
Harry Potter: Drakor

Abused by the Dursleys, ten-year-old Harry Potter's desperate plea for help awakens Drakor, a powerful symbiote. Drawn to Harry's magic, Drakor bonds with him, granting strength, resilience, and dragon-like wings. Together, they rise above Harry's past and embark on a journey of new challenges and adventures, proving that hope and strength can emerge from the darkest places. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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21 Chs

Chapter 1

The tranquility of Privet Drive was shattered once more, but this time by the arrival of a squad of wizards and witches clad in official robes, their presence crackling with authority and purpose. At the forefront of this formidable group were two of the most respected figures in the wizarding world: Madam Amelia Bones, the stern and formidable head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (DMLE), and Alastor 'Mad Eye' Moody, the grizzled and vigilant Head Auror.

As they approached the epicenter of the disturbance, Madam Bones cast a keen eye over the scene, her sharp mind already piecing together the fragments of the night's extraordinary events. The massive wave of accidental magic that had rippled through the air was unlike anything she had encountered in years, and she was determined to uncover its source.

Beside her, Mad Eye Moody's magical eye swiveled and darted, scanning for any hidden threats or traces of dark magic. His scarred face, a map of countless battles, was set in a perpetual scowl as he muttered incantations under his breath, ensuring no detail escaped his notice.

"Keep your wands ready," Moody growled to the team, his magical eye fixated on the crater in the middle of Privet Drive. "Something powerful happened here, and we need to be prepared for anything."

Madam Bones nodded, her expression one of steely resolve. "Let's find out what caused this," she said, striding forward with purpose.

As they reached the crater, the residual magic in the air was almost tangible, a swirling miasma of energy that hinted at the presence of something extraordinary. Madam Bones surveyed the scene with a keen eye, her mind working swiftly to assess the situation.

Turning to one of the Aurors standing nearby, she asked, "What happened here?"

The Auror, a young woman with a determined expression, shook her head slightly. "We're still trying to piece it together, Madam Bones," she replied. "There's an overwhelming amount of magical residue here. It's like nothing we've seen before. We're scanning for any traces of dark magic, but so far, it seems to be more… accidental, albeit extremely powerful."

Madam Bones nodded thoughtfully, her gaze shifting back to the crater. "Accidental magic of this magnitude is rare," she murmured, more to herself than anyone else. "We need to understand the source and ensure there's no ongoing threat."

Moody's magical eye swiveled and focused intently, scanning the area with an almost unnerving precision. He muttered under his breath, the grizzled auror's senses heightened by years of experience. Slowly, his eye locked onto a trail of residual magic that led away from the crater and towards one of the houses.

"It's coming from Number Four," Moody growled, pointing with his gnarled finger. "The source of this magic is in there."

Madam Bones turned her attention to the unassuming house. "Number Four Privet Drive," she said, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Let's investigate."

She then turned to one of the Aurors standing nearby. "Whose house is this?" she asked, her tone firm.

The Auror consulted a parchment scroll in his hand before responding. "It belongs to Vernon and Petunia Dursley," he replied, his voice barely concealing a hint of disdain.

Madam Bones' brow furrowed as she processed the information. "The Dursleys," she muttered, a note of recognition in her voice. "I've heard of them. Muggles, correct?"

The Auror nodded. "Yes, Madam Bones."

Mad Eye Moody's magical eye widened imperceptibly, and he leaned in to discreetly convey crucial information to Madam Bones. "Madam Bones," he murmured, his voice low but urgent. "Petunia Dursley is the sister to Lily Potter. This is the residence of Harry Potter."

Madam Bones' eyes widened in realization as the pieces fell into place. The significance of their investigation took on a new gravity, knowing that they were standing on the doorstep of the boy who had survived the Dark Lord's curse.

"Harry Potter's relatives," Madam Bones muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with both concern and determination. "We need to ensure his safety and uncover the truth of what's been happening here."

With a nod of acknowledgment to Moody, Madam Bones straightened her posture and turned her attention back to the task at hand. The revelation only reinforced the importance of their investigation, spurring them forward with renewed purpose as they prepared to confront the Dursleys and uncover the truth behind the mysterious magical disturbance.

The team moved as one, with Moody leading the way, his magical eye constantly scanning for any potential threats. As they approached the house, the Dursleys could be seen peeking nervously through the curtains, their faces pale with fear and confusion.

