
Hogwarts-A New Legacy

A guy gets reincarnated in the Harry Potter world with some abilities during the first war with Voldemort. I’ve tried writing in the past, but never lasted more than a couple chapters. Keep your expectations low and your disappointment may be palatable. Hey, at least it’s not some crappy mtl or AI written story.

Daoist3RJsA0 · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Chapter 6-It Begins

The remaining time flew by as I continued with my daily routines. I never used my wand even though the trace probably hadn't been applied yet. I know the trace exist, but I don't know where or when it's placed. This is real life and not a book or a movie, so I decided that it was better not to risk it. The day finally arrived and I made my way to the station. Eventually I found the spot between platform 9 and 10 and walked through.

It wasn't difficult to find as my eyes could see through it perfectly. To a everyone else it appeared as a normal stone structure, but I could clearly see the open path. I walked and entered the train and followed my path to where the years usually sit. I got here fairly early, so there weren't many people on at the moment. I found an empty compartment and sat down. I'll admit to being a bit nervous as this was well before when the events from the books or movies took place. This meant that there would be a lot of names that I wouldn't recognize. (Seriously, I'm probably going to have to make up a bunch of characters as I go)

I had about an hour to kill before the train was scheduled to leave. I know its really early, but I've always had a bad habit of leaving earlier the more important an event is. I don't know why, but I have a distinct fear of being late and it makes me take action to make sure that I'm not. In many cases, I grossly overestimate travel time. Anyways, a world without smart phones is both pleasant in many ways and inconvenient in others.

Right now, most people from my old life would be scrolling through their phone, but at this moment I'm reviewing some potions. In my old life you would always have something to occupy your time, but in this one, you have find it. There's also the fact that everyone actually talks to each other. This even includes introverts. Politics, economics, the weather, local gossip, pretty much everything is a talking point. I've had so many conversations with random people that I half-expect to see an achievement unlock for small talk.

I kept studying my potions book when I heard a knock at the door. It gently opens and I see a red-haired girl standing in the doorway.

"Hello, do you mind if I share the cabin with you?"

"Sure, go ahead."

She thanks me and introduces herself. "I'm Amelia Bones, it's nice to meet you."

"I'm Andrew Mathers, it's a pleasure to meet you as well." I returned the greeting. To think the first person I'd meet would be the future head of the DMLE. While I won't be making friends solely to get ahead in life, I won't prevent myself from letting it happen organically.

"So Amelia, do you have a house that you want to be sorted into?"

"Oh yes! Hufflepuff is my first choice. What about you? I see that you're already reading your potions book. I'd say I'm looking at a future Ravenclaw."

"Probably, I like learning and from what I've heard of other houses, Ravenclaw sounds like the best fit."

"Oh, and what have you heard about other houses?"

"Not much honestly, but out of all of them Ravenclaw and Slytherin seem to be for people with more introverted personalities. Being a muggleborn, Slytherin would likely be a terrible choice so that leaves Ravenclaw."

"You're a muggleborn? Then yeah, Slytherin probably wouldn't treat you very well. That's not to say all of them are like that, but a good number of them are. Especially nowadays with all the tension in the ministry."

We continued to chat for a bit, before hearing another knock at the door. We were joined by a boy and girl around our age named Eleanora Jacobs and Curtis Smith. After introducing ourselves, the train began moving shortly after. We made friendly conversation. The trolley with all the candy came by and I went ahead and got one of everything. I shared of course, as I wasn't going to eat all of it and sharing a little now would go a long way in making a good first impression.

Despite having visited Diagon Alley many times already I had never bought anything I deemed superfluous. It wasn't that I didn't want to, it was just that I felt it was more important to hold off and buy things that I actually needed. I decided ahead of time to buy my first wizard candy on the train. I figured abstaining until then would make the experience much better and I don't regret it. I've worked hard the past few years. Relaxing for a day won't be the end of the world.

