
Harry Potter: Drakor

Abused by the Dursleys, ten-year-old Harry Potter's desperate plea for help awakens Drakor, a powerful symbiote. Drawn to Harry's magic, Drakor bonds with him, granting strength, resilience, and dragon-like wings. Together, they rise above Harry's past and embark on a journey of new challenges and adventures, proving that hope and strength can emerge from the darkest places. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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Chapter 16

Once Amelia filled Moody in on the information Drakor provided, they quickly assembled a team of Aurors and Ministry employees for a raid at Malfoy Manor. Among the team was Arthur Weasley, who worked in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Narcissa, now determined to help, joined them while Draco was being looked after by Andromeda.

As the team approached Malfoy Manor, the air was thick with tension. Narcissa led them through the grand halls, her knowledge of the house's secrets proving invaluable. They combed through room after room, discovering a plethora of dark artifacts and hidden treasures. The walls and cabinets were filled with items that bore the sinister marks of dark magic, each more damning than the last.

Arthur Weasley, usually mild-mannered, was shocked at the sheer amount of illegal items. "Merlin's beard," he muttered, carefully inspecting a cursed object. "This place is a treasure trove of dark magic."

As the search continued, they found a trove of incriminating evidence against Lucius and his fellow Death Eaters. There were documents detailing their activities, hidden caches of dark objects, and correspondence with other dark wizards. The evidence was overwhelming and damning.

Finally, after hours of exhaustive searching, Narcissa led them to a hidden chamber beneath the floor of Lucius's study. There, hidden away in a locked cabinet, they found the diary. Moody carefully picked it up, his magical eye whirring as he examined it.

Moody shared a meaningful look with Amelia, both of them aware of the diary's significance. "We need to keep this quiet," he said in a low voice. "No one else must know what this really is."

Amelia nodded, her expression serious. "This is a significant victory," she said. "But we have to handle this carefully."

Arthur looked around at the gathered team, his face set with determination. "Let's get this back to the Ministry," he said. "We've got a lot of work ahead of us."

Narcissa looked around with a mixture of relief and sorrow. "It's not over yet," she said softly. "But this is a start. We can begin to put things right."

With the diary in hand and the evidence gathered, the team left Malfoy Manor. Moody and Amelia exchanged a look, knowing that this was just the beginning of a long and arduous battle. With each step forward, they moved closer to bringing down Voldemort and his followers.


Moody, ever the strategist, knew that the evidence gathered at Malfoy Manor was invaluable. With a sense of urgency, he made his way to Hogwarts to meet with Albus Dumbledore. They had no time to waste and needed to ensure that justice was served swiftly.

As he entered Dumbledore's office, the Headmaster looked up from his desk, his eyes twinkling with curiosity. "Alastor, I assume you bring important news," he said, gesturing for Moody to sit.

Moody declined the seat, his gaze piercing. "We raided Malfoy Manor. Found enough dark artifacts and incriminating documents to put Lucius away for life and more," he said, his tone urgent.

Dumbledore's eyes widened slightly at the mention of the evidence but he remained composed. "I see," he said, leaning forward. "What do you propose we do next?"

Moody fixed Dumbledore with a steely gaze. "We need to fast-track the trials of the recently captured Death Eaters. The evidence we found is overwhelming. We can't give them time to find ways to wriggle out of this."

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, time is of the essence. The longer we wait, the more opportunities they have to manipulate the system."

"Exactly," Moody said. "We've already seen how they've used the Imperius defense to escape justice. This time, we have irrefutable proof of their guilt. We need to push for immediate trials and swift sentencing."

Dumbledore looked over the documents, his expression growing graver with each passing moment. "Very well, Alastor. I will speak with the Wizengamot. We cannot let this opportunity slip through our fingers."

Moody's face was impassive, showing no sign of satisfaction or trust. "Good. We need to send a message that there are consequences for their actions."

Dumbledore stood, extending his hand. "Thank you, Alastor, for your unwavering dedication. Together, we will ensure that justice is served."

Moody shook Dumbledore's hand briefly, his eyes cold. "Let's get it done."

With Dumbledore's support, Moody knew they had a fighting chance. The evidence from Malfoy Manor was the key to finally dismantling the network of Death Eaters that had plagued the wizarding world for too long. As he left Hogwarts, his mind was already strategizing the next steps, determined to see this through to the end. There was no room for trust or friendship in this mission, only a relentless pursuit of justice.

Amelia arrived at the Bones Family Estate, a small but significant item tucked securely in her bag. As she entered, the weariness of the past few days showed in her eyes. She was greeted by Sirius, whose curiosity was evident.

