
Harry Potter: Drakor

Abused by the Dursleys, ten-year-old Harry Potter's desperate plea for help awakens Drakor, a powerful symbiote. Drawn to Harry's magic, Drakor bonds with him, granting strength, resilience, and dragon-like wings. Together, they rise above Harry's past and embark on a journey of new challenges and adventures, proving that hope and strength can emerge from the darkest places. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

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Chapter 10

Amidst laughter and chatter, the cake was swiftly cut, revealing its moist, chocolatey layers. Harry, eager to indulge in the delectable treat, eagerly accepted a generous slice, his eyes alight with anticipation. As the guests savored each bite, exchanging stories and reminiscing, the time soon came to exchange gifts.

With eager hands and bright smiles, the guests presented their offerings to Harry. Each gift was wrapped with care, reflecting the thoughtfulness and affection of its giver. Harry's heart swelled with gratitude as he received each token of friendship and support, his appreciation evident in the warmth of his smile and the gleam in his eyes.

Hannah's gift was carefully wrapped in parchment adorned with delicate floral patterns. As Harry unwrapped it, he revealed a small, intricately carved wooden figurine. Etched with meticulous detail, the figurine depicted the quaint cottages and winding streets of Godric's Hollow, capturing the essence of the picturesque village where Harry's parents had once lived.

Touched by the thoughtful gesture, Harry's gaze lingered on the intricacies of the carving, his mind flooded with memories of his parents and the home he had never known. With a soft smile, he thanked Hannah, his voice tinged with emotion as he expressed his gratitude for the heartfelt gift. It was a poignant reminder of his roots, a cherished memento of the place where his journey had begun.

Fred and George's gift came in a small, battered chest, adorned with colorful ribbons and hastily scrawled notes. With eager excitement, Harry opened the chest to find an assortment of pranking items, each bearing the unmistakable mark of the Weasley twins' ingenuity.

Among the treasures were a handful of Decoy Detonators, small devices that emitted loud bangs to distract attention, and a collection of Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder, guaranteed to envelop any room in impenetrable darkness at a moment's notice. There were also a few Nosebleed Nougats, which induced harmless nosebleeds, and a handful of Dungbombs for good measure.

Though not as sophisticated as their later inventions would be, these simple pranks were nonetheless effective in their own right, and Harry couldn't help but grin at the mischief they promised. With a hearty laugh and a playful wink, Fred and George assured Harry that they were just the beginning of what they had in store for the future.

Grateful for the thoughtful and entertaining gift, Harry thanked the twins, his laughter mingling with theirs as they shared in the joy of their shared mischief-making endeavors. It was a gift that embodied the spirit of friendship and camaraderie, a testament to the bond they shared as classmates and friends.

Neville's gift came in a beautifully wrapped package adorned with intricate botanical designs. With a shy smile, Neville presented Harry with a potted plant unlike any he had ever seen before.

As Harry carefully unwrapped the package, he revealed a vibrant specimen with lush green leaves and delicate petals that seemed to shimmer in the light. Neville explained that it was a Mimbulus Mimbletonia, a rare and magical plant known for its defensive properties.

With a gentle touch, Harry admired the plant, marveling at its unique beauty and the thoughtfulness of Neville's gift. Neville went on to explain that the Mimbulus Mimbletonia had the ability to squirt a foul-smelling liquid at anyone who dared to touch it without permission, making it an excellent guardian for Harry's dormitory.

Grateful for the thoughtful and practical gift, Harry thanked Neville, his heart warmed by the gesture of friendship and support. As he carefully placed the Mimbulus Mimbletonia on the table beside him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the friends who had stood by him through thick and thin.

In consideration of Ron's budget, he presented Harry with a well-loved Quidditch book he had cherished since childhood. 

"It's not much," Ron admitted, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "But this book taught me everything I know about Quidditch. I thought you might enjoy it!"

Harry's eyes sparkled with gratitude as he accepted the gift, flipping through the pages and absorbing the wealth of Quidditch knowledge contained within. He thanked Ron warmly, appreciating the sentiment behind the thoughtful gesture.

"Thanks, Ron," Harry said sincerely. "I'll make sure to put it to good use."

Ron beamed with pride, happy to have given Harry a gift that reflected their shared passion for Quidditch and the camaraderie of their friendship.

Ginny's gift to Harry was a meticulously crafted homemade journal, bound in rich burgundy leather and embossed with intricate golden designs. Inside, the pages were crisp and blank, waiting to be filled with Harry's thoughts, memories, and adventures.

