
Harry Potter and the Pure Blood Wizard

So, a boy finds himself in the World of Wizards as a baby. He is part of a Wizard family, however, soon he realizes that his life won't be all sunshine. ****************************************************************************************************** Everything belongs to JKR, I am just here to add some twists and turns to satisfy my fantasies. Yeah, this is just Wish-Fulfillment.

Novachrono_Agares · Book&Literature
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Chapter – 5 The Magic Teacher

Theodore's POV

"When will they be here?" I muttered, eagerly looking towards the gate.

Currently, I was sitting in one of the rooms on the first floor of Nott Castle. This room was empty until recently and was handed to me after Mum changed the architecture of the room using Transfiguration Magic. Now it looked like a classroom with a blackboard and all the other equipment necessary for a teacher to teach their student.

After the year I spent convincing Mum and Dad, and the two months they took to find me a good teacher, it's finally the day I have been waiting for.

Yes, it was finally time to start learning Magic. And I am sitting in this classroom waiting for my teacher's arrival. Although it's not yet time for the person in question to arrive, I couldn't help but get more and more excited upon thinking that I'll finally be able to start learning Magic starting today.

I have been looking forward to this day for years now! And I would be lying if I were to say that I am dying of curiosity as to who my home tutor is.

Although Mum and Dad did not reveal their identity to me, they did tell me a few things about the teacher they selected. The person is quite young, and a half-blood.

My parents are pure-blood supercilious, and although they don't completely shun the half-bloods as they do with the Muggle-borns, they still look down on half-bloods whom they often refer to as 'half-breeds'.

Imagine, such bigoted people actually allowed a half-blood to take the responsibility of teaching Magic to their only child? This just speaks volumes of their talent; the person must have some extraordinary ability to be able to convince such prejudiced people.

And I can't help but wonder, 'Is it, Severus Snape?' The name of the 'Half-blood Prince' was the first that came to my mind. But it didn't stay there for more than a second, because I didn't really think that it would be Severus Snape.

I am not saying that Severus Snape doesn't have the ability. He has… in fact if the ability is to be taken into account, he is more than capable… he is a potion master, an accomplished Occlumen and Legilimen, a master of Dark Arts, and a former death eater who worked as a double agent for the 'You-Know-Who' & Dumbledore, and most of all he is a young half-blood Wizard so the man definitely has the ability, no doubt about that.

If his former identity as a Death Eater is to be taken into account, then it's indeed possible that he might have had some close relationship with my dad, and might have agreed to his request. However, I still doubt whether he would be patient enough to take on the task of teaching Magic to a four-year-old over a bunch of eleven-year-olds.

Even if dunderheads, At least the eleven-year-olds would be more sensible compared to a spoiled four-year-old.

'That man… no… It can't be Severus Snape.' I shook my head and personally, I would prefer if it's not him, the man is dangerous. He would be able to read my mind like an open book, and Merlin knows what he will do after learning the entire future trajectory of this world.

'Please don't be Severus Snape' After praying to myself, I tried searching for other names that might fit the description of the 'Young and half-blood.'

'Perhaps Remus Lupin?' But this name was also quickly put on the side because my parents would never hand over the task to a member of Order-of-the-phoenix. Moreso, when the said person is a Werewolf. Only Merlin knows how many times my father might have fought the man in the first Wizarding War, so yeah… it can't be him.

Other than these two, no other name came to my mind. It's not that there aren't any more capable half-bloods in the Wizarding World, it's just that the ones I remember from the cannon are either too young–probably in their teenage–or too old to fit the description.

So, no matter how I thought about it, I just couldn't think of anyone from my memories to match the description.

'Sigh, I suppose there is no need to trouble myself over the identity of my teacher, I will know sooner or later anyway.' I thought and continued to wait.

Fortunately, I did not have to wait too long, after just a minute of waiting the person in question arrived.

The gate of the room was pushed open as my supposed Magic Tutor walked in while greeting me, "Hello there… you must be mister Theodore Nott, the child whom I am supposed to teach Magic, am I correct?"

