
Hogwarts: Breaking the Wizarding Secrecy Starting Selling Potions

Murphy, whose worldview has been solidified in materialism, finds himself in the realm of idealism and magic. Unable to adapt to this new world, he decides to change it. In order to journey to the ultimate realm of magic, he must gather resources, recruit talent, establish organizations, manipulate human nature, and become the mastermind behind the scenes. Murphy: "Give wizards technology, give Muggles magic. All for the greatest benefit!" Aurors: "Sounds nice, but you're abusing the three unforgivable curses, indulging in luxuries, violating secrecy laws, infiltrating the Ministry of Magic, controlling Gringotts. Are you still claiming not to be a dark wizard?" Guide for Avoiding Pitfalls: 1. Start as a struggling laborer, prone to outbursts of anger. 2. Accumulate wealth in the early stages, becoming a major capitalist. 3. Hogwarts School part begins in the fourth volume. 4. 'No System' protagonists in the novels who rely on Gold finger, they are nothing without Gold finger. Guide for Getting Into the Story: 1. Techno-wizard, with extensive theoretical knowledge. 2. Develop multiple ways to achieve godhood, primarily focusing on transfiguration. 3. Explore vast plot twists, operating as the mastermind behind the scenes. 4. Don't want to see how Tom gradually becomes the savior? (Updates every hour till 250 chapter) (霍格沃茨:从倒卖白鲜开始成神最新章节)

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Chapter 42: Sorry, I'm not a human anymore

A few days later, Celica found Murphy excitedly. "I've tested it. The spell is real and it works! You can try it on me."

"To you?"

"Yeah, don't worry. For the caster, it can be broken at any time, and I can also use the breaking spell to break it."

Even so, look at your excited eyes.

You are indeed a douchebag, right?

"How do you want to use it specifically?"

"I'll say an oath, and then you just recite the spell. What kind of oath do you want me to say?"

Murphy originally thought of using a phrase similar to "Always keep a secret," a human oath, but when the words came to her lips, it turned into: "Swear to never disobey Murphy's orders."

Celica blinked her eyes, and her face turned red quickly, but Murphy's face remained calm, as if this was really just a normal oath. "What's wrong?"

"Okay, okay..."

"I, I swear, ahem, never to disobey Murphy's orders."

"Thorn Oath!"

Murphy immediately used the spell. A burst of magic power spurted out from his wand, shooting into Celica's chest like a sharp arrow and locking it like an anchor.

Murphy felt he had some control over the person in front of him.

He immediately realized that Voldemort's explanation of the effect of the spell was incomplete. In fact, not only would the other party be punished for breaking the oath, but he could punish the other party as long as he wanted.

What the hell is this sadistic spell!

So perverted!

However, I like it!

"Now let's test the effect of the spell," Murphy said. "The first order is, you are not allowed to use the breaking spell on yourself or use other methods to lift the Thorn Oath."

Celica: "Huh? Huh?!!"

Lika was shocked. Could she still play like this?

For a moment, Celica was very panicked.

Have I been scammed?

What should I do if he does something to me?

"Try to see if you can use the breaking spell on yourself?"

Celica took out the wand and pointed it at herself, preparing to use the spell to stop. "Curse...ah!"

Before she finished reciting the spell, Celica felt a sharp pain coming out of her chest, as if countless thorns and vines were twisting tightly in her internal organs. She suddenly lost all her strength, collapsed to the ground, and even dropped her wand.

"It hurts, it hurts..."

Murphy was also a little surprised. Is this spell so effective?

Moreover, its flaws can actually be circumvented in this way.

Obviously, he only activated the spell on the oath of "not disobeying Murphy's orders" and did not use the spell on the oath of "cannot use the breaking spell to cancel his oath", but because the latter fell under the "order" category of the former, it automatically took effect!

Although this spell can only control the person who swore the oath and cannot prevent other wizards from unspelling him, Murphy saw a possibility similar to the "stack".

His mind suddenly opened up.

What would happen if Celica was ordered to obey the orders of another person?

Will all the orders of the second person also automatically become the Thorn Oath and take effect?

What happens if the second person's order conflicts with your own order?

Or, let Celica obey her own orders? Can she break the vow of thorns?

But these are just thinking about it. It is a bit too inhumane to experiment with Celica at this moment. If the conflict of orders will directly lead to the death of the subject, Alex will not have to fight with himself?

After the Spell Research Institute is established in the future, I will try it again if I have the opportunity.

Murphy waved his wand and took back the magic that connected him and Celica.

At this moment, he realized that this kind of control was not without cost to the controller. The spell caster needed to dedicate part of his own magic power to maintain the control channel.

And with his current magical power, he may not be able to control too many people.

"This spell is so scary!" Celica felt the strange magic power surrounding her dissipate. After she had recovered from her shock, she looked at Murphy angrily. "You're so hateful!"

"What's up? Are you injured?"

"No, it's just that my chest hurts." Celica pressed her majestic pectoralis major, feeling very aggrieved. "I almost thought I was going to die just now."

"This spell is indeed very dangerous. You must remember to keep it secret and not let others know."

"Of course I know, you have to say it!"

Huh?" Murphy glared at her. "What's the tone?"

"Oh, I know,"

Celica changed her words and looked at her secretly. One glance at Murphy and found that he was not angry, so she asked: "Murphy, do you want to be the king of Muggles?"


What age has it been? He is still a king.

"Do I look that bored?"

"But using this kind of spell on Muggles is against Muggle protection laws, right?" Celica reminded.

"The Muggle Protection Act," Murphy looked a little weird, "Celica, do you think Muggles are more powerful or wizards?"

"Wizards are more powerful?" Celica replied.

After all, wizards know many spells, but Muggles cannot use magic.

"In that case, why is there the Wizarding Secrecy Act? Why are we hiding?"

"Then Muggles are so powerful?"

"In that case, why do we have the 'Muggle Protection Act'? You can't defeat others, but you still protect them. It's like endangered wild tigers think they are in danger, so they legislate to protect humans. Isn't this funny? "

"But, but..." Celica instinctively felt that what Murphy said was wrong, but she couldn't find any logical loopholes.

"Celica, wizards are the group that needs to be protected. Compared to Muggles, wizards are weak. Don't forget this. If you think you are stronger than humans because you have fangs and claws, then it's only a matter of time before you're skinned and torn apart."

"But don't you want to use this spell to rule the Muggles?"

"Why do you want to rule? How can a weak person, at least now, rule this powerful group? The spell is just a small way to avoid unnecessary troubles, so that we don't have to face pressure from wizards or Muggle society prematurely."

"So, you still have to use this spell on Muggles, right?"


"That's not good. I thought you were a good person..."

I also want to be a good person, but if being a good person means suffering a loss, then I'm sorry, I won't do it.

"Just think about it this way, if you use this spell on Muggles, maybe they will suffer some losses, but I will be protected. If you don't use it, then they will be safe and I will be in danger. Choose one of the two, who do you choose?

" ..." Celica was silent for a while, "Isn't there a way that everyone will

 not be harmed?"

"Yes, as long as they can keep the secret voluntarily. That's why I want Hel's heart. But it's up to you whether you can find it."

Celica didn't realize that she was being imprisoned. She felt that she had a great responsibility, "I will definitely find the spell!"

But after a while the boiling head calmed down a little.

Uh, something seems wrong.

Hel's spiritual seed seems to be a black magic more terrifying than the Thorn Oath, right? !

Why do I believe what Murphy says so easily?

He is obviously lying, right?

(End of chapter)