
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord Dudley Dursley

In a peculiar twist of fate, a brilliant scientist awoke to a new adventure in the world of the Harry Potter. However, this wasn't the sort of reincarnation that turned him into Harry Potter. No, the scientist, known for his extraordinary intellect and ambition, found himself reborn into the pudgy, pampered body of none other than Dudley Dursley. But now, the fates have changed, and Dudley would no longer serve as a mere cannon fodder. Still, some questions remain unanswered: - How will Dudley, a Muggle, find his way into Hogwarts? - What will happen when Harry evolves from a dimwit into a Sherlock Holmes under Dudley's tutelage? - Will Dumbledore be able to pull off his plans for the greater good when faced with Harry Holmes and his elder brother? - How will Voldemort react when he discovers that his beloved Death Eaters have a new master now?

Lotus_Lover · Book&Literature
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Chapter 7 "Journals"

England, January 1991,

Dudley's gaze shifted to the table clock, its hands stubbornly pointing at an early 6:00 AM. The cold January air wrapped the surroundings in a frosty embrace, yet Dudley, usually unwavering in his commitment, contemplated deviating from his rigorous morning exercise routine.

Breaking the shackles of a well-established self-discipline felt oddly liberating, like a subtle rebellion against the predictable cadence of daily life. As he peered out the window onto the dark, frost-kissed street, Dudley decided to set aside his weights and embrace a different kind of exercise for the day—the mental workout of unraveling the mysteries hidden within his research notes on wizard cells.

Since his first encounter with the Morrison Hill private biology laboratory in 1987, a good four years had whisked by. Dudley had become a discreet fixture, visiting the laboratory three times a week in the afternoons. Under the guise of casual learning, he observed and meticulously documented experimental data, all while Professor Morrison Hill, his mentor, imparted knowledge in clandestine sessions.

Over the years, Dudley's perception of Professor Morrison had undergone a metamorphosis. Initially, he had anticipated little more than a well-funded assistant catering to his whims. To his surprise, Morrison demonstrated a genuine interest in nurturing Dudley's potential as a professional researcher, personally guiding him through the intricacies of the scientific world.

This blend of distress and delight stemmed from the wealth of knowledge Dudley had acquired. He discovered that renowned biologists, when probed with profound questions, unfailingly offered unique insights. Morrison, though still viewing Dudley as a fledgling in the field, acknowledged the burgeoning intellect absorbing the complexities of biology at an impressive pace. What Dudley hid behind his apparent innocence was a deliberate withholding, a tactical move to avoid drawing unnecessary attention.

Back in his room, Dudley reached beneath his desk drawer, unveiling a worn leather-bound diary. As he flipped through the pages, it revealed a treasure trove of entries—detailed plans, scientific parameters, and the clandestine journey of a young mind navigating the labyrinth of wizard cells and biological wonders. The diary, like Dudley himself, held secrets waiting to be unraveled.


[Wizard Cell Experiment (1)]

In the heart of London, on a Saturday in 1989, I find myself knee-deep in a wizardly experiment, not of potions and spells, but of a biological nature. My gaze is fixed on the microscopic realm of Harry's cells, where the secrets of life unfold.

Oh, the joys of scientific exploration! However, my journey has hit a temporary pause. The biological laboratory, under the watchful eye of Professor Morrison, is currently devoid of the essential equipment needed for a deep dive into the nucleus mysteries. Fear not, though, for plans are afoot. Morrison and his trusty assistant are plotting to acquire a batch of nanoscale injection needles – the wizards' wands of the biological world.

Word on the street (or should I say, the laboratory corridors) is that Professor Morrison, with his latest revelations in the realm of biology, has managed to secure the support of both the United States and Japan. It's like a scientific alliance, a global symphony of knowledge.

And who could forget Morrison's magical solution that played a starring role in the recent flu outbreak in the UK? It caused quite the stir, prompting the authorities in London to rethink their treatment strategies. Ah, the power of a well-crafted solution!

So here I am, patiently biding my time as I await the imminent arrival of the experimental equipment. Soon, the gears of progress will turn, and I'll be back in action, peering into the microscopic wonders of Harry's cells. The wizardry of science knows no bounds!


[Wizard Cell Experiment (2)]

England, January 1991,

Dudley's gaze shifted to the table clock, its hands stubbornly pointing at an early 6:00 AM. The cold January air wrapped the surroundings in a frosty embrace, yet Dudley, usually unwavering in his commitment, contemplated deviating from his rigorous morning exercise routine.

Breaking the shackles of a well-established self-discipline felt oddly liberating, like a subtle rebellion against the predictable cadence of daily life. As he peered out the window onto the dark, frost-kissed street, Dudley decided to set aside his weights and embrace a different kind of exercise for the day—the mental workout of unraveling the mysteries hidden within his research notes on wizard cells.

Since his first encounter with the Morrison Hill private biology laboratory in 1987, a good four years had whisked by. Dudley had become a discreet fixture, visiting the laboratory three times a week in the afternoons. Under the guise of casual learning, he observed and meticulously documented experimental data, all while Professor Morrison Hill, his mentor, imparted knowledge in clandestine sessions.

