
Harry Potter. A Black Prodigy

Disclaimer Except Main character and some magic tricks, I don't own anything. Harry Potter belongs to J. K. Rowling. Synopsis: Ethan who transmigrated to the world of Harry Potter as Nigel Black. Follow the journey of Nigel Black to witness, how he clashes with his problems and enemies, to surpass anyone who came before or anyone who is coming. Honing his skills to perfection, to understand the concept and workings of magic,and acknowledged as the GOD OF MAGIC, to become the legend whose stories were told for generations. ************************************ I'm planning to keep stockpile of atleast 5 chapters which will be uploaded, after satisfactory responses and Power Stones.....

Mr_Myeterious · Movies
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23 Chs


"Approximately thousands years ago, there were no schools, wizards and witches were hunted and burned alive by Muggles. Magical people had to go into hiding to save themselves.

In those desperate times, Four most powerful magicians of that time decided to form a place where all magical children could learn how to properly wield magic and protect themselves. This led to the creation of Hogwarts, with its four founders: Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin. The houses were named in honor of them: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.

Gryffindor choose to take students who were brave like lions,

while Helga Hufflepuff chose those who were loyal to their friends.

Rowena Ravenclaw selected students who were exceptionally smart, and Salazar Slytherin chose those who were cunning and ambitious.

Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw had no problem accepting Muggle-borns in school, but Slytherin, who lost his entire family to Muggles, didn't trust them, fearing betrayal. He didn't hate Muggles, but he didn't like them either.

Now, some famous students from each house:

- Gryffindor: Albus Dumbledore

- Hufflepuff: Newt Scamander

- Ravenclaw: Filius Flitwick

- Slytherin: Voldemort."

Nigel paused to observe Rose's reaction to the name Voldemort. She stiffened but soon relaxed.

"Many say that we shouldn't mention his name. Aren't you afraid of him?" Rose asked.

"Afraid of Voldemort? No, I fear none. The reason why people avoided saying his name during the war is that he cursed it. Whenever or wherever his name was spoken, it alerted the Death Eaters, who would quickly arrive and kill everyone," Nigel explained.

"Now, many believe that Gryffindor always accepts those who are brave and pure of heart, but that's not entirely true. Many Gryffindor have been listed as criminals. Similarly, while it's said that Slytherin always produces evil wizards and mostly Death Eaters, there are also families who don't side with Voldemort and stay neutral.

What I am trying to say is that regardless of which house you are sorted in, what truly matters is your choice. If someone desires to emulate Voldemort, irrespective of their house, no one can deter them.

The Hogwarts houses are structured in such a way that each can support the others in times of great danger. Gryffindors will serve as frontline fighters, Hufflepuffs will provide aid to all, Ravenclaws will offer intelligence and assessment of the situation, and Slytherins will strategize and be ready to get their hands dirty to save people, owing to their cunningness and ambitious attitude.

However, this is just an example. If you ask me, regardless of house, I will be at the forefront to take command. So don't dwell too much on sorting; leave that to whomever sorts you. Just relax and be yourself," Nigel concluded.

Rose sat in silence for some time contemplating and at last agreed to leave her sorting to whoever does.

They both sat in silence enjoying the ride and seneary.

Eventually, the silence was broken by the arrival of a trolley driven by a lady, containing various wizarding snacks. They decided to try some because neither Rose and Nigel had tried before. While eating, Nigel noticed the broken state of her glasses.

"Take off your glasses and give them to me. I will show you magic," Nigel asked with a smile.

Trusting him, she did as he instructed. He took out his wand and was about to perform magic when they were suddenly interrupted by the opening of the door of compartment opening.

As they looked up to see who interrupted them, they spotted a girl with bushy hair opening the door.

"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville boy lost it," the girl asked.

"No," Rose politely declined.

The girl was about to leave, but she suddenly stopped when she saw the wand in Nigel's hand.

"Ooh, you're going to perform magic?

