
Harry Potter: Drakor

Abused by the Dursleys, ten-year-old Harry Potter's desperate plea for help awakens Drakor, a powerful symbiote. Drawn to Harry's magic, Drakor bonds with him, granting strength, resilience, and dragon-like wings. Together, they rise above Harry's past and embark on a journey of new challenges and adventures, proving that hope and strength can emerge from the darkest places. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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Chapter 4

The Boy-Who-Lived Finds a New Home: Exclusive Details on Harry Potter's Change in Guardianship

By Rita Skeeter

In a turn of events as unexpected as a surprise basilisk attack, Harry Potter, the famed Boy-Who-Lived, has been transferred from the guardianship of Albus Dumbledore to that of Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. The revelation has sent shockwaves through the wizarding community, leaving many to question the decisions of our beloved Hogwarts Headmaster.

For nearly a decade, the whereabouts of young Harry had been shrouded in mystery. Most assumed he was hidden away for his safety, but recent revelations paint a much darker picture. It is now coming to light that Harry had been placed with his Muggle relatives, the Dursleys of Privet Drive, a decision made by Dumbledore himself. This previously undisclosed arrangement was supposedly for Harry's protection, utilizing ancient blood wards to keep him safe from those who might wish him harm.

However, sources close to the investigation reveal that Harry's living conditions were far from suitable. Accounts from those who have recently interacted with Harry describe a life of neglect and mistreatment at the hands of the Dursleys. This stark contrast to the nurturing environment many assumed he was in has left the wizarding world in a state of shock and outrage.

Why was the Boy-Who-Lived left to languish in such circumstances? This reporter has learned that Dumbledore, in a bid to protect Harry from the remnants of You-Know-Who's supporters, placed him with the Dursleys under the pretense of blood wards. But was this protection worth the price Harry paid in neglect and suffering? Skeptics are beginning to doubt.

In an exclusive interview, Amelia Bones assured this reporter that she will provide Harry with the care and stability he has long been denied. "Harry will have the upbringing he deserves," Bones stated firmly, her resolve evident. "We are committed to ensuring his well-being and future."

Adding another layer to this already convoluted tale is the matter of Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, who remains imprisoned in Azkaban. It has come to light that Black was incarcerated without a trial, a glaring oversight that casts a shadow over the justice system. Dumbledore, it appears, had his reasons for not pushing for a trial, reasons that may now come under scrutiny.

"Black's lack of trial is an egregious error," Bones remarked. "We are initiating a thorough audit of trial records, and if any irregularities are found, we will act accordingly."

This audit, as suggested by Bones, may reveal systemic issues within our justice system, a move that could spark significant reforms. The implications are vast, not only for Sirius Black but for other potentially wrongfully imprisoned individuals.

In a private meeting, sources reveal that Dumbledore handed over the guardianship paperwork with a heavy heart, acknowledging his shortcomings. While he has expressed a desire to rectify his mistakes, one wonders if it's too little too late. The wizarding world will be watching closely as this drama unfolds.

Harry Potter, now under the protective wing of Amelia Bones, faces a new chapter in his life. He will be joining the wizarding world more fully, potentially with the guidance and mentorship he has long been deprived of. The community watches with bated breath, hoping that this change heralds a brighter future for our young hero.

Stay tuned for more updates as this story develops. This is Rita Skeeter, bringing you the latest from the heart of the wizarding world.

In the cozy, cluttered kitchen of the Burrow, the Weasley family gathered around the worn wooden table, the remnants of breakfast still scattered about. The Burrow, with its magical additions and eccentric architecture, stood as a testament to the warmth and chaos that defined the Weasley household. Outside, the fields stretched towards the village of Ottery St Catchpole, while the River Otter meandered peacefully in the distance.

Ginny Weasley, her fiery red hair falling into her eyes, clutched a copy of the Daily Prophet in her small hands. Her brow furrowed as she read through the article by Rita Skeeter, her nine-year-old mind grappling with the gravity of Harry Potter's plight. She looked up at her brothers, who were equally engrossed in their own copies of the paper.