After some time passed, the door opened and what I assumed to be Lucious Malfoy walked in. Unlike his future son, he at least didn't have some stereotypical henchmen at his side. He greeted us and introduced himself and we returned the greetings. I could tell he had some aversion to me being a muggleborn, but concealed it well. Another difference between him and Jr, at least from what I can tell was subtlety. He didn't openly act like an arse with others around. That may change in school or when he gets older, but for now he's not that bad.

Time passed and we all changed into our robes. The train finally stopped and the first years were called to exit. The four of us got up and followed the crowd. We walked down the steps to the lake where Hagrid was waiting along with some boats. We boarded them and they began to move on their own. Looking out in the distance while humming the song 'Valhalla Calling' as we floated closer to the castle. It was breathtaking.

It looked much like it did in the game, but you know, real. To see it lit up in the night sky is something that books or video games simply can't replicate. I know it's overdone, but it truly does look and feel magical. It wasn't only that. The area was filled with vitality and I could feel everything through senjutsu.

We reached the piers and made our way up the stairs to the great hall, where the entrance ceremony would take place. We were greeted by P. McG who gave us the same short speech that all fanfics seem to give. We then entered and sat down at a table while Dumbles began his introduction. I looked around and picked out the obvious ones: Flitwick, McGonagall, Sprout, Pomfrey, and Slughorn. They all look different from there movie counterparts, but you can still tell who is who given the circumstances. His speech ended and they brought out the hat.

I tried to remember names, but I've never been good at it. Even with occlumency I struggled. 'Oh well, if they're important I'll learn their names later.'

"Black, Narcissa"

'Oh! I know that one!' I thought as the hat quickly called out Slytherin.

"Bones, Amelia"

Amelia went through the whole routine and was summarily sent to Hufflepuff. Afterwards were a stream of names that I'd never heard of. I mean, I recognized several last names, but that was about the extent of it. Eventually, Malfoy was called up and got sorted into Slytherin.

"Mathers, Andrew"

'Hey, there's another name that I know.' I sit down in the chair and look out into the crowd. It always feels awkward to have a bunch of people staring at you. The hat was placed on my head.

"Mmm yesss, I sense great potential in this one, but where to put you. You're not the most courageous, so not Gryffindor. You are loyal to others, but it's not your primary quality. Ah, but you have a thirst for knowledge and both cunning and ambition to seek it out. Ravenclaw would be a good fit, but Slytheri…"

"Ravenclaw," I interrupt, "I don't want to be in a house where I'll have to constantly watch over my shoulder."

"Very well then."

"Ravenclaw!" The hat announces.

I make my way to the table to the cheers of others and take my seat. The selection continues until the end and the feast begins. The food was decent for English food, but a wise man once said, "It was their women and food that made British men great sailors." When the feast ended, we were guided to Ravenclaw tower. Our prefect explained some of the unique aspects of our house along the way. Upon reaching entrance the prefect explained about having to answer a riddle to enter. Honestly, my least favorite thing about Ravenclaw.

The door asked, "What is green and has four wheels?"

Without thinking, I blurted out, "Grass! You lied about the wheels." Some people looked at me like I was an idiot while others laughed for the same reason, then the door opened and the laughter stopped. 'Yeah, I bet you all feel really goofy right about now.'

The prefect leads us inside and introduces us to our head of house, Professor Flitwick. Who proceeds to give us the basic rules and expectations. Most of which were just common sense. We then went to our rooms to unpack.

The common room was almost exactly as I had remembered it in Legacy and the bedrooms were the same. Two bunks with four beds in total per room. I swiftly went to mine and grabbed a bottom bunk. My roommates arrived, one of which was Curtis Smith who I had already met. The other two were named Ezekiel Brown and Gregory Cromwell. Curtis and Greg were both half-bloods and Ezekiel was a pureblood. They all grew up in the wizarding world, but didn't seem to have any problems with muggles. Good for me as the last thing I'd want is to have to share a room with someone who outright hates me for something I have no control over. We chatted for a while before going to bed.