
Hololive: The Mystery of Death

Two years later, after the attack on Hololive Productions, Amelia Watson set out to find other Hololive members and uncover the mystery that lies behind the attack.

Akirin_Shiroyami · Others
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12 Chs

Chapter 11:(Going Back In Time)

"Ame, we have to go," said Gura after they both ran out of tears as the last piece of Ina faded away.

"No, there has to be a way of bringing Ina back, or Calli, or Kiara-"

"Ame, we have to go find Okayu and Korone-senpai now-"

"Gura, Ina just dies in front of us, do you not care about that?! How could you say that we should-"

"And you think you're the one holding back your tears, huh, Ame?! Our genmate, who we share the most precious memories with, just died in front of us, of course I would be sad! But we need to find them and go back to stop Death or else none of this will matter, Ina's death won't matter!!"

There was a long pause in between them, people around them avoided them to not get into trouble. Both of them apologized to each other awkwardly, and looked away from each other. 

"Let's go," Ame said.

"Go where?" Gura asked.

"Anywhere but here," Ame replied. "You have any idea where to go?"

"Korone-senpai's portal led to the Hololive Productions, maybe we should go back to Tokyo?"

"Sure, but my pocket watch is on a cooldown though, since I was trying to bring Ina back and stuff."

"Yea, no worries, I get it," said Gura, when suddenly a portal opened in front of them and Tokino Sora stood there with her hands out. Gura and Ame rushed through the portal. When Sora closed the portal, Ame and Gura found themselves on a small waste land that once stood the Hololive Production studios. 

"Ame-chan, we found them," Okayu called out.

"That's right, what's sadly left of the Hololive members," Korone called out after Okayu, finishing her sentence. Behind them are Azki, she was holding live concerts every month all around Japan until Sora found her; Yozora Mel, found in a dark alley sucking human blood, she vomited for 3 days everytime she thought of it after Sora saved her; Ookami Mio, during the fight with Polka's circus group at Yokohama, Mio was buried under Lamy's snow pile (Chapter 6), which was why Death forgot to take her to Hell, then later discovered by Sora; Himemori Luna, a princess who lives in her own fantasy world, the Candy Kingdom, and Sora was one of the only beings who have access to get to the location without having to go on a long journey; and finally Pavolia Reine, she reverted back to a peacock and was running wild at a zoo, it took a while for Sora to distinguish between her and the regular peacocks. Sora found all of them using Roboco's powers.

"So what happened to HoloMyth?" Korone asked then Gura and Ame filled them in, explaining that they were attacked by Death.

"Well then, if we're Hololive's last hope, wouldn't it be better that we go back now??" Sora asked. "I would've gone back too, but by the time I wake up, the incident has already passed my time travel range, I only have a little bit of your power and Kronii-chan's power after all."

"It's fine but you're right," Ame replied, and took out her pocket watch, "I'm setting the time back to 55 minutes before the concert starts, because I think there was another me in that timeline trying to stop Death as well, but she failed. So we're gonna go back before she arrives and stop Death once and for all."

Ame set the time to what she had told the others, but before she could press the button and activate, a string of dark matter knocked it out of Ame's hands, the watch fell onto the ground in between the group of idols, and Death.

"I thought you were busy dealing with other idols," Gura shouted out.

"Well if I have sensed two time traveling capable people gathered at the same place, that poses a greater threat than the others, the others can wait. I will not even allow you to even have a chance to change the present," Death explained. "Luckily for me, I've overheard your conversation before knocking that watch out, the branded human goddess of Hololive can't travel that far back in time, so now all I have to do is break that pocket watch, and this case will be over."

"Someone, get the watch to Ame now!!" Sora shouted as Mio, Okayu, Reine and Korone all activated their animal instincts and dashed towards the watch. Sora used Shion's speed boost spell to enhance them, but the whole world became dark for a second, and Death suddenly teleported in front of the watch to fend them off. Death's dark matter rose behind it and tried to pierce the watch, but another dark matter protected the watch and teleported back to Sora's hands.

"You stole Calli's powers?!" Death bellowed.

"Not stolen, just merely using it," Sora said, then she turned around and threw it to Ame, "Ame catch!"

Ame caught it while Death teleported behind her with its scythe in the air. Gura saw that, and created a wave of water to knock Death away, but the wave also knocked Ame away. Gura swam in the wave and grabbed Ame by her hand and pulled her out. 

"Eat this Nanora!!" Luna summoned candy trees from her home land and the trees grew along the Hololive wasteland, growing unequally and untidy, enough to trap Death inside. When Gura pulled Ame out, the pocket watch was washed out of her hands.

"Where is it?" Mel asked.

"Lemme find it," Azki said and cleared her throat, then sang in a hyper voice to detect the area with sound waves. "I found it! It's over there!"

Korone dashed towards the watch but was soon stopped by a couple dark matters, Okayu and Mio ran towards Korone trying to scratch out the dark matters while Death sliced every piece of candy and broke free. Luna tried summoning more candies to block Death, but it just sliced through everyone of them.