"I made it myself," Ginny explained, her cheeks flushing with a hint of embarrassment. "I thought it might be nice for you to have a place to jot down your thoughts, or maybe sketch some of the amazing things you see."

Harry's heart swelled with appreciation as he ran his fingers over the smooth leather cover, marveling at the care and effort Ginny had put into creating such a thoughtful gift.

"It's perfect, Ginny," Harry said, genuinely touched by her gesture. "Thank you so much."

Ginny smiled shyly, her eyes sparkling with delight at Harry's reaction. She was thrilled to have been able to give him something meaningful, a token of her affection and admiration for the remarkable boy who had captured her heart.

Fleur and Gabrielle approached Harry with a small, elegantly wrapped package in hand. With a graceful flourish, Fleur presented the gift to Harry, her French accent lending an air of sophistication to her words.

"Ah, 'Arry," she began, her voice lilting with the musical tones of her native language. "We 'ave brought you a leetle somesing from magical France."

Gabrielle nodded eagerly beside her, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oui, a music box," she added, her French accent adding a charming flair to her words. "It ees filled weeth ze melodies of our 'ome, a token of our affection for you."

Harry's eyes widened in anticipation as he carefully unwrapped the package, revealing the intricately crafted music box nestled within. When he opened it, a soft, enchanting melody filled the air, transporting him to a world of beauty and wonder.

"We 'ope eet brings you joy and reminds you of ze magic zat binds us all togezzer," Fleur said, her smile radiant with warmth.

Harry was deeply touched by their thoughtful gift, expressing his gratitude with a heartfelt thank you. As he gazed at the music box, he felt a sense of connection to Fleur and Gabrielle's homeland, eager to uncover the secrets it held within its enchanting melody.

Tonks, with her vibrant personality and unique style, approached Harry with a mischievous grin, her punk-inspired gift held firmly in hand. With a playful twinkle in her eye, she presented the package to Harry, her English accent tinged with a hint of rebellion.

"Alright, Harry," she said, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. "I've got somethin' a bit different for ya."

As Harry eagerly unwrapped the package, he discovered a sleek leather jacket adorned with studs and patches, exuding an edgy charm that perfectly reflected Tonks' unconventional spirit.

"It's a bit punk rock, innit?" Tonks remarked, her grin widening as she watched Harry's reaction. "Figured you could use a bit of attitude in your wardrobe."

Harry couldn't help but grin in return, appreciating Tonks' unique and thoughtful gift. As he tried on the jacket, he felt a surge of confidence wash over him, ready to embrace his rebellious side with gusto.

"Thanks, Tonks," he said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "It's brilliant."

Percy, ever the studious and responsible one, approached Harry with a small, neatly wrapped package in hand. With an air of seriousness, he presented the gift to Harry, his English accent refined and proper.

"Harry, I thought you might appreciate something to aid you in your studies," Percy said, his tone earnest and sincere.

As Harry unwrapped the package, he discovered a meticulously crafted set of enchanted quills and parchment, designed to enhance note-taking and organization. Each quill was labeled with a different subject, and the parchment contained subtle enchantments to help with memory retention and recall.

"It's a bit of a study aid," Percy explained, his voice tinged with a touch of pride. "I thought it might come in handy for your classes at Hogwarts."

Harry nodded appreciatively, touched by Percy's thoughtful gesture. As he examined the gift, he couldn't help but feel grateful for Percy's practicality and attention to detail, knowing that it would undoubtedly be of great use to him in his academic pursuits.

"Thank you, Percy," Harry said, his voice sincere. "It's perfect."

The Patil twins, Parvati and Padma, approached Harry with identical mischievous grins, their Indian accents lilting with warmth and excitement.

"Happy belated birthday, Harry!" Parvati exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

"We brought you something special from our homeland," Padma added, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

With a flourish, Parvati produced a small, intricately carved wooden box from her bag, while Padma held out a delicate silk scarf embroidered with vibrant colors and intricate patterns.

"We thought you might like a taste of India," Parvati said, her smile widening as she handed the box to Harry.

Inside the box, Harry discovered a collection of enchanted trinkets and charms, each imbued with the magic and culture of India. There were miniature figurines that danced and sang when activated, ornate jewelry that glimmered with hidden spells, and tiny bottles filled with exotic scents and potions.