"This is terrible," Ginny said, her voice filled with concern. "How could they treat Harry like that?"

Molly Weasley, bustling about the kitchen with her wand directing dishes into the sink, glanced over at her daughter. "I knew something was off about Dumbledore's arrangement," she muttered, shaking her head. "To think of poor Harry, living with those dreadful Muggles."

Arthur Weasley, seated at the head of the table, sighed deeply. "Albus must have had his reasons," he said thoughtfully, "but it doesn't excuse the neglect. The boy deserves better."

Ron, who was just a year older than Ginny, nodded emphatically. "I can't believe he's been living like that all this time," he said, his face pale with disbelief. "I thought he'd be treated like a hero!"

Fred and George, identical in appearance and mischievous demeanor, exchanged troubled looks. "We have to do something," Fred said decisively. "Harry deserves a proper family."

"Yeah," George agreed, his eyes flashing with determination. "He shouldn't have to suffer because of those Muggles."

Percy, always the responsible one, adjusted his glasses and spoke up. "It's good that Madam Bones is taking charge," he said. "She'll make sure Harry is looked after properly."

Bill and Charlie, the eldest Weasley brothers, exchanged concerned glances. "If only there was something we could do to help," Bill said quietly. "He's going to need friends and support."

Charlie nodded. "We can't let him feel like he's alone in this," he said. "We'll do whatever we can."

Ginny, feeling a surge of determination, looked around at her family. "When we go to Hogwarts, we'll be his friends," she declared. "We'll make sure he knows he has people who care about him."

Molly smiled fondly at her youngest child. "That's the spirit, Ginny," she said warmly. "Harry will need all the friends he can get."

Arthur leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "It's going to be a challenging time for him," he said. "But with the right support, Harry can overcome anything."

As the Weasleys continued their discussion, the warmth and unity of their family shone through. They might not have much in the way of material wealth, but their hearts were rich with love and compassion. And they were determined to share that with Harry Potter, the boy who had unknowingly captured their hearts through the pages of Rita Skeeter's article.

Molly Weasley, her voice full of motherly concern, said, "We'll have to invite him over for a visit. Poor boy needs to know what a real family is like."

Arthur Weasley nodded in agreement, his eyes twinkling behind his glasses. "Absolutely. We'll make sure he feels welcome and loved here."

The children chimed in enthusiastically. Fred and George, always full of mischief, were already planning pranks to make Harry laugh. Percy, trying to appear more serious, suggested helping Harry with his studies. Ron, looking both nervous and excited, muttered, "I just hope he likes it here. I mean, it's not much, but it's home."

Ginny, her eyes wide with admiration for the famous Boy Who Lived, could hardly contain her excitement. "Do you think he'll like us?" she asked shyly.

"Of course he will, dear," Molly assured her with a warm smile. "Who wouldn't love being part of this family?"

As the family chatted animatedly about their plans, a small, unassuming figure listened intently from the corner of the room. The Weasleys' pet rat, Scabbers, sat quietly in his cage, but his tiny heart was pounding with fear. Scabbers was no ordinary rat; he was Peter Pettigrew, an Animagus who had been hiding from the wizarding world for years.

Reading the article over Ron's shoulder, Pettigrew realized that with Harry's guardianship change and the potential exposure of old secrets, his own safety was at risk. If Dumbledore and the Ministry were digging into past injustices, they might come across his betrayal of the Potters and his supposed death.

Scabbers scurried back into his cage, his mind racing. "It's time to make a run for it," he thought desperately. "I can't stay here any longer."

Waiting for the right moment, Pettigrew plotted his escape, knowing that his time among the Weasleys was rapidly coming to an end. As the family continued their heartfelt conversation, unaware of the traitor in their midst, Pettigrew prepared to vanish once more into the shadows, hoping to evade justice for just a little longer.

