
Hogwarts: Breaking the Wizarding Secrecy Starting Selling Potions

Murphy, whose worldview has been solidified in materialism, finds himself in the realm of idealism and magic. Unable to adapt to this new world, he decides to change it. In order to journey to the ultimate realm of magic, he must gather resources, recruit talent, establish organizations, manipulate human nature, and become the mastermind behind the scenes. Murphy: "Give wizards technology, give Muggles magic. All for the greatest benefit!" Aurors: "Sounds nice, but you're abusing the three unforgivable curses, indulging in luxuries, violating secrecy laws, infiltrating the Ministry of Magic, controlling Gringotts. Are you still claiming not to be a dark wizard?" Guide for Avoiding Pitfalls: 1. Start as a struggling laborer, prone to outbursts of anger. 2. Accumulate wealth in the early stages, becoming a major capitalist. 3. Hogwarts School part begins in the fourth volume. 4. 'No System' protagonists in the novels who rely on Gold finger, they are nothing without Gold finger. Guide for Getting Into the Story: 1. Techno-wizard, with extensive theoretical knowledge. 2. Develop multiple ways to achieve godhood, primarily focusing on transfiguration. 3. Explore vast plot twists, operating as the mastermind behind the scenes. 4. Don't want to see how Tom gradually becomes the savior? (Updates every hour till 250 chapter) (霍格沃茨:从倒卖白鲜开始成神最新章节)

electronatom · Book&Literature
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Chapter 43: Diary, today is 2077

In the secret room, Murphy found Alex again.

In front of them was still Riddle's diary.

Murphy had not had time to dig deeper into the diary's ability because he had obtained the Thorn Oath spell before.

There was no mention of learning black magic or anything like that.

Now is the time.

But before that, he must ensure that he takes the dominant position in the communication with the diary.

Murphy has not forgotten that this is an extremely dangerous black magic item. If you want to use it instead of being used by it, you must know enough about it, so he thinks it is necessary to conduct some tests on the diary's ability.

Murphy continued to let Alex write, then threw the diary into the water. After a few minutes, he fished it out and asked Alex to write: "Diary, how do you feel?"

Diary: "I don't understand what you mean."

Again. Put the diary on the fire for a few minutes, and then ask: "Diary, do you feel anything?"

Diary: "What should I feel?"

It seems that this guy has no temperature receptors.

Murphy handed Alex a hammer and said, "Here, hit it in the face."

Alex: "..."

This is just a notebook. How did it get into trouble?

But he still smashed it several times as instructed, and the diary remained unscathed.

Murphy took a steel wool ball and rubbed it on the notebook cover several times, and continued to ask: "Diary, how do you feel?"

Diary: "I don't feel anything."

Murphy took out a small notebook and wrote: "Conclusion: There is no sense of touch."

Next, Murphy used methods such as verbal insults and noise stimulation to confirm that the diary had no sense of hearing, used methods such as soaking in salt water and bathing in chili water to confirm that the diary had no sense of taste, and used Alex's stinky farts to confirm that the diary had no sense of smell.

Eventually, Murphy concluded that there was no five-sense perception in Riddle's diary.

During this period, Alex looked at Murphy's crazy torture notebook and couldn't help but wonder if his employer had any perverted hobbies.

This is a thoughtful diary. If you know that someone treats it like this, why would you be so angry?

So, that's why you took Lucius's name?

After the last trial, Murphy became famous in the wizarding world, and Alex Wood naturally knew that his real name was not Peter Parker.

He later also read in the Daily Prophet that a Muggle-born wizard said that Peter Parker was actually the name of a Muggle comic book protagonist.

At first, Alex didn't understand why Murphy told him a false name.

But now, he seems to understand a little bit.

Probably because I was afraid of being bagged on the road.

After the five senses test was completed, Murphy was still not satisfied. Next, he needed to know the diary's ability to perceive its own time. "Diary, do you know what time it is now?"

Diary: "I'm not sure."

"Start writing the first one from me. How long has it been since the beginning of the sentence?"

Diary: "Not too long."

"Can you count the seconds for me?"

Murphy said with a smile on his face. There is no built-in clock in the diary. Its concept of time is vague.

Next is a logic ability test, "Three Muggles and three werewolves were at a small river crossing. There was only a small boat that could accommodate two people at the crossing. As long as there were more werewolves than Muggles, the werewolves would eat the Muggles. How can we use a boat to bring everyone safely to the other side?"

The diary was silent for a while, "Can a werewolf bite a Muggle and mutate it into a werewolf?"

Murphy: "..."

He wrote in the notebook: "Comprehension ability. Low."

"This is not safe for Muggles," Murphy asked Alex to write in his diary. "Please understand the meaning of the question carefully and do not elaborate on it."

After a while, the diary replied: "I don't know the method."

Murphy added in the notebook: "My logical ability is not high."

Then the next step is to test his computing power.

"What is 45 times 63?"


Very good, this shows that Tom can do basic mathematical operations.

"So, how much does 1 plus 2 plus 3 plus 4 add up to 100?"


The diary was silent for a while and gave the answer: "5050."

"1×2+2×3+3×4+…" …100 × 101, what is it?"


The diary was silent for ten times longer this time.

In the end, an answer was still given: "343400."


Murphy became excited, "Multiply 1 times 2 times 3 times 4 until 2008. How many zeros are there at the end of the product?"


The diary was stuck. After a long time, a line appeared. Words: "I don't know."


Murphy also expected him to be a notebook-type supercomputer, but it seems that he was overthinking it.

Summary: The five senses are missing, time perception is confused, understanding and logical abilities are average, and calculation power is average, but the knowledge reserve is sufficient. Conclusion: It can be used as a data query tool.

With the test almost done, Murphy decided to get down to business.

He let the confused Alex leave, and then changed to an oil-based pen himself, "Hello, diary."

The diary did not respond, probably because Alex's handwriting was different from Murphy's, or maybe because of the oil-based pen. Is it difficult to absorb pen ink?

Murphy continued: "Today is 2077, April 21, and the weather is cloudy, because Arasaka Corporation dropped another tactical nuclear bomb on a survivor village where wizards are said to gather. Thousands of tons of radioactive dust were blown up. It will take more than a month for them to completely float across the dome. Then it will be a little cold here."

Diary: "..."

What the hell is this?

Murphy: "Today is another day of scavenging. I picked up this notebook in a rubble. It looks very old. It's strange, because we no longer use pen and paper to record things. But I like it very much, and I also found this pen. If I sell it to an antique dealer, I might be able to get some money."

"I tried it. This notebook is not afraid of water or fire. It must have some secret, so I decided to keep it. " Come down."

"I have seen in some information the world before the war. People in that world sometimes used precious virgin wood pulp to make paper. I never thought that I would be able to use this luxury item. Time. Mother in Heaven, have you seen that I am writing on real paper!"

Diary: "..."

Is this writing a novel?

How could paper become expensive?

And, what is the Great War, is there another war in the Muggle world?

Murphy: "Today is 2077, May 2,

 and the weather is still cloudy. The radiation dust has not passed yet, and the city management company issued a notice asking everyone to stay at home and try not to go out."

Diary: "..."

No, you're lying. You just finished writing on April 21st!

Murphy: "2077, June 35. Heavy snow. Today they shot and killed a girl live. Because she was found to be a wizard."

Diary: "..."

It's getting more and more confusing, right?

Why is they more than 35 days in June?

And why does it snow so much in June?

However, the last words of the recorder made the diary instinctively feel a trace of panic.

What's the meaning?

Muggles killed wizards?


(End of chapter)