"And this scarf is woven with protective enchantments," Padma explained, gesturing to the silk garment. "It will keep you safe on your adventures."

Harry's eyes widened in awe as he examined the gifts, marveling at the craftsmanship and magic woven into each item. He couldn't wait to explore the wonders of India through the treasures the Patil twins had bestowed upon him, grateful for their thoughtful and unique present.

"Thank you both so much," Harry said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I can't wait to try them out."

Daphne and Astoria Greengrass approached Harry with graceful steps, their French accents adding a touch of elegance to their words.

"Happy belated birthday, Harry," Daphne greeted him with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with sincerity.

Astoria nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring her sister's. "Yes, happy birthday, Harry."

With a flourish, Daphne produced a small velvet pouch from her bag, while Astoria held out a beautifully crafted journal bound in rich leather.

"We wanted to give you something meaningful," Daphne explained, her voice soft yet confident.

Astoria chimed in, her eyes alight with excitement. "This journal is charmed to protect your thoughts and memories, Harry. It will keep them safe from prying eyes and unwanted intrusions."

Harry's gaze shifted between the pouch and the journal, his curiosity piqued by their thoughtful gift. He couldn't help but feel touched by the sincerity and thoughtfulness behind their present.

"Thank you, Daphne, Astoria," Harry said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "I really appreciate it. These are wonderful gifts."

Luna Lovegood approached Harry with her usual dreamy demeanor, her silvery eyes sparkling with an otherworldly light.

"Happy belated birthday, Harry," Luna said with a serene smile, her voice carrying a melodic quality.

In her hands, Luna held a small, intricately decorated box adorned with mystical symbols and whimsical creatures.

"I hope you find this gift as intriguing as I do," Luna continued, her gaze fixed on Harry with an unwavering intensity as she handed him the box. "It's a lifetime subscription to The Quibbler, so you'll always have access to the latest news and discoveries from the wizarding world."

As Harry opened the box, he discovered a pair of the oddest looking spectacles nestled within, their rainbow lenses gleaming in the dim light of the room.

"And these," Luna added, her voice filled with quiet excitement, "are Spectrespecs. They allow you to see things that others might miss, like Wrackspurts and Nargles."

Harry couldn't help but smile at Luna's unique and thoughtful gift. It was quintessentially her – whimsical, unconventional, and undeniably fascinating.

"Thank you, Luna," Harry said, his voice sincere. "I'll be sure to put them to good use."

As the gifts were given, the kids got down to the serious business of eating ice-cream. Meanwhile the adults mingled among themselves.

The Weasley twins exchanged excited glances as they overheard Sirius and Remus discussing their plans for a candy business with Andromeda. They leaned in closer, their ears perked up to catch every word.

"Did you hear that, Forge?" Fred whispered to George, his eyes widening with excitement. "They're talking about starting a candy business!"

"I heard, Gred!" George replied, barely able to contain his enthusiasm. "And they want Andromeda to help them with magical candies!"

The twins grinned mischievously at each other, their minds already buzzing with ideas.

"I wonder if they'll need any test subjects," Fred mused, his gaze fixed on Sirius and Remus.

As Sirius and Remus continued their conversation with Andromeda, the Weasley twins couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of being involved in such an adventurous venture.

The twins' eyes widened in recognition as Sirius and Remus referred to each other as Padfoot and Moony. Memories of their own mischief-making adventures with the Marauders' Map flooded back, reminding them of the countless pranks they had pulled throughout their time at Hogwarts.

Excitement sparking in their eyes, the twins hurried over to Sirius and Remus, their curiosity piqued by the mention of the Marauder nicknames.

"Are you really Padfoot and Moony?" Fred blurted out, unable to contain his eagerness as he addressed Sirius and Remus.

Sirius and Remus exchanged a puzzled glance, surprised by the familiarity with which Fred addressed them.

"Padfoot and Moony?" Sirius repeated, a hint of incredulity coloring his voice. "Where have you heard those names before?"

Remus furrowed his brow, his curiosity piqued. "Indeed," he added, his tone thoughtful. "Those are names we haven't heard in quite some time."

The twins exchanged a mischievous grin, relishing the chance to reveal their secret. "Let's just say we stumbled upon them while exploring Filch's office last year," George confessed, unable to contain his excitement.

Fred nodded eagerly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "We found this old piece of parchment," he explained, his voice tinged with excitement. "And it had all sorts of magical writing on it. That's where we saw your names."