In the eccentric, rook-shaped house near the Burrow, the Lovegood family gathered around a table cluttered with magical artifacts, peculiar trinkets, and a myriad of strange, homemade devices. The house, much like its occupants, was a testament to whimsical creativity and unorthodox thinking. Outside, the landscape was dotted with odd sculptures and vibrant, magical flora.

Xenophilius Lovegood, the eccentric head of the household and editor of "The Quibbler," adjusted his brightly colored robes and peered over the top of his magazine at his wife and daughter. "Pandora, have you seen this article about Harry Potter?" he asked, waving a copy of the Daily Prophet. "It seems our suspicions about Dumbledore's intentions might have some merit after all."

Pandora Lovegood, a woman with an equally whimsical dress sense and a sparkle of curiosity in her eyes, leaned over to look at the article. "Indeed, Xeno," she said, her voice calm and thoughtful. "It's clear that young Harry has been through quite an ordeal. Living with Muggles who don't understand his magical heritage must have been difficult."

Luna Lovegood, their daughter, who was nine years old and had a dreamy, faraway look in her eyes, glanced up from the sketch of a Crumple-Horned Snorkack she was drawing. "Poor Harry," she said softly. "He must feel so alone. Do you think he's ever seen a Wrackspurt? They can be quite bothersome, especially if you're already feeling sad."

Xenophilius nodded sagely. "It's quite possible, Luna. But I'm more concerned about the Nargles. They thrive in places where there's been a lot of emotional distress."

Pandora smiled at her daughter. "Luna, you have such a kind heart. I'm sure Harry would appreciate your friendship. We should find a way to help him."

Luna's eyes brightened with determination. "I'd like that, Mum. Maybe we can send him some of our special radish earrings to ward off the Nargles."

Xenophilius looked thoughtful. "We must also consider the possibility that there are darker forces at play here. Perhaps the Ministry has been influenced by the Rotfang Conspiracy. It's crucial that we keep an eye on the situation."

Pandora nodded. "You're right, Xeno. But for now, the most important thing is that Harry is with people who care about him. If we can, we should reach out to him and offer our support."

Luna clapped her hands together. "Oh, yes! Maybe we can invite him to come see the Blibbering Humdinger migration next month. That would cheer him up!"

Xenophilius chuckled. "I'm sure it would, Luna. And it might open his eyes to some of the wonders of the magical world that he's yet to experience."

Pandora placed a gentle hand on her husband's arm. "Let's keep an ear out for any news about Harry. If there's a way for us to help, we will. For now, let's send him some well wishes through The Quibbler. Maybe a special edition dedicated to the creatures he might encounter at Hogwarts."

Luna nodded enthusiastically. "And we can write about how to spot Wrackspurts and Nargles, so he'll be prepared."

As the Lovegoods continued their discussion, their unique blend of eccentricity and genuine kindness shone through. They might believe in creatures most considered imaginary, but their hearts were in the right place. They were ready to welcome Harry Potter into their world, offering the warmth and understanding that only the Lovegoods could provide.

Pandora Lovegood, in her enthusiasm and deep concern for Harry, became so engrossed in the conversation that she completely forgot the experiment she had planned for the day. This experiment, meant to create a new spell, had been her passion project, and its inherent dangers were well known. She had hoped to invent a charm that could manipulate magical energies in ways previously unimagined, a risky endeavor that required precise execution.

"Pandora, aren't you supposed to be in your workshop?" Xenophilius asked, noticing the time and sensing the weight of her distraction.

Pandora blinked, momentarily taken aback. "Oh, dear, you're right!" she exclaimed. "I was supposed to test that spell today."

Luna, always perceptive despite her dreamy demeanor, added, "Maybe it's a good thing you didn't, Mum. You've been saying how delicate that spellwork is."

Pandora smiled at her daughter's earnestness, a sense of relief mingling with her ever-present curiosity. "You're right, Luna. Perhaps it's a sign that today is not the day for that particular experiment."

