
Harry Potter The Prime Merlinian

Harry potter gets picked up by Balthazar blake and Veronica from Sorcerer's apprentice.This fanfic is written for pure enjoyment purposes.

Anonymous2000 · Movies
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25 Chs

Chapter 16

[A/N:I was thinking of adding the magical equivalent of CCTV cameras but noticed wizards could fool it with Polyjuice potion, Glamour Charm, Dillusionment charm..etc.So I was thinking of adding a Magical signature sensor or something.]

While in the wizgamot there was a huge shift in power as Balthazar and Veronica's entry back into Britain had caused many from the Grey and Light faction to turn towards them making them the strongest faction in Wizgamot.

Well, the time came as Hermione's parents visited by McGonagall Grangers pretended like they knew nothing to see if she would reveal about the problems in the Wizarding world. Hermione still had a slight hope that the teacher will reveal everything to them.But she frowned when McGonagall only told them about the good part of the wizarding world.McGonagall even transfigured the table into a pig as Hermione was not impressed having Veronica and Balthazar do things crazier.

Lets's just say Hermione fully lost faith in authority figures even parents though didn't show it on their face was displeased.McGonagall brought out a parchment "I would be MrsGranger's magical guardian in the wizarding world as muggle guardians are not recognized.Don't worry I will look after her."

Dan didn't believe McGonagall as he cut in"That won't be needed we already knew about the magical world. We just wanted to test the fact you would come clean about the prejudice and the problems faced by the muggle-borns."

McGonagall was ashamed about the fact as she didn't reveal the situation faced by the muggle-born because Dumbledore told her not to because it will discourage many of them from attending Hogwarts she went with it.She soon snapped out of it and noted the fact revealing the existence of magic to muggles is breaking the statute of secrecy as she questioned "Who told you about the magical world?"

Dan having understood why she is asking replied, "Don't worry the person who told us has already asked DMLE for Permission to tell us and your statute of Secrecy is not broken."Dan and Emma didn't reveal Hermione being Heiress to Dagworth Granger line as McGonagall could only nod and go back while giving them the list of things.

While it didn't take long as the Grangers visited Harry's home and told everything that happened to Veronica and Balthazar. Balthazar who grew thoughtful said, "The moment Dumbledore finds out Hermione is Harry's best friend he will try to control Harry through her."

Dan was worried as he questioned, "Won't her status as the heiress to Dagworth Granger family protect her."Balthazar shook his head and replied"Even if she is an Heiress of a noble house. She is still descended from a squib and also she was raised in the muggle world."

Both Dan and Emma were getting more worried as Veronica who had an idea as she spoke"Well I have method make sure Dumbledore even the Purebloods will think twice before messing with her."(Except for Malfoy and his gang)

Dan and Emma grew curious as did both Harry and Hermione who were listening to all this with interest after all this about Hermione's safety. Veronica knew everyone was listening as she Explained"A magical Bethrothal contract between Harry and Hermione."Veronica saw Dan and Emma were going to reject it as She stooped them and continued"It's not like it sounds they are not getting married now. Also, we can add an exit clause that makes sure Hermione can reject it when she is 18. Also Dan you can add specific clauses "Both Dan and Emma looked at either as they knew their daughter had a crush on the Emerald-eyed boy.

Both Harry and Hermione were stunned hearing this but soon broke out of it Hermione blushed slightly at the thought but then she started to think about the fact she is too young until she heard about the escape clause. Harry was also in a similar condition as he also had a crush on Hermione and his thoughts were more about Hermione's safety as he thought"If this keeps her safe then it's a good thing. Also if Hermione wants to cancel the contract in the future he would allow it."Poor Harry didn't know the fact Hermione's crush would just grow in the future.

Veronica decided to address the issue of polygamy as both Grangers were shocked but Veronica explained"It's not common in the wizarding world actually Harry's case is pretty unique as he is the heir of multiple houses."Polygamy within the wizarding world is a fully legal but infrequent practice. Normally a wizard would take another wife if he was an heir to more than one house, producing an heir for a certain house with a certain wife. However, most wizards married only one woman, but some would have mistresses, which was a fully accepted practice in some places even today. Seeing a wizard married to more than one witch is not rare.(I can't think up specific reasons for polygamy.Also don't bring up Molly Weasley in this situation as you can already see the woman became pregnant multiple times just to get a girl even though she knows their financial situation isn't great and it also has obviously left a toll on her body.)

Hermione understood the situation as she was in deep thought "If have to be with Harry that means sharing him with other women.I will decide what to do in the future."Hermione and her parents discussed this as both her parents found the situation abnormal. But they decided to wait as Hermione would be protected also it was her life if in the future she wanted to do.

Hermione wanted more time to think about the 'sharing' situation as Harry was bored with nothing else to do was soon called Sirius called him over magphone telling him about Tonks has asked about him as Harry went to Grimuld as he saw Tonks and Sirius both smiled seeing as Tonks spoke,"Wotcher harry how have you been."

Harry returned the smile and replied, "Fine how have you been."Tonks with excitement replied"Great actually participated in extracurricular assignments offered by the Auror Office at the British Ministry of Magic.It was my first assignment as I helped Alastor Moody track down the rogue alchemist who had invented a fake panacea."

Harry congratulated her on it as they soon Tonks started to share her experience at Hogwarts while Harry listened to her with interest as Tonks. Both of them enjoyed their time as Tonks thought"Maybe Mom was right. But I should wait till he is older."

Sirius saw her cousin's interest in Harry as he remembered Harry needed multiple wives because of him being the heir of multiple houses. As he couldn't help but think"These two are a good match."