Madam Bones rapped sharply on the door, and after a moment's hesitation, Vernon Dursley opened it, his eyes wide with poorly concealed terror.

"W-what is the meaning of this?" Vernon stammered, trying to muster some semblance of authority.

Madam Bones stepped forward, her demeanor commanding and unyielding. "We are with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement," she stated firmly. "Are there any magical children in this residence?"

Vernon Dursley hesitated, his eyes darting nervously between Madam Bones and the Aurors behind her. "Magical children?" he repeated, trying to feign ignorance.

Mad Eye Moody's magical eye narrowed as he observed the exchange, sensing something amiss. He watched as Dudley, the overweight boy, glanced towards the cupboard under the stairs, a flicker of guilt crossing his face. With a grunt of suspicion, Moody swiftly raised his wand, pointing it at the cupboard.

With a sharp flick, Moody cast a revealing spell, and the door to the cupboard swung open with a creak, revealing the cramped and neglected space within. The dim light illuminated the grim reality: a child had been living in the cupboard for a long time, the walls stained with traces of dried blood, a testament to years of neglect and mistreatment.

Madam Bones' eyes widened in horror as she took in the scene before her, her expression hardening with anger and disgust. "What is the meaning of this, Mr. Dursley?" she demanded, her voice laced with righteous fury.

Vernon Dursley paled, his attempts to deflect attention crumbling in the face of undeniable evidence. "I-I can explain," he stuttered, his voice trembling with fear.

But Madam Bones would hear none of it. "You will explain everything to the Ministry," she declared, her voice ringing with authority. "This is a clear violation of magical law, and there will be consequences."

As Madam Bones surveyed the scene, her anger simmered beneath the surface, fueled by the injustice that had been allowed to fester unchecked for so many years. The revelation that Harry Potter, the savior of the Wizarding World, had been subjected to such mistreatment and neglect in the very place he should have found refuge filled her with a deep sense of shame.

Turning her attention back to the Dursleys, Madam Bones' gaze hardened with determination. "Where is Harry Potter?" she demanded, her voice cutting through the tense silence that hung in the air.

Vernon Dursley shifted uncomfortably under her piercing gaze, his face flushed with a mix of fear and resentment. "He's... he's gone," he stammered, his voice trembling with uncertainty.

"Gone?" Madam Bones repeated, her tone incredulous. "Explain."

Vernon took a deep breath, his eyes darting nervously as he recounted the events of the night. "There was a... a meteor," he began, his words faltering. "It crashed in the street, and... and Harry... he... he changed. Turned into some sort of winged creature and... and flew away."

Madam Bones' eyes widened in disbelief as she processed Vernon's words. The implications of Harry's sudden transformation were staggering, and she could feel the weight of responsibility settling heavily upon her shoulders. Harry Potter, the boy who had endured so much, was now out there, alone and vulnerable, facing an uncertain fate.

"We need to find him," Madam Bones declared, her voice firm and resolute. "We cannot let him disappear into the night. The Ministry will mobilize all available resources to locate Harry Potter and ensure his safety."

With that, Madam Bones turned to the Aurors, her orders clear. They would leave no stone unturned in their search for Harry, their determination fueled by the knowledge that time was of the essence. For Harry Potter, the hero of the Wizarding World, was now in need of their protection, and Madam Bones would stop at nothing to bring him home.

Moody's eye remained fixed on the cupboard under the stairs, his anger simmering into a boiling rage. Every fiber of his being seethed with resentment towards Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the man who had assured him that Harry Potter, the son of James Potter whom Moody had trained himself as an Auror and whom he considered a son, was safe and happy with his mother's sister.

As Moody stood there, his thoughts consumed by betrayal and frustration, memories of his interactions with Dumbledore flooded his mind. He recalled the assurances, the promises of protection, and the trust he had placed in the headmaster's word. And now, faced with the undeniable evidence of Harry's mistreatment, Moody's trust in Dumbledore shattered like glass.

"He trusted you," Moody growled under his breath, his voice thick with bitterness. "We all did."

The weight of his anger threatened to consume him, but Moody knew that now was not the time for recklessness. Harry Potter was out there, in need of their help, and Moody swore to himself that he would do everything in his power to ensure the boy's safety and bring him back to the world where he rightfully belonged.

