
Hazbin Hotel/Helluvia Boss - The otherworld soul

A soul brought into a heaven not their own, and cast down into a hell that didn't seem believable. Can they figure out what's going on? Or will they even seem to care? Read to find out...

optimistic_writer · Others
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17 Chs

Danger on the prowl!?!

'Many guys like me dream of wearing armor, something that'd make us seem invincible and impervious to harm. So, here I was, with a suit of armor that matched everything to my liking. From the colors, shape, size, it was exactly how I imagined it. Temptation was nipping at my heels, so I had to walk forward.'

'Imagination was running wild as I walked up to my new, and when I say new, I mean shiny and practically untouched suit of armor. Not a speck of dust in sight, how neat. The lack of dust was a bit odd, but I had a few ideas as to why it was so untouched from anything settling onto it. Probably some sort of runes to keep it clean, or maybe some sort of purification spell put onto it to help keep it clean for a certain amount of time.'

'A spell lasting that long would be a longshot, mainly with the fact of how old the spell must be. If someone did cast a spell on it, then they must have been pretty powerful. The amount of power, or mana, they must have used should have been quite taxing. It would have been nice to have whoever knew such techniques as a teacher.'

'Needing a teacher wasn't necessary, seeing I had Alastor, who in which case, I have no clue on what he can even teach me, besides knowing he was going to teach me about powers. It never crossed my mind on what he was specifically going to teach me. I just asked him to teach me, which was a joke, and yet he accepted regardless. Thinking on that, maybe I shouldn't have, especially with someone I barely know. Especially one that had a menacing aura about them, it was definitely a choice I should have thought on more.'

'But it's a bit too late to change my decision. Especially with the fact that I agreed to take him as a tutor. So, there's no point in changing my decision. As I see it, I might gain something unexpected out of it.'

'Enough said, think before agreeing to something. I've already been making a few changes on how I converse with people. Mistakes were plentiful from my escapade around hell, so I need to be more careful. A slip up down here is not something I can really afford to deal with.'

'I looked to the armor, realizing I was daydreaming again.' "Can't believe I lost focus all because of how clean you are." 'I said to the armor, my only companion in this spacious room.'

'No response to my words, figured as much. Seeing it's just an empty husk.' "But it won't be empty for much longer." 'Looking down to my ungloved hand I got an idea. A simple idea that would be pretty helpful if it worked out.'

'Digging into my pocket I put my glove back on. Then glanced up to the armor again, raising one of my covered hands to the suit that stood before me.' "Let's see if I can put you on without even touching you." 'If the halberd is capable of being stored in a hand tattoo, especially one of its sizes, then I was almost certain that my idea was going to succeed.'

'Clueless as a newborn baby, that's how I felt in this situation. I have no idea on how to make the armor just appear on my body. Maybe it's an instinctual feeling, or a simple command with my mind. If it worked like the halberd, then it'd be as easy as baking a cake.'

'So, stand there I did. For a few silent moment's as I kept my hand raised. I wanted to see if I could make the armor appear on my body without a mental command, a possible attempt at seeing what else the tattoo on my hand could do. It was just out of curiosity, nothing more.'

'Feeling out the powers in my body was easy, seeing it was a part of me. But the tattoo was something new, something extra. It was now indeed a part of me, seeing it had been pretty much grafted onto the palm of my hand. The possibility of it becoming tuned with my powers was possible, most likely the fact that it could have been made to resonate with its new bearer.'

'Whether it worked or not, it still wouldn't matter all that much. I could simply ask V to do something to it, and bam! Problem solved, no need to waste time solving something that can easily be handled by an all-powerful best friend. Heh, it's still so odd to think that I now have a friend who's pretty much a GOD.'

'Dang it, focus! I can't stay in this temple forever. Stuff had to be done, and monologuing all day isn't really a good way to use my time.' "Now or never, I suppose." 'With that, I pushed some of my power into my hand. Trying to see if I could make it flow into the center of my palm.'

'You'd think that I wasn't all that aware of what I can do and can't do, which is true. But I knew how to use portals, shadow leap, and even open a shadow storage. It was easy to know what using the power in my body felt like, mainly with the fact it felt so normal to do. V did make this body, so as I speculated before, he must have made it to where it's easier to adapt to the new form I have now.'

