
Hololive: The Mystery of Death

Two years later, after the attack on Hololive Productions, Amelia Watson set out to find other Hololive members and uncover the mystery that lies behind the attack.

Akirin_Shiroyami · Others
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12 Chs

Chapter 10:(HoloMyth vs Ina)

"Are you sure they're all knocked out cold," Ame asked and they all nodded.

"Yeah, they turned back to a dead body once they were defeated right?" Gura asked.

"Technically it should work that way," Calli analyzed.

"Would reviving them work?" Kiara asked.

"No, their soul is too far away from them, or they could be destroyed," Calli answered.

"Can't Ina just perform a spell combining with Calli's dark powers and just reverse this shit??" Gura suggested.

"We can try, Ina, can you-" Ame turned around and saw Ina standing up with her back to them. "Ina?"

Ina took out her Priestess book, AO-chan, and it floated in midair, flipping through pages on its own with the wave of Ina's hand.

"Oh great, Ina's already doing it," Gura said excitedly, with a big smile on her face.

"Gura, she's not doing it," Calli said, slowly backing off, slowly moving away from Ina and drawing out her scythe again.

"What do you mean by that?" Kiara asked.

"I sense sensei's dark matters in her," Calli explained. "Which is probably why she had headaches earlier, damn it, we should've paid more attention to that."

"It must be from the battle on Marine's ship, she held Death off for the rest of to escape," Ame recounted and everyone stood back. Gura reacted quickly, drew out her trident and had water supporting her and surfed towards Ina. 

"Gura, NO!" Kiara shouted

The aqua jet dashed towards Ina, Gura reached her trident out, trying to knock AO-chan out of midair, but before she can reach, Ina released a shock wave all around her like a defense shield and it knocked Gura so far back that she knocked into several buildings, crashed into the ground and rolled frenziedly then crashed into another building and hit her back onto the wall that finally stopping the momentum.

All of Ina's tentacles bursted out and swirled around, stretching their arms out and slowly growing thicker and thicker. She floated into the air and with AO-chan floating right underneath her hand, she summoned light beams falling from the sky, aiming randomly. Calli summoned dark matters and covered her and Ame, while Kiara flew towards Gura and took her back to Calli's, but she was shot by a light beam and rolled on the ground. Fortunately, they were within Calli's range, so Calli expanded the shield and covered Kiara and Gura. 

"What the hell is happening??" Kiara shouted out, as she revived from ashes, Gura was unharmed, thankfully.

"The dark matter powered AO-chan to the point where Ina can't control it, so Ina is now controlled by AO-chan, who is controlled by the dark matter. Basically Ina is now rogue," Calli explained. "You gals have a way to calm her down?"

"Gura is out cold, but I have an idea. I can watch over her while I prepare the plan, just buy me time," Ame said, and when the moment the light beams stopped, Calli deactivated the shield. Ame placed Gura down beside her and kneeled down while taking her pocket watch, then placed it in front of her, a big circle in the shape of a clock formed around her with Ame in the center. The hands on the clock started moving from 0:00 and onwards clockwise. "The moment when the hands move for 12 hours, that's when I can fight, right now I'm immobilized."

"Don't worry Ame, we will protect you," Calli said as she stepped forward.

"I'm still regenerating," Kiara reminded them.

"Take as much time as you need Kusotori," and Calli threw her scythe at Ina. A few tentacles stretched out to block it, but Calli teleported to her scythe and threw it upwards, out of the tentacle's way, then teleported to her scythe again. Spinning like a beyblade from above, Calli chopped down a few tentacles, then used her dark arts to try and over take her sensei's dark matters, but the tentacles regenerated almost immediately and knocked Calli a few miles back. Ina turned to Kiara but suddenly noticed a dark matter under her feet, and Calli teleported to that point, emerged from the dark matter and slashed Ina's arms off, then kicked Ina in the stomach after that. Ina steadied herself from flying uncontrollably with her magic, and regenerated her arms immediately. AO-chan flipped through its pages for Ina to perform the next magic, the tentacles and arms that were cut off disappeared and a couple of huge portals appeared in the sky, and the cut off pieces of Ina became gigantic, stretched out from the portal and started smashing down aiming at Calli.