"Did you find it?" he asked, his voice tense with anticipation.

Amelia nodded, reaching into her bag to produce the worn diary. "We did. This is Voldemort's diary, one of his Horcruxes."

Sirius's eyes widened. "That's a major find. We need to handle it carefully."

They moved into the sitting room where Remus, Harry, and Susan were waiting. The three of them looked up as Amelia placed the diary on the table.

"We found this during the raid on Malfoy Manor," Amelia explained.

Harry stared at the diary, a mix of curiosity and revulsion in his eyes. "How do we destroy it?"

Remus examined the diary closely. "There are a few methods—basilisk venom or Fiendfyre, both of which can completely obliterate the fragment of Voldemort's soul inside."

Drakor, perched on Harry's shoulder, interjected with a thoughtful tone. "There is another way. I can swallow the diary and begin to absorb the soul shard within, just as I did with the one in Harry's scar. This will allow me to consume and destroy the fragment of Voldemort's soul safely."

Amelia, looking intrigued but cautious, asked, "Are you certain it will work, Drakor? The Horcruxes are incredibly dark and powerful magic."

Drakor nodded. "Yes, I am confident. I have already absorbed one piece of his soul, and this method will ensure the Horcrux is destroyed without the risks associated with basilisk venom or Fiendfyre."

Sirius looked at Harry, who seemed both curious and a bit nervous. "What do you think, Harry?" he asked gently.

Harry, trusting in Drakor's abilities, nodded. "I think we should let Drakor try. If it worked before, it should work again."

Remus handed the diary to Drakor, who transformed back into his dragon form. The room fell silent as Drakor opened his jaws and engulfed the diary. As he began to absorb the soul shard, a faint, dark mist emanated from the diary, but Drakor's aura of energy quickly consumed it.

The room remained tense, everyone watching as Drakor's eyes glowed faintly, indicating the process was underway. After a few moments, the glow subsided, and Drakor looked up, his eyes clear and bright.

"It is done," Drakor announced. "The fragment of Voldemort's soul within the diary has been destroyed."

Amelia let out a sigh of relief. "That's one down. We're making progress."

Sirius, with renewed determination, said, "Next, we need to retrieve Hufflepuff's Cup from Bellatrix's vault. Once we have that, we can move forward with destroying it as well."

Harry, feeling a sense of accomplishment, smiled. "We're one step closer to stopping Voldemort for good."

Drakor nodded. "Indeed. Every Horcrux we destroy weakens him. We must remain vigilant and continue our efforts until all of them are eradicated."

Amelia looked around at the group, her voice resolute. "Let's prepare for the next step. We need to ensure Bellatrix's safety and secure the Cup. We're in this together, and we'll see it through."

The group felt a renewed sense of unity and purpose. They had taken a significant step forward, but the journey ahead was still long and filled with challenges. Together, they would continue their quest to destroy Voldemort's Horcruxes and bring an end to his dark reign.

The emergency session of the Wizengamot was called with unprecedented urgency. The circular courtroom deep within the Ministry of Magic was abuzz with murmurs as witches and wizards took their seats, a palpable tension in the air. The dark, polished wood of the benches gleamed under the flickering torchlight, casting long shadows on the ancient stone walls.

At the head of the room sat Amelia Bones, her expression as stern and composed as ever. Beside her, Alastor Moody stood with an air of grim determination. Dumbledore, though present, sat quietly, observing the proceedings with a watchful eye.

"Order!" Amelia's voice rang out, silencing the whispers. "We are here today to discuss the immediate trial and sentencing of several Death Eaters, based on new evidence obtained from a recent raid on Malfoy Manor."

She nodded to Moody, who stepped forward and began presenting the evidence. "During the raid, we uncovered a significant number of dark artifacts, financial records, and correspondence implicating Lucius Malfoy and several other Death Eaters in various illegal activities. This evidence is irrefutable and warrants immediate action."

The murmurs rose again, but Amelia quickly restored order. "The accused have long evaded justice through claims of being under the Imperius Curse. This new evidence, however, directly links them to their crimes, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt their culpability."

One of the elder members, a witch with silver hair, spoke up. "How can we be certain of the authenticity of this evidence?"

Moody's magical eye swiveled to her as he responded. "Each piece of evidence has been verified and cross-checked. We have documentation of illegal transactions, correspondence detailing their activities, and artifacts that are undoubtedly linked to dark magic."

Dumbledore leaned forward, his voice calm but firm. "Given the gravity of these findings, I support the call for immediate trials. It is imperative that we act swiftly to ensure that justice is served and that these individuals cannot further harm our society."

