
Harry Potter: John Constantine

Transmigrating to the world of Harry Potter and successfully activating the [Strongest Exorcist System] before enrolling in school. As long as he complete the exorcism, he will be rewarded with a treasure chest corresponding to the level of the evil spirit. Catching the evil spirit alive will get double rewards. As a result, Hogwarts, which was already restless, was in a state of panic. Voldemort: Bastard, isn't there only one basilisk in Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets? What's going on with this terrifying hell demon? ! Dumbledore: Mr. Constantine, could you please explain why there are so many demons in Hogwarts? Hermione: To hell with that damn school rule! I, Granger, want to be an exorcist! Snape: I'm warning you, Mr. Constantine! Don't let that damn succubus turn into Lily again! When the Death Eaters racked their brains and finally resurrected Voldemort. After the resurrection, Voldemort looked at Constantine holding the [Satanic Deal Contract] with a look of pain on his face. "Mr. Constantine, to be fair, I, Tom Riddle, am at least very qualified as your exorcism tool, right?" **************************************** WARNING! I do NOT own Harry Potter or this story i am just translating it. "English isn't my native language, so please correct me if i made any mistakes" original novel我,康斯坦丁,霍格沃茨首席驱魔 Check out my Patreon for early access chapters: patreon.com/THE_TRANSLATOR498 Release Schedule will 1 chapter per day. show your support by giving power stones and reviews and comments.

LORD_INDRA_ · Movies
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Ronald, My Mouse Can Bring Me Gold Coins, What About Yours?

From the very beginning, he knew that this so-called extremely terrifying entrance examination was going to be a very scary thing.

It was just some bad jokes passed down from the senior class, but John didn't mean to point them out at all.

Even though Harry was so frightened by the "battle scene" described by Ronald that he couldn't even think about eating snacks, he didn't say anything to stop him.

"I really can't stand listening anymore. Do you think that Hogwarts, with a great headmaster like Professor Dumbledore, can prepare these outrageous assessments for newly admitted wizards?"

"Redhead, you don't understand anything at all!"

When the natural fluffy chestnut hair came into view, John, who had been sitting back in his seat and quietly watching Ronald's performance, his eyes moved.

Hermione suddenly broke in and immediately exposed Ronald's bragging behavior.

Ronald, who was talking enthusiastically, suddenly turned red face.

"My brother all go to school at Hogwarts, and my parents also graduated from Hogwarts. Why do you think I'm lying?"

Maybe the wizard world is just that big.

Normally, children from wizarding families would at least know each other's existence before.

Or perhaps, Ronald at this moment was angered by Hermione's sudden questioning.

Hearing Ronald's ignorant retort, Hermione's face showed the arrogance of a top student.

She hummed softly.

"Anyone who has read "The History of Hogwarts" before the start of school will know that whether it is a troll or a dragon, they are clearly rated as dangerous magical creatures by the Ministry of Magic. Why do you think that Hogwarts Will allow a little wizard who has just entered school and doesn't even know how to use a wand to deal with these monsters? "

Ronald: "..."

Harry looked at Ronald with a strange expression, his face almost the same color as his hair.

After thinking about it, he still didn't give the opponent who was extremely embarrassed at the moment a questioning last shot.

He didn't speak when he saw everyone.

The little witch couldn't help but raise her little head proudly.

In the eyes of Ronald and Harry, this behavior was considered annoying, but now in John's eyes, it was so cute and smart.

"You, why are you looking at me like that?"

His unabashed admiration was noticed by Hermione.

Hermione felt a rare sense of embarrassment when she saw John, whose demeanor was completely different from the two idiots in front of her.

A fair little face flushed slightly.

John smiled and shrugged.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised that someone would spend their energy on "History of Hogwarts" in the month before the start of school."

"If this person is not an idiot, then he must have had a rough preview of the other first-year courses."

John smiled and extended his hand towards the other person.

"It's nice to meet you, future Miss Genius of Hogwarts, but I don't think you'll like seeing my face very much until the end of this semester."

John said this confidently.

For nothing else.

With Tut's Cursed Mirror, he had easily completed all the self-study courses for his first year at Hogwarts.

Although there are some places where he need to get some guidance from professors.

But there is no doubt that what John lacks at this moment is just the wand customized by Ollivander.

The two looked at each other, and the arrogance on Hermione's face could not help but falter slightly.

But her long-term competitiveness prevented her from showing any timidity in front of John.

She hummed softly, stretched out her little hand and shook John gently.

"My name is Hermione Granger, what's yours?"

"John Constantine."

"Hmph! I remember you," Hermione said, seeming to suddenly remember something at this time.

"By the way, I was helping Neville find his lost toad. Did you see it just now?"

Ronald pouted.

"Who pays attention to something like that..."

Hermione glanced at him coldly and said nothing, but looked at John, who had always been calm among the others, but whose confidence was the most difficult to ignore.

"Miss Granger, if you simply look for a toad, it's really not that difficult."

As he said that, John suddenly saw the shocked expressions of several people in the box.

He suddenly took out a plump black mouse from the pocket of his windbreaker.

Although the [Devil Mouse] looks more like a cute pika.

But as a girl, Hermione still instinctively moved away from him immediately.

"You, you actually brought a mouse as a pet? God, when I saw this thing written on the notice, I even thought it was a joke..."

"Does anyone really have a mouse as a pet?!"

With a look of disgust on her face, Hermione said and took two hurried steps back behind her.

However, this move seemed nothing to John, but it instantly irritated Ronald, who already disliked her.

"That's enough, you short-sighted girl. This is the world of wizards. Why can't we treat rats as pets?"

As he spoke, Ronald suddenly took out a very ugly mouse from his pocket.

If John's [Devil Mouse] could barely accept the opponent's image after looking at it twice, the "Scabbers" that Ronald took out at this moment instantly broke the psychological defense of Hermione, a little girl.

"Ah! Bastard! Keep your stinky rat as far away as possible!"

A piercing scream spread in the box.

Ronald looked at Hermione with such a huge reaction in embarrassment and anger. He held "Scabbers"'s hand in his hand and couldn't help but exert a little force.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..."

"Scabbers is my family member. He has been living in our family since he was a child! You, a Muggle, so rude!"

Seeing that the two sides were about to really quarrel, John hurriedly reached out to interrupt.

He looked at Ronald curiously.

"Ronald, does your Scabbers have any special abilities? Since it is a wizard's pet, it must not be an ordinary mouse, right?"

Ronald: "..."

Ronald, who was still angry and annoyed at Hermione's short-sightedness, suddenly stiffened.

He turned his head and looked at John blankly, and then at the spot in his hand that had gone from struggling to giving up.

"What do you mean, shouldn't it be just an ordinary mouse? He's just a pet."

Suddenly, John shook his head repeatedly and saw him raising the [Devil Mouse] in his hand.

"I don't know about others, but at least...my Jerry can always bring me some gold coins from outside."


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