Sirius and Remus shared a knowing look, a mixture of surprise and amusement flickering in their eyes. "Ah, the Marauder's Map," Sirius mused, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips. "Well, well. It seems our legacy lives on."

Remus chuckled softly, shaking his head at the twins' audacity. "I must say, I'm impressed," he admitted, his gaze fond as he regarded Fred and George. "Not many students have managed to uncover our little secret."

The twins grinned proudly, pleased to have earned the approval of two of Hogwarts' legendary figures. With the mystery of Padfoot and Moony finally solved, they knew their own Hogwarts adventures were just beginning.

"We humbly beseech thee, oh Padfoot and Moony, to impart upon us the sacred teachings of mischief," Fred proclaimed, his voice filled with reverence as he and George bowed dramatically before Sirius and Remus.

"Teach us, oh masters, the secrets of pranking and the art of mischief-making," George chimed in, his eyes shining with anticipation.

Sirius and Remus exchanged amused glances, thoroughly entertained by the twins' theatrical display.

"Rise, young pranksters," Sirius declared with mock solemnity, his voice tinged with amusement. "For the gospel of mischief is not something to be taken lightly."

Remus nodded in agreement, a smile quirking his lips. "Indeed," he added, his tone playful. "But if you're truly determined to follow in our footsteps, we may have a few tricks up our sleeves to share."

The twins grinned from ear to ear, their excitement evident as they eagerly awaited the wisdom of their newfound mentors. With Padfoot and Moony as their guides, they knew their journey into mischief was bound to be legendary.

Sirius and Remus exchange a knowing glance, silently agreeing to reveal the truth to the eager twins.

"Before we delve into the teachings of mischief," Sirius begins, his tone growing serious, "there's something you should know."

Remus nods in agreement, his expression solemn as he adds, "It's about Harry."

The twins' eyes widen with anticipation, sensing the gravity of the moment.

"Harry is more than just my godson," Sirius continues, his voice tinged with reverence. "He's the son of Prongs."

George's jaw drops in astonishment, while Fred's eyes sparkle with awe.

"The son of Prongs?" Fred repeats, barely able to contain his excitement.

Remus nods solemnly. "Yes, James Potter himself."

The revelation hangs in the air, leaving the twins speechless with wonder. They had known Harry was special, but to be the son of one of the legendary Marauders was beyond their wildest dreams.

Sirius and Remus exchange a knowing smile, confident that they have chosen the right disciples to carry on the legacy of mischief at Hogwarts. With the twins by their side, they knew that the spirit of Padfoot, Moony, and Prongs would live on for generations to come.

With their heads spinning from the revelation, Fred and George dashed over to Harry, their faces lit up with newfound excitement.

"Harry!" Fred exclaimed, his voice ringing with awe. "You're the son of Prongs!"

George nodded enthusiastically, his eyes shining with admiration. "You're practically royalty!"

Harry chuckled at their enthusiasm, feeling a warmth spread through him at their genuine excitement.

"Well, I don't know about royalty," Harry replied modestly, "but yeah, that's me."

The twins couldn't contain their excitement, bombarding Harry with questions about his father and the legendary Marauders. As they basked in the glory of being in the presence of the son of Prongs, laughter filled the air, their joy infectious to all who witnessed the scene.

Excitement bubbling in their voices, the twins turned to Sirius and Remus, eager to join in on the conversation about the candy business.

"So, about this candy business," Fred began, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "We couldn't help but overhear..."

"...and we've got a few ideas of our own," George interjected, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Sirius and Remus exchanged amused glances, impressed by the twins' enthusiasm.

"Well, we were just discussing the possibility of starting a candy business," Sirius explained, his tone casual yet enthusiastic. "But we'd love to hear your ideas."

The twins launched into a rapid-fire exchange of ideas, their creativity and inventiveness evident in every suggestion. Sirius and Remus listened intently, nodding along as the twins outlined their plans for magical candies with all sorts of amusing effects.

As the conversation continued, it became clear that the twins' energy and imagination would be valuable assets in bringing their candy business to life. With their shared passion for mischief and innovation, it seemed the possibilities were endless.

As the door to the ice cream shop swung open, admitting Amelia Bones and Jean-Claude Delacour, the atmosphere shifted subtly. Amelia's authoritative presence commanded attention, while Jean-Claude exuded an air of quiet elegance, his French accent adding a touch of sophistication to his words.

