
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · Movies
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51 Chs

first dungeon blazing Savannah

It took him a few days to prepare for the dungeon dive of Savannah. At night Alex got ready and placed the sabers near his waist. He also equipped the wind boots, and grabbed wore his ood clothes so his mother won't suspect anything when she the clothes.

He immediately opened the dungeon door and jumped into it. When he appeared on the other side he only saw its a blazing Savannah true to its name. Fire is blazing everywhere.

He immediately cast the shadow viel as he noticed the predators there. He observed many different beasts that are merged with elemental energy and transformed into them.

[ Fire Hyena ]

[ Magma jackal]

[ Metal cheetah( sub boss)]

[ Frost deer]

[ Wood rabbits]

[ blaze lion(boss)]

He shuddered when he saw the boss is the lion that is atleast 4 foot tall. He looked towards the hyenas first. He took out his wand and chanted the reducio curse. With a flick he killed a hyena while other became vigilant. A notification appeared in front of me :

[ Killed fire Hyena. Points +20]

Surprised with this amount of points Alex raised his wand and shit another one. Whe the hyenas tried to run in his direction he immediately goes to another location using wind boots.

Like this an hour paased and the points stream reduced until it's constant at 5 points. He also earned more than 1000 points from the hunt. Now he set his sights on jackal.

They're grouped in a corner and is looking for preys. Alex knew he couldn't get them unscathed so he devised a plan to attack. That is cheetah. The magma is an enemy to cheetah of metal.

So he left the scent of a frsot deer he hunted and then lured he jackals to the cheetah territory. At first they stopped but Alex who knew this would happen immediately shot at cheetah which thought it must be those magma wolves and started to fight them.

Alex on the other hand devised another plan and lured the deers into hyenas territory and then let the hyenas charge into the territory of lion in the hunt. Both the sub boss and boss are in a tough fight with the respective opponents.

As the planner he is getting points like this without doing anything. After a fierce battle the cheetah won the battle and killed all the hyenas that attcaked it's den. While it suffered and became too weak now.

On the other hand after the continuous assault from hyenas and jackals the boss is getting exhausted fastly. So Alex first set his sights on the cheetah. He devised another plan what happens when something hot cools down immediately.

So he took out the sabers and used the sword qi. The cheetah injured by the battle can't bear any strength and now it's been sometime and the cheetah is whichh is bleeding will be in much worse state.

So Alex goes to the den of metal cheetah.the cheetah is limping and vigilant when it sensed someone crossed into its terrirtory again. Alex devised another plan for it.

He placed a few traps along the way and then fire a incendio on one of its wounds. The cheetah enraged by that ran in the direction of the spell while Alex used the wind boots and escaped from there.

Shadow viuel isn't omnipotent. But still it can cover your scnet and vital signs. So the cheetah get cuaght in the traps and the wire in the trap make the cheetah hang upside down. Alex smiled and used the sword wave of flame sword continously.

Aaftert a few minutes we can see a notification :

[ You killed the metal cheetah points +70, necklace of canine beast(when equipped it gives wearer protection from fatal physical attacks for 2 times a day).]

It's not a bad item. Alex thought when he saw the necklace. It only has one canine tooth and one nail of metal cheetah. He immediately put the necklace on and then glanced towards the cavew to check if there is anything unfortunately it doesn't have anything.

He then exited the den and looked towards the direction of lion with a gulp. The hyenas around the lion are all dead the lion is so injured slightly and lay there breathing in a rage.