
Harry Potter : multi-purpose system

shikamaru77 · Movies
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51 Chs

boss of first dungeon

He gulped looking at the lion. It's been in rage already and if he faced head-on his end will be guaranteed. So he immediately goes towards the opposite side for a perfect plan.

He looked at his surroundings and found a lake and it has cliff. Alex eyes lit up when he saw that he goes there and cast a few magic enchnatment of explosion along with tying a rope to the nearest tree.

His plan is to lure the lion injure it and then let it slip into this lake. The lake has crocodiles that can help him. Regardless now he made his plan and looked towards the lion.

Even it's breath is making the ground near to blow dust to few feet. Alex took a deep breath. He goes to the entrance of the cliff and casted a spell on the lion.

The blazing lion roared angrily and glanced at Alex. It immediately ran towards him while Alex claimed the cliff. When he get there he saw the lion running at him. He ducked and immediately rolled away then activated the explosion bomb spells.

The lion is injured and even more furious while Alex is shaking with fear. It's his first facing such an enormous beats not to mention it has elemental powers now. The lion pounced on him but Alex grabbed the rope and jumped away.

The lion chased after him and when he is on the verge of cliff when the lion ran towards him and pounced on him he jumped with the rope while the lion slipped into the trap and it's legs when they touch the wire immediately lost balance.

It fell into the lake while the flames on its body evaporated. Few crocodiles died under the body of lion but the remaining ones started to bite it while the lion started killing them. Though the crocodiles hace afvantages in number but the lion has more strength.

It killed them all while Alex smiled looking at the points he got. He glanced at the sevrely injured lion. Then from the top of the cliff he immediately sent many sword waves. The lion which is already severly injured and lost ots strength didn't notice them.

It's body is even more injured and now it immediately looked around and when it saw Alex on the cliff it ran in the direction of cliff again. But this time it's legs lost the strength and didn't budge along with the ice elemental magic on it's body from the sword wave its body is even more damaged.

Yet it's persists to attack him and kill him. Alex has cold sweat on his head. Good guy, if he faced this beast head on what would've happened. It's his head that should be in the lion's mouth by now.

The lion staggered as the blood started to ooze out of it's body and finally fell down. But Alex didn't recieve the notification of its kill. He immediately guessed as this lion can't reach him, it's planning its own trick now.

He didn't even hesitate and used sword wave again but this time his body has very little magic by now and using it again even caused him to be tired. Alex used the last of his magic to attack the lion.

He is panting heavily and when he looked at the lion he saw its struggling in the ice energy. After a few minutes it's finally gave up and fell down while a notification appeared infront of Alex :

[ E- rank dungeon boss blazing lion has been killed. Points + 500, the multuplication function has been activated. lion's patronus, blazing lion's breath of fire added to your magic, lion's cloak of fire has been placed in your inventory]

[ Congratulations on clearing your first dungeon, gained points + 500, title gained : hunter, multiplier has been activated x20 times.skill : hunter's predator gaze has been gained. Points +2000].

( Remaining mutiolier is used on the title upgrade to skill. So the points gained has been reduced.)

Alex breathed in relief and then thought of something. He goes to the lion's den and saw a chest. He opened it and the system sounded :

[ Bracelet of courage

Grade : uncommon

Effects :

Passive skill - Brave's aura( the ones around you will gain more courage and morale).

gains Fire affinity(low)

Gains Fire resistance (low).]

He blinked and immediately jumped in joy. The multiplier this time didn't disappoint him. This bracelet is very eye catching with the silver finish and ruby on top of it. It gives warm aura around it.

He wore the bracelet and the exited the dungeon. He glanced at the time and realized it's only been an hour since he is gone while he spent nearly 10 hours there. He is very tired and sleepy. So Alex dropped himself on bed and slept after taking a bath.