With a deep breath, Moody pushed aside his anger, channeling it into a steely resolve. Dumbledore's betrayal would not deter him from his duty as an Auror and a protector of the innocent. Harry Potter may have slipped through their fingers for now, but Moody vowed that they would find him, no matter the cost. And when they did, Dumbledore would answer for his failures, for the promises broken and the trust betrayed.

As Harry soared through the skies with Drakor, the rush of wind against his face and the exhilaration of flight filled him with a sense of freedom he had never known. With each beat of Drakor's wings, they ventured further into the night, their bond growing stronger with every passing moment.

"Drakor," Harry called out, his voice filled with wonder and excitement as they soared through the skies. "This is incredible!"

Drakor's deep, rumbling voice resonated in Harry's mind, echoing with warmth and companionship. "Indeed, Harry," Drakor replied, their thoughts intertwining in a harmonious dance. "Together, we will explore the wonders of this world."

As they flew, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Drakor, the cosmic entity who had answered his call for help. "Thank you," Harry said, his voice sincere. "For being here, for being my friend."

Drakor's response was filled with reassurance and affection. "It is my honor, Harry," Drakor replied, their connection deepening with each passing moment. "We are destined for great adventures together, you and I."

As they flew, Drakor's thoughts turned to the presence of another entity within Harry's scar, a lingering shadow from his past. "There is something else within you, Harry," Drakor said, their voice tinged with concern. "A presence that does not belong. Shall I rid you of it?"

Harry's brow furrowed in confusion. "Another presence?" he asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I don't understand."

Drakor hesitated, sensing Harry's confusion. "Forgive me, Harry," they replied, their tone gentle. "There is much we have yet to uncover about your past. But know this: whatever challenges lie ahead, I will stand by your side."

Harry nodded, a sense of determination rising within him. "Thank you, Drakor," he said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I may not understand everything yet, but I trust you."

As they flew through the night sky, Harry couldn't shake the nagging feeling of uncertainty. "Drakor," he began tentatively, "this presence you mentioned... is it... bad?"

Drakor sensed Harry's unease and replied with a solemn tone, "The entity within you is parasitic in nature, unlike myself, which is symbiotic. It feeds off your strength, weakening you in the process."

Sensing Harry's confusion, Drakor continued, "A symbiotic relationship benefits both parties involved, enhancing each other's abilities. However, a parasitic relationship is one-sided, with the parasite draining resources from its host without offering anything in return. In your case, this entity is draining your energy, leaving you vulnerable and depleted."

Harry's heart sank at the revelation, a mix of fear and anger coursing through him. "Weaker?" he repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief. "But why? What does it want?"

Dracor's presence radiated with sympathy as they replied, "Its motives are unclear, Harry. But know this: together, we will find a way to overcome its influence. You are not alone in this."

Harry took a deep breath, his determination resolute. "Drakor," he said firmly, "can you remove it? Get rid of this entity that's been draining me?"

Drakor paused, their thoughts swirling with contemplation. "It is possible, Harry," they replied after a moment. "But it won't be easy. We must proceed with caution."

Harry nodded, his trust in Drakor unwavering. "I trust you," he said, his voice filled with conviction. "Whatever it takes, I want it gone."

Drakor's presence filled with determination. "Very well," they said. "We will confront this entity together, and we will emerge victorious."

Drakor landed in a secluded clearing, the air thick with anticipation as they prepared to confront the parasitic entity lurking within Harry. With a deep breath, Drakor summoned all their strength and focused their energy on the task at hand.

As Harry watched with a mixture of apprehension and hope, Drakor's form began to shimmer with an otherworldly light. With each passing moment, the energy surrounding them intensified, swirling and coalescing into a vortex of power.

With a roar that echoed through the forest, Drakor unleashed their full might, reaching out with tendrils of energy to envelop the parasitic entity within Harry. The air crackled with electricity as Drakor's essence merged with that of the malevolent force, their two beings intertwining in a dance of light and shadow.

As the process continued, Harry felt a surge of both relief and unease. Drakor's power was overwhelming, but he couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty about what lay ahead. Would Drakor be able to rid him of the parasitic entity once and for all, or would they both be consumed by the darkness within?

