
Hey, I Ruin Stories!

Stories are great when they have meaning. Stories are good when they teach you something, when the heroes stand for great morals and villains teach you the meaning of life with their last breaths. Stories are precious, they are entertaining when they have a good ending and when the story joins every piece together —the story becomes perfect. Do they? I don’t think so. I think stories are fun, entertaining when they are unpredictable. When people expect the story to have a great meaning but it ends up meaning nothing, when the hero loses, when villain wins and then ends up becoming a joke. When the world is broken down and the story turns into a chaotic mess. Chaos, that’s what makes the story fun for me, entertaining for me. Unpredictability makes stories great. Yet most would say that only ruins a story. So what else can I say but… Hey, I Ruin Stories! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Tags: Evil MC, Chaotic MC, Smart MC, R-18, Smut, Manipulation, Multiple POVs, Multiverse, Strong MC, Fast Paced.] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: The story has multiple POVs in each chapter, MC is emotionally detached, people that you end up enjoying might die and/or be used by MC, Very fast paced, each world will be no more than 30 chapters and MC is petty. If you do not like these things, then the story is probably not for you. Average chapter word count: 2500 words. Update Schedule: 6 Chapters a Week (Hopefully) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First World: Harry Potter (Potterverse) Second World: ?? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I do not own or claim any of the characters used in the story except for the OCs and all rights belong to their respective creators. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Some images of characters, places or items might not be possible to be added to the story directly throught comments. To access these pictures and to be part of a fun community, join the discord link below. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/wXt9jtqv2T ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The_Greedy_Frog · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

After Dinner Tea**

{Aurora Sinistra}

"I said this was a stupid and dangerous proposal."

She was angry.

"But who listens to me?"

Oh, she was furious.

"How bad is he hurt?" Dumbledore asked.

"Horribly." Pomfrey said, "But he will live. Lately that's all everyone has been doing, living horribly."

"I mean…" Oh, I hope he doesn't say something stupid. "It's more of a mental shock that he received and his injuries are not even second degree. He should be fine once he wakes up."

I had to watch Madam Pomfrey. He nearly killed himself with that comment. I could see it in Madam Pomfrey's eyes.

"He took a hit, more like his brain shook from its place." She said, "How does an Expulso spell even do that?" 

She looked around suspiciously and she did have a point. Expulso was not that dangerous of a spell that would cause brain injury. 

"Human skulls are quite durable, so maybe it shook as Harry took the hit directly to his head."

"Whatever the case, I do not want anyone being admitted here for brain damage." 

Even the headmaster looked at Darius.

"If we want to continue this duel thing, which we maybe shouldn't, we tend to make some proper rules for it, Professor Darius." He said, "The rules are still very vague and can lead to much harm."

"That we have to do, sir." He agreed. "We should revise the rules in a while."

"Are you free for that tomorrow?" The headmaster asked, but surprisingly Darius declined.

"This week, I have a few things that I need to check on. So, we should best do it next week." He suggested, "If that is not too inconvenient to you?"

"As long as it is before the end of this month, we can do that." 

But I wonder what he was up to.

"Sharable stuff?" I whispered behind his ear.

"Sadly not."

And that is all the reply that I got.

[Hours Later — Malfoy Manor]

{Draco Lucius Malfoy}

"You seem a little unwell, father?"

He seemed to have been thinking about something. Something troublesome was on his mind and he seemed very uneasy.

Even his wish wasn't from the heart. For the first time I felt like he was uninterested in my win.

The win that mattered the most to me.

"How did you know this Professor Safar?" Why is he asking about the professor? "And has he ever threatened you or caused you any trouble?"

"No, he has instead helped me a lot of times." Even with dark arts, but I could not say that. "He helped me when I got injured and he also taught me the skills, using which I won against Potter."

"Skills, you say." He shook his head. "Remember Draco. You are a Malfoy, you do not need to prove yourself in front of others. You are above them, so do not take lessons that you do not want."

He frowned, "And try to stay away from Darius Safar."

"Why father?"

Why… does he want me to stay away from the one professor that has helped me so much? 

"Do not ask why, just do not associate with him." He was adamant, "Is that understood, Draco?"

I couldn't say no —at least not vocally.

"Yes… Father."

But, I couldn't leave Professor Safar either. Maybe, he would be the only one to help me get rid of Potter and his mudbloods?

{Nymphadora Tonks}

Going out, resting at times and having good food from time to time felt nice.

"I appreciate you for coming." And while he could be a prick often, he knew when to be a gentleman too.

"Thank you for tonight." And it felt equally good to express gratitude where it was due. "It's rare for me to go out for a nice dinner, possibly almost once in a year occurrence."

