
Harry Potter and the Pure Blood Wizard

So, a boy finds himself in the World of Wizards as a baby. He is part of a Wizard family, however, soon he realizes that his life won't be all sunshine. ****************************************************************************************************** Everything belongs to JKR, I am just here to add some twists and turns to satisfy my fantasies. Yeah, this is just Wish-Fulfillment.

Novachrono_Agares · Book&Literature
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Chapter – 4 Convincing Parents

Flashback: Start


As the world before him became clear, Theo's feet landed on the ground and he tried to balance himself, barely managing. His stomach was churning and he was resisting a strong urge to puke, "That was horrible, I am not doing it again. Ever!"

"It gets better dear, your state is rather good for your first Port-Key travel, many witches and wizards end up emptying their stomachs right away, not to mention you are still a child. So, don't worry, you'll do fine." – Angelina said, as she opened the lid of a glass bottle and instructed Theo, "For now, drink this potion, you will feel better."

Theo nodded and helped himself to the bottle of potion.

'Hahh… that's better." He muttered as he could feel the potion taking its effect. He was already feeling much better.

After making sure that her son was doing fine, Angelina got up and looked around, "Ahh… there he is." A man–dressed in a Wizards robe–was making his way towards the two.

Looking at the man, Theo wondered, 'Who is he?' He didn't think the man was his father, after all, he appeared rather old to be his father, so he ought to be someone else, 'Perhaps grandfather?' He did not know if he had a grandfather, so Theo couldn't be sure.

Theodore did not have to wait for long because he soon had his answer as Angelina waved at the man, and spoke, "Paschal… We are back!"

'Paschal?!' Theo's eyes widened in shock, he looked at his Mum, making sure that she wasn't out of her mind or anything, then glanced at the man one more time in disbelief, 'This old man is my father?'

He couldn't believe his eyes, 'How did an old man like him manage to marry Mum?'

Paschal appeared to be a man in his late fifties, while Angelina is not even 25 yet, the difference in their age is more than 30 years! And Angelina is really beautiful mind you, so it's just incredible that the two are married.

Some peculiar thoughts were coming into his mind as he tried to imagine the kind of relationship the old man and Angelina have, 'Could it be… my Mum is a gold digger? Or is it possible that the old man is a Sugar Daddy?" Then, Theo shook his head, "Yeah no… I should not think about my parents in this way… There could have been many reasons why Mum married the old man, and there is also a possibility that this might not be too odd in the Wizarding World as I am unaware of the traditions and customs of this world.'

By the time Theo had cleared his thoughts, the old man was standing in front of him.

Flashback: End


With a crack sound, Holly appeared in Theo's room and informed, "Young Master Theo, it's time for dinner… Master and Madam are expecting you in the dining hall."

"I understand." Nodded Theo as he closed the book–History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot–and made his way to the dining room of the Notts Castle.

While walking through the corridors, Theodore thought of the past year he has spent in the Notts Castle back in the United Kingdom.

Yes, he lives in the Notts Castle now… it's been a year since, Angelina, Theodore and Holly returned.

Although it was hard to accept the old man–who looked more like a grandfather considering his age–Theo still accepted the man's identity. Of course, whether he really considered the old man to be his father is hard to say.

Pascal remains busy with work at the Ministry of Magic, so Theo doesn't have much interaction with the old man, much to his relief, Theo really doesn't know how to get along with a Death Eater. As for Angelina… she too seems to be quite busy, Theo doesn't know where she goes and what she does… she seems to be quite secretive about it, 'it's mainly work-related, or so the two people tell him. Although he is slightly bothered, the two don't seem to have any intention of telling him, so there's really nothing he can do about it.

As for the Nott castle… well it has its own history. The Nott Castle is located somewhere in Warwickshire, situated on a meander of the river Avon. This castle–although not as big and grand as Hogwarts–is still an ancient Castle that was built as early as 15 BC.