1 o'clock…

Calli dodged and slashed her way through the giant tentacles, but when she's cornered, she threw her scythe out towards Ina and teleported to her scythe before the gigantic tentacles could crush her. Calli swung her scythe at Ina's face, but Ina raised her hands and blasted a light beam, completely disintegrated Calli's left side of the body. The giant tentacles aimed at Calli once more, and smacked onto the ground. Before the tentacles could crush Calli, it was burnt with flames, the fire blasted through the tentacles, spreading it around like wildfire. The tentacles regenerated immediately to put the fire out and Kiara stood in front of Calli.

2 o'clock…

"Calli, are you okay?"

"Yeah I can heal myself."

"I'll wait for you then," Kiara ran towards Ina with fire blazing in her eyes. Ina shot out another few tentacles from her back to try and restrain Kiara, while liquid fire spilled out from Kiara's fingers and she whipped the tentacles through and through. The fire solidified from both hands and formed into a big sword. 

"Ok Ame, what are you trying to do?" Calli asks while regenerating.

"I'm trying to pull as many multiverse variants of me here as possible," Ame replied, constantly fading like she's glitching in real life.

3 o'clock…

"Wait then how did you become Buff Ame earlier?" Calli asked.

"Multiverse variants, instead of pushing time through me, I can also push space through me as well, so at that moment I let Buff Ame into my body, thus growing muscles," Ame explained while glitching intensely. "Right now, each word I'm saying, there is a time interval in between, because while I'm speaking to you, I'm also constantly traveling through multiverse timelines to get my variants' attention and acceptance so they can get here."

"So you'll need as much time as you need," Gura said, waking up.

4 o'clock…

"No Gura, you stay here and rest for a bit, I'm gonna go help Kiara," Calli said, her regeneration complete. A dozen tentacles flew towards Kiara, she stabbed her sword on to the ground and fire blast shot out from the ground, and the blast of fire streamed towards Ina and burnt her. AO-chan performed magic and the fire wore off, the burnt off tentacles disappeared and more portals formed in the sky. Several giant tentacles smacked down from the sky, with the fire resistant magic Ina performed, Kiara's struggling to hold her fort. The tentacles finally overwhelmed Kiara when suddenly, dark matters surrounded Kiara and she teleported back next to Calli.

5 o'clock…

"You good Kusotori?"

"Never better," Kiara's flame grew hotter, her body became pure flames and she transformed into a Phoenix. Calli coated herself with dark arts and enhanced herself in size and the dark arts expanded Calli into a giant Shinigami, her scythe also grew into giant size. Then together with the Phoenix, they both charged towards the Priestess.

6 o'clock…

Ina flew to the top of a building to make sure she's above Calli and Kiara and then light beams and giant tentacles flew down from above to smash them. Flames flew everywhere and so did the dark matters, and everything next to them is getting demolished. Kiara flame charged Ina, but her giant tentacles shot out from all angles, one grabbed her wings while the another tentacle smacked Kiara's head, then a third knocked the Phoenix into a nearby tall building. Calli fought on the other side and was busy trying to defend, but the tentacles multiplied every time she slashed them in half, until the tentacles pushed Calli back and knocked her into another building, shattering the entire building. 

7 o'clock…

Ina turned around and faced Ame and Gura, aiming the tentacles at them. Ame tried to stand up to fight, but Gura told her to focus on the clock while forcing her to stand up. The gigantic tentacles fired off, destroying everything in their way, but before they could reach Gura and Ame, a flame arrow and a dark arrow flew across, did a X-cut and slashed off the tentacles. Suddenly a voice appeared in Ina's head saying:

"Send her to me."