Xenophilius nodded in agreement. "Harry's situation is more important. We can always come back to the spell later."

With their priorities realigned, the Lovegoods set aside their usual pursuits. They were ready to extend a hand of friendship and support to Harry, ensuring that he would feel welcome and loved in their whimsical, magical world.

As they prepared to reach out to Harry, Pandora couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for the unexpected distraction. Little did she know that this deviation from her experiment would save her life, allowing her to be there for her family and the Boy-Who-Lived in the days to come.

Remus Lupin sat in his small, modestly furnished cottage on the outskirts of a secluded village, the flickering candlelight casting long shadows across the room. The Wizarding World had moved on, leaving him to a life of quiet solitude, his only company being the memories of friends long lost and the haunting silence that filled his days. The headline of the Daily Prophet caught his eye: "Harry Potter's Guardianship Changes Hands: Dark Secrets Revealed."

His heart pounded as he read the article, detailing the transfer of Harry Potter's guardianship from Albus Dumbledore to Amelia Bones. The revelations about Harry's mistreatment at the hands of the Dursleys hit Remus like a physical blow. The thought of James and Lily's son, the child he had vowed to protect in their memory, suffering in such a way filled him with a deep, aching sorrow.

Remus' hands trembled slightly as he set the paper down, his mind swirling with emotions. Guilt gnawed at him—guilt for not being there, for not knowing, for not doing anything to prevent the pain Harry had endured. He had stayed away, fearing that his presence would only bring more danger to the boy he loved as his own. But now, knowing what Harry had faced, he wondered if his self-imposed exile had been a mistake.

The article also mentioned Sirius, his old friend who had been imprisoned without a trial. Remus' mind reeled with the implications, the injustice of it all weighing heavily on his conscience. The betrayal of trust, the unspoken promises, all resurfaced, making the pain of past wounds fresh once more.

As he sat there, lost in thought, the image of Harry—a small, frightened boy, alone and unloved—seared into his mind. Remus resolved that he could no longer remain passive. He had to find a way to help, to make amends for the years of neglect and isolation. The time for hiding was over.

Standing up, Remus took a deep breath, the resolve hardening in his chest. He would reach out to Amelia Bones. He would offer his support, his protection, whatever he could do to ensure that Harry never felt alone or unloved again. For James, for Lily, and most of all, for Harry, he would step back into the world he had abandoned, ready to fight for the future he knew the boy deserved.

In a cozy, warmly lit living room in a quiet suburb of Suffolk, the Tonks family gathered around their breakfast table, the morning sun streaming through the windows. Andromeda Tonks, with her elegant features and calm demeanor, sipped her tea while her husband, Ted Tonks, a genial Muggle-born wizard, perused the Daily Prophet with growing concern. Their daughter, Nymphadora Tonks, or "Dora" as she preferred, sat cross-legged on the sofa, her hair changing colors with her fluctuating emotions as she read over her father's shoulder.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Dora asked, noticing the deep frown creasing Ted's forehead.

Ted shook his head slowly, his voice tinged with disbelief. "It's about Harry Potter," he said, handing the newspaper to his wife. Andromeda's eyes scanned the article, her face becoming more serious with each line.

Nymphadora's curiosity piqued, and she leaned in closer, her hair turning a worried shade of blue. "What happened to him?"

Andromeda set the paper down, her voice steady but concerned. "It seems that Harry has been living with Muggles—his aunt and uncle, the Dursleys—since he was a baby. According to this article, they treated him terribly. Albus Dumbledore has transferred his guardianship to Amelia Bones after the truth came out."

Nymphadora's eyes widened in shock. "How could anyone treat a child like that, especially Harry Potter?" She jumped up from the sofa, her hair now a fiery red reflecting her anger. "We've got to do something, Mum!"

Andromeda nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, we do. No child should have to suffer like that. I'm sure Amelia will take good care of him, but perhaps we can offer our support as well."