Amelia nodded in agreement. "We propose that the trials commence immediately, with all due process, but with an expedited timeline given the clear and present danger these individuals pose."

There was a moment of silence as the members of the Wizengamot considered the proposal. Finally, the Chief Warlock, a tall wizard with a sharp gaze, spoke. "Very well. The evidence is compelling, and the need for swift justice is clear. The trials will begin immediately."

Moody's face remained impassive, but there was a flicker of satisfaction in his eyes. Amelia, too, seemed resolute, knowing that they had taken a significant step towards justice.

As the session adjourned, the courtroom buzzed with renewed energy. The captured Death Eaters would face their reckoning, and the wizarding world took a crucial step towards cleansing the darkness that had long festered in its midst.


In the dimly lit courtroom, tension crackled in the air like static electricity. Moody sat stiffly in the gallery, his magical eye swiveling to track every movement. The trial of Lucius Malfoy was about to begin, and the stakes were high. Amelia Bones, the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, presided over the proceedings with an air of authority.

As Malfoy was brought in, flanked by Aurors, his demeanor was haughty, but a glint of nervousness betrayed his facade of confidence. He took his seat at the defendant's stand, his platinum blond hair gleaming under the harsh courtroom lights. Moody observed him keenly, his gaze as sharp as the edge of a blade.

The trial began with the presentation of evidence. Amelia Bones rose from her seat, a folder in hand, and addressed the Wizengamot. "We have gathered substantial evidence against the accused," she announced, her voice firm and resolute. "These documents, retrieved during a raid of Malfoy Manor, shed light on his involvement in dark activities and his allegiance to the Dark Lord."

Moody watched as the evidence was presented one by one. Dark artifacts, hidden treasure, and incriminating letters were laid out for all to see. The courtroom murmured with a mixture of shock and disdain as the depth of Malfoy's involvement became clear.

Throughout the proceedings, Malfoy maintained an air of smug indifference, as though he believed himself untouchable. Moody's jaw clenched in frustration. He had seen too many Death Eaters slip through the cracks, evading justice with their silver tongues and cunning strategies. But this time, things were different. This time, they had the evidence they needed to ensure that Malfoy faced the consequences of his actions.

As the trial progressed, witnesses were called to the stand, each providing damning testimony against Malfoy. Moody listened intently, his attention never wavering. He had spent countless hours gathering evidence, interrogating witnesses, and piecing together the puzzle of Malfoy's dark dealings. Now, it was time to see justice served.

The proceedings stretched on, the tension in the courtroom mounting with each passing moment. Amelia Bones remained steadfast and composed, her voice unwavering as she questioned the witnesses. Moody's gaze flickered between her and Malfoy, his determination burning like a fire in his chest.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the prosecution rested its case. Malfoy's defense attorney rose to his feet, attempting to poke holes in the evidence presented against his client. But Moody knew that their case was solid, their evidence irrefutable. Malfoy's fate was sealed; it was only a matter of time before the verdict was delivered.

As the Wizengamot retired to deliberate, Moody felt a surge of anticipation. He exchanged a knowing glance with Amelia, a silent acknowledgment of the hard work they had put into building their case. Whatever the outcome, they had done everything in their power to ensure that justice was served.

Minutes stretched into hours as the Wizengamot deliberated behind closed doors. Moody waited with bated breath, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew that the fate of the accused rested in the hands of the esteemed members of the magical governing body.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the doors to the courtroom swung open, and the members of the Wizengamot filed back in. Moody's heart raced as he waited for the verdict to be announced. The tension in the room was palpable, each member of the courtroom holding their breath in anticipation.

Amelia Bones rose to her feet, her voice steady as she addressed the assembly. "After careful consideration of the evidence presented before this court, the Wizengamot has reached a unanimous decision," she announced, her words echoing in the hushed courtroom. "Lucius Malfoy, you have been found guilty of conspiracy, aiding and abetting dark magic, and affiliation with the Dark Lord. You are hereby sentenced to lifetime imprisonment in Azkaban."

A collective gasp rippled through the courtroom as the verdict was delivered. Moody felt a surge of satisfaction wash over him. Justice had been served, and Malfoy would finally face the consequences of his actions. As Malfoy was led away in chains, Moody allowed himself a small, satisfied smile. The fight against the dark forces that threatened the wizarding world was far from over, but this victory was a step in the right direction.

The courtroom's atmosphere shifted palpably as Lucius Malfoy was escorted away, the chains around his wrists clinking with a finality that echoed through the silent observers. The Wizengamot members began to disperse, their robes rustling softly, leaving behind a sense of solemnity in the wake of the landmark decision.

