
Hogwarts-A New Legacy

A guy gets reincarnated in the Harry Potter world with some abilities during the first war with Voldemort. I’ve tried writing in the past, but never lasted more than a couple chapters. Keep your expectations low and your disappointment may be palatable. Hey, at least it’s not some crappy mtl or AI written story.

Daoist3RJsA0 · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Chapter 7-A Pleasant Day

I woke up early at around 6:00 and began my morning routine minus the workout. I didn't really have a place to exercise at the moment and I didn't want to bother my roommates. I did end up bringing my adjustable dumbbells though. From what I'd heard breakfast would usually start at 7:30 and end at 9:00. This gave plenty of time to get myself ready.

Since I wasn't working out, I went to the Dining hall right when it opened and ate a hearty breakfast. We had a full day at before classes started and I wanted find where my classrooms would all be located. After that, I would find a secluded place with a lot of greenery that I could practice senjutsu for a while. I would probably just spend some time walking around the castle as well. I might also ask Professor Flitwick if there were place I could work out in the mornings undisturbed. Then of course I would begin actual spell practice. I would only be doing simple stuff like the wand lighting charm. Nothing that would be likely to blow up in my face. Sprinkle in lunch and dinner somewhere in there and the only thing left would be to read over the first chapter for each of my books and take notes beforehand.

As I was lost in thought I saw a familiar blonde walk to the Slytherin table. It would seem that Narcissa is also an early riser. She looked over at me and stared for a moment with a blank expression, then started eating. 'Ah Narcissa, I know I'm more handsome than the inbreds you're probably used to dealing with, but it simply cannot be. We live in two separate worlds, and also, Bellatrix scares me.' I smile a bit at my own internal joke, before the voice of said scary woman snaps me out of it.

"Oh, is a little mudblood having thoughts about my adorable little sister."

I turn to see Bellatrix looking at me with a smirk and politely greet her before responding.

"I wouldn't dare Bellatrix. I assure you that I wasn't thinking of your sister when I was smiling."

"If you weren't thinking of my sister then what were you thinking about?"

"Hmmm, your mother obviously. Momma Black could bring a smile to my face any day." I said without thinking. I've had a problem with that lately. In my defense, Druella was in fact a total MILF. I said it with a straight face too as I looked her in the eyes. I expected her to be pissed, but instead she laughed her ass off and gave me a light hex before skipping off to sit next her sister. A few other people were in the great hall already and they looked at me like I was some rare creature. Even Flitwick who had arrived earlier had raised eyebrows.

I was already finished with my breakfast, so I got up and left before she decided to bother me again. I left the dining hall and began my walk around the school. Once again, it closely resembled the one in the game, so it was easy to find all my future classes. I had a lot of time on my hands so I explored a number of different locations. Eventually, I found myself at by the lake and I sat down to begin practicing senjutsu. At this point, I can absorb nature energy passively, but it's not very efficient. Sitting and actively focusing on it is what is actively pushing my progress forward.

I spent a couple of hours practicing before getting up to begin practicing spellwork.I started with the most basic spell, lumos. Just going off the description in the book I managed to grasp it in a few minutes and had a glowing wand tip to show for it. My magic eyes were nowhere near as powerful as many of the ones you see in anime, but they also didn't have the same drawbacks. From what I could tell, my eyes basically allow me to see a spell or enchantment, know what it does, and break down how and why it works. The main drawback is that the more powerful it is the longer it takes to analyse. For instance, I've been looking at the wards around Hogwarts, but I'm nowhere close to understanding how to replicate them. It's like trying to download a massive file, but I can pause and restart whenever I want. Unlike a computer download, I can work with the parts of the knowledge that I've already grasped, so there is benefit to attempting it..

In the case of my spells, I know what the spells supposed to do and how I'm supposed to do it. My eyes basically just fill in the blanks as to what I did wrong. After practicing lumos a few times I began trying to silent cast it. This took a bit longer, but it still only took a few minutes. After silence casting, I began to attempt point casting. This took anout half an hour. I attribute it more to getting used to actual magic casting than I do the silent casting itself. Where my transfiguration was like working one muscle charms were like working another. Magic is all about intent with the chants and wand movements essentially being training wheels.

Once point casting was successfully learned, I began to attempt it wandlessly. That was far more difficult it took me a little over an hour. Yes, my eyes tell me how it's supposed to work, but I have to actually train to be able to do it. It's still a major advantage over everyone else. Were it not for the practice when I was younger it probably would have taken me much longer. At this point, I still had plenty of time left in the day and I began to go through all of my first year spells with full chant and wand movements. I could perfect them at a later date.

Hours later, I finished up and headed off to dinner. I had become so engrossed in practice that I lost track of time and missed lunch. When I arrived, I found Curtis and Ezekiel and sat down beside them.

"Andrew, where have you been all day? When we woke up you were already gone." Asked Ezekiel.

"Ah, sorry about that. At the orphanage I always got up at around 6:00, and I sort of did the same here. Other then that I've been exploring the castle and getting started on some spell work."

"Already? Mate, I know we're Ravenclaws, but we haven't even had our first class yet. What spells could you possibly learn before you even start classes?"

I give a smug grin, wandlessly light up the tip of my finger, and boldy proclaim, "You underestimate my power."

They both give me stunned looks and change the subject.

"I've heard you talked with Bellatrix Black? You should be careful around her, both she and her family are dangerous." Ezekiel warned.

"It's not that I talked to her, but the other way around. I actually ran into a good portion of her family when professor McGonagall took me shopping in Diagon. I know she's a bit dangerous, but she's more like a cat that's found a fun toy to play with."

"That's rough, if you need any help don't be afraid to ask. Not that I'll be able to do anything, but I'll at least make sure that you're headstone is nice."

"Gee, thanks I guess." I sarcastically respond whle giving a light chuckle.

We finish up dinner and we go our separate ways. I head out to find Flitwick eventually finding him in his office.

"Excuse me professor."

"Mr. Mathers, how can I help you?"

I explained my need for a place to workout.

"We don't have anything like a muggle weight training facility, but if you only need an empty room to train there's several connected to our common room. I'll happily show them to you."

"That'll work! Thank you Professor."

"Not a problem at all. It's good to see one of my ravens trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle."

I headed to my room where I studied for a while and chatted with my roommates. Once it got late, I went to bed to be ready for my first day of classes.