Ted, his face still clouded with concern, added, "I think it might be a good idea to reach out to Amelia. We should let her know that if Harry needs anything, our family is here for him."

Nymphadora's hair shifted to a determined shade of purple as she chimed in, "And I can keep an eye out for him at Hogwarts. Make sure he's alright and help him adjust."

Andromeda smiled at her daughter, pride evident in her eyes. "That's a wonderful idea, Dora. We'll do everything we can to make sure Harry knows he's not alone."

The Tonks family, united in their resolve, began discussing how they could reach out and offer their assistance. They might not have known Harry personally, but they felt a deep connection to his story, a desire to help right the wrongs he had endured. And as they planned their next steps, they felt a renewed sense of purpose, ready to extend their kindness and support to the Boy Who Lived.

In the quaint village of Godric's Hollow, nestled amidst rolling hills and ancient stone cottages, the Abbott family gathered around the breakfast table, their attention captured by the article in the Daily Prophet. The Abbotts had been close friends of the Potters, sharing laughter and memories in the picturesque village where magic and history intertwined.

Mrs. Abbott, her gentle voice tinged with nostalgia, sighed as she read the article aloud. "Oh, how time flies," she remarked, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "It feels like just yesterday we were celebrating James and Lily's wedding."

Mr. Abbott nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed," he murmured, his gaze drifting to the framed photograph on the mantelpiece—a snapshot of happier times, with James and Lily Potter smiling warmly alongside their friends and neighbors.

Hannah Abbott, their daughter, listened intently, her heart heavy with memories of the Potters. She had grown up hearing stories of Harry Potter, the boy who had miraculously survived the Dark Lord's curse, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration and sympathy for him.

Her voice filled with empathy, as she couldn't shake the weight of emotions as she listened to the news. "It's good to hear that Harry will have someone like Susan by his side," she remarked softly, her thoughts drifting to her best friend. "She'll make sure he feels welcome and supported, just like the Potters would have wanted."

Hannah's parents nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a mixture of concern and hope for Harry's future. They knew how important it was for him to have someone he could rely on, especially after everything he had been through. And with Amelia Bones as his guardian, they felt reassured that he would have the love and support he deserved.

The Greengrass family sat around their dining table, the article from the Daily Prophet spread out before them. They discussed the news of Harry Potter's change in guardianship, their voices hushed as they considered the implications.

Daphne Greengrass, the eldest daughter, spoke up first. "It's quite a development, isn't it?" she remarked, her brow furrowed with concern. "To think that Harry Potter has been living with the Dursleys all this time..."

Her sister, Astoria, nodded in agreement. "It's tragic," she said softly. "But at least he's out of there now. With Amelia Bones as his guardian, he'll finally have someone who cares for him."

Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass, exchanged solemn glances. "It's a shame it took so long for someone to intervene," Mr. Greengrass remarked, his tone tinged with regret. "But hopefully, Harry will find some semblance of peace and stability in his new home."

Mrs. Greengrass reached out to squeeze her husband's hand, offering silent support. "We can only hope for the best for him," she said, her voice filled with empathy. "And perhaps we can offer our assistance in some way, to help him adjust to his new life."

As the Greengrass family continued their discussion, they resolved to keep an eye on the situation, ready to lend a helping hand to Harry Potter if he ever needed it.

In the opulent halls of Malfoy Manor, Lucius Malfoy sat at the head of the table, his icy gaze fixed on the article from the Daily Prophet. Beside him, Narcissa Malfoy fidgeted nervously, her eyes darting between her husband and the newspaper.

"Well, this is certainly... unexpected," Lucius remarked, his voice dripping with disdain as he scanned the words on the page. "I had no idea Dumbledore was planning to relinquish guardianship of the boy."

Narcissa bit her lip, her thoughts racing. "What do you suppose this means for us, Lucius?" she asked tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper. "With Harry Potter now under the care of Amelia Bones..."

