
Harry Potter The Prime Merlinian

Harry potter gets picked up by Balthazar blake and Veronica from Sorcerer's apprentice.This fanfic is written for pure enjoyment purposes.

Anonymous2000 · Movies
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25 Chs

Chapter 18

[A/N:I will update after some rest.]

Harry then notices a woman, daughter, and four boys walk by, pushing carts.He noticed their signature red hair as he guessed they are the Weasleys. Mrs. Weasley was yelling"It's the same year after year. Always packed with Muggles, of course."Molly Weasley was ordered by Dumbledore to be on the look out for Harry Potter and make sure Ron becomes his friend. But what Molly Weasley didn't know was the fact that Harry, Veronica, and Balthazar know about all their plans.

Dumbledore thought that since Veronica nor Balthazar talked about the Betrothal Contract and the Goblins normally don't say anything other than money-related matters. Both of them never considered the fact both Goblins and Merlineans have a very good relationship.

Harry, Balthazar, and Veronica all hand one thought"Did this woman have a death wish?"This is basically breaking the Statute of Secrecy. Even Hermione couldn't help but look at the women in

Mrs. Weasley ordered" Come on. Platform 9¾ this way! All right, Percy, you first."A tall boy with red hair, called Percy, comes forward and runs towards a brick wall. Amazingly, he disappears right into it. Harry asked, "Won't this cause a huge problem for the Weasleys if this get's reported."Balthazar replied, "Definitely not even Dumbledore would be able to help them."

Mrs. Weasley then told one of the twins," Fred, you next."George in mock anger said," He's not Fred, I am!"Fred shook his head and asked, "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother."

Mrs. Weasley said" Oh, I'm sorry, George."

Fred moves towards the wall while saying"I'm only joking. I am Fred. "Then He runs through the wall and is followed by his twin brother. Harry noticed the fact the women and boy seem to look around for while as Harry, Hermione, Balthazar, and Veronica all cast Glamour's charm which caused the Weasleys to ignore them Harry took a breath and ran at the wall. He shuts his eyes and emerges on the other side a magnificent station at Platform 9¾ with a red train, which is the Hogwarts Express, and bundles of people. A whistle blows, and Harry sighs with relief.

Hermione was just behind him with Veronica and Balthazar following her since the Grangers followed them.

As they were about to enter the train Veronica handed the Maureders map she found the Weasley twins had she made sure to take it as well as leave a replica behind which was malfunctioning. Veronica said"This belonged to you father. Keep it as might be useful I have written on how use it."Harry smiled and replied, "I will."Veronica then gave a kiss on Harry's forehead as Balthazar gave small smile and a nod.

Granger soon said their goodbyes which slightly saddened Hermione seeing this Harry held her hand in comfort. Hermione smiled at Harry for this gesture. Later on, the Hogwarts Express is traveling through the countryside. Harry and Hermione are sitting in a train compartment, as two girls appeared as the brown one haired one asked"Can we sit here."

Hermione smiled and gestured while saying"No not at all ."While two girls sat down the brown-haired one spoke"My name is Tracy Davis and the stoic and emotionless one next to me is Daphne Greengrass."Daphne mock glared at Tracy as she ignored it and continued"Don't worry about her although she looks cold in reality she is a soft girl."Daphne in a stern tone said"Tracy"

Hermione smiled seeing their interaction as she said"My name is Hermione Dagworth Granger."Harry introduced himself"Hello and I am Harry Potter."Both Tracy and Daphne were surprised as Tracy spoke"You don't look anything like the books said well other than the green eyes."Daphne reminded Tracy"Rember he was blood adopted so obviously he will not look the same. Also, remember the Trial of Sirius Black."

Tracy just"ooohhh"

Harry groaned he hated those books as he said"Those books are all fake."

Ron appears in the doorway as he asked" Excuse me, do you mind? Everywhere else is full."

which got many reaction as Daphne and Tracy narrowed their eyes at him as they knew their where other compartments which were not full.They originally sat with pansy and Balise Zabini but the moment Malfoy entered the compartment and started talking about his father this and that.It finally got to Daphne and Tracy as they noticed attitude towards them which was the main reason moved compartment.Also they couldn't sit with other's as it well known Greengrass and Davis family were gray both did business with light and dark family,which made it hard for Daphne or Tracy to sit with any light family kids and Muggleborns had alredy grouped togther as this was their first time to hogwarts.Harry and Hermione knew about Weasleys but they could only nod.