Okay, perform now," she said in a bossy tone

Nigel was amused by her tone and cast the spell.

"Oculus Reparo," Nigel intoned and flicked his wand.

With that flick, the broken glass of Rose's glasses instantly fixed. Seeing magic effortlessly fixing her glasses, Rose was astonished.

"Well, that was good. I also practice some spells at home, and they work perfectly for me," Hermione replied.

Rose picked up her glasses and moved her hair sideways to properly put them on her face. In the process, Hermione saw her scar and exclaimed,

"Holy cricket! You're Rose Potter."

"I'm Hermione Granger, and you might be?" she introduced herself, gesturing to Rose while taking a seat beside Nigel.

"Nigel, Nigel Black," Nigel calmly replied.

"You'd better put your dress on; we're near Hogwarts," said Hermione and left.

"Well, she is kind of bossy. While she seemed to be nervous, she tried to hide it in her tone. If she doesn't change the tone of her voice, she might be misjudged, and others might think that she's looking down on them," Nigel shared his thoughts.

Rose gave him a nod of approval.

"Well, as she ordered, we are nearing Hogwarts, so we better change into our uniforms. I'll go out first; you lock the door and change into Hogwarts robes. I'll change mine after you," Nigel suggested, and Rose agreed. Nigel went out, Rose locked the door, and changed her dress. After that, she came out, signaling to Nigel to go change, and Nigel did the same.

After that, they sat in comfortable silence, enjoying the view outside. While they were enjoying the silence, it was broken by the Express announcement that the train was near Hogsmeade. Those students who were not ready were asked to put on their Hogwarts uniforms and leave their luggage in the train, as it would be automatically transported to their dorm rooms.

The Express stopped at Hogsmeade, and students started coming out of the train. They heard a distinct shout:

"First years, this way, please! Come on now, first years, don't be shy!" Hagrid shouted.

Both Nigel and Rose followed the voice and came in front of Hagrid, who greeted Rose and instructed them to go near the river where the boats were present.

"Only four in boats, only four in boats!" Hagrid shouted again.

As the first-year students boarded the small boats waiting at the edge of the dark, murky Black Lake, Rose and Nigel were joined by two other girls. When all the other students were properly seated in their respective boats, the vessels moved, swayed by the current of the lake generated by magic, and started sailing towards the giant castle in front of them. As Hogwarts came into view, all the students started murmuring among themselves, talking about the majestic sight of Hogwarts. Rose's expression was one of awe and astonishment at the sight of Hogwarts.

"Beautiful, isn't it, Rose?" Nigel asked quietly, and Rose, who was sitting beside him, perfectly listened.

"Yes, it is," Rose replied in a hushed tone.

They reached the shore and left the boat, following Hagrid as he led them up to the floor ,as he knocked on a door. The door opened, revealing a witch wearing a robe made of green, textured fabric, and a black pointed hat adorned with three thin feathers. She was Transfiguration Professor Minerva McGonagall.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. In a few minutes, you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you take your seat, you must be sorted into your houses, those are:-

Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. While you are here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn house points, and any rule-breaking will result in point deductions. At the end of the year, the house with the most points will be awarded the house cup," Professor McGonagall explained.

Minerva McGonagall was interrupted by Neville's shout of "Trevor!" as he suddenly leapt to grab his frog, which was near the feet of professor. This action drew a series of short laughter, and Neville quickly apologized, saying a small apology.

"The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily," finished Professor McGonagall, before leaving to prepare for the sorting.


Hey Author is here.

Now many would say why I put Oculus Repero because that was not is story. Simply because I want to add.

You all have shown a great response, thank you.

As promised this is it.

Next chapter "Sorting"

Take Power Stones upto 400 and today I will upload two chapters at the Same time.

I am happy from your response.

Take number of Powers Stones upto 400,

and today I will upload 2 chapter at same time.

Mr_Myeteriouscreators' thoughts