Lucius waved a dismissive hand, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "It means nothing for us, my dear," he replied smoothly. "We have far more pressing matters to attend to than the affairs of a mere orphan boy."

Draco Malfoy, lounging lazily in his seat, scoffed at his father's words. "But Father, what if this Potter boy decides to stir up trouble?" he interjected, a sneer etched on his face. "He's always been a thorn in our side, hasn't he?"

Lucius shot his son a withering glare. "Draco, do try to use what little sense you possess," he admonished. "We have more important things to worry about than the ramblings of a foolish child. Besides, Potter is no threat to us now."

As Narcissa sat in uneasy silence, her thoughts drifted to Sirius Black, a distant cousin bound by blood and shackled by fate. She couldn't help but wonder what would become of him if the truth were to come to light, if he were to be exonerated of the crimes for which he had been imprisoned. A glimmer of hope flickered within her, a whispered promise of freedom from the chains that bound her to a marriage built on duty rather than love.

But she dared not speak her thoughts aloud, not in the presence of her husband, whose ambitions and allegiances were as cold and unyielding as the stones of Malfoy Manor. And certainly not in the presence of her son, whose arrogance and disdain for anything that stood in the way of his desires knew no bounds.

Instead, Narcissa kept her counsel, her heart heavy with the weight of secrets and regrets. She knew that even if Sirius were to be set free, the path to freedom for herself would be fraught with peril and uncertainty. But in the depths of her soul, she clung to the fragile hope that somehow, against all odds, she might find a way to break free from the chains that bound her and reclaim the life she had once dreamed of.

As the Malfoys continued their discussion, the air in the grand dining hall of Malfoy Manor grew thick with tension, the weight of their secrets and schemes hanging heavy in the air. And amidst it all, the fate of Harry Potter remained uncertain, a pawn in a game played by forces far beyond his control.

As the heavy iron door of his cell creaked open, Sirius Black looked up from the cold stone floor, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. He had grown accustomed to the darkness and despair of Azkaban, resigned to the fact that this grim fortress was to be his home for the rest of his days. But now, as an Auror stood before him, a glimmer of hope sparked within him, fragile yet undeniable.

"Sirius Black," the Auror intoned, his voice echoing through the narrow confines of the cell. "You are to be taken to a hearing at the Ministry of Magic. You are to stand trial for your alleged crimes."

Sirius's heart pounded in his chest as he processed the Auror's words. A trial? After all these years of silence and solitude, was there finally a chance for him to clear his name, to prove his innocence to the world? It seemed almost too good to be true, and yet, he dared to hope.

Rising to his feet, Sirius followed the Auror out of his cell, his steps faltering slightly as he emerged into the blinding light of the corridor. The air felt thick with anticipation, charged with the promise of redemption or condemnation. But Sirius pushed aside his doubts and fears, clinging to the flicker of hope that burned bright within him.

As they made their way through the labyrinthine halls of Azkaban, Sirius's mind raced with thoughts of freedom and justice. He knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and obstacles, but for the first time in years, he allowed himself to believe that perhaps, just perhaps, there was a chance for him to reclaim his life and his honor.

Amidst the tumult of his emotions, one thought burned brightly in Sirius's mind: the possibility of reuniting with his godson, Harry Potter. The boy whom he had sworn to protect, the child who had been torn from his arms and thrust into a world of darkness and uncertainty. For years, Sirius had dreamed of the day when he could hold Harry in his arms once more, to reassure him, to guide him, to be the family he had never known.

As they approached the portcullis that marked the threshold of Azkaban, Sirius felt a surge of determination coursing through him. Whatever lay ahead, whatever trials awaited him, he would face them head-on, for Harry's sake and for his own. With each step closer to freedom, Sirius's heart swelled with hope, the prospect of a brighter future shining like a beacon in the darkness. And as he crossed the threshold into the unknown, Sirius knew that no matter what lay ahead, he would never stop fighting for the chance to be reunited with his pup, Harry.


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