
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord Dudley Dursley

In a peculiar twist of fate, a brilliant scientist awoke to a new adventure in the world of the Harry Potter. However, this wasn't the sort of reincarnation that turned him into Harry Potter. No, the scientist, known for his extraordinary intellect and ambition, found himself reborn into the pudgy, pampered body of none other than Dudley Dursley. But now, the fates have changed, and Dudley would no longer serve as a mere cannon fodder. Still, some questions remain unanswered: - How will Dudley, a Muggle, find his way into Hogwarts? - What will happen when Harry evolves from a dimwit into a Sherlock Holmes under Dudley's tutelage? - Will Dumbledore be able to pull off his plans for the greater good when faced with Harry Holmes and his elder brother? - How will Voldemort react when he discovers that his beloved Death Eaters have a new master now?

Lotus_Lover · Book&Literature
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53 Chs


"Oh, yes, then you wait here for a while, I'll go back," Evans assured Dudley with a warm smile.

Dudley gazed up at Evans with innocent, sparkling eyes.

"The current area was empty, devoid of any danger. In the laboratory, a child like Dudley could hardly get lost." Evans thought.

But what Evans didn't know was that Dudley had used a subtle hypnotic method on him.

After Evans left Dudley immediately scanned the laboratory, mentally dividing it into four distinct areas.

First was the Culture Area, a place where various living organisms thrived in glass containers. It was like a miniature jungle enclosed in a sterile environment.

Next, the Observation Area beckoned, equipped with high-powered microscopes and scientific instruments. This was where Dudley intended to focus his attention today.

Then came the Experimental Area, a space filled with intriguing contraptions and mysterious liquids bubbling in beakers.

Last but not least was the Inventory section, an orderly array of supplies, equipment, and specimen storage units, neatly labeled and categorized.

Dudley's primary goal for this visit was to immerse himself in the Observation Area.

Time was of the essence, and he had a specific task in mind: to examine, in detail, the effect of certain tissues from Harry's body under a high-magnification microscope.

As he approached a tall table and a comfortable chair, Dudley reached into his pockets, retrieving a small plastic bag. Inside lay the dried, chapped skin that had flaked off Harry's lips during winter. It was a essential specimen.

Taking a test tube from a nearby rack, Dudley added a single drop of a chemical liquid. With precision, he used a pair of forceps to gently secure the dead skin and placed it beneath a pristine glass slide. This miniature masterpiece was then carefully positioned under a high-power microscope, ready for exploration.

Harry's cell were similar to normal human cells but there were subtle difference as well.

Dudley was not able to delve into it further as he had to stop and clean up before Evans returned.

The one thing that was evedent from the short observation was that he needed a much more powerful microscope and more time.


In the tranquil 4 Privet Road, Little Whiggin District, Surrey,

The Dursley household came to life as night fell.

The small western-style building radiated warmth and cheer, with the sound of laughter echoing from within.

"Petunia, you have to believe me. It's all true," Vernon exclaimed with a wide grin.

Around the round dining table, Vernon was exuding enthusiasm as he continued, "Today, we visited Professor Morrison's biology laboratory, and he personally told me that our son Dudley possesses extraordinary biological talent. With proper training, he could become a renowned biological researcher before the age of 25!"

Petunia, elegantly dressed, adjusted her fluffy black hair and chuckled. "Alright, Vernon, you've been talking about it for the past two hours. It's dinner time; let's not dampen our baby son's mood... or his appetite."

She nodded towards Dudley, who sat beside them.

Dudley, with a nonchalant shrug, added, "It's not that surprising, really. I've seen microscopes used in science magazines before. This time, I just happened to see the cells up close—it was more of a lucky coincidence."

Vernon beamed with pride. "Oh, dear Petunia, believe me, this is pure genius intuition. I'm convinced my grandfather would be overjoyed. The exceptional Dursley bloodline is flourishing in our son, and our family is on the verge of producing a scholar."

Dudley, now silent, continued to enjoy his dinner, realizing that perhaps he had drawn a bit too much attention to himself with his talents.

"Harry, what are you up to? Hurry and add two succulent steaks and some fresh slices of bread for your dear cousin," Vernon commanded, his stern gaze fixed on the Harry.

"Pay attention, young man! The perfect temperature for these steaks is a precise 50 degrees Celsius. If, by any chance, you overcook them and spoil my Dursley's appetite, you'll have to face the consequences, which include fasting for two days," he warned.

Petunia, observing her husband's words, wore a concerned frown but chose to remain silent. She didn't want to disturb the family's newfound harmony over minor issues.

Harry nodded obediently, his small frame diligently tending to the sizzling steaks on the stove. In truth, he yearned for a taste of beef, and as he touched his empty, shrunken stomach, he knew that whatever remained after the Dursleys' meal would be his meager portion.


Vernon finished his meal in no time, returning to the bedroom with Petunia. As he departed, he kicked the door of the utility room in the corner of the first floor.

"Harry, clean up the dining table promptly. If I find even a speck of oil on it tomorrow morning, you'll face the consequences," he barked.

As he ascended the wooden stairs, the creaking sounds followed, and fine dust settled on Harry's hair due to his uncle's hefty stature.

"Ok, Uncle!" Harry replied weakly.

Vernon couldn't contain his impatience. "Clean it now!" he roared.

Harry, rubbing his growling stomach, rushed to the center of the dining room, towel in hand, ready to wipe the table clean. But just as he was about to begin, a dinner plate suddenly appeared in front of him.

On the plate lay a succulent, freshly fried steak, skillfully cut into bite-sized pieces with a dinner knife.

"Wow!" Harry couldn't help but let out a longing sigh, saliva forming in his mouth.

Dudley smiled and gestured for Harry to keep quiet. Pointing upstairs, he made it clear that he wouldn't say a word.


Back in his room, Dudley's eyes sparkled as he gazed at the night sky outside the window. He felt sympathy for Harry and had always tried to help him as much as he could. In the past, he would occasionally share some of his own food.

Dudley knew from his past life's experience that the human body is primarily composed of proteins, and proteins grow into cells with the right nutrients and environment.

What intrigued him the most was the unusual vitality of Harry's dead skin cells, which remained active long after they should have perished. They even seemed to move, a phenomenon that defied scientific explanation.

With his newfound treasure, Harry, Dudley was set to embark on an unprecedented journey of analysis and deciphering. The uncharted territories of knowledge were the realm of a true scholar.

His next step involved using an electron microscope to delve deeper into the intricacies of Harry's cells.

Only under the electron microscope could the intricate details of these unique cells be examined.

His research would explore a range of topics, including wizard cells, cell membranes, cytoplasm, and nuclei, and the distinctions between the molecular amino acids that composed them and those found in ordinary people.

This was the beginning of a new era of scientific discovery, and Dudley was determined to unlock its secrets.

His next project, the "Virus Implantation Program," promised even more groundbreaking insights into the world of magic.