
Hololive: The Mystery of Death

Two years later, after the attack on Hololive Productions, Amelia Watson set out to find other Hololive members and uncover the mystery that lies behind the attack.

Akirin_Shiroyami · Others
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12 Chs

Chapter 8:( Things Fall Apart )

When all of them met back at Kushiro dock, it was already noon, starving, so Amelia went to the convenience store to buy food. They were too hungry to discuss anything as some of them had a rough morning. Shion performed healing spells on the HoloFantasy members, Okayu and Korone and Ollie admiring Aqua's haircut, Miko went to talk to Suisei who was still crystalized, Kanata squeezed Towa tightly, and the HoloMyth had a group hug. 

"Irys, where's Kronii?" Ame asked.

"She said she felt something in space, so she went to check it out," Irys replied. "She said she'll be back in another hour or so."

"What's up there?" Kiara asked.

"Maybe Sana and Iofi-senpai," Ina replied. "Wah."

"Has anyone seen Moona?" Calli asked. "She wasn't on one of the journeys."

"I'm sorry!!" Moona suddenly shouted from behind them, "I was curious about squirrels gathering nearby, they weren't supposed to live anywhere near the ocean geologically, so I followed them and found them."

Anya pulled Risu by the tail while she was nipping on some acorns and stood behind Moona.

"The battle at the Tokyo soccer stadium, I was there," Anya explained. "Mumei found me when I was still unconscious, but she legit thought I was a sword, so after she was defeated, I happened to cut loose the strings that were holding me to her waist and I fell to the ground."

"But how did you find us?" Okayu and Korone asked in unison.

"I didn't know where you went, so I wandered around at a local park and found a trail of half-eaten acorns, and then I found Risu-senpai, then I heard about a mysterious pirate ship docked at Kushiro port on the news, so I booked a plane ticket to get here."

"How did they let you two on a plane?" Ame asked.

"They don't," Risu explained, "but we aren't necessarily humans as well, I transformed into a squirrel, while Anya poked a hole as a sword from a passenger's luggage big enough for us to get in there, and we hid inside the luggage until we got out of Kushiro airport."

"Yeah, basically like that," Anya concluded, as Suisei's diamond cell slowly cracked. The diamond shattered to a thousand pieces and Suisei woke up feeling energetic. After their meal they started discussing their next step.

"So how are you planning on bringing Hololive back, Ame?" Miko asked.

"We gather up and we'll go back in time to stop him," Ame answered.

"Then wouldn't it be better if we go now, we are at our best right now," Suisei suggested.

"That won't be enough," Ame explained. "Before this occurred, in another timeline, the Kronii from one year later, she said she tried with almost all of us, but still didn't work, she said the only solution was to gather ALL of us."

"But you do know Death is on our tail right?" Okayu asked.

"And from our experiences, we already know we can't get everyone back together because of it," Korone added.

"Maybe if we can find Sora-senpai, it will be enough,' Irys suggested.

"Why?"Haato asked.

"Because she's THE first Hololive idol," Irys reasoned.

"So does anyone know where Sora-senpai is?" Shion asked.

"No, none of us does," Ame replied.

"Then how-"

"I DON'T KNOW HOW," Ame shouted, interrupting Towa. "This situation is bad enough, the odds are against us, and I've been trying my best to make emergency plans to save everyone, and-"

"Ame, calm down, we know you did your best," Gura, Ina, Calli and Kiara comforted her as they gathered around her. Thousands of thoughts ran through Ame's mind at the same time, she felt pressured being the only one who can time travel in the moment, she wants to find a way to get over this but she really doesn't know what to do.

"You know what I think," Kanata said as she stood, stomping towards Calli. "I think this is your fault."

"Woah woah woah woah, watch your mouth, senpai. Calli don't got anything to do with this," Kiara argued back.

"No, she has everything to do with this," Kanata shouted back. "You know what I see right now? I see what's left of Hololive, struggling to live on themselves, living in a society who now hates them and will hunt them down sooner or later and this is probably the last time I get to see any of your smiles. You (pointing at Calli), you could've left with Death with a graduation just like Coco. The dragons demanded their daughter back and she agreed because she knew that the dragons can cause harm to the rest of us, but you. Your selfish thoughts caused trouble for all of us here and look at where we are right now."