But Drakor's resolve was unwavering. With every fiber of their being, they pushed forward, drawing upon their own strength to overpower the malevolent force that had plagued Harry for so long. Slowly but surely, the parasitic entity began to weaken, its grip on Harry's soul loosening with each passing moment.

And then, with a final surge of energy, Drakor succeeded. The parasitic entity shattered like glass, its dark essence dissipating into the ether. As the last remnants of the malevolent force faded away, Harry felt a weight lift from his shoulders, a sense of freedom washing over him like a wave.

Drakor stood before him, their form glowing with a newfound sense of power and determination. "It is done, Harry," they said, their voice filled with pride. "The darkness within you has been vanquished, and you are free once more."

Harry couldn't help but smile, a sense of gratitude filling his heart. "Thank you, Drakor," he said, his voice filled with emotion. "I couldn't have done it without you."

With the parasitic entity defeated and their bond stronger than ever, Drakor turned to Harry, their gaze filled with solemnity. "Harry," they began, their voice gentle yet resolute, "there is something you need to know."

Harry's heart raced with anticipation as he waited for Drakor to speak. Sensing the gravity of the moment, he braced himself for whatever revelation was to come.

"Your parents," Drakor continued, their voice tinged with sadness, "were wizards. They were brave and noble souls who fought against the darkness that threatened our world."

Harry's mind reeled with the realization, his thoughts racing as he struggled to comprehend the truth of his heritage. "Wizards?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I'm just... me."

Drakor placed a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder, their touch imbued with warmth and understanding. "You are more than you realize, Harry," they said gently. "You possess great power within you, the same power that flowed through your parents' veins."

As the weight of Drakor's words settled upon him, Harry felt a surge of both fear and excitement. The world as he knew it was changing, revealing secrets and possibilities beyond his wildest imagination.

"But there is something else," Drakor continued, their voice taking on a solemn tone. "The man who killed your parents, who sought to extinguish the light they brought into the world... his name is Voldemort."

Harry's blood ran cold at the mention of the name, a shiver coursing down his spine. "Voldemort," he whispered, the name feeling like a curse upon his lips.

Drakor nodded, their eyes filled with empathy. "Yes, Voldemort," they confirmed. "But fear not, Harry. Together, we will stand against him and all who would seek to do harm. You are not alone in this fight."

With Drakor by his side, Harry felt a newfound sense of courage and determination coursing through his veins. The truth of his heritage may have been revealed, but he knew that he was not defined by his past. With the power of magic at his fingertips and the support of his loyal companion, Harry was ready to embrace the destiny that awaited him, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with bravery and resolve.

As the Aurors led by Moody and Bones closed in on Harry's location, Drakor's senses tingled with awareness. Sensing that these individuals did not intend to harm Harry, Drakor swiftly concealed themselves by merging with the clothes on Harry's body.

As Moody and Bones approached, their expressions softened with relief upon seeing Harry unharmed. They had been concerned for his well-being and were glad to have found him safe and sound.

"Harry!" Moody exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Are you alright?"

Harry's heart raced with fear as Moody's voice cut through the air. He didn't know who these people were, and the thought of being sent back to the Dursleys filled him with dread.

"I-I'm fine," Harry stammered, his voice trembling slightly. He cast a quick glance at Drakor, who remained hidden within his clothes, their presence a source of comfort and reassurance.

Bones frowned, her expression softening with concern. "Harry, we're here to help," she said gently, her tone reassuring. "You don't have to be afraid."

But Harry couldn't shake the memories of the abuse and neglect he had endured at the hands of the Dursleys. The scars ran deep, leaving him wary of trusting anyone who claimed to have his best interests at heart.

Moody's gaze softened with understanding as he noticed Harry's apprehension. "We're not here to send you back to the Dursleys, Harry," he said firmly. "We're here to protect you."

Harry's breath caught in his throat at the words, a glimmer of hope flickering within him. Could it be true? Could these strangers actually be here to help him?

With a hesitant nod, Harry reluctantly allowed Moody and Bones to lead him away, his thoughts swirling with uncertainty.

With Harry now safe in their custody, Moody and Bones retreated to a secluded corner to discuss their next course of action. Both were in agreement that Harry could not go back to the Dursleys, not after what they had witnessed at his residence.

