
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · Movies
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51 Chs

shop feature, dungeon

Alex looked at the 10000 points he has and wanted to see what are the things in shop :

[ Shop :

• creation magic ( can create objects using magic out of thin air, limited on living things and objects that aren't higher in grade than rare category . Warning : the creation depends on users maghc reserves. Use this skill with caution).

Price : 10000 points.

• rapid recovery( has the ability to recover faster in any aspect and everytime this skill is used the body will get stronger in the aspect)

Price : 5000 points.

• vampire ring( has blood steal enchnatment and can heal the user when severly injured has blood control enchantment).

Price : 2000 points.

• book of undead( has the knowledge about how to raise the undead and control the souls of dead valley. Will be targetted by death when using).

Price : 1500 points.

• book of healing( has the healing magic of many kinds and can remove many abnormal conditions using magic).

Price : 1500 points.

• frost & flame short swords( has the Abilities to shoot frost and flame sword waves.)

Price : 1500 coins.

• ocean princess nacklace( has the ability to breathe under water and can block death curse 3 times a day) price: 1000 coins.

• magic storage ring( absorb magic in air and store it. It also has the storage enchnatment for non living things with a space of 1000 meters).

Price : 1000 points.

• wind boots( can walk on air temporarily and has the ability to boost your speed using wind)

Price : 1000 points.

• ring of elements ( grants affinity to basic elements and boosts the strength of the spells).

Price : 800 points.

• book of magic (has some spells of magic of another world can use it to cast magic more efficiently and fastly)

Price : 800 points.

• ring of magic enchnatment ( has the ability to store a few desired spells and can fire them with the magic stored in the ring and also the wearer's own)

Price : 800 points.

• ring of calmness( calms the mind when the user is in mental exhaustion or strees. It also provides peace for a short time when the wearer is very depressed. Can guard against mental attacks 3 times a day).

Price : 800 points.

• mind arts practice method( has the complete guide to learn mind arts).

Price : 800 points.

• perfect body( build a perfect foundation for host and a body that can accomodate multiple types of energies at once)

Price : 500 points.

• custom jewellery( jewellery that can be customised according to the user's thoughts and can place the type of enchantments the host wants).

Price : according to the customized unit.

Dungeon card( a random E-rank dungeon)

Price : 1500 points.

• shadow viel magic( can make the user invisible in and can defend against physical attacks that are in the range of maghc reserves.).

Price: 500 points.

Phermone aura( passive skill. Increases your affection and favourability of opposite gender when they smell it. Causes feelings to be developed on you. Invalid towards familial bonds).

Price : 500 points.

Current points : 10536 points.


Alex is very surprised when he saw them. There are many types of magics, even ninja justsus and other worldy magic like creation magic. But he knew he can't afford them. He can only buy a few things he needs.

So he hesitated to select between rapid recovery and creation magic. But in the end he selected rapid recovery. Along with a few others. He looked at the card and then tore it up as it entered his body a notification appeared infront of him.

[ E - rank dungeon blazing Savannah has been added to dungeon list.]

He saw the frost and flame savers are very light weight and has a breath of their respective elements. Alex smiled and looked at the other things. The other things he bought are perfect body, shadow veil, pheromone aura and wind boots.

His 10500 points are gone and only 36 are left. He sighed and decided to go to the dungeon sometime later. First he needs some experience in few fighting styles and spells. Magic may be reliable but not always. With shadow veil his survival chances are good. But he needs to ensure his survival when a pack attacked him.

Alex now looked at harry who is playing chess with his father James. He looked back and saw his mother Lily is watching movies on muggle television. He goes to his mother and sits with her to see them.