
Harry Potter: John Constantine

Transmigrating to the world of Harry Potter and successfully activating the [Strongest Exorcist System] before enrolling in school. As long as he complete the exorcism, he will be rewarded with a treasure chest corresponding to the level of the evil spirit. Catching the evil spirit alive will get double rewards. As a result, Hogwarts, which was already restless, was in a state of panic. Voldemort: Bastard, isn't there only one basilisk in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets? What's going on with this terrifying hell demon? ! Dumbledore: Mr. Constantine, could you please explain why there are so many demons in Hogwarts? Hermione: To hell with that damn school rule! I, Granger, want to be an exorcist! Snape: I'm warning you, Mr. Constantine! Don't let that damn succubus turn into Lily again! When the Death Eaters racked their brains and finally resurrected Voldemort. After the resurrection, Voldemort looked at Constantine holding the [Satanic Deal Contract] with a look of pain on his face. "Mr. Constantine, to be fair, I, Tom Riddle, am at least very qualified as your exorcism tool, right?" **************************************** WARNING! I do NOT own Harry Potter or this story i am just translating it. "English isn't my native language, so please correct me if i made any mistakes" original novel我,康斯坦丁,霍格沃茨首席驱魔 Check out my Patreon for early access chapters: patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498 Release Schedule will 1 chapter per day. show your support by giving power stones and reviews and comments.

LORD_INDRA_ · Movies
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That Year I Carried A Box Of Demons And Boarded A Train Full Of Little Wizards

One month's time.

Not too long for John.

Although he was looking forward to seeing his wand as soon as possible, John did not simply waste this month on meaningless waiting.

"[Tut's Cursed Magic Mirror]: The magic mirror cursed by Tut, the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom, is specially used to teach lazy people in the world who try to steal precious knowledge without going through the world and research. It can be used by consuming lifespan to Specific knowledge and skills for rapid learning and research."

King's Cross station, London, England.

John was dressed like a rich young man, pushing a small trolley and looking at the platform numbers one by one.

Soon, he arrived between platforms nine and ten.

"Hey! John! It's really you!"

A shout of surprise brought John, who was daydreaming about his wonderful life after school started, back to his senses.

When he saw Harry, who was also pushing a trolley and seemed to have been waiting here for a while, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hi~? Rich Guy."

Although he didn't understand why John called him "Rich Guy," Harry, who could tell from the other person's expression that John was in a good mood at the moment, seemed to be inspired by something.

"I've been here for a while, but even if I asked all the staff here, no one knows where platform nine and three-quarters is..."

As he said that, Harry couldn't help but show a slightly anxious look on his face.

Counting the time, it won't be long before the Hogwarts train starts.

John looked around. The Weasley family who were supposed to give Harry directions at this time did not appear.

It seems that his appearance has affected some of the plot to some extent.


John didn't do any ink, and after briefly glancing at the wall of a platform.

"Harry, do you believe me?"

Looking at John who was suddenly so serious, Harry didn't know why.

But in his heart, John was already his only friend now.

Almost without thinking, he nodded heavily.


John smiled with satisfaction, and suddenly his feet exerted force. Under his push, the cart in his hand suddenly hit the wall on the side.

"Harry! Follow me!"

Although he was full of confusion and shock, when Harry heard John's greeting, he immediately burst out with all the strength in his small body.

The two of them were in tandem.

Just when Harry almost felt like he was going to crash into John.

John in front of him suddenly slipped into it and disappeared the moment his body came into contact with the wall.

Wait until he recovered from the shock.

But he himself was already in a trance, passed through the wall, and saw the bustling crowd in front of him, with people of the same age as them everywhere.

"Platform nine and three-quarters, it's true..."

John had a smile on his face. The experience just now was like entering the movie world and becoming an actor in Hogwarts.

This wonderful feeling made John very interested in the other young wizards at Hogwarts.

John and Harry quickly found an empty carriage and entered.

After putting away all the gifts, Harry's eyes stayed on the suitcase that John gently placed at his feet.

He couldn't help but look suspiciously at the empty space in the luggage compartment above his head.

"John, I still have some space here where you can put your suitcase..."

Hearing this, John smiled meaningfully.

"Forget it, what I have inside is very important. Once exposed, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble."

Harry nodded in understanding.

Just when Harry was about to ask John how the month before school was going.

A figure suddenly appeared at the door of the box on the side.

"Sorry, can I sit here? There are no seats in other carriages..."

Ronald Weasley!

John looked at the other person's body without any trace, and his eyes slowly rested on the backpack on the other person's chest.

A small living creature was stirring inside.

You don't need to think about it to know that there must be the traitor who betrayed Harry's parents, Peter Pettigrew.

"Haha, Animagus, I wonder what my Animagus will be if I learn this magic?"

Seeing that John had no objection, Harry nodded enthusiastically and agreed to Ronald's request.

"My name is Ronald, Ronald Weasley. My parents are both wizards. My brother is also attending Hogwarts now..."

As he said that, Ronald's eyes suddenly looked towards Harry beside him.

"You are Harry Potter...well, can I take a look at your scar?"

Although Harry was puzzled to hear that the other person knew his name without him even needing to introduce himself, he was not surprised.

John did not interrupt the chatter between the two, but he held an arm and quietly looked out the window at the scenery that began to retreat rapidly.

According to the agreement between him and Ollivander, since the other party did not write to him during this month, saying something like an accident.

Then the delivery of the wand can probably be completed smoothly today.

Just as John was thinking about his problem, Harry suddenly stretched out his hand and waved it in front of his face.

Seeing that he had come to his senses, he pushed a lot of snacks that he had bought in front of John in front of him.

"John, what are you thinking about? You have barely spoken since you got in the car."

Hearing this, he happily enjoyed the strange-flavored beans given by rich Harry.

But it was as if he had guessed it all at once.

"John, you must be worried about the entrance examination, right?"

John raised his eyebrows, looked at Ronald's "I know all the truth" look again, and began to talk about some assessment content such as dealing with giant monsters when entering school, or surviving from the pursuit of giant dragons.

But he was already smiling in his heart.

"Trolls and dragons? What are these compared to the evil spirits and monsters in my suitcase?"


Pateron:THE_TRANSLATOR498 for early access.(read 40 chapter early access)