"Harry," Amelia called out, her warm smile contrasting with her businesslike demeanor as she approached him. "I'd like you to meet Jean-Claude Delacour. He's here on behalf of the French Ministry."

Harry stood up, curiosity flickering in his eyes as he extended his hand in greeting. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Delacour," he said politely.

Jean-Claude returned the gesture with a firm handshake, his own smile reflecting genuine warmth. "'E pleasure is mine, 'Arry," he replied, his French accent lending an exotic charm to his words. "Amelia 'as told me much about you."

Amelia nodded in agreement. "We had a productive meeting," she added, her tone businesslike yet congenial. "But I'm glad to see the party is in full swing. How's everything going here?"

Harry glanced around at the lively scene unfolding before them, a sense of contentment washing over him. "Everything's great," he replied, a smile tugging at his lips. "Everyone seems to be having a good time."

As his gaze lingered on Jean-Claude Delacour, a figure of quiet authority amidst the festivities, the pieces fell into place.

As the realization dawned on Harry, a flicker of comprehension illuminated his features, casting a shadow of intrigue across his expression. "Jean-Claude Delacour... He's Fleur's father," he mused silently, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place.

In the recesses of his mind, Drakor's voice resonated with confirmation, adding weight to Harry's discovery. "Indeed, Harry," Drakor affirmed, his presence a reassuring presence in Harry's thoughts. "Jean-Claude Delacour is indeed Fleur's father."

As Harry's revelation unfolded, he couldn't contain his curiosity, prompting him to share his discovery with Jean-Claude. "Mr. Delacour," he began, his voice tinged with excitement, "Fleur mentioned in her letter that you knew my father, James Potter."

Jean-Claude nodded, his expression thoughtful as he recalled the past. "Ah, oui," he replied, his French accent lending a melodious cadence to his words. "I was a French Auror at the time, on loan to ze British Ministry during ze war with 'He-who-must-not-be-named.' James was a British Auror, and we often collaborated on missions."

Harry's eyes widened in fascination, his mind buzzing with questions. "What was he like during those times?" he inquired, eager to learn more about his father's experiences beyond what he had heard.

Jean-Claude's gaze softened with reminiscence. "James was a courageous and skilled Auror," he explained, his tone tinged with respect. "But beyond his abilities, he was a true friend and ally. We fought side by side, facing danger together and sharing moments of camaraderie amidst ze darkness of those days."

Harry listened intently, a sense of pride swelling within him as he absorbed Jean-Claude's words. It was a rare glimpse into his father's life, one that he cherished deeply.

As the last of the guests bid their farewells and departed, the atmosphere in the ice-cream shop shifted to one of intimacy and anticipation. Susan, Amelia, Sirius, and Remus gathered around Harry, each eager to present their gifts to him.

Amelia reached into her bag and pulled out a small parcel wrapped in elegant paper. "Harry, this is from me," she said with a warm smile, handing the gift to him. "I hope you like it."

Sirius and Remus exchanged a knowing glance before Sirius stepped forward, holding out a small box adorned with a bright ribbon. "And this one's from us," Sirius announced, his eyes alight with excitement. "Happy belated birthday, Harry."

Remus nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring Sirius's enthusiasm. "Yes, happy birthday, Harry," he added, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

Harry accepted the gifts with gratitude, his heart swelling with appreciation for his friends and guardians. "Thank you, everyone," he said sincerely, his voice filled with emotion. "I can't wait to see what you've got for me."

With eager anticipation, Harry began to unwrap the gifts, eager to discover the surprises that awaited him.

Sirius beamed as Harry unwrapped the small, leather-bound journal, the cover embossed with intricate designs of pawprints and stars. "This, Harry," Sirius began, his voice tinged with nostalgia, "is something your father and I worked on together during our Hogwarts years."

Remus nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting fond memories of their time at school. "It's our journal documenting our journey to becoming animagi," he explained, his tone warm with reminiscence. "We thought you might find it interesting."

Harry's eyes widened with excitement as he flipped through the pages, marveling at the detailed accounts and sketches of their adventures. "Wow," he breathed, his voice filled with wonder. "This is amazing. Thank you, Sirius, Remus."

As the conversation unfolded, Drakor's voice echoed through the room, resonating with a hint of offense. "Hold on a moment," Drakor interjected, his tone tinged with indignation. "Harry doesn't need to become an animagus. With our bond, he can embody any creature he desires by utilizing my abilities."