"I'll help," Mel offered and a mini bat-wing popped up on her back, and flew towards Death while straightening out her fangs. Death dodged and raised its scythe, but Mel turned into a yellow wisp of smoke when Death swung the scythe. The smoke flew to behind Death and Mel reformed back into herself and kicked Death. 

"A lowlife creature of the Underworld dares to defy me?!" Death yelled after Mel's kick. Luna tried to be of more help, and shot out candy bullets from her fingertips, but Death grabbed Mel by her leg and used her as a shield, then sucked her soul out and threw her away. On the other side, Sora and Azki finally caught up to Mio, Okayu and Korone.

"Stop helping me, go get the watch to Ame!" Korone shouted. Azki grabbed the watch and threw it to Reine, who's in between them and Gura. Reine then threw the watch to Gura, who was getting the water out of Ame's body since she almost drowned.

After throwing Mel's dead body away, Death dashed in front of Luna, drowned her in darkness and drained her soul. Death threw its scythe and knocked the watch out of the projectile line before Gura could catch it, but another idol caught it.

"Hirys, it's Irys!! Your hopeful behavior has summoned me once more," explained Irys, "So what are we doing- OH NO!!"

Irys sensed the oncoming Death, who teleported to its scythe, and flew away. Mio gave up on disentangling the dark matters and ran to Irys's assistance and blocked the scythe with her wolf claws. 

"You wolf, I thought I had you," Death bellowed.

"Thanks to Lamy's snow storm, you forgot about me, now I shall show you my true power," Mio shouted back, and she started howling, her howling summoned her stand, the Hatotaurus. (Giorno's Jojo theme starts playing) "Irys, give the watch to Ame!"

"I'll deal with you later," said Death as it summoned 3 of its most loyal servants, three reapers who's skills could rival Calli's but not quite as amazing as her. Reaper #1 fought with Mio, Reaper #2 kept Okayu, Sora and Azki busy while they try to free Korone, Reaper #3 went to fight with Reine, and Death went to deal with Irys, Gura and Ame.

Irys kept flying while Death chased closely behind her, a hydro cannon shot from below, in between Irys and Death and Gura jumped out of the water. Irys turned around and sung the song of hope that echoed throughout the entire battlefield and boosted everyone's abilities and morale. Gura controlled all the water she just used and formed into a huge trident and threw it towards Death, while Irys quickly threw the pocket watch at Ame. Death threw its scythe around towards the watch and teleported to it, dodging the entire hydro trident, raising its scythe ready to slice the watch in half. Ame was about to reach for the watch, but when she saw the scythe flying towards her, she grabbed a syringe from her thigh and threw it at the pocket watch. The syringe knocked the watch out of the way and Death slashed the syringe in half, the motion of slashing caused a wind to blow by and the watch flew elsewhere. Death turned to Ame instead, but Gura was already riding her giant trident back at it. Death summoned dark matter as its shield, but the trident blasted through the shield in an instant, pieces of the dark matter flew all over the trident and Death teleport-dashed through the trident and sliced the entire trident to piles of water, and the dark matter splashed towards Gura, and the pieces sinked into Gura and she became immobilized. The world then turned dark for one second and Death teleported in front of Gura to slash her, but Irys pushed Gura out of the way and Death drained Irys' soul out.

Reaper #3 charged at Reine, but it couldn't keep up with Reine's foot work. She then spreads out her peacock tail feathers out to imitate the reaper, and it scared the shit outta Reaper #3. Reine took advantage of the hesitation and drop kicked the reaper, then kicked it's scythe outta it's hand and stomped Reaper #3 flat.

Reaper #2 went up to Sora and Azki and OkaKoro. Sora came up with a plan and switched places with Okayu. Reaper #2 threw it's scythe at them, Okayu caught it with her instincts, and when Reaper #2 tried to teleport to the scythe, Azki amplified her voice and repelled it. Sora combined Towa's dark powers and Kanata's Gorilla Fist, then smashed the dark matter into bits, freeing Korone. Reaper #2 tried to get its scythe back by resummoning it, but Azki kept messing up the spell chanting by forcing her voice into the reaper's mind. After that, the four of them just beat the crap out of Reaper #2.

Reaper #1 swung its scythe like it's dancing and wounded the Hatotaurus, which also means Mio was harmed as well. When Reaper #1 tried to slash Hatotaurus' horns, Hatotaurus powered up in every stat possible. Mio felt the sudden urge of power and started to fight back. Reaper #1 swung its scythe around again, but with the increased stat, Hatotaurus caught the scythe's handle and pulled the reaper towards her. 

"Omae wa mou shindeiru," Mio said towards the defenseless reaper.

"POPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPO…" Hatotaurus smashed Reaper #1 beyond recognition while the pocket watch flew in front of her. Death dashed towards her swinging its scythe and Hatotaurus tried to stop it with its horns, but the scythe faded through Hatotaurus' horns and slashed the head instead. Mio felt the pain in her head as she coughed out blood, her stand faded and Death drained her soul out before resuming to pursue the pocket watch.

