
Harry Potter: The Dark Lord Dudley Dursley

In a peculiar twist of fate, a brilliant scientist awoke to a new adventure in the world of the Harry Potter. However, this wasn't the sort of reincarnation that turned him into Harry Potter. No, the scientist, known for his extraordinary intellect and ambition, found himself reborn into the pudgy, pampered body of none other than Dudley Dursley. But now, the fates have changed, and Dudley would no longer serve as a mere cannon fodder. Still, some questions remain unanswered: - How will Dudley, a Muggle, find his way into Hogwarts? - What will happen when Harry evolves from a dimwit into a Sherlock Holmes under Dudley's tutelage? - Will Dumbledore be able to pull off his plans for the greater good when faced with Harry Holmes and his elder brother? - How will Voldemort react when he discovers that his beloved Death Eaters have a new master now?

Lotus_Lover · Book&Literature
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53 Chs

The Laboratory

Seated in the plush backseat of a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow, Dudley found himself captivated by the ever-familiar London streets of the 1980s. The city's skyline, though rooted in the past, bore a timeless quality that made it just as relevant in the 20th or even the 21st century.

The road stretched ahead, flanked by buildings adorned with vivid advertisements and neon signs that painted the cityscape with a vibrant glow. As the car glided through the bustling streets, Dudley couldn't help but notice the young men and women who sporadically emerged from their vehicles, exuding an aura of vitality and leisure. They donned short sleeves and fashionable hot pants, clutching bottles of drinks that radiated relaxation and unbridled happiness.

"Dudley, are you listening to me?" Vernon, in control behind the wheel, glanced at his son through the rearview mirror. He applied the brakes at a red traffic light, catching Dudley's wandering gaze.

The car's engine roared deliberately, causing a group of young men and women with striking blue hair to shoot disapproving glances in their direction.

"What's so special about a Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow? Why show off?" one of them muttered, prompting a few others to saunter away, unimpressed.

Vernon arched his slightly wrinkled eyebrows and resumed speaking, "Dudley, you need to pay attention. Those young people you just saw are typically idle. They gather and waste their days without a purpose. You can't end up like them in the future."

Dudley smiled wryly, recognizing his father's attempt to impart wisdom through indirect remarks. "Yes, Father, you're right," he followed suit.

As the traffic light turned green and the car continued its journey, a faint curve appeared on Vernon's lips. He seemed to have found an engaging topic and continued, "Dudley, don't think your father is nagging. You are on your way to meet and study with Morrison Hill, a renowned British biology professor. Meanwhile, those seemingly fashionable young people are aimlessly indulging in food and drink, which doesn't create any value. I believe they'll come to regret it sooner or later."

Dudley couldn't help but glance at his father's somewhat rounder figure, a result of obesity. Deep down, he knew his father was speaking the truth.

In his previous life, Dudley's focus had revolved around biology and genetics, particularly the instinctive attractions between human beings. Amid the crowd, he couldn't help but notice a few stunning girls with golden locks and captivating blue eyes, exuding an angelic charm. Being a man, his visual senses naturally gravitated toward these beautiful women.

On the other hand, Vernon seemed to be covertly sizing himself up against the other men. They were muscular, clad in short-sleeved vests, while he had gained some weight. In the absence of external advantages, Vernon might have been searching for his own form of superiority, Dudley pondered.

After some time, Dudley noticed that the car had entered a complex of buildings. The architecture bore a resemblance to the office buildings from his previous life but maintained a unique, stylized flair.

From a distance, the rooms along the corridor appeared spacious and bathed in abundant natural light. The private car glided to a smooth stop, and Vernon retrieved the car keys.

Vernon, struggling slightly due to his limited range of movement, maneuvered himself out of the luxurious vehicle. Dudley, displaying his inherent fitness habits, was quick to lend a supporting hand.

"Uh...," Dudley mumbled. At this point, his body was only about six years old. Without his fitness regimen, he might have tumbled along with his father.

Vernon sighed, lamenting, "Ah, I should've known. The size of this car isn't suitable for my figure."

Dudley couldn't help but chuckle, recognizing his father's penchant for larger vehicles. It seemed that Vernon had always harbored a preference for bigger cars, a trait that often amused Dudley.

"Rest assured, once the hospital's engineering project is completed, I'll get us a new family off-road truck," Vernon assured Dudley with a mischievous glint in his eye as he looked at his son, whose golden hair had gone a bit messy from the breeze.

Not one to let a hair out of place, Dudley reached for the hairspray stashed in the car door and skillfully coaxed some unruly strands of golden hair into place, adding a final touch of perfection to his appearance.

Vernon closed the car door and fiddled with his sleek black bowtie, trying to look his best for an important event.

He inquired with a grin, "What do you think, son?"

Dudley, however, was more interested in his reflection in the mirror than discussing his father's appearance against his will. Dudley was a creature of habit, and optimizing his handsome appearance in front of a mirror was second nature.

With a swift step, Vernon approached Dudley, proud of his intelligent and well-mannered six-year-old son. Memories of his own accomplishments and the evident Dursley bloodline filled him with a sense of pride.


Ten minutes later, they arrived at Morrison Labs.

A middle-aged man, around forty years old and dressed in a pristine white lab coat, emerged from the building, holding a few books on basic biological science.

He greeted them with a warm smile, "Hello, Mr. Dursley, it's a pleasure to see you again. Your son, Dudley Dursley, is turning into quite a handsome young man, taller than I expected. From a biological genetics perspective, I can see an 80% similarity between the two of you, especially in facial features."

Vernon's face beamed with joy at the compliment. Whether or not the statement was scientifically accurate, it didn't matter to him.

"Professor Morrison, your perception is truly remarkable. I was just discussing a new plan for London District Hospital..."

Dudley realized that the Professor Morrison he knew from his world was different from the one standing in front of him. He couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief.


Vernon and Morrison began to discuss Dudley's education and how to nurture his potential.

One argued that the study of biology needed to begin at a young age, while the other felt that the Dursley family had already invested significantly, essentially prepaying for fifteen years' worth of educational resources.

Dudley remained uninvolved in their discussion, spending his time casually exploring the laboratory under the guidance of Evans Gary, an assistant at the Morrison Institute for Biological Research.


Satisfied with the general layout, Dudley nodded in approval.

The laboratory's construction, an expensive endeavor, was essential for its research purposes. From a commercial perspective, it made more sense to reconstruct the building than to undertake costly renovations.

"Mr Evans, I believe my father is trying to get your attention," Dudley said, his expression serious as he sought an excuse to create some free time for himself to study the biological makeup of Harry, the intriguing subject that had captured his attention.