
Harry Potter The Prime Merlinian

Harry potter gets picked up by Balthazar blake and Veronica from Sorcerer's apprentice.This fanfic is written for pure enjoyment purposes.

Anonymous2000 · Movies
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25 Chs

Chapter 15

[A/N:This needs to be edited since it may be bad.]

Veronica was now going through all the information she had on the Weasleys by visiting their house using invisibility spell and using psychic vision and Telepathy.Lets just say Veronica disliked half of the Weasleys. Balthazar saw Veronica's sour mood as he asked"What happened ?"

Veronica answered"It is the Weasley's"Balthazar curiously asked, "What did you learn about them."

Veronica sighed and explained"Well the Weasleys are a very loyal supporter of Dumbledore even after the Harry Potter and Sirius Black incident being known to everyone most of Weasleys still support him. Let's start with Arthur Weasley is a nice man but easily cowed by his wife that his only problem, Next is Molly Weasley she is overbearing personality because her need to control everything in her son's life led both the eldest children to wanting to get away from her even now. Also, she is in with Dumbledore's scheme to control Harry. She was hesitant with dumbledore's scheme but Dumbledore subtly reminded her of the fact she still had five children who have to go to Hogwarts and the fact that Ginny will be happy with Harry. She is now thinking what she is doing is good for both the Weasley family and Harry's.Then Ron weasley the child is smart but seems to be insecure about the fact he is not great as rest of his brothers.Even though he is smart it is like he is too lazy to want to change it.Also the boy is in on controlling Harry as he seems to been ordered by Dumbledore to find Harry and be his friend on his trip to Hogwarts. These two are the only ones who are in on Dumbledores plan while the youngest seems to be just brainwashed by her mother into thinking she is going to marry Harry potter in the future.If you get her out of that well then we are good. "

Balthazar who heard this shook his head and thought"Molly and Ron Weasley are going to cause the Weasley family a lot of problems."

Veronica continued"Next is both Bill and Charlie Weasley both are the nice ones they don't have any problems. The next up is the twins well they are pretty bad actually they are pranksters but sometimes their pranks were too extreme. They are experimenting with their products on 11-year-olds and the thing is they think it's funny and not a big deal."

Harry hated bullies and he disliked both his father and Sirius's behaviors during their time as pranksters as he read both his mom's and Father's diary. Let's just say James Potter arrogant in his youth he specifically picked on one person Severus snape mostly because of how close he was to his mother Lily feeling jealous.

The reason this rivalry began was due to Snape's jealousy over James' talent at Quidditch and his popularity, as well as Snape's interest in the Dark Arts, which James despised. Also, it seemed like Snape was also not innocent as he portrayed he would goad and bait James when lily Isn't watching even with his bad relationship with Snape, James Potter never wanted Snape dead and even risked his life to prevent Snape from being killed by Lupin in his wolf form, showing he may humiliate but even at his worst he would never stoop to the level of murder by inaction.Also James potter matured a lot as he was ready to sacrifice his life for his wife and son and that was something that Harry cannot just forget.

Harry internally thought"How the hell didn't Sirius get expelled after all He deliberately sends a teenage Snape off to the Shrieking Shack when Remus Lupin was a full-fledged werewolf."Harry did have a slight argument about this with his godfather who admitted it irresponsible and downright dangerous. Sirius had opened to him about Snape was the close finding of Lupin's furry problem and during that time he was really protective of those close to him. Both Harry and Sirius made a deal if they found Snape is really on their side Sirius will apologize.

Although Harry didn't like Snape too it was mostly because the guy was responsible for the no. of potioneers and Aurors becoming very low and It took one word from Dumbledore to keep snape from Azkaban while Sirius was not even given a trial added to that Veronica openly told him that Snape is not innocent as Harry was thinking. As Veronica knew snape wasn't loyal to Dumbledore nor to Voldemort he was playing both sides.

Harry then thought"Remus Lupin the only werewolf to attend hogwarts.Why only him?"

While tHarry was reading his potions book as Veronica had told him it would be very useful in Hogwarts and Hermione was practicing Motion Domain as days went by smoothly as Balthazar had found the Hufflepuff Cup in Gringotts Lestrange Vaults. Let's just say the Goblins were angry at the fact a Dark Artifact of this level was stored in their vaults. They took everything in the Lestrange Vault and face 60% to Balthazar who raised doubts about it. Both Harry and Hermione due to Balthazar pulling some strings were able to easily skip high school easily.

Balthazar entered the room as he said"Well I was able to get some information on the Horvath. But absolutely nothing on the Grimhold."Veronica seriously questioned, "What about Horvath?"

Balthazar answered"He has been trying to recruit any Morganian' that is alive it seems. But thankfully most of them are dead and if one of them still exists they are in hiding. Also all his other contacts mainly Wizards are in Azkaban after following that stupid Dark Lord."

Harry who was listening to everything asked"So wouldn't be able to train a Morganian like you guys are training us?"Balthazar shook his head replied"True but it will take a lot of time as Horvath does not know the Knowledge transference ritual. Since the ritual is something that was in our Master Merlin's Encantus."

Veronica thought "Did Master foresaw this happening?"

Harry and Hermione sighed in relief as Balthazar grinned and said"Tomorrow we are going to get you your first summoning animal."Hermione had read about it as she questioned"How do you get your summoning animal?"

Veronica could see the excitement in Harry Hermione's face as she replied"It depends on you actually. The animal bonds with you based on personality."

The Merlin Circle was carved as Hermione went first and got a Matagot and Harry was surprised when a phoenix appeared bursting into flames only thought Veronica and Balthazar had was"A Pheonix" and in a crackle of lighting a Thunderbird appeared. The phoenix let out a song of pure joy everyone felt better. While the thunderbird studied Harry before giving a screech as the two decided to bond with Harry.

While all this was happening a certain Nesting doll was brought by a French artifact owner who found it and took it back to France