
Hogwarts-A New Legacy

A guy gets reincarnated in the Harry Potter world with some abilities during the first war with Voldemort. I’ve tried writing in the past, but never lasted more than a couple chapters. Keep your expectations low and your disappointment may be palatable. Hey, at least it’s not some crappy mtl or AI written story.

Daoist3RJsA0 · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

Chaper 8-Classes Start

I woke up at the same time as usual, but this time I managed to get a proper workout in. You can do a lot with some dumbbells and a jump rope. I then got washed up and went down to breakfast. While eating, the our prefect walked through and gave us our schedules.

We had transfiguration, history, and defense against the dark arts today. It's not a bad start, but history is probably gonna be a pain. Depending on how it goes I'll probably end up using that time to study other stuff. After eating and looking over my schedule my roommates and I decide to leave a bit earlier. Once we arrive in class I see a cat who I presume to be P. Minnie. A few others walk in and sit while I stand and stare at the cat for a moment.

Deciding to screw with everyone I walked up to the cat leaving a decent distance between us then got on my knees and prostrated to it while saying, "Oh great mystical cat, please impart your vast knowledge upon us unworthy! May your guidance be as clear as your fur is soft!"

Then I got up and walked to my seat with a serious expression. Some laughed like my roommates, some were left baffled like Lucious and Narcissa who had just walked in. P. Minnie just stared at me and I stared back before giving a quick wink. She hissed.

Class started and just when people started to wonder where the teacher was the cat jumped down from the chair and turned back into P. Minnie. My response to that was to gasp and say, "She's a witch."

"Mr Mathers, we're all witches and wizards here."

"Ah yes, but not all of us are competent."

(For anyone who knows the reference)

I managed to get everyone laughing with that one.

"I am what's called an animagus. Should your mastery of transfiguration reach a certain level there is a ritual that can be performed to become one. Now Mr. Mathers, how did you know that I was the cat?"

"It was an educated guess."

"A guess?"

"Yes. I'd heard of animagi before and the fact that there was a cat in the middle of a transfiguration classroom made me think of it."

"And you prostrating to me? What if it had been a normal cat."

"Well then I believe I would have looked a bit silly professor."

"You don't believe that you already looked silly regardless."

"Hmm, fair point."

She then disengaged me and went on with our first lecture. The formula, the do's and don'ts, and finally the actual transfiguration. Yes, the same exercise that I've practiced for years. Now to assert my dominance in the first year hierarchy. Just kidding there. It's not that big of a deal.

Upon receiving my matchstick I held my wand and did the transfiguration by the book. I succeeded on my first attempt when I thought no one was looking.

"How did you get it so quickly?" Asked Curtis.

"The formula and wand movement are important, but so is the image in your head. If you can't transfigure all of it at once break it into steps until you get good enough to do it all at once."

At this point P. McG saw that I had already accomplished the task and gave me another matchstick before asking me to do it again. I did and cheekily put some simple design on the needle this time.

"Well done Mr. Mathers. 10 points for ravenclaw."

She then gave me multiple matchsticks and asked me to transfigure them all at once. It would have been more difficult, but again this is something I could already do wandlessly. I performed the task with ease. Afterwards she had me go around assisting other who wanted it. Several ravenclaws took me up on it to great success. Many who I had assisted made decent headway, while a couple managed to do it.

None of the slytherins asked me for help. It was probably a pride thing. Stupid, I know, but it's their grades. The class carried on until our time was up. As everyone was leaving P. Minnie asked to see me.

"Mr. Mathers, you'll probably find the next few classes boring as they'll be spent on the same exercises. I can give you more advanced coursework if you'd like."

"Sure, that sounds wonderful."

"May I ask how you are already able to cast transfiguration to this extent."

"Well, I found out I had magic when I was young and I would try and use it to do simple tasks. Things like moving around small rocks. At some point I accidentally transfigured one of the rocks and kept trying until I could do it on purpose."

"Mr Mathers, your response opens a number of questions, but I'll stick to one. You can use transfiguration wandlessly?"


"Please demonstrate." She brings me more matchsticks and I transfigure them all with a wave of a hand.

"I'll need to test you in a few other ways, but it might be possible to have you skip a couple of years of transfiguration. I'll speak with you later."

I leave transfiguration and head to history. I take a seat at the back of the class and wait for class to start. Once it did, I began to understand the reason few could stay awake during Binn's lectures. He was basically reading straight from the book. Luckily, I had prepared and began brushing up on DADA. Time passed by and class ended. I ate lunch and went to DADA afterwards.

The professor's name was Arcenio Edwards. He was a nice guy who had apparently worked as a hit-wizard in the past. Nothing special happened throughtout the class and we were eventually released. I had a couple hours to kill before dinner, so I went to my same spot and began practicing senjutsu. After about an hour I switched over to my spell work. I continued aiming for wandless magic for all my first year spells. I should be able to achieve that in a week. Yes, my existence is a cheat. I practiced until it was time for dinner, then went to eat.

Some food and light conversation, then it was back to the grind. I studied more until it was time for bed. I had charms and herbology the next day and I wanted prepared. Once this first week is done and I feel like I've got a good grasp on everything I'll probably venture to the library to start learning new stuff. With that last thought I drift to sleep.