'Now back to the present, which is me trying to force my power into the image on the bottom of my hand. Maybe it acts like a conduit, one I can power and manipulate. Possibly just activate it by simply pushing some power into it. Hm, so many tests to run, but no clue on where I should really start.'

'And test I did, pushing more and more power into my hand. It felt odd letting so much power accumulate in one singular part of my body. Yet it was necessary to make it easier. If the tattoo needed my power to be forcefully pushed into it to help it synchronize with me, then so be it.'

'So, a game of patience, a silent and boring period of utter silence as I stood rooted in place. Trying and failing to make it work. Each attempt was a failure, yet also showing signs of success. The reason I say that it's working, but also failing, is because I was feeling it out.'

'Trying again and again to help me learn something new, and honestly it was a bit exciting. Such a simple act and yet it was so invigorating. Like learning how to run for the first time and getting a thrill out of it. That's how I felt in this moment. A moment to where I was actually using my power on a foreign object that holds a mystical aspect about it.'

'Yes, I know I interacted with the halberd first. But I didn't expect it to do what it did to my hand. So that certain surprise wasn't all that enjoyable, especially with the pain that came with it. Knowing what I'm doing, and knowing what's to come, is a better way to prepare myself for what I'm doing or going to do.'

'From my point of view, all I saw was just a cool weapon and I wanted to touch it. In which case, makes me realize it was a stupid move on my behalf. Too late to undo what has already been done. Speaking of doing and undoing, I was still trying to get the tattoo to activate.' "Come on! I don't have all day." 'Frustrated at the fact that it was still not working, I decided to push a bit more power into the inscribed image on my hand.'

'Power pulsed as I fed it more and more, second by second as it slowly began to take effect. And at first, the signs of doing anything were almost nonexistent. But with enough focus it began to slow, a slight hue of yellowish color emanating from within the glove. It felt warm, an odd and unknown sensation that I hadn't experienced before.'

'Realizing that it was about to happen, I hurriedly took off my shades to get them off my face. Didn't want them being on my face while I wore the helmet, could lead to a possibly painful experience. So, with my glasses off I looked up again, away from my pocket and back to the armor.'

'In which case was glowing, a soft hum coming from it. Almost as if it was answering me. I didn't know if that was the case, but hopefully it mean's I succeeded.' "Stop wasting my time, if you're going to do what I want, then do it already." 'A verbal command, if it had some semblance of sentience, then it would head my words.'

'Which seemed to work out. With the armor glowing even brighter, too bright to stare at.' "Fucking damn it! I almost got blinded by coffee! Now this?" 'My right to be somewhat angry was justifiable. Due to the obvious fact that I got my face splashed by hot steaming coffee, and now a bright light that I couldn't even look at.'

'All I could hear was a hum. My eye's tightly shut as I shielded my face by raising an arm. Time ticked by, almost as if everything was going at a faster pace than normal. Everything felt odd, almost making me feel somewhat sluggish. It didn't feel normal, but I couldn't do anything about it.'

'Time passed, the hum still ringing throughout the room. It was still quite loud but calming down within the passing minutes. Tense, that's how I felt in this moment. Not certain if the armor was going to somehow obliterate me on the spot or do what I asked.'

'Waiting and waiting, just to see if anything else would happen. Slowly, and I mean ever so slowly did I crack my eyes open.' "Ugh..." 'Groaning I raised a hand up to my face. Trying to rub at my eyes with them still being irritated from the earlier burst of light. Blinking made it worse, go figure.'

'Raising a hand to my face didn't work out, as a metallic sounding *clank* echoed off the walls. Caught off guard I stumbled back in surprise, the weight of my hand catching me off guard.' "Dang it!" 'Stumbling for a moment I tried to catch my balance, taking a few seconds before stabilizing myself.'

'Finally standing straight again I raised my hand a second time, putting it in front my view. Which was also somewhat effected.' "Woah, guess it did work." 'My eye's turned within the confines of my new helmet. Realizing that the armor was on me, thus explaining the reason why I felt as if I had been hit by a sledgehammer.'