Outside, the news of Malfoy's conviction spread like wildfire, sending ripples of shock and relief throughout the wizarding community. The Daily Prophet's evening edition would later read, "Lucius Malfoy Sentenced to Azkaban: A Victory for Justice."

In the quiet aftermath, Amelia Bones remained in the courtroom, gathering the papers and evidence with a methodical precision. Moody approached her, his magical eye still vigilant. "You did well today, Amelia," he said, his voice gruff with respect.

Amelia looked up, her expression weary yet satisfied. "We did well, Alastor. It was a team effort, and we've set a precedent that will resonate for years to come."

Moody nodded, his thoughts already on the next steps. "We'll need to maintain this momentum. There are others out there who need to face justice."

Amelia agreed, her eyes steely. "I'll start preparing the cases for the other Death Eaters. This trial has given us the leverage we need."

As they left the courtroom together, the weight of their responsibility settled on their shoulders once more. The battle against the dark forces was ongoing, and though they had won a significant victory, the war was far from over.

The hushed whispers of the courtroom fell to a deafening silence as Bellatrix Lestrange was led in, her chains clinking melodically with each step. The Wizengamot, robed in their somber garb, watched her with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. Bellatrix, once feared and formidable, now stood small and subdued before the court.

"Bellatrix Lestrange," began Albus Dumbledore, the Chief Warlock, his voice echoing through the chamber, "you stand accused of numerous crimes committed under the banner of the Dark Lord. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty," she replied, her voice steady but devoid of its usual fire.

A murmur rippled through the assembly. Such a defense was unprecedented. The Chief Warlock, intrigued, motioned for her to continue.

Bellatrix continued, her voice gaining strength as she recounted the tale, "The elopement of my sister Andromeda with Ted Tonks, a Muggleborn, brought shame upon the House of Black. In a desperate bid to salvage our family's pureblood lineage, my father Cygnus Black coerced Narcissa and me into marriages with Lucius Malfoy and Rudolphus Lestrange. The contract was not merely a document; it was a shackle, chaining our wills to the service of our husbands and, by extension, to the Dark Lord."

Dumbledore, now visibly disturbed by the testimony, called for order. "Let the record show that the accused, Bellatrix Lestrange, claims her actions were influenced by a binding magical contract, a consequence of her sister's defiance of pureblood traditions."

Bellatrix's eyes met those of her sister, Narcissa, who sat among the spectators. A silent understanding passed between them—a shared burden of years spent under the yoke of their father's archaic convictions.

The atmosphere in the courtroom shifted palpably as Sirius Black, the current head of the noble House of Black, rose from his seat. His expression was solemn, yet there was a fire in his eyes that spoke of his determination to reveal the truth.

"Members of the Wizengamot," Sirius addressed the assembly, his voice resonant and clear, "I present to you the original marriage contracts of Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy, née Black."

With a flick of his wand, the documents materialized before the court, their seals glinting under the enchanted lights. The parchment was aged, but the writing upon it was unmistakable, the terms draconian and binding.

"These contracts," Sirius continued, "were stored in the high-security vaults of Gringotts, away from the prying eyes of the world. They are a testament to the lengths Cygnus Black went to ensure the obedience of his daughters to the so-called 'pureblood cause.'"

Dumbledore leaned forward, inspecting the documents with a critical eye. The contracts were indeed legitimate, the magical bindings still faintly pulsing with dark energy—a silent witness to the forced commitments made decades ago.

"As you can see," Sirius said, turning the documents so all could view, "the signatures of my cousins Bellatrix and Narcissa were obtained under duress, their autonomy stripped away by the very family meant to protect them."

The courtroom erupted into murmurs, the implications of Sirius's evidence sending ripples through the gathered witches and wizards. Some looked on with sympathy, others with skepticism, but all were captivated by the unfolding drama.

Bellatrix's chains seemed to weigh heavier upon her as she watched the scene unfold, her fate hanging in the balance. Yet, there was a glimmer of hope—a chance for redemption, however slight.

Dumbledore called for order once more, his gaze lingering on the contracts. "We shall adjourn to deliberate this new evidence," he announced. "The trial of Bellatrix Lestrange will resume upon our decision."

As the court dispersed, whispers of doubt and debate filled the air. The day's proceedings had unveiled a complex web of family loyalty, dark magic, and the quest for power. The truth of Bellatrix Lestrange's innocence or guilt remained shrouded in mystery, but the path to uncovering it had just become clearer.

