
Harry Potter The Prime Merlinian

Harry potter gets picked up by Balthazar blake and Veronica from Sorcerer's apprentice.This fanfic is written for pure enjoyment purposes.

Anonymous2000 · Movies
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25 Chs

Chapter 17

Naturally, Harry and Hermione's relationship was awkward for a while as both of them couldn't look at each other without blushing or feeling embarrassed it took some time but soon they were able to overcome it. While all this was going on Tonks visited with Sirius who smiled and said"Harry it's been so long since I saw you."Harry snorted and replied, "You just saw me a week ago."

Harry noticed Tonks who smiled and said"Wotcher Harry."Tonks came and hugged Harry who just smiled and returned both Tonks and Harry had become friends during their visits to Grimuld. While Hermione seeing their interaction glared at Tonks who noticed it as she grinned and thought"Looks like someone has a crush on little Harry."

Harry didn't notice this as he spoke"Well Tonks this is Hermione Granger."Harry then turned to Hermione" And Hermione this is Tonks a friend I made at Sirius place."

Harry did notice the change in atmosphere as both Tonks and Hermione were studying each other as both just gave each other a smile as Harry couldn't help but feel as if his life had become more complicated. All this was planned by Veronica who wanted Hermione and Tonks to meet as both of them soon.

Harry decided to break the silence as he asked "I heard you are going to try being an Auror."Tonks nodded and replied, "Yes it is my dream."

While Hermione was initially not accepting of Tonks. But's bubbly personality once again got through as both were discussed about Harry's need for multiple wives and Betrothal contract with Harry let's just Tonks looked at Harry with a certain glint in her eyes as she remembered Sirius asking her if she liked Harry or not and the fact she did then she will not have to worry about someone getting him first as Tonks thought"So this is what he meant."

What Harry didn't know was his instincts were spot on and that his days were going to get more complicated.

Well, Harry, Hermione, Grangers, Balthazar, and Veronica now walk towards a corner store and as they get closer, the sign above it has "The Leaky Cauldron" magically appearing. They enter the Leaky Cauldron. There was music and several patrons that are speaking to each other. Balthazar has cast a Notice me not charm on everyone so other's didn't see Harry.

Harry accompanied Hermione to go to Gringotts as she had to withdraw a few galleons as they were returning Harry heard someone call"Harry is that you? Harry looked in the direction of the voice to find a giant man who came towards him smiling while saying"Boy, I haven't seen you since you were a baby. You were so small then."

Harry was confused and questioned, "Who are you?"Hagrid answered"Rubeus Hagrid. Keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts. You know I was with Dumbledore when we left you at the Dursley's he didn't mean anything to happen to you."

Harry knew Hagrid was a hardcore Dumbledore supporter as he just gave a nod as Hagrid spoke"Great Scott I almost forgot why I came here" as he went to Head goblin Corbin and said"I've also got a letter here from Professor Dumbledore. It's about the You-Know-What in vault seven hundred and thirteen."Head Goblin nodded and replied "Very well, I will have someone take you down to both vaults. Griphook!"

Harry and Hermione ignored it and went to find the Grangers, Balthazar, and Veronica who were waiting for Harry and Hermione who were later taken to get their school books and supplies as Harry bought Snow white Owl named Hedwig while Hermione brought a half Kzneazle and named her Crookshanks.

While going towards Olivander's Harry asked"Why do we have to buy a wand from Ollivander when we have one already."Harry nor Hermione was interested in using wands as they seemed to make you quite dependent on them Balthazar explained"We need to buy one for appearance purpose. Also, I am sure your wands are necessary."

Harry and Hermione go into the store, quietly. He looks around. There are shelves of wands in boxes, but no people.

Harry looked around and softly asked" Hello? Hello?"Then, a noise came from the back, and a man appears on a ladder and looks at Harry. The man is Ollivander and he smiles and said"I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Mr. Potter. It seems only yesterday that your mother and father were in here buying their first wands. Ah. Here we are. "He goes inside and gives to Harry gives a wave. This causes most of the boxes to come flying out and crashing down. Harry was surprised as he puts the wand back on the counter. Ollivander who witnesses the destruction said, "Apparently not." Gets another wand from a box while saying"Perhaps this."

Harry waves at a vase, which shatters, startling Harry while Olivander says" No, no, definitely not! No matter... "Ollivander gets a wand from a box, but stops and becomes thoughtful as he muttered, "I wonder."

Ollivander handed the wand to Harry once again it was rejected as Ollivander was surprised as he remembered Dumbledore telling him that Harry Potter is destined for Voldemort's twin wand, but without the Horcrux, it was not possible.(Atleast I think so after all this was the connection between Harry and Voldemort.)

Ollivander grew thoughtful while taking the box and said"This was made by my Grandfather to this day I couldn't find no one to claim it. Rowan wood with phoenix feather core."No sooner after he touched it, Harry suddenly glows under it, blowing his hair up and several of the paperwork in the background. Ollivander looked a bit surprised and deep in thought and said"I expect great things from you Mr.Potter."(Should I have given Harry is original wand.)

Harry just nodded while buying a Wand holster with the wand as he was more interested in using the wand Balthazar built for him which was cedar wood with Thunderbird tail feather core.