Luckily, Reine just finished her battle, even though she was too late to aid Mio, she snatched the pocket watch away. Death saw her and blocked the path in between her and Ame, who is using her syringe to try and heal Gura. So Reine threw it backwards to Sora's group and proceeded to fight Death alone. Sora gave the pocket watch to OkaKoro and they dashed away while Azki and Sora went to help Reine. Death swung its scythe, but Reine reacted quickly, she did a backflip while kicking Death on his skull chin. 

"If you think I can only fight with my scythe, then you are terribly wrong," Death bellowed and fires that burned in Hell started blasting and emerging out of Earth's soil. OkaKoro's paths were blocked and Ame and Gura were trapped within the flame walls. The fire burned Reine's tails, and Death took the chance to use the Hell fire, changing the fire's color to blue, and burned Reine's soul. Azki and Sora were trapped together, but Sora used Gura's powers and a huge wave of water weakened the fire blasting, creating a path for Azki and Sora to pass. 

They came in just in time to see Reine fall to the ground. Azki took a deep breath, but when she tried to amplify her voice, a string of dark matter, as sharp as a needle, pierced through Azki's throat so she couldn't sing anymore. Azki didn't notice that and thought it was weird, she tried to force her voice out, but the needle wound ended up opening bigger and Azki coughed out blood. Sora thought Death was controlling it, so she tried to disrupt the controlling of the needle dark matter. She physically boosted herself with Aloe's powers, also shielding herself from Death's dark powers, then summoned an army of zombies using Rushia's powers. Death swung its scythe around to chop off the zombies while the needle slowly dragged Azki's soul out of her body and back to Hell.

OkaKoro found a way through the fire, they would wait for the fire to ease up a bit then just squeeze through the space, because the intense fire was enough to burn a rock into ashes and dust. Death had enough of the zombies and directed the fire that was blocking OkaKoro back to Sora and burned through every zombie, then trapping Sora inside. Since Death moved the location of the fire, OkaKoro's movement was visible, Okayu urged Korone who was holding the watch to go quickly, but even if it's squeezing through the space of a weakened fire, they are still bound to be burnt a bit. Korone tried to stand up, but her legs were burnt through, and Death threw its scythe at the doggo, but stabbed the cat. Okayu stood in front of Korone and blocked the scythe with her body. 

Death teleported to its scythe and drained Okayu's soul. Korone watched it in horror, the color in her eyes faded and she dropped the pocket watch, vengeance overtook her. She stood up, the pain in her heart hurts more than the burn on her legs and she stared at Death without flinching. Korone went to scratch Death, but a dark matter grabbed hold of her burnt legs and broke it. She fell to the ground, drowning in hatred and wanting revenge, but her body couldn't keep up with her state of mind and Death drained her soul too. 

Gura still couldn't wake up even after Ame tried to heal her, Sora is trapped in between the flames, now no one is in between Death and the pocket watch. It walked towards the pocket watch and picked it up.

"All this for a pocket watch, no matter how much you tried, you idols could never defeat a god," Death hissed while holding the watch in its hands, but suddenly it heard a sound from above. It was a combination of the voice of a goddess and the voice of a baby.

"DATTE BOKU WA HOSHI DAKARA~~~" BAM a meteor struck down from the sky and Hoshimachi Suisei and Sakura Miko appeared.

"You should've finished us up when you had the chance, you freakin shinigami," Suisei shouted.

"Now you will taste the true form of my Elite Power!!" Miko shouted, then she summoned her shrine to this place and sakura petals bloomed all over. The petals flew around Death intensely, blocking out its view. Suisei waved her hand and stars shined in the sky. Gura finally washed out the dark matter and opened her eyes.

"これは会長の力だ!! (This is Kaichou's power)," Sora shouted as she emerged from the Hell fire as a dragon. Meteors struck down from the sky smashing onto Death who was entangled by thousands of sakura petals swirling around it, Sora as a dragon tried smashing down Death with her huge dragon tail while Gura aqua dashed and grabbed the watch, then flew back and handed it to Ame.

"Ame, you have to leave now!" said Gura.

"No, not without you, not without any of you."

"No, Ame you listen, if you don't leave now, Hololive will be over! I'm not sure how long Sora-senpai, Suisei-senpai, and Miko-senpai can hold it."

"But Gura, you know I can't defeat Death by myself, I've tried that already. Can I… Can I at least take you with me?"

Gura looked behind her and hesitated, Sora was blasted out of her dragon form, the meteor strikes were blocked midair by dark matters, the sakura petals burnt to crisp.

"Ok, do it now Ame, NOW!"

"Hold on to my hand!"

Gura gave her hand to Ame, and Ame checked the pocket watch settings, but right before she could press the button, a scythe pierced through Gura and Death teleported to its scythe. With her last strength, Gura pushed Ame out of Death's way with a wave of water.

"GURA!" Ame shouted, she watched Death sucked Gura's soul out with its breath, then it threw Gura's body away. Death slowly walked towards Ame, raising its scythe. Ame froze as she started to panic, she quickly raised her watch, using it as a shield while squeezing it tightly. As Death swung its scythe, she yelled out: "PAST!!"