"Hey Calli is-"

"No Kiara chill the f out," Calli stopped Kiara from going any further, "she's not wrong. I could've just gone with Death and y'all won't be suffering right now."

"But you will suffer!" Then Kiara turned and walked towards Kanata menacingly. "Exactly, you can't force her to choose the path she doesn't want, that will make you the selfish one here."

"You looking for a fight?!" 

"Yea bring it on, I'll burn your gorilla fist to ashes-"

"Gals, can we stop fighting and figure out a solution instead?" Gura cut in.

There was a long silence as Kiara and Kanata turned away from each other.

"As much as I don't want to say this, but," Ollie finally said, breaking the silence, "I'm gonna side with Kanata-senpai this time."

"WHAT?!" Kiara roared.

"Thank you," Kanata said towards Ollie.

"NO, NO, NO, hear me out!! We idols were meant to have fun together while making everyone smile with joy, but look at us, look at them," said Ollie, holding back her tears while pointing at the injured and unconscious members of the HoloFantasy, "We might end up like this trying to get back what we have, heck half of Hololive maybe is already dead because of your damn sensei (looking at Calli). I don't mean to be disrespectful, senpai, but I think we should hold on to what we have left and stay out of this, maybe it's not too late for us to try and make people smile in another way.."

"I understand what you're feeling right now, I really do," Ina blurted out, "the cruel reality of having to face things that we don't want, but please think about our past, all we need to find is Sora-senpai and that's it, please just give this one more chance!"

"No, if this continues, which most likely will fail, we will all die, and," Haato argued back, "I don't want that. Like Ollie said, maybe it's not too late to start a new future and try out some new foods."


"I also agree with Haato," said Suisei, interrupting Gura. "I'm sorry, same-chan, but my heart can't take this anymore. Do you know why I crystalize myself in the first place? I crystalized myself because of all the damage we have already caused. I've seen what we have done and it's terrifying, I'd rather give up my powers and just settle for a peaceful rest of life."

"If Suisei quits, then I quit," Miko announced, "I think it is time we let go of the past."

"But even if you go back, do you think you'd really be living a peaceful life?" Gura asked. "I mean because of what we've already done, the Japanese government has already announced that they are gonna send in armies and agencies to actually hunt us down and arrest us. Is that really the peaceful life you're looking for??"

Shion stood up and said, "Gura, I can't keep up like this, even if I am the best witch in the world, I still have a limit on how much magic I can use. I've already gone past my limit trying to heal HoloFantasy members, I don't think I can go any further."

"Same here," Moona added, "I know I agreed at first but this is getting out of hand, do you know I get less dazzling everytime I shine unless on stage, I doubt I'm still useful for you to fight against Death."

"I personally don't want to see Death ever again," Towa complained. "I spent the last two years in Hell tortured and my powers drained, so no I don't wanna experience that ever again."

"I agree with Haato, gotta nibble on some more nuts," Risu commented, but looked away when Ame shot her a look. Anya looked around, confused and scared about sharing her own opinion, then finally she sighed and said:

"Shion, open a portal, let's go."

"Ok," Shion replied.

"Wait what?!" Ame blurted out.

"You heard her, we're leaving, we are better off living another life than going through bloodsheds," Kanata said and Shion opened multiple portals to different places and everyone except HoloMyth started walking through the portals, some with the injured HoloFantasy members on their back.

"Fuckin' cowards," Kiara whispered to herself.

"Uhh, gals?" Irys said softly, her body started fading away, "Y'all are losing hope… you're losing….me…"

"What do we do, Koro-san?" Okayu asked, after Irys completely faded away.

"My instincts tell me to go back," Korone replied, "Okayu, let's pay Hololive Productions a visit."

They got up and told Shion where they're going and Okayu turned towards Myth and winked. Korone then mouthed: We'll find Sora.

As the portals closed down one by one, Shion turned around and wished them good luck and bid them goodbye. She stepped through the final portal and HoloMyth was left standing in the middle of Kushiro Port. The five of them were wondering what they should do now until suddenly the sky became surrounded by dark clouds. The buildings around them started collapsing, dark matter flew everywhere, on the buildings down on the roads and swirling in the clouds, completely blocking out the sun, with the moon from Hell being the only source of light. Faint red light shone throughout the port and six portals appeared.

In the very middle Death walked out, and behind it, were dead bodies of the members of the HoloCouncil.