Over the years, Dudley's perception of Professor Morrison had undergone a metamorphosis. Initially, he had anticipated little more than a well-funded assistant catering to his whims. To his surprise, Morrison demonstrated a genuine interest in nurturing Dudley's potential as a professional researcher, personally guiding him through the intricacies of the scientific world.

This blend of distress and delight stemmed from the wealth of knowledge Dudley had acquired. He discovered that renowned biologists, when probed with profound questions, unfailingly offered unique insights. Morrison, though still viewing Dudley as a fledgling in the field, acknowledged the burgeoning intellect absorbing the complexities of biology at an impressive pace. What Dudley hid behind his apparent innocence was a deliberate withholding, a tactical move to avoid drawing unnecessary attention.

Back in his room, Dudley reached beneath his desk drawer, unveiling a worn leather-bound diary. As he flipped through the pages, it revealed a treasure trove of entries—detailed plans, scientific parameters, and the clandestine journey of a young mind navigating the labyrinth of wizard cells and biological wonders. The diary, like Dudley himself, held secrets waiting to be unraveled.


[Wizard Cell Experiment (3)]

November 30, 1990 – Okay, buckle up for a wizardly rollercoaster of uncertainty! My experiment is like a suspenseful wizard drama, and I'm on the edge of my wizard hat, wondering if it's a blockbuster success or a flop.

Picture this: the "wizard" cells, once lively and full of magical potential, suddenly hit the brakes on their party of proliferation after the common influenza virus gatecrashes. It's like they're saying, "Sorry, virus, this wizard shindig is over after a certain number of rounds."

Normally, in the fantastical realm of "wizard" cell divisions, there's no limit – they're like rabbits at a carrot buffet, multiplying endlessly. But here's the plot twist: the virus-infected "wizard cells" are like, "Nah, we'll only dance to the division beat a few dozen times, and that's it – fifty times max!"

Now, in a world where magic and viruses collide, this kind of magical interference is like trying to figure out if the flu virus here got its Hogwarts acceptance letter or something. Is it different from the flu back in my old life, or is there some mystical mystery behind this limited dance routine? Let the magical investigation begin! 


[Wizard Cell Experiment (4)]

December 1990 – Ah, the perplexities of scientific exploration! My mind, a labyrinth of doubts and frustrations, is on a quest for clarity in the vast realm of research. Alas, the meandering path without a clear direction feels like navigating through a cosmic maze!

As I embark on this intellectual journey, my physical vessel bears the marks of sacrifice. A day without water has left my lips in a state of rebellion, painfully chapped, akin to the parched earth yearning for rain. The dead skin at the corners of my mouth, a gritty reminder of my dedication, feels like sandpaper – a testament to the toll this pursuit exacts.

In the pursuit of knowledge, I've devised a daring experiment, a concoction of curiosity and scientific audacity. Behold, the fusion of cells from the very skin around my mouth and that of the esteemed Harry! An unusual pairing, you might say. Yet, in the laboratory of innovation, rules are mere suggestions.

With this amalgamation complete, I, the mad scientist of my narrative, inject this peculiar combination with the local flu virus. A microscopic battleground unfolds within the petri dish, a clash of biological titans!

Watch as the virus, a minuscule invader, breaches the cell membranes with impeccable timing. It's a synchronized dance, a microscopic ballet of intrusion. The destination: the nucleus, the very heart of cellular command. Driven by an innate instinct to conquer the central space, the virus embarks on a journey of replication and division.

And so, the virus replication commences, a microscopic drama unfolding in the cellular amphitheater. Oh, the wonders and perils of scientific inquiry – a narrative woven with threads of curiosity and the audacity to defy the norm. What secrets shall the wizard cell experiment unveil? Only time, that elusive maestro, will reveal the crescendo of this scientific symphony.


[Wizard Cell Experiment (5)]

In the early days of 1991, the world hummed along in its usual rhythm.

Influenza virus cells took center stage in my experiment, and guess what? Drumroll, please! I've hit the jackpot! My cells are now partying on, dividing, and birthing new influenza viruses like there's no tomorrow. In this controlled environment, with enough magical nutrition, the cycle could theoretically go on forever. It's like the never-ending story of wizard viruses!

But hold onto your wizard hats because the wizard's cells decided to add a dash of mystery to my magical experiment. They were all about the "divide and conquer" mantra for a short while, and then, poof! No more new viruses. Cue my bewilderment. It turns out the flu virus did a sneaky takeover of the "wizard (Harry) cells," making them do the virus replication cha-cha. I couldn't resist, so I plucked one of these freshly formed viruses and threw it into the mix with my cells.

Fast forward a week, and my cells, after a cozy virus infection, didn't crumble into magical dust, turn into crystals, or meet their demise. Nope, they decided to defy the odds and stayed alive under the watchful eye of the microscope. Cue dramatic gasps!

Now, here comes the million-galleon question: What if I injected these new flu viruses from Harry's cells into my own body? Could I be the next Dumbledore in the making? The answer, my magical friend, is shrouded in mystery.

But, and it's a big but, a treasure trove of data hints that if this magical transformation were to happen, I might become the first person to kick the bucket thanks to a common cold. Yep, you heard it right. The magic cold virus I've conjured up has no cure, turning this into the ultimate high-stakes gamble. Talk about playing wizard roulette!