This was another shocker for him. Just imagine, the Nott family has been living in a castle that was built nearly 2000 years ago! As unbelievable and absurd as this sounds, it is true. This information once again reminded him that he really is part of an ancient pure-blood Wizarding family that has been in existence for over two thousand years.

And it's not just the Notts, several other pure-blood Wizarding families like the Blacks, the Lestranges, the Ollivanders, the Avery, the Yaxley, and a few other pure-blood families have been in existence for thousands of years.

Such long history! Can you imagine?

Of course, the history of the Nott family is not filled with glory and noble deeds, same is the case with the other Wizarding Families… there is a fair share of good and bad… but different times require different measures, what may seem wrong may have been a common practice of that time, and it may have been the only choice at that time, he really has no right to judge all his ancestors.

Regardless, Theo never expected that he would one day become part of such a history, and he would be lying if he were to say that he isn't proud of his lineage and the history of the Nott family.

'Is this why the pure-blood Wizards are so prideful and so full of themselves?' he wondered. He felt that he was starting to understand the Pure-Blood Wizards a little bit.

Most people will feel proud if their family had such a history, and wealth.

Oh yeah, when it comes to wealth… Theodore is clueless as to where the Notts stand, he does know that the Notts are super rich–a fact clearly evident from the luxurious lifestyle that he has lived since he was reborn in this world–however, how rich to be exact, he has no idea. And well… there is really no need for him to be concerned about the aspect of wealth. In the future, there will be many opportunities to gain unimaginable wealth. Therefore, he is not really interested in wealth for now.

Currently, Theodore's primary focus is knowledge and the power that knowledge will bring him. And this has also become a reason for unimaginable frustration for Theo. Why? Because he is still not allowed to study Magic.

He tried reasoning with his mother but hasn't made any progress, and his father seems to share the same thoughts as his mother, therefore, no progress there.

Of course, this does not mean he hasn't done anything on his part. Theo was taught Metamorph Magic by his mother, and he has been constantly training in it. And even if Theo is not yet allowed to learn Magic, he is still allowed to read books and has spent the last year reading as many books as he can. The only problem is, those are storybooks, history books, and information books about the Wizarding World.

But this is it… he cannot continue in this manner. Sooner or later, he has to start with his Magical studies. After all, he is already four years old, and it's only a decade or so before 'You-know-who' makes his comeback. Theo has no plans to become a death-eater to do Voldemort's bidding so he must get on with it!

Moreover, there is no guarantee the events in the future will play out the same way they did in the canon, there is also no guarantee that Voldemort will die the way he died in the canon, there is n number of things that can go wrong and n number of ways the plot can change. Theo doesn't want to be helpless in the event something does go wrong, therefore, he must acquire as much knowledge and power as he can before he is forced to face future challenges.

'Today I must convince Father and Mother!' Theo determined himself as he entered the dining hall.

After the three were done with the dinner, Theo brought up the matter of learning Magic.

"No, you are too young." Angelina denied Theo's request, and said, "Why don't you continue reading the books I gave you? We'll talk about learning Magic when you are old enough."

Theo complained, "When will I ever be old enough in your eyes Mum? You have been telling me the same thing for the past 2 years, and I am fed up hearing the same reason every time… Besides, I have already read all the books I was given… Now, I want some books about Magic. Please, Dad? I want to learn Magic. What's the point of being a pure-blood Wizard if I can't even start learning Magic just because I am young?"

"Theo… I understand that you are eager to want to start learning Magic, however, you must understand that as fascinating as it is, Magic is also dangerous, and you are too young to be learning it…" said Angelina, explaining how dangerous it can be to learn Magic, and added, "It would have been fine if you were a little older, but now? Not on my watch young man!"

"No! I want to learn Magic, and I want to start early! It doesn't matter whether I am young or old!" said Theo as his eyes became tearful.

Angelina helplessly looked at her husband, "I don't understand his obsession with Magic!"