The Wizengamot reconvened, the air thick with anticipation. Albus Dumbledore, the Chief Warlock, took his place at the head of the semi-circular assembly, his blue eyes sweeping over the gathered witches and wizards with a calm that belied the gravity of the situation.

Bellatrix Lestrange stood in the center of the courtroom, her fate hanging in the balance. The evidence presented had been compelling, the testimonies striking at the heart of wizarding law and tradition.

"Order," Dumbledore's voice rang out, clear and authoritative, yet tinged with a hint of empathy. "We have deliberated on the matter of Bellatrix Lestrange's compulsion under the magically binding marriage contract. It is a complex case, one that treads the fine line between personal responsibility and magical coercion."

He paused, his gaze settling on Bellatrix. "The Wizengamot recognizes the validity of the marriage contracts presented by Sirius Black. However, we must also consider the actions taken by Bellatrix Lestrange while under this compulsion."

A hush fell over the courtroom as Dumbledore continued. "It is the decision of this court that Bellatrix Lestrange's culpability is mitigated by the constraints of the contract. However, this does not absolve her of all responsibility for her actions."

The crowd shifted, the tension palpable. "Therefore," he concluded, "Bellatrix Lestrange shall be remanded to the custody of the Ministry for a period of rehabilitation and observation. Her case will be reviewed in one year's time to assess her progress and potential threat to society."

Bellatrix's expression was one of restrained relief, a stark contrast to the fierce defiance she was once known for. The chains were removed, and she was escorted from the courtroom, her future uncertain but her burden somewhat lightened.

As the assembly dispersed, the verdict sparked debates among the wizarding community. Some argued for stricter punishments, while others saw it as a step towards a more nuanced understanding of magical law.

The trial of Bellatrix Lestrange would be remembered not just for its outcome, but for the questions it raised about the nature of free will and the shadows cast by family legacies.

In the quiet of the Ministry holding cell, the conversation between the Black family members continued, now touched by a sense of resolution and the possibility of new beginnings.

Sirius, his expression somber yet hopeful, addressed his cousins. "Andromeda and I have managed to annul both your marriages to Lucius and Rudolphus. It was the right thing to do, to give you both a chance at a life free from those dark bindings."

Bellatrix, who had always been the most defiant of the sisters, let out a breath she seemed to have been holding for years. "I never thought I'd see the day," she whispered, her usual hardness giving way to a rare vulnerability.

Narcissa's eyes met Sirius's, and a silent gratitude passed between them. The annulment of her marriage to Lucius Malfoy was a liberation she had scarcely allowed herself to dream of.

Andromeda stepped forward, her hand reaching out to touch the cold bars. "This doesn't erase the past," she said softly, "but it's a start. A start for all of us to heal and rebuild."

The four of them—Sirius, Andromeda, Bellatrix, and Narcissa—stood together in the cell, united not just by blood, but by the shared experience of breaking free from the chains of their legacy.

As Andromeda and Narcissa's footsteps faded down the corridor, the heavy door of the holding cell closed with a resounding thud, leaving Sirius and Bellatrix alone in the cold, unforgiving light of the Ministry's dungeons.

Sirius turned to Bellatrix, his face etched with concern. "There's something we need to discuss, Bella," he said, his voice low. "It's about a certain… artifact that Voldemort entrusted to you."

Bellatrix's eyes narrowed, a flicker of her old fire returning. "The cup," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "You know of the cup?"

Sirius nodded gravely. "Yes, the Hufflepuff Cup. It's not just a dark relic; it's a Horcrux, one of Voldemort's anchors to life. You stored it in your vault at Gringotts, didn't you?"

Bellatrix's chains rattled as she shifted, the weight of the revelation apparent in her posture. "I did," she admitted. "But how did you—"

"Doesn't matter how I know," Sirius cut her off. "What matters is that it's one of the keys to defeating him. We need to retrieve it, destroy it."

Bellatrix looked away, her thoughts a tumultuous sea. "Destroying a piece of his soul," she mused. "A fitting end for the Dark Lord's legacy."

Sirius reached through the bars, his hand hovering near hers but not touching. "We can end this, Bella. We can right the wrongs of our past. Will you help us?"

For a long moment, Bellatrix was silent, her gaze lost in the shadows of the cell. Then, slowly, she nodded. "Yes," she said, her voice resolute. "I will help you. It's time to end this nightmare."

With that, an unlikely alliance was forged in the depths of the Ministry, a pact between two members of the Black family who had found themselves on opposite sides of a war. Together, they would face the task ahead, united by a common goal: to rid the world of Voldemort's dark legacy.


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