Ina performed a spell while the flame and dark arrow both charged towards her. Ina then released the spell and sent Calli and Kiara (the arrows) to Hell where Death was waiting for them. They both fell and rolled on the ground, Death snorted, it was only expecting Calli. Death stood up and grabbed Kiara by the neck while Calli shook her head to clear her vision.

"KIARA!!!" Calli shouted out and drew her scyther and charged at Death without realizing who she's up against. Death deflected her with ease and blasted Calli back with its own scythe.

"Sensei?! Where's Ina??" Calli rasked while Kiara was choking. "Please sensei, let her go."

"No can do my apprentice, not until you come back to Hell."

"Don't… listen to… Death," Kiara gagged.

"Shut up phoenix girl, you weren't supposed to be here in the first place, so Calli, what's your decision?"

"I told you sensei, Hololive is my home now, they are my family, and I love them, I'm tired of being the emotionless reaper who murders people all day. I can't believe I'm saying this out loud but I love that damn Kusotori the most, so please sensei, just leave us alone."

"You cannot just simply leave your duty that was given by a god! When I took you in, you pledged allegiance to Hell, you swore you would carry out your duties no matter what happened to you," Death shouted back at Calli, "You are who you are today because of me, I raised you, I watched you improved everyday, from your very first soul reaping to the point where you can handle thousands by yourself, you are my pride my dear Calli. And I will let this chicken go, heck I will revive everyone that you cared about if you quit that stupid little family show and return to what you're meant to be, what you're destined to be. So let me ask you one last time, think for your friend's sake, will you come back to Hell to continue to carry out your rightful duties?? Don't worry, all will be forgiven and I will pretend that this never happened if you return, so what is it?"

Calli's mind raced across her brain, the pressure was too much for someone to handle, she's either gonna lose her happiness or her loved ones. While Death pressured Calli for answers and Kiara gagged, trying to convince Calli not to listen to Death, she clenched her fists tight. Then Calli let go of her hand and sighed.

"I get it, I'll return, please just let her go," Calli murmured and Death immediately let go of its skeleton hands. Calli rushed towards Kiara's side as Kiara was coughing and gasping for breath. While hugging Kiara tightly, Calli secretly used her dark matters to form a dagger.

"That's my girl…. Is what I would like to say," Death sighed too, "Calli, Calli, Calli… You do realize that you've never successfully blocked my soul reading attacks right? I know what you're planning, and I advise you to give up. If you take that step, I will show no mercy, even if it's you."

Calli thought about it for another second and casted a portal back to where Ame was, threw Kiara towards it and turned around and tried to stab Death. But as Death warned, it did see everything coming, it controlled Kiara's soul and pulled her back, used his dark matters to forcefully closed the portal that Calli opened and drew his scythe to block Calli's dagger.

Death knocked the dagger out of Calli's hands then slashed Calli in the stomach, blood started spilling everywhere. Death then pulled Kiara's soul out to prevent her from reviving, without the soul in the body, the fire will never burn again. It threw Kiara's soul in the well of fire to prevent her soul from flying back to her body, and proceeded to Calli, raising its scythe, and said goodbye.

After Ina sent Calli and Kiara to Hell, she turned to face Gura and Ame. Gura stood up and took out her trident, the water already healed her, then she used the trident and stabbed herself in the stomach. Instead of spilling everywhere, the blood drenched Gura and the red overtook the blue. The wound has already healed and the water that supported her grew into the shape of claws into Gura's hands, her tail tapped the ground and aqua jetted towards Ina. 

8 o'clock

Ina threw down the gigantic tentacles to block Gura, but this time, Gura spun around and splashed water everywhere. Every single water droplet at her disposal is now a blade that is strong enough to at least cut through flesh. The tentacles smacked down but it was soon cut into a hundred pieces before it could reach Gura. Red Gura is like Kurokami, they're both hateful, but when their main version was bullied, they will step out and make them regret their actions.