He walked besides, matching my speed. "So, thank you."

He wore a suit tonight, surprisingly for a professor of Hogwarts. "Might be tough, but do try to make time for yourself. You are working this job for yourself, so make sure you don't get crushed by the work."

He walked with his hands inside his pockets, something that he often did. But today, he wasn't laid back, he was poised and silent.

"I guess so. But unfortunately for me, this job is rather hectic."

This made him curiously look at me.

"I have always wondered, why you have been so dedicated to this job." I could understand his curiosity. "But I guess you must have a reason."

He didn't pry, I was glad. Having to explain about my complex family tree and the need to prove myself is not something I want to do.

"Do you have work tomorrow?" He asked, stopping for a moment. 

"Yeah? Although it's in the evening."

"Then…" He showed a curious smile. "How about we go for an after dinner tea?"

"Where to?" Tea wasn't bad, especially the well brewed detox ones.

"To my place."

This caught me off guard. "Hogwarts?"

"No, the place I got to stay at till I was supposed to get a job."


"Wasn't that for just till you found a job. And since you found one, that is now mostly likely assigned to someone else." There was no reason for the ministry to let him keep the place. He was lucky in the first place to have found such a housing.

"I asked around a bit and after a bit of tugging the hotel owner, he agreed to lease me the place for a while." You could do that? "It was expensive and I have to pay a portion of my monthly salary just to keep that place, but it allows me to relax whenever I have days off."

He shook his head as he continued, "Hogwarts dorms are not really known for being the most cozy, you know?"

He wasn't wrong. Hogwarts rooms weren't the worst but they weren't the most cozy either. They were just rooms, they just… worked?

"So, would you like some after dinner tea?"

He was persistent but I respected it. It has gotten him quite far. 

"I don't want to impose." I wasn't sure if it was a good idea. It was pretty late and he most certainly had work in the morning.

"Pretty sure I had been imposing on you far more, so this does not even count as imposing." He laughed, "Instead I would like it if you would come over?"

Tea huh?

"Sure?" I gave him another chance to back off, but well.

He didn't.

"As sure as a guy can be." 

Seeing me smile at that, he asked. "Walk?"


And so we walked to his place, enjoying the night's cold breeze on my face. It was a bit chilly, but it made me feel calm. 

The scent of rain was still around the alley, complimenting the night's sweetness.

The area he lived at was quiet, close to the market, but still quiet around the location of his hotel.

"I still cannot believe you are renting this place."

By no means was it cheap. He could have found a place for much cheaper if he needed one badly. But men have their preferences.

"I enjoy the ambience." He walked straight through the hallway, not making much noise and nodding at the few staff that he met. 

Most were single rooms in the place and few with the added kitchen space, but the one he booked was much bigger and much more… How do I explain? 

Comfy in a sense that it makes you relax and warm that it calls for you. 

He definitely was lucky with the find.

"So, tea." He hung his coat near the door, "Hibiscus, masala, detox or lemongrass? Or just honey and lemon?"

I certainly did not bother with that many forms of tea.

Tea was well… tea?

"Honey and lemon sounds nice." I know detox is great, but you can't go wrong with lemon tea.

"Good choice." He said, extending his thumbs. "Give me five minutes."

Surprisingly he used no magic, everything he did was manual. 

From boiling the water to mixing the tea leaves.

"Some things taste better when you make it without cheats."

Magic as cheat, huh? That's a take I didn't hear before.

"Flaws are natural, and so is this tea." He poured the tea over the honey and lemon mix.

"I thought people didn't use tea leaves for honey lemon?" 

He gave a shrug hearing that, "I prefer it with actual tea leaves, no point in calling it tea if you don't use tea leaves."

Fair point? Maybe.

"And most are afraid of using tea leaves as they mess up the amount and it ends up extremely bitter. Just a quarter to half a teaspoon of leaves for one tablespoon of honey and lemon—" He paused and looked at me, "I hope you are fine with the lemon flavor over the sweetness?"

Sweetness wasn't my thing, so that sounded fine.

"Sounds good."

He nodded, "Perfect because some want it at a perfect balance so if you want that you can go for two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of lemon."

"I somehow learn something new with you around almost every time." I had to let him know, "I… appreciate that."

"Life's short, better take in as much knowledge and share as much as you can."

Once again, I could only nod. And by then, the tea was ready too.

The aroma was sweet and citrusy, quite nice and refreshing.

"How are the students?" Chaotic I assumed, but I still wanted to know. I experienced being a student but never a teacher.