'Scowling I looked to my hand, seeing the shiny gauntlet in place of it.' "I hit myself." 'I know I berate myself from to time, but hitting myself now? Gonna need therapy if I keep this up, hehe.'

'Joke's aside, it had worked. My determination to have what I wanted to come true had become possible. The armor was now on my body, showcasing that what I had been attempted to do was successful. Meaning that having to put the armor on piece by piece was not something I had to do, yay for laziness!'

'Smiling to myself I began to walk forward, but instead of forward, I began to fall.' "Oh no." 'Eye's widening in surprise I tried to catch myself for the second time. Spinning and twirling my arms to keep myself upright.'

'For a few short minutes of embarrassment I stumbled around. Trying again and again to get used to the new additional weight and somewhat additional height. It was a subtle change, nothing to serious. ...Besides having to basically learn how to walk again.'

'Deciding that I couldn't walk properly I chose to practice walking in the armor. Falling and failing, succeeding than failing again. Trial and error people, trial and error. How fun to just fall on your face over and over again. For maybe the millionth time, how utterly wonderful.'

'Ensue epic montage! ...*Silence* .....Eh? Where's the music! *Paper shuffling, distant chatter* ...HUH!?! What do you mean it goes over the budget? *More chatter* UG! Fine! We'll do it your way I suppose! So queeeee...immediate montage with no music! .....Yaaaaaay...~'

- 𝓐 𝓯𝓮𝔀 𝓼𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓼 𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 -





"Finally done!" 'Pride swelled within me, the accomplishment of learning how to properly walk in armor, even run, was a dream come true! .....Not the learning how to walk or run in it part, but the fact I could properly use armor that was now mine!'

'Overly eager I made my way to the entrance of the room, ready to leave. I wasn't going to take off my armor just yet. Seeing as it had been barely any time since I had gotten it on, aside from having to practice getting used to moving in it. That was a moment of shame I shall never forget...'

'*Cough* Eheh, I mean a totally awesome moment of training that would be remembered for years to come! Yep, totally didn't fall on my ass to the point of leaving a few indents in the ground!' "That poor, poor, floor." 'May it rest in peace, or pieces should I say, hehehe...hehe...heeeeh.....please don't make fun of me.'

'Anyways! Time to actually skedaddle and hit the road.' "Damn it." 'Which mean's I have to walk all the way back , dang it! I shall cast foul magic unto whoever made me unable to teleport!'

'So, with a defeated face I walked out of the room. Leaving nothing else valuable behind. ...Hm? Did I forget to mention that there was some shiny stuff that was cast off to the side? Coins and such, along with some gold bar's. Even a few gems of all colors and sizes. It's not really all that much of a big deal...'


"I'll say it once, twice, even thrice. Walking sucks, like majorly sucks." 'Welcome back to another episode of me and my aching feet! With us resuming the series by showing my tired figure exiting out of the temple!'

'...Hm, maybe a show about my suffering would be interesting! ...Pff, no! I'm not into that type of stuff. Hell's probably broadcasting all sorts of show's like that. Making a penny from spending a few gazillion dollars to have a show made and aired on live T.V would just be a waste of time and resources. It's still a fun idea though, albeit the part with me suffering not being as cool.'

'I mean, now that I think about it. How does hell have internet? Or even cable at all? Don't we need like satellites and stuff? Is it another form of magic? ...I want to know to do it! Do you not know the pain and suffering I dealt with having to have no internet when I couldn't pay the bill!? It was utter agony, completely horrible!'

'Pff, kidding! It wasn't all that bad. Aside from missing a few livestreams, new tv episodes, and whatever else counts for visual entertainment on a phone or tv. That part sucked, but at least I could watch it later. God bless being able to rewatch stuff. It wouldn't have been pleasant for me if I couldn't.'

'Chuckling to my own woe's I walked out from the giant hole that counted for the doorway of this place. It still felt wrong, the feeling I had when I first entered this temple hadn't gone away.' "Boss fight?" 'I asked aloud, straining my neck as I turned my head side to side.'