Harry's expression shifted to one of surprise as Drakor spoke aloud, his eyes widening in realization. "That's right," he affirmed, his voice laced with understanding. "Drakor and I share a unique connection that allows me to transform into any creature without the need for animagus training."

Sirius and Remus exchanged intrigued glances, absorbing Drakor's revelation with keen interest. "Well, that changes things," Sirius remarked, his tone thoughtful. "It seems our animagus plans might need some rethinking."

Remus nodded in agreement, his gaze shifting to Harry. "Indeed," he added, his voice tinged with curiosity. "It appears your bond with Drakor holds even more surprises than we initially thought."

Harry glanced at Susan, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "You know, Susan," he began, "since I won't be needing the journal to become an animagus, maybe you could make use of it. It's filled with valuable insights and experiences from Sirius and my dad's journey."

Susan's eyes widened with excitement at the suggestion, her lips curving into a grateful smile. "That's incredibly generous of you, Harry," she replied, her voice tinged with appreciation. "I'd be honored to learn from their experiences."

Sirius and Remus exchanged approving nods, pleased by Harry's gesture. "It seems like a fitting way to carry on their legacy," Sirius remarked, his tone filled with pride.

Remus echoed his sentiment, his gaze shifting to Susan. "I'm sure James and Sirius would be pleased to know their journal is being passed on to someone who will appreciate its value," he added, his voice filled with warmth.

Remus reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, intricately crafted box. "Harry," he said, offering the box to him, "this belonged to your father. James wanted you to have it when you were ready."

Harry accepted the box, his heart pounding with anticipation as he carefully opened it. Inside, nestled on a bed of velvet, lay a shining silver pocket watch, its surface etched with delicate patterns and symbols.

"It's beautiful," Harry whispered, his voice filled with emotion as he ran his fingers over the smooth metal. "Thank you, Remus. I'll treasure it always."

Remus smiled warmly, his eyes shining with affection. "Your father would have wanted you to have it," he replied softly. "I'm glad I could pass it on to you."

Susan approached Harry with a small, elegantly wrapped package in her hands. "Happy belated birthday, Harry," she said, her smile warm and genuine as she handed him the gift.

Curious, Harry carefully unwrapped the package to reveal a finely crafted leather-bound journal. "Wow, Susan, this is amazing," he exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with appreciation as he ran his fingers over the smooth cover. "Thank you so much. But I already got journals from Ginny and Daphne."

Susan chuckled, "Well, then perhaps it can be a spare or a backup," she suggested with a playful grin. "Or maybe you can use it for something completely different. The choice is yours, Harry."

Amelia presents Harry with a small, intricately crafted wooden box. "This belonged to your parents," she explains softly, her voice carrying a mix of nostalgia and reverence. "Your mother gave it to me for safekeeping, with instructions to pass it on to you when the time was right." She pauses, her gaze meeting Harry's with warmth and sincerity. "I believe that time is now, Harry."

Harry accepts the box with a mixture of curiosity and gratitude, his fingers tracing the delicate carvings adorning its surface. As he opens it, he discovers a collection of mementos—letters, photographs, and other small treasures that once belonged to his parents.

Tears prickle at the corners of his eyes as he sifts through the memories, each one a poignant reminder of the family he lost and the legacy they left behind. "Thank you, Amelia," he murmurs, his voice choked with emotion. "This means more to me than words can express."

As the last of the gifts were exchanged and heartfelt goodbyes shared, the atmosphere in the ice-cream shop was imbued with a sense of warmth and camaraderie. With the party drawing to a close, Harry couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from his friends and guardians.

Gathering his thoughts and emotions, Harry glanced around at the faces of those who had gathered to celebrate with him—Sirius and Remus, who had become like family; Susan, whose unwavering friendship had been a source of strength; Amelia, whose guidance and protection had shaped his journey; and Drakor, whose presence had brought a newfound sense of belonging and purpose.

With a grateful smile, Harry thanked each of them for their presence and their gifts, knowing that their love and support would carry him through whatever challenges lay ahead. As the last echoes of laughter faded and the shop grew quiet, Harry felt a sense of contentment settle over him, grateful for the bonds of friendship and the moments of joy that had filled his birthday celebration.

With a final farewell and a promise to meet again soon, the guests departed, leaving Harry with a heart full of memories and a spirit renewed. As he watched them go, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the adventures that awaited him, knowing that with his friends by his side, anything was possible.


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