"Fun," he said. "That's the best way to describe. Everyone of them is unique and every single one of their learning capabilities is different. So, it is always fun to adjust to their speed."

I didn't realize that I was staring at him, but when I did, I sat straight. "You enjoy teaching, don't you?"

That's one thing I noticed about him. He is energetic about his job.

"I love sharing my views and ideas with others and children are quick to adopt them and even counter them with their childish opinions at times. So, it is always enjoyable."

See, passionate.

As for the tea—

"It's bloody delicious…" I raised the cup, the sweet and sour taste and the warm yellow color of the tea. It was perfect.

"It's pretty simple." He said, "People just mess up the ratio of the mix and are too lazy to fix it."

Guilty of that. Not with tea but with most things, that is why I ate out.

"Not one day goes by without the rain, does it?"

As I looked up, he was already near the window with the curtains pulled away, revealing the strong wind and the rain droplets hitting the glass, making it feel a little bit more comfortable inside.

"The cold of the rain and the warmth of the fireplace," I didn't realize that I was voicing my thoughts out loud. "I think I like this…"

He sat next to the window frame, leaning onto it. His shoulder getting a little wet from the condensed droplets of the glass.

"Where I am from, rain isn't as prevalent as it is here." His eyes were half shut as if enjoying the sound of the wind and the coolness on his shoulder.

He seemed to love the rain, while I was tired of it. We were quite different from one another, culture, beliefs and even way of life. But that felt like a good change. Everyone around me shared the same views as me, thanks to being an Auror, and it feels boring. But with him, everything has a twist, I cannot guess where our conversations would go and what is on his mind.

It's… somewhat…


I am tired, that's why I am thinking so much.

"Life's unexpected isn't it?" He asked, somewhat entranced by the rain.

"I would say so." 

A few days ago I was stuck working night shifts with no interest and now I was sipping this aromatic tea with a guy in front of me.

"I was somewhere else not long ago, going through entirely different struggles, pain and anger." His expression changed, "And now I am here, pursuing something totally different, a totally new life."

I knew very little of him and while I wanted to know, I just didn't know how to ask.

I almost opened my mouth to ask something but the loud noise of thunder made me reconsider. Instead I ended up asking something entirely different.

"What made you leave your place?"

He turned his head around, his eyes still half closed. "Because I had achieved what I wanted back there, and I also have nothing to go back there for."

"You have a story to you, don't you?" 

He stared at me at the question, a smile on his face but no answer.

"Got it, it's complicated."

He once again said nothing and took a sip off the cup. That's all we did for a while and before we knew it, we were sitting with empty cups in our hands.

No words, no tea, just the light sound of rain and loud quietness of the room.

"You know." He finally spoke, not looking at me, but outside. "You are pretty fun."

Saying this he immediately opened the window, letting the wind push the rain inside, wetting him and the area around him —even the wood shelves and the books.

"Oi you madman!"

I nearly jumped, as I saw the scene. Automatically my body rushed towards him, unsure of why but wanting to get him away from the rain.

"Close the damn w—" But I was stopped, my hand gripped and brought close to him, his eyes staring at mine.

"Don't." He said, far too close than I preferred.

"L-Let go!" My voice cracked. He was too close, I was too close. 

"Just…" He said, his face peaceful which caused my body to warm up, the blood rushed to my ears. "Listen to the rain."

My heart was unsettled. He was too close, it was an uncomfortable position. And I was in no state to focus on the rain.


"Close your eyes." He said staring straight into my eyes.

And like a fool, I did what he asked.

"And listen."

I could hear my heartbeat and the blood gushing into my ears. 


I tried, but it was difficult.

"Enjoy the sensation."

I tried, I tried calling myself. Letting my body get hit by the rain, uncaring of the carpets getting wet underneath.

"The rain, feel it."

The droplets fell on me, soaking my clothes and my hair but as it hit my face, it felt weirdly good. The coldness was refreshing, violent but gentle and overwhelmingly calming. 

"You feel it, don't you?"

I did.

"It feels…" My eyes were closed, and my mind focused on the sensation of the rain on my skin. "Pleasant."

My mind was melting in the rain. The warmth from the fire, and the chills of the rain made me light headed, almost lost in the sensation.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

It… was.

It truly was.

"Washes away your worries, your exhaustion and your fears."

His voice went soft, dimmer and inaudible as I felt lost in the rain.

For a while, everything felt silent. No noise, just the calming sound of the rain.

Coolness on my skin and my mind. 

But in the coolness, I felt warmth. Very little, very soft but warmth. It was like finding a ray of light in a dark room, just in this case, the light fell on my lips.

