separate realm. Speaking of the Shinigami's Palm, we defeated the Council, why aren't we out yet??"

"I don't know, for me, I think Bae is under that pile of rubbles," Gura pointed at the shattered building.

"I don't feel right saying this, but I burned Fauna," Kiara's voice trailed off when she said that.

"I-I… I'm feeling very dizzy, I… can't keep my eyes open much longer, my head hurts a lot," Ina moaned.

"Oh my reaper, are you ok Ina, lemme check that-" Calli rushed to check Ina and the Myth surrounded Ina. "Mumei is lying over there, and I saw Sana fell on the ground unconscious before I got here."

"So if all the Council members are down," Ame asked once more, "why are we still here??"