'That, did not sound good at all.' "Fucking big mouth and me." 'Cursing my luck, I summoned the halberd out.'

'Knowing I was out in the open I ran to a nearby pillar, ducking behind it as I pressed myself up against it.' "Please don't be one of those final bosses, please don't be a difficult boss to fight..." 'Slowly I leaned out, gazing around to take in the wide cave system.'

"Oh balls..." 'I said, double cursing my luck as I stared at what had seemed to be any kid's worst nightmare, an ugly monster that'd make even its mother fearful of its face.'

'What presented itself to my eye's was a creature that was massive in height and size. Covered in a thick scaling of some greyish plating and spikes protruding from what must've counted for its spine. Spikes all over, almost nowhere on its body being untouched and not at least having a few pointed tips. Even its teeth were an unsightly image. Each one capable of crunching a bus into tiny little pieces of scrap, practically a light snack for it.'

'The upside was that it seemed blind. Not sure how I could work with that, but if I have to make do with what's presented to me, then I'll take what I can get.' "It looks like some sort of giant worm." 'A worm that wasn't at all tiny, nor harmless. Nope, a worm that dwarfed me in size by an utterly massive margin and a gaping jaw that could fit me in it as if I were a small speck of dirt.'

'Honestly, I had no clue what to do. I've never been in a situation like this. Against something so dangerous in appearance and size. It was most likely a creature that resided within this cave system. either being an adult...or God forbid an infant.'

'The idea of it being an infant is a bone chilling thought. One that makes me want to curl up and cry. If that thing's considered small, then the parent must be truly humongous. ...I hope it's an adult...whatever it is. And if it is an infant? Then you best believe I'll be hauling ass. No way would I face its parent, or plural for parents.'

'But, I wasn't going to run away. Contrary to that, I was going to fight it. Maybe even do something crazy, some so utterly stupid that it would have my name engraved into a gold plaque with a title that held 'The biggest fool of fool's.' "I think I might try making it my pet." '...Yeah, I wanted to make it my pet.'

'How was I going to go about it? I honestly don't even know. Like, do you expect to know what it's favorite food is? Meat? Dirt? Rocks? Minerals? Hm, maybe minerals might work. Not sure, could test it.' 

'Oh! IDEA! I'll wound it severely, then spare it! A fight that would lead to befriend it if I bested it in battle! It might just work, but it might also fail horribly. Ending in my death and possibly a trip to its belly for an eternity. I mean, I'm not sure if it could permanently kill me, but if it's stomach acid acts like angelic steel, then you better believe that I won't be lasting long inside it's bowels.'

'Ew! Just thinking about being swallowed by that thing makes me want to hurl.' "I don't want to ruin the inside of my helmet." 'Bile inside of my new helmet? Nope! Not going to let it happen! Swallow it down, Z, swallow it down.'


'Frowning I leaned back in, pressing myself up against the pillar again.' "Going to have to deal with the big guy first, or girl." 'I wasn't even going to try taking a peek to see it's gender, like yuck!'

'If I wanted to leave, then I either had to go around that beastly monster or go through it. Preferably I want to do the first option, and not the second option. The third choice out of all my plan's is going on top of it and riding it like a mount! That's a pipedream, but I'll still throw in an attempt at taming it!'

'So, knowing I had to steel my nerves I took a few calming breaths. Had to calm myself down for this. If I wanted to succeed than I had to do this with as much clarity as possible. Fucking up was not an option, especially one that I couldn't afford.'

'With my mind set and decisions listed I made my way around the pillar. Silently going forward I moved from area to area. Rubble was scattered all around, enough to count as good cover. Even if it couldn't most likely see, I still had to be careful.'

'God, would it suck if it could smell me.' *ROOOOOOOOOOOOAR* '.....Shit biscuits.'


"FUCK-FUCK-FUCK!" 'Oh shit, oh shitty-shit! I'm going to die!'

"Ahhhhh!" *Crash* - *ROOOOOOOOOOOOAR* 

'That! Was the sound of a giant pissed eldritch monster crashing through one of the cave systems walls like it was butter.' "Oh man this suck's so much dick!" 'And that's me yelling profanities as I ran for my life.'