And as I processed what I felt, my eyes shot open just to see the closed eyes of Darius, the handsome shade of brown hidden by his eyelids and all while his soft lips pressed against mine, a sense of comforting warmth wrapping around me.

I had to push him off, yet my body didn't allow that. It was frozen from the cold, from the shock and from the likeness to the kiss.


This is wrong.

Despite that, my body didn't listen and I sat frozen with his hand over mine, lips over mine. This was…

He slowly opened his eyes, pulling back by just a little. "You can always tell me to stop." He said, but my voice was lost.

His next kiss sent my body shivering and then came his hands, slowly moving to my waist, grabbing me and pulling me towards him.

Our lips separated for a while, and all he spoke in that time was words of comfort.

"I will stop if you want."

I wanted him to stop, so why couldn't I tell him that?

Instead, I leaned on, letting his lips over mine.

Not pushing back but pulling in.

My body…


It gave up.

His hands slipped behind my back, reaching the threads of my robe. My heart raced, worry and an unknown emotion filling my heart.

But even so, I didn't stop him. In the weirdest and the most unknown of the feelings made me want him to continue.

Maybe that's why I did.

Maybe that's why I let him remove the fabric of my body.

And maybe that is why I let him do what he did. 

Letting me feel the pleasures of being a woman.

Her heart was louder than the sound of the rain, louder than the thunder but much more accepting than the rain on the leaves.

"May I?" He asked, she pulled back and stared into his eyes. Her usual look of confidence was replaced by a look of meekness.

"This… is wrong." She voiced, unsure of what to say. 

"But do you dislike it?"

She had no answer and as such she simply looked down.

"Just tell me if you are uncomfortable." His hands were gentle, moving over her robes, reaching the threads holding the fabric over her body and pulling on them —making them come loose.

She shuddered, the cold rain fell on her bare skin and yet she didn't protest.

She… she was scared, but she wanted to feel the new sensation, she wanted it to continue.

And Darius listened, listened to her heart. He knew she was scared and yet she didn't dislike it. So he continued, kissing her neck softly, and making her feel things she had never felt —pleasures of being a woman, that's what she felt.

His hands rubbed her soft breasts causing her breathing to turn heavy, her hands were slipping from the wetness of the rain.

They were soaked, yet cared not about the rain.

"May I remove it?" He asked, not being forceful instead being as gentle as possible.

Nymphadora had her face entirely red, she was nervous. Despite her haughty personality, despite her rebelliousness it was her first time feeling a man's touch. 

And in a sense, she did not want to let it go. The man in question was one that she did not dislike, she was comfortable enough with him.

And at the moment, while nervous, she found herself comfortable with him to allow him to remove her robe.


Darius gave her a comforting smile, "Trust me."

And with that, he gently removed the wet fabric off her body and exposed her bare breasts, pale as the blooms of the spring and nipples as hard as it could get. His each touch excited her, made her jolt. Her body was cold from the rain, yet she felt it burning.

Darius kissed her breasts before taking a nipple into his mouth, skillfully moving his tongue around it, exciting her further.

She bit her lips, embarrassed of making any noise. Darius noticed this and thus moved his tongue with far more skill and far more speed than before, making it difficult for her to contain her moans.

His other hand roamed freely over her back, rubbing it softly before moving to her ass.

She squeaked as his hands touched her ass. She was sensitive there and knew it was dangerous for him to explore there.

"Oh," Darius smiled. "I think I know what you will like."

"A-Ah what do yo— Ah!"

Without saying a word, Darius picked her up before flipping her over the table, exposing her ass.


He grabbed her ass cheeks and pushed them, making her body jerk up. He lowered his head, right above her exposed cunt and pushed his tongue around it, enticing a moan from her that she tried so hard to prevent.

"Mm—" Her body shuddered as his tongue moved around her lower lips while his hands roughly kneaded her ass cheeks.

Her eyes wide as his tongue invaded her insides. 

"O-Oh that feels good…" She moaned out, her body convulsing as she laid on the table, her breasts pressed against it while her ass was out for display in the air.

His tongue reached deep, she didn't know that a human tongue could go so deep. But whatever he did, she didn't want him to stop.

From her labia to her clit and beyond, he moved his tongue skillfully around her entire cunt to the point that she had to yell when he pushed back.

"N-No continue…"

But Darius had another idea.

"I can do something better."

Saying this, he walked back a little, making her change her posture.

"No no, you stay just like that." 

She could not see him or notice his grin as she was on her stomach with her ass held in the air, but she did hear the sound of the belt coming off and the zipper being pulled down. 

She gulped realizing what was happening.