All this while Paschal had a thoughtful expression as he looked at his son.

Angelina has narrated her experience of raising Theo to him, therefore, Paschal knows that Theo has always been an odd child. He hardly cries, and Paschal has to agree with Angelina that their son is a precocious child, he picks up on things faster than any child he has seen so far. It is undeniable that their son is a one-of-a-kind genius.

Theodore's unusual maturity and learning ability often remind Paschal of one man… That man too had such a unique mind.

'Lord Voldemort'

Most of the Wizarding World may not know the real identity of 'Lord Voldemort', however, Paschal Nott, being one of the few Deaths Eater who studied in the same year at Hogwarts as the man himself knows about the man's genius.

He was able to pick on things so quickly that it was simply unbelievable. And Theo seems to have similar intellect… no… it would be better to say that Theo's intellect, precociousness, and ability to pick on things is far better than 'Lord Voldemort'. Even he wouldn't have such a bright mind at the age of four!

Of course, whether Theo is really as talented in Magic as the most Dangerous Dark Lord of all time is something they have yet to figure out, but the fact that their son is a genius through and through is undeniable.

Given enough time, Theo might surpass that man!

And if that does happen, the pure-blood Wizards won't be forsaken.

It's been three years since the Dark Lord disappeared. It is unknown whether he is still alive or dead. Time is changing, Paschal has noticed this… even if he doesn't want to accept it, it is an undeniable fact that the Wizarding World has started to adopt the ideologies that the Mudbloods bring with them.

The number of truly pure-blood Wizards is dwindling with each passing year, and if they don't take any measures, the situation will continue to become dire as years pass. But the presence of Dumbledore makes it difficult for pure-blood Wizards like them to take any action.

That man may be old, but he has enough power to make even Lord Voldemort act in caution.

When Lord Voldemort was in power, he held off Dumbledore, allowing them to take action against the Mudbloods and blood traitors, however, now that Lord Voldemort has disappeared, pure-blood wizards like them are unable to act.

The pure-blood Wizards need someone on their side, someone with the power to back them up!

Taking these things into consideration, Paschal spoke, "Angelina… it's fine… I think… we should allow Theo to start his Magic studies."

Both Angelina and Theodore were taken aback upon hearing Paschal's words, and both exclaimed in surprise, "Seriously?" the only difference was, Theodore was excited, while Angelina was in disbelief.

Angelina asked, "Are you serious Paschal? Aren't you worried that there will be some accident?"

Paschal nodded, "Of course, I am worried, therefore, we will take some measures to make sure that he remains safe. We can make sure that he practices magic under someone's supervision."

Angelina wasn't satisfied, "And how are you going to do that?" and added, "You are mostly busy with work at Ministry… And I don't really get much time given my work at the Depart of My–…!" She paused suddenly, realizing that she was about to speak something she shouldn't and quickly added, "Well, I am unable to make time either."

'I… I can study on my own.' Thought Theo internally, but dare not say it out loud. He feared that this might anger Angelina, and he can say goodbye to this opportunity. Therefore, he remained silent as Paschal and Angelina talked it out. One thing did surprise him, 'Was she about to say Department of Mysteries? Is she one of those?'

"I know… I know both of us are busy most of the time… but well… we can make other arrangements. Perhaps hire a home tutor? Of course, that person will have to be someone trustworthy. What do you think?"

Angelina became quiet, she was considering the prospect of a home tutor teaching their son, "Well, as long as it is someone, we can trust… then I suppose we can allow it. Of course, I will personally evaluate that person's capability! I don't want to hand over my son's teaching to someone incompetent!"

'This… this means Mum has given her consent? Right?! Right?!' thought Theo in excitement.

"All right then we should start looking for a home tutor. Maybe we will find someone good enough for the job." Said Paschal with a smile.

A plan was starting to form in Paschal's mind as he looked at his son, 'Perhaps a new Dark Lord?'

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