There was no 'Yes', no 'No', neither a 'nod' nor a 'shake' from my head, how could there be? I just couldn't move; I was so shocked… no… no… I wasn't shocked… rather… I was mesmerized by her beauty… by the beautiful appearance of my supposed teacher.

She has long hair that was of silvery colour with blue tips, she looks young, tall, and well-endowed with fair skin and a beautiful face. Her beauty was complimented by the black witch cloak that she was wearing.

A faint blush covered my cheeks as I continued to stare at her.

Receiving no response from me, my teacher was confused. She walked towards me and stared at me in confusion as I looked at her, then she bent down a little and waved her hand before my eyes and spoke, "Excuse me, are you doing all right?"

This caused me to return back to God, as I spoke in a single breath, "Ah… yes! Yes, I am all right. And yes, I am Theodore Nott, the child you are supposed to be teaching."

She nodded lightly, "Oh thank goodness, it would have been very problematic if you weren't all right in our first meeting." Then she paused, and greeted me once again, "Nice to meet you, mister Nott, you can call me Augurey or Miss Augurey or Madam Augurey whatever you are comfortable with… I will be your teacher for the next few years, let's get along with each other, shall we?"

'She is named after the Irish Phoenix?' I thought as I quickly returned the greeting, "Then I would like to go with Madam Augurey, and it's my pleasure to be taught by you madam Augurey, a while ago I was enamoured by your beauty." And added a genuine compliment, by the way.

Miss Augurey blinked in surprise, she did not expect me to compliment her beauty, and nodded with a smile, "Thank you, mister Nott." Then she turned around and walked towards the podium while muttering something like 'so different from my expectations.'

3rd Person POV

Madam Augurey walked towards the blackboard, and tapped her wand on it as characters started to appear on it in white, 'Magic!'

She pointed at 'Magic!' with her wand, and asked, "Mister Nott… before I start teaching you anything, I would like to ask you… what do you understand by Magic? You don't have to be accurate, just tell me what you think magic is. Of course, you can take a minute or two to ponder if you would like."

Theo folded his hand over his chest as he got into thinking mode all the while Madam Augurey stood silent waiting for my answer.

After a while, Theo spoke, "In my opinion, Magic is the power to make the impossible possible. For example, the ability to fly… unlike birds, humans weren't born with the gift of wings that would allow us to fly, however, with the help of magic it becomes possible for us to soar the skies.

Although most of us can only fly with the external aid of things like enchanted brooms, carpets, et cetera, flight has indeed become possible for us wingless creatures. In fact, I have also read that there exist a few Wizards capable of unaided flight as well, which is normally impossible but made possible by magic.

So, when I think of Magic, I think of the endless possibilities that it brings."

"Although quite vague, that's a very unique perspective, and yes, you are correct, more or less." Madam Augurey nodded, and then explained, "Yes magic it's a supernatural force with the power of apparently influencing the course of events, with magic, we can make the impossible possible, we can bend the fundamental laws of the world, and so much more with just a flick or a swish or a tap. Isn't magic wonderful?"

Theodore nodded, "Yes, it's a wonder." Imagining all the wonderful and amazing things he would be able to do in the future.

Following Theodore's response, Madam Augurey nodded and spoke, "Now, for the first few classes, there is no need to take any notes as we will only be having discussions in order to gain a perspective of 'what', 'why', 'how', 'when', and 'where' of Magic.

There won't be any wand weaving or potion brewing for now, so please keep that in mind. I will bring forward a topic, you will ponder over the topic for a while and speak your thoughts about it, and then I will speak mine to develop a clearer picture of everything for both of us. do you understand Mister Nott?"

"Yes." Nodded Theo.

Madam Augurey smiled, and spoke, "In that case, let's start with…"

'It seems I'll be having a lot of fun learning magic from her.'




Theo - MC - Very Excited to Learn Magic

Madam Augurey - Young, tall, and Beautiful - Magic Tutor

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