9 o'clock…

Red Gura dove into the river and splashed the entire river into the air, causing it to rain, and with the rain boost, Gura became so fast that even AO-chan had trouble detecting her movements. And at the same time, the rain drops hardened, as it falls, it cuts through all the giant tentacles in the sky into a million pieces to the point where they cannot regenerate. Ina performed a light shield to protect her, but Gura flew in front of her, and crunched the shield.

10 o'clock

The shield broke down and Gura continued biting, she bit off Ina's right arm then flew away. The rain stopped. Ina performed another spell and trapped the entire dock within a light ball. When Gura tries to bite her way out, the light ball will blow a beam and knock her off. The ball shrunk and trapped Gura within the ball, Ina performed another spell and a light beam shot out from the sky, the beam penetrated the shield and Gura was disintegrated. 

11 o'clock…

"You must be the real trouble here, human, if all the gods are willing to protect you for it, what is it that you're hiding?" Ina asked as she regenerated, gigantic tentacles began to reappear in the sky.

12 o'clock…

The clock striked 0:00 again and the ritual ended. Yellow waves of light splashed out like aurora veils in the night sky. Variants of Ame jumped out of the clock circle, standing in front of our Ame, guarding her. Ame picked up her pocket watch and ordered the attack.

Nurse Ame and Doctor Ame stayed behind to heal Ame and Gura, Buff Ame led the entire army of Ames towards Ina. Ina performed a spell and light beams once again shot down from the sky, but this time coordinating with the giant tentacles to attack the Ames. Buff Ame knocked her way through, Queen Bee Ame flew around agilely to dodge all the attacks, Nerd Ame calculated all the possibilities and helped other Ames to avoid the tentacles through a speaker phone, Elf Ame climbed onto a building to fire arrows, Princess Ame tied her hair and took out two golden stiletto-type weapons, Shrine Ame puts her fish away for safety purposes and used her twintails as her weapons, and Smol Ame pulled out two AK-47s and started blasting away. 

The tentacles were no match to all the Ames working together, given their each individual set of skills, Ina sent out a shock wave and immobilized the entire oncoming Ame army, but all of them just reversed time to before Ina could perform the spell, all of them clicked on their clocks to shoot out a roar of time. Naturally, AO-chan went to the emergency defense position, but the roaring time overcame AO-chan, the time lock on that Priestess book was set free, and AO-chan slowly started to cripple away. Time shortened the seemingly immortal being's lifespan to just the next second. WIth AO-chan gone, the dark matters was also dissolved and crippled away with the book and the Shinigami's Palm was deactivated.

All the Ames went back to their original universes while the dark realm slowly fades back into reality. The shattered buildings in the realm looked perfectly fine outside of it, and humans were everywhere to be seen again, going on with their everyday life. The recovered Ame and Gura ran towards Ina who's descending from the sky, she fell into Ame's arms. Her dark violet hair was no longer dark nor violet, her skin was not smooth anymore, instead it's wrinkled and her hair was bright white. Her eyes grew smaller and smaller until it looked like she had her eyes closed all the time as she started to grow old, aging 10 years at every second.

"Thanks…Wah… for setting me free, Ame," Ina said, taking her final breath. 

"Wait no, Ina don't go!!" Ame shouted as she struggled to reach for her pocket watch.

"Quick Ame, stop the aging, stop the time!!" Gura blurted out.

"I know! I'm trying but it's not working!!!" Ame screamed back as she pointed her pocket watch at Ina and clicked the time freeze so many times but none of them worked. Ina has lived too long for Ame to just stop it, and as the effect of being the user of AO-chan, Ina was one of the beings that can avoid being frozen in time, like Death. Pieces of Ina fell out and started floating to the sky as she said goodbye to her friends from HoloMyth, while Gura and Ame cried, unable to accept the end, the end of Ninomae Ina'nis.