"Please b-be gentle." She was nervous. "This is my first."

He smiled, once again something that she could not see.

"I will be." He said, "And don't worry, magic will make you feel even better."

She did not understand what he meant at that moment and if she knew, maybe she would have never allowed him to use it —but he did.

He did use the Dark Arts.

He used sense manipulation and turned her sense of pain into a sense of pleasure while amplifying her normal sense of pleasure even further.

So, the moment he touched her ass again, her eyes went wide. She felt the pleasure, she understood what he did despite being unaware of it being Dark Arts.

He spread apart her ass cheeks, revealing her tiny hole and her cunt. He was tempted to push it inside her ass but decided against her. Instead he gently rubbed the tip of his penis around her lower lips causing her to squirm a bit in pleasure.

"Relax." He said and without speaking another word, he gently pushed the tip of his cock inside her cunt. 


The enhanced senses made her eyes go wide and mind blank.

"P-Push deeper!"

She moaned out. She didn't feel the pain, even if she did it was converted to pleasure. And that pleasure was multiplied further. So the moment his cock went inside her, her body gave in, gushing out in love juices as he started to move.

"D-Damn you are tight." Even Darius groaned, the tightness of her cunt was better than any other woman. Unlike Sinistra, Nymphadora had not played with herself, not even with toys and so her cunt was feeling something inside it for the first time.

He grabbed her ass tightly and blinded by pleasure, jammed his cock inside her cunt tightly. Pain turned to pleasure and Nymphadora's tongue rolled out and eyes rolled up as the shock of pleasure hit her.

"A-Ah so… goooood!" She moaned and Darius pumped inside her with a groan, enjoying her tightness.

He grabbed her by her waist and pushed her against his cock while he pushed forward, the sound of his cock slamming inside her cunt grew higher than the sound of the dimming rain. They had long since forgotten about the rain hitting them.

"D-Don't stop!"

Her cunt was wetter than the table she sat on, the rain had nothing compared to the pleasure she felt.

"L-Let me see you!" Darius said, grabbing her by her hair as she turned her head around, allowing him to move his face towards her to land a kiss.

His tongue pushed inside her mouth just as his cock jammed inside her cunt, their tongues intertwined, juices and saliva dripped around them but they were lost in the pleasure.

Darius grabbed her tightly as he pushed back, and even before she could complain, he flipped her —allowing them to lock eyes and letting her see his cock straight for the first time.

She gasped looking at it. She felt that it was big, she had felt it inside her but seeing it straight made her gulp. 

"Nymphadora." Darius spoke, pushing his cock gently inside her cunt again. "You are gorgeous."

He pushed for a kiss and increased the pace of his thrusts.

"Y-You are so good!" She grabbed on his back, gnashing it with her nails. She didn't want it to stop. She was sensitive, she would have cum by now but Darius had been flipping her over, pulling out just as she was about to let out —preventing her from cumming, stopping her right at the moment.

But this time, he didn't do that.

"I-I am close." She moaned out, but he didn't slow down. Instead he increased his pace.

"Me too…" He groaned and pushed his face over her boobs. The gentle pushes long since converted to rough thrusts and ones that Nymphadora loved.

"S-So close!"

His cock reached deep inside her, pressing buttons that she refused to believe existed, exciting feelings of pleasure that she didn't know was possible.


Her body jerked, her cunt's grasp around his cock tightened and her nails bore into his back.

And at that moment, they both moaned out.

"I am cumming!"

Her ass cheeks clenched as her juices leaked out all while his semen seeped deep inside her cunt, flowing inside risky territories.

She felt weak, that was the first time she had cummed and she felt great. She wanted that feeling to continue, she wanted it to be a recurring occurrence.

"Are you alright?" Darius asked, huffing out as he did not use a single form of magic on himself.

"Y-Yeah." She said. She loved it, she craved for it. "I-I felt great."

Her ears were red as she slowly returned to reality.

He pulled back, his cock hanging, soaked in their juices.

But right at that moment, Tonks asked him something that made his eyes widen.

"C-Can we do it again?" She said, ears red and cheeks flushed. "One more time?"

"I—" Almost impossible for a normal man to go for another round instantly. Darius too would have denied. 

But he had something, he had a way to continue the pleasure for both of them.

"If you so much so wish for it then…" He gave her a smile and a smile blossomed on her face too as she noticed his cock growing hard again.

Dark Arts did wonders, especially so when it was not so blatant and noticeable.

And with that Dark Arts, he made sure that Nymphadora got no sleep that night —Only pleasure.


[[A/N: Read 150+ Advanced Chapters on Patreon (including all stories).

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