
Harry Potter and the Pure Blood Wizard

So, a boy finds himself in the World of Wizards as a baby. He is part of a Wizard family, however, soon he realizes that his life won't be all sunshine. ****************************************************************************************************** Everything belongs to JKR, I am just here to add some twists and turns to satisfy my fantasies. Yeah, this is just Wish-Fulfillment.

Novachrono_Agares · Book&Literature
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Chapter – 6 Progress So Far

"The incantation is 'Engorgio', pronounced as 'en-GOR-gee-oh, and the wand movement is '℧', do you understand?" spoke Augurey.

Theo nodded, "Yes." Looking at the apple resting on the table.

Augurey waved her hand, signalling Theo, "All right then, recall the flow of magical energy inside your body, and perform the wand movement as you chant the spell. Make sure that the size is only increased by 10-fold, and not an mm higher or lower."

Theo lifted the wand and cast the spell as per Augurey's instructions, "Engorgio!"

Immediately, the size of the apple resting on the table increased. It was a perfect tenfold increase.

Augurey nodded in satisfaction, then she pointed at the enlarged apple, and said, "Now the next step, reduce it… the reduction should be ninefold. The incantation is 'Reducio', pronounced as 'ruh-DOO-see-oh', and the wand movement is 'V', understand?"

Theo once again pointed at the apple and chanted while performing the wand movement, "Reducio!"

The size of the apple was reduced precisely by nine folds.

Augurey waved her wand to check the size, and after making sure that the size was exactly as per the requirement she gave, she nodded with a smile, "Very Good."

Theo breathed in relief. Increasing and decreasing the size of an object is not too difficult, however, things change when there are specific requirements, it requires a lot of concentration, and certain calculations have to be done as well, which is not easy while casting.

Of course, Theo has started to get used to it.

After catching his breath, Theo asked, "So, what's next Madam Augurey?"

Augurey checked the time on the wall clock, then said, "That will be all for today. Your parents should be back by now."

Theo nodded, "All right." Then asked, "Madam Augurey, will you be joining us for dinner today?"

Augurey shook her head, "You know that today is Friday… I have an appointment that I must attend." And waved her wand as her things started to pack themselves.

"I understand, in that case, I will be seeing you on Monday?" asked Theo.

Augurey nodded, "Yes." After pocketing her things, she turned around and walked towards the fireplace, as she spoke, "Make sure to finish the reading material I have assigned you before our next class on Monday, I won't be hearing any excuses."

Theo nodded, "I will."

Augurey smiled and waved her hand, "Well then dear, see you on Monday."

After that, she disappeared away using the Floo Network.

With Augurey gone, Theo didn't sit around either, he sheathed the Wand in the holster and left the classroom.

It's been six months since he started learning magic. So, far Augurey has been teaching him only three subjects, Potions, Transfiguration, and Charms.

Classes occur five days a week. Monday is Potions, Tuesday is Transfiguration and Charms, Wednesday is again Potions, followed by Thursday with Transfiguration and Charms, and finally, Friday is the evaluation day. Whatever, he has studied for the entire week will be evaluated by Augurey on Friday.

Potions class is 6 hours long, while Transfiguration and Charms classes are 4 hours and 2 hours respectively. There is a very good reason why Potion classes are the longest. Potion brewing is slow and time taking process.

In potion making, not only do we have to brew the potion, we have to learn how to handle the ingredients and the environment properly in order to obtain the best quality potion.

Even a small mistake can cause the potion to become completely useless or change its intended effect, therefore, a lot of time, effort, and concentration has to be devoted to Potion making.

Of course, despite all the efforts he puts in, there are still a lot of errors while brewing the potions, but thanks to Augurey's teaching ability, his learning ability, and no lack of potion ingredients courtesy of Nott's financial status, Theo is able to continuously practice until he brews the perfect mix.

Transfiguration is no slouch either, it's a complex subject and requires a deep understanding of the structure of things that are being transfigured. But strangely enough, Theo doesn't face many problems in Transfiguration, whether because of his high comprehension ability, or because of being a natural Metamorphmagus, Transfiguration comes to him quickly.

Talking about the third subject, Augurey is especially good at charms, therefore, her explanation has always been very good. She is able to easily resolve Theo's doubts, so Theo doesn't face too many hurdles in charms either.

So far, Theo hasn't faced any major problems in either subject. Perhaps this is also because so far the course material has been quite easy. Because he has good comprehension ability, and because Augurey is really good at explaining things, Theo has been able to make rapid progress.

Within six months, he has already completed the first-year course material of Hogwarts and shifted to the second-year course material. The two spells, 'Engorgio' and 'Reducio' are second-year spells this week's charms classes were focused on, and Theo has perfectly mastered them.

Theo is not sure whether this speed can be considered fast or not, but he knows that he is way ahead of his peers. Even so, this isn't enough. Dumbledore has been in contact with Magic for over a century, and Voldemort has been in contact with Magic for more than half a century. Becoming as strong as them within a decade will require a lot more effort. This difference in time is not easy to make up, and he will have to give his everything just to reach their level.

That's why, Theo doesn't waste his Saturdays and Sundays. He spent these days meaningfully. Although he is not allowed to practice Magic in the absence of an adult around him, there are still things he can do.

Saturday and Sunday mornings he will wake up early and spend time with Angelina in the garden of the Nott Castle. Gardening is Angelina's hobby, so all kinds of Magic plants are present in the garden of Nott Castle. Although the presence of this variety of magic plants in the gardens of the Nott Castle has restricted the terrain he is allowed to cover unless he is accompanied by his dearest mother, he doesn't mind it at all as it's not really that big of a big problem for him.

Anyway, the pair of mother and son studies and takes care of all the Magic Plants growing in the garden. By studying and taking care of Magic Plants, Theo is not only able to study Herbology, but he is also able to spend time with his dear mother, therefore, these morning hours are extremely precious to him.

The weekend afternoon is spent with Pascal practising Latin. Latin is the language of Magic, so studying and practising it is very important for an ambitious little wizard like him.

Originally, Pascal wanted to use the weekend afternoons to teach Theo Dark Arts, but Angelina straight off refused to allow him to teach Dark Arts to such a young child. The man had to give in to his wife's anger and settle down to Latin instead.

The duo of father and son seemed to have bonded over their love for the language of magic. Even if Theo feels a little discomfort because of Pascal's past–Death Eater–he has acknowledged the old man as the head of the family and his elder. Of course, Theo still hasn't accepted Pascal as his father but that's fine.

The evening is mostly spent in solitude since his parents mostly go out and attend gatherings. Sometimes these are simple political gatherings, other times, there are galas that his parents are invited to, these are also times when his parents go out to attend some secret gatherings of pure-blood Wizards. Regardless of the type of gathering, they don't take Theo with them.

Their reason? He is too young for such gatherings. And since there won't be any children his age there, he would only get bored there.

Theo has no problem with this and spends the weekend evenings either playing his Piano or reading the books that he is allowed to read. Then he would practice his Metamorphmagus skills which he is allowed to do without any need for supervision.

By the time Pascal and Angelina return from gatherings, he completes his dinner and gets ready for sleep.

After wishing good night to his parents, he goes to sleep. Looking forward to Monday when he will finally be able to once again practice magic.

This has been Theo's life so far; it wouldn't be wrong to say that he has been living a very productive and fulfilling life.

He often takes pauses in whatever he is doing and tends to think, 'I guess I am happy with my current life!'

When he had such thoughts, Theo never imagined that he would end up jinxing himself.

By the time he realized it, it was already too late.

The happy and fulfilling life of Theodore Nott was about to come to an end because fate had something else in store for him.