"We can't just leave him with those Muggles," Bones said, her voice firm with determination. "It's clear they've been mistreating him for years."

Moody nodded in agreement, his eye darting around the room as he weighed their options. "We need to find him a safe place to stay," he said, his voice gruff. "Somewhere he'll be protected from harm."

Bones frowned, the weight of responsibility heavy on her shoulders. "But where?" she asked, her tone tinged with concern. "We can't just take him to any wizarding household. We need to ensure he'll be properly cared for."

Moody's eye gleamed with determination as an idea began to form in his mind. But before they could proceed, he knew there was a crucial conversation that needed to take place.

"Before we make any decisions, I need to have a serious talk with Dumbledore," Moody said, his voice grave. "There are some lies he's told about Harry's upbringing that need to be addressed."

Bones nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. "We can't allow Dumbledore to continue hiding the truth," she said firmly. "Harry deserves to know the reality of his past."

Moody nodded in agreement with Bones' sentiment, acknowledging the importance of revealing the truth to Harry. "Absolutely," he said, his voice firm. "But in the meantime, can you take him to your home? It's the safest option until we can sort this out with Dumbledore."

Bones considered Moody's request for a moment before nodding. "Of course," she replied, her tone resolute. "Harry will be safe with me."

With determination burning in his eyes, Moody Apparated to Hogwarts, his steps purposeful as he made his way towards Dumbledore's office. Each stride carried the weight of his resolve, his mind focused on the task at hand.

As he walked through the corridors of the castle, Moody's thoughts churned with a mix of anger and determination. He was not one to be trifled with, especially when it came to matters of truth and justice.

Reaching Dumbledore's office door, Moody didn't hesitate for a moment. With a swift motion, he knocked firmly, the sound echoing through the empty hallway like a warning bell.

Inside the office, Dumbledore's calm demeanor belied the storm that was about to descend upon him. He sensed the gravity of Moody's presence, knowing that this was no ordinary visit.

As the door swung open, Moody's gaze bore into Dumbledore's, his expression unyielding as he prepared to confront the man who had kept Harry Potter in the dark about his true heritage for far too long.

"Albus," Moody said, his voice low and steady. "We need to talk."

As Dumbledore greeted Moody with his trademark twinkle in his eyes, his demeanor calm and composed as always, Moody's resolve only hardened further. He stepped into the office, his gaze unwavering, his expression resolute.

"Albus," Moody said, his voice firm and unwavering, cutting through the air with a steely edge. "I'm not here for pleasantries. We need to talk, and I won't be swayed by your twinkly-eyed charm this time."

Dumbledore's smile faltered slightly at Moody's stern tone, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before he regained his composure. "Of course, Alastor," he replied smoothly, his voice as measured as ever. "What seems to be the matter?"

But Moody wasn't about to let Dumbledore's calm facade deter him. He fixed Dumbledore with a penetrating stare, his eye narrowing in suspicion. "You know exactly what the matter is, Albus," he stated bluntly. "It's about Harry Potter and the lies you've been spinning about his upbringing."

Dumbledore's expression remained composed, but there was a flicker of unease in his eyes as Moody confronted him. Despite his outward calm, Dumbledore knew better than to underestimate Moody's resolve, particularly when it came to matters of truth and justice.

"What seems to be the matter, Alastor?" Dumbledore asked, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of caution. He knew that Moody's visit was not a casual one, and he braced himself for whatever revelation was to come.

Moody's voice was sharp and unyielding as he confronted Dumbledore. "You've been keeping secrets, Albus," he accused, his tone brimming with frustration. "Harry Potter deserves to know the truth about his past, and you've been keeping him in the dark for far too long."

Moody's voice carried the weight of authority as he addressed Dumbledore. "I just returned from the Dursleys," he began, his words punctuated by a sense of urgency. "And what I found there was nothing short of appalling. Harry Potter has been subjected to years of neglect and mistreatment under their roof."

Dumbledore's attempt to feign ignorance was met with a skeptical look from Moody. "Don't play games with me, Albus," he retorted sharply. "You've known about Harry's situation for years, and yet you've done nothing to intervene. It's time to stop pretending and start taking responsibility for your inaction."