'I had to say something, didn't I? Alway's telling murphy off, not giving him the chance. But now he's come back in full force. Probably smiling with that cocky and stupid smile of his, screw you murphy! ...Ehem, anyways! -'

'Huffing and puffing I ran and ran. My leg's feeling numb and my lung's burning like crazy. I had been running for who knows how long. The damned thing didn't know when to quit! It couldn't even stop for just a moment! Just a single second to allow me to rest.'

'I had to keep running. There wasn't many opening to attack it. Flying could work, but with it smashing into all the walls and causing the giant spiky rocks hanging from the ceiling to fall and crash into the ground. So flying was pretty much a no-go. I had to at least try though.'

'So with a snarl my wings appeared on my back. The armor bending to my will as opening appeared on the surface of my armor, allowing my wings to be unblocked and free to be used. It would have hurt like a bitch if my wings had been summoned from inside the armor.' "Hell yeah!" 'With a following rush of excitement mixed with a tinge of fear I leaped from the ground, avoiding the creature's giant gaping maw by just a fraction of a second.'

'Flying up was all I could do, going higher and higher until I was entirely above the giant monster of a worm.' "Alright buddy, now it's my turn!" 'Grinning I summoned forth my new weapon, excited to see how far I could use it.'

'My left hand flashed, the halberd appearing in my grasp.' "Please don't immediately break on me." 'If the weapon broke, then I'd be pretty screwed from here on out.'

'So, with a flap of my wings I propelled myself downwards. The wind whistling as I dive bombed for the back of its head. Inching closer and closer!' "Anvil STRIKE!"

*VvvvvBFFFFFFF* 'The main side of the halberd smacked dead center into the middle of its head, and with it came the force of a weapon that carried the weight of a battering ram! An unexpected amount of force that I hadn't anticipated to come from using such a weapon.'

'Such force didn't go without certain results. The heavy hit caused the worm to crash down into the ground, eating a mouthful of rock and dirt as it's crashed and tumbled.' "Payback for chasing me, hahaha!" 'It was a moment of euphoria, a sense of adrenaline that I never knew I could enjoy or even feel.'

'Yet my words of happiness were drowned out by a low grumbling.' "Uh-oh." 'And I was right within strike range!' 

'The worm lashed out, snapping it's giant armored tail out and basically flinging me into the distance.' "G-ah!" 'It was to fact to react too. A strike so quick that it shouldn't have been physically possible, and yet it happened regardless.'

'Flipping through the air I tried to correct my balance, but it was futile. And within that short time of being launched I neared a wall, and it wasn't going to be a soft landing.' *VvvvvvKABFFFFFF* 'My body crashed into the wall, cracking around me as my entire body became embedded into the hard surface.'

'It wasn't a soft landing at all. Felt like getting hit by a giant jock in football.' "Ughhhhh....that hurt." 'Groaning in pain I tried to pull myself out of the wall. The armor had taken the brunt of the blow, but I still felt the impact regardless of whether I was protected or not.'

'Reaching out I pulled myself off the wall, slowly falling as I snapped out my wing's.' "Huh, neat." 'The reason i said neat, was because of the fact that my wing's had been completely covered in armor. Seems as if the armor reacted to the danger and saved one of my vital weak points and acted on my safety.'

'Admiring the new armor for my wings would have been nice. But I had a giant worm that was even more pissed off than ever before.' "Seems I made you a bit cranky! If you think that hit hurt, then you're dead wrong! It was weak, utterly pathetic!" 'Insulting it was a trick I needed to work. If I could purposely piss it off, then I could make it act like a truly wild beast. Slowly tuckering itself out as it chased me and as I smacked it around from time to time.'

'Goading it into a state of rage paid off, as it roared to the sky and came at me in a speed that far surpassed what should be possible with its body.' "Good! Then I guess I'll meet you head-on as well!" 'Grinning widely under my helm I flew forward, bring my halberd to the side as we came closer to one another, preparing to collide.'

'It didn't seem to be intending on using its mouth, but it's head again. Most likely thinking that my attack wouldn't work again, but it was going to be its biggest mistake!' "AHHHHH!" - *ROOOOOOOOAR!* 'We both roared out as we collided, the air shaking as we both pushed against one another.'