Dumbledore sighed heavily, his expression pained as he attempted to justify his actions. "I understand your concerns, Alastor," he said, his voice tinged with regret. "But I believed that keeping Harry with the Dursleys was the best course of action for his safety. I had hoped that by keeping him hidden from the wizarding world, he would be protected from those who sought to harm him."

Moody's skepticism remained evident as he listened to Dumbledore's explanation. "Protecting him by leaving him with those Muggles?" he scoffed. "That's not protection, Albus. That's negligence."

Dumbledore's gaze faltered under Moody's scrutiny, a flicker of guilt crossing his features before he regained his composure. "I understand your concerns, Alastor," he repeated, his tone more somber this time. "But please understand that I have always acted with Harry's best interests at heart, even if my methods were not always the most conventional."

But Moody wasn't about to let Dumbledore off the hook that easily. "Conventional or not, Albus," he said firmly, "it's time to face the consequences of your actions. Harry deserves better than this, and it's about time you started recognizing that."

Moody's voice was firm and unwavering as he made his stance clear. "Under no circumstances will Harry Potter be going back to the Dursleys," he declared, his tone leaving no room for argument. "It's time for him to be placed somewhere safe, where he'll be properly cared for."

Dumbledore's expression tightened at Moody's words, but he remained silent, knowing that Moody's resolve was unshakable.

"And as for what else you've been hiding," Moody continued, his voice taking on a more accusing tone, "I want the truth, Albus. No more secrets, no more lies. Harry deserves to know the full extent of his past, and it's about time you started being honest with him."

Dumbledore's expression was pained as he admitted the truth to Moody. "I must confess, Alastor," he began, his voice tinged with guilt, "Sirius Black, Harry's godfather, was sent to Azkaban without a trial. It was a grave oversight on my part, one that I deeply regret."

Moody's eye widened in disbelief at Dumbledore's revelation. "You didn't push for a trial?" he exclaimed, his voice incredulous. "And all this time, you've had custody of Harry because of it?"

Moody's voice was sharp as he pressed Dumbledore for answers. "If it wasn't your intention to keep Sirius from Harry, then why has Sirius been rotting in prison for the past 8 and a half years?" he demanded, his tone tinged with accusation.

Dumbledore's gaze faltered under Moody's scrutiny, his guilt weighing heavily on him. "I was wrong, Alastor," he admitted, his voice heavy with regret. "I should have fought harder for Sirius, but I let fear cloud my judgment. I let the belief that he was guilty blind me to the truth."

Moody's expression remained skeptical, his distrust of Dumbledore evident. "And now?" he pressed, his voice sharp with urgency. "What are you going to do to rectify this mistake?"

Dumbledore's eyes hardened with determination as he met Moody's gaze. "I will do everything in my power to ensure that Sirius receives a fair trial," he vowed, his tone resolute. "And I will make sure that Harry knows the truth about his godfather."

Moody's voice was cold and accusatory as he leveled his gaze at Dumbledore. "Tell me, Albus," he began, his tone dripping with contempt, "how do you sleep at night, pretending to be a good man, when in reality you're nothing but a dark lord in disguise?"

Dumbledore's expression remained stoic, but there was a flicker of pain in his eyes at Moody's harsh words. "I have made mistakes, Alastor," he admitted, his voice tinged with sorrow. "But I assure you, my intentions have always been for the greater good."

But Moody wasn't about to be swayed by Dumbledore's words. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions, Albus," he retorted, his voice laced with bitterness. "And you've done more harm than good with yours."

Dumbledore bowed his head in resignation, knowing that Moody's accusations held a grain of truth. "I understand your anger, Alastor," he said softly, his voice heavy with regret. "But please believe me when I say that I am trying to make amends for my mistakes. I will do whatever it takes to set things right, no matter the cost."

Moody's voice was firm as he issued his command to Dumbledore. "You can start by going to the Ministry tomorrow," he instructed, his tone leaving no room for argument, "and relinquishing your guardianship of Harry Potter to Amelia Bones."

Dumbledore nodded solemnly, accepting the directive. "I will do as you ask, Alastor," he replied, his voice filled with determination. "It's time for Harry to be placed in capable hands."

With their conversation concluded, Moody and Dumbledore parted ways, each burdened by the weight of their respective responsibilities. And as they prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, they knew that the road to redemption would be long and arduous. But with courage and determination, they were determined to set things right, no matter the cost.


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