'Everything trembled as my weapon pressed against its hard scales. The ground trembled, the air vibrated, it felt exhilarating!' "HAHAHA! Is this all you have!? Come on! Give me more you giant worm!" 'I said to it, using insult after insult and laughing loudly.'

'My words of insult seemed to make it angrier and angrier by the second. Instilling a primal feeling of rage within its very core. So, it responded in kind, roaring out as it pressed its armored skull forward, pushing me back as it applied all of its weight.' *ROOOOOOAR* 'It roared out, slamming be backwards as I crashed into the ground, rolling and rolling.'

'So I dug my halberd's hilt into the ground, bracing myself with both gauntlets on the pole as I slid to a stop, leaving a long line from my path of destruction.' "Wonderful! Truly magnificent!" 'Praise, I had to praise it! The beast could really take a hit!'

'Glancing up I flung myself forward, propelling myself as my wing's sent me at a speed far faster than ever before. This time I planned on using all the speed I could muster, no holding back!' "Come on! Let's see what else you can do!" 'I might be acting a bit rash, but I knew to be careful. The slightest sign of something that could intend my doom would mean I'd back off without a moment's notice.'

'My declaration of charging it again seemed to stir it on. Roaring again as it charged in, allowing us to meet once again. A clash of metal to armored scales, sparks flying as I pressed my halberd down onto its heavily armored skull. Metal grinding as we both pushed against one another.' "You're quite bold, I'll give you that! I wonder how many of your kind you've had to fight for territory!" 'Violence was the first choice of action it chose when it sensed me, so I expected it to be for a few reasons.'

'One reason was possibly a means of protecting its territory. It must have smelled me or sensed me. Second reason is that it was just passing through and it caught wind of me, most likely wanting a snack. Don't know how I'd satisfy it, but at least it was somewhat flattering, even if it meant me dying.' 

'Mulling over the reason's on why it attacked me mid battle, how funny!' "Hehe, hope you can calm down or I might have to put you to sleep!" 'Putting this big guy, or gal, to sleep was going to be insanely hard and difficult. Even tiring it out was most certainly going to take a lengthy amount of time.'

'A test of endurance and stamina between me and this hulking creature of destruction. Even strength was being put into this. Using my my brain for this was not that much of an option. None of the stalagmites were big enough, nor sharp enough to be used as stakes to puncture its body. I especially doubted that much could hard it. Weak points were almost nonexistent, so that was a problem.'

'With not a lot of options available, I had to brute force this. A show of dominance and power. This thing was an animal, all animals have three main instincts when facing a life-or-death situation. One is to run, two is fight, and what is three? That's to submit and accept their fate.'

'Meaning I had to make it submit and surrender. It was the only option. I didn't want to kill it. This creature was interesting, somewhat likable even. It was tough, bold, and very much so strong. And what's the best of all? Intimidating and impressive, that's why I wanted it. So, killing it wasn't something I could do.'

'So, I had to fight until one of us gave up, but I wouldn't be the one losing.' "It's time you and I start getting a bit more serious." 'I said aloud, backing off and flying backwards. Preparing my halberd as I twirled it around, slowly flapping my wings as I hovered in the air.'

'A declaration to continue fighting. A declaration for us to use whatever we had at our disposal. It and I understood one another. We had a common goal, and that was to come out the victor. Either win or lose, that was on the table. Running wasn't something I was going to do, but I wouldn't be blinded by some sort of idiotic pride if it meant saving my own skin. If I had to flee then I will. But it doesn't mean I won't come back for a round two...'

"SO FIGHT ME!" 'Roaring out my words I charged forward, my weapon humming as the air bent around me. Something was happening, and I loved every second of it!'

'Roaring in outrage it began to move forward, preparing for a third exchange! So, we both yelled out in challenge, eager to collide with one another to see who could come out the true victor! "ARRRRGHHH!" - *ROOOOOAR*




To be continued...?


HEEEEY! My first ever attempt at a battle, or fighting in a story! Gimmie a rating on how it went! But don't think it's over just yet! Because...there's more to come!

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