
Harry Potter and the Blood Traitor

Sometimes worlds are born from the willful creation of an Author that writes a story a lot of people would like to find themselves into. The collective intent of the readers is heard by the universe and it creates a world in another plane of existence.... Alas every author leaves some kind of loophole in a way or another and the story they write is never perfect, the world adjusts himself and many things may change: from the way an ipotetic magic would work to the choices the caracters in the story make, choices they would not have made if they werent forced by the author himself for the sake of plot.... A soul from Earth gets reincarnated into one of these worlds: a world born from the mind of J.K Rowling as the twin brother of Draco Malfoy: his new name is Raon Malfoy. The world he knows and love changed, some characters have different personalities from canon, some events major or minor adapted to these changes and even the way magic works is not the same anymore. He understands, the plot doesnt protect him, he wont find absolute power just by walking in the forest, neither will a celestial being protect him at the right moment and neither will he find a misterious teacher out of nowhere: unlike last life this time he swears to protect those close to him. i dont own any of the caracters or the world per se, they all belong to J.K.Rowling.

DodgeThatAuthor · Book&Literature
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Chapter 9: Training in the RoR

In front of me there is a door, it is the door to prof. Flitwick's study, I knock twice

''Enter Mr. Raon'' says the tiny half-goblin

''Thanks, professor'' I reply closing the door behind me with a thud

''So what did you want to talk to me about?'' he asks curiously from behind his desk

''So.. I have been trying to use transfiguration for dueling, however, I noticed that even if I'm able to transfigure objects perfectly when sitting down while moving around the process becomes too slow to be effective, and sometimes it even goes out of control... I wanted to ask since you are known as a Duelling Champion, if you could give me some tips or if there were any tricks to make it work easier'' I politely say while showing him that I could use transfigure a couch into a table and back

He looks very surprised and says ''Ohh Mr. Roan, that's very advanced for a first-year'' he thinks for a while before saying ''Let's do it like that, I will only teach you if you can show me drive and talent... if you can by the end of this semester change a rock into a small magic golem that follows your commands I will give you some pointers. This is, after all, advanced dueling and only a few have mastered this art: in this school, apart from Albus, only me, Professor Snape, and Professor McGonagall can use this technique... What do you think?''

''I won't let you down professor, goodnight'' I say with a slight bow before running towards my dormitory

'A connection with professor Flitwick has been made, this will be very beneficial in the future...'' I think with a small smile on my lips

6 September 1991, Friday morning

We have the double lesson with Professor Snape today first hour theoretical, the second practical, we will learn about each ingredient for the Cure for Boils potion and we will try to make one in the next hour, since there is a waiting period of 35-40 minutes before going from part one to part two of the potion we will probably resume theoretical lessons briefly during that time... Snape is a pain... at least I'm Slytherin and he won't target me.

As per canon he starts his speech not before entering while smashing through the door to create the best scenic effect possible:

"You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making," he began and like Professor McGonagall, Snape had the gift of keeping a class silent without effort.

"As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. I don't expect you will really understand the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering

fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death... if you aren't as big a bunch of dunderheads as I usually have to teach."

"Potter!" said Snape suddenly. "What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Hermione's hand had shot into the air.

"I don't know, sir," said Harry.

Snape's lips curled into a sneer.

"Tut, tut it seems that fame clearly isn't everything." said Snape

"Let's try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a


Hermione stretched her hand as high as it would go without her leaving her seat, but Harry didn't have the faintest idea of what a bezoar was.

"I don't know, sir."

Not even giving Harry a chance to breathe Snape continued his unstoppable momentum

"What is the difference, Potter, between monkshood and wolfsbane?" at this Hermione's and shot so high in the air that I thought it would pass through the ceiling to infinity and beyond

"I don't know," said Harry quietly. "I think Hermione does, though, why don't you try her?"

Hearing the answer from Harry I openly let out a chuckle, accompanied by some Gryffins, gaining myself a weird look from Snape... Don't blame me, this scene is probably one of the most famous in all Harry Potter and the delivery was just incredible, with one phrase scarface boy stopped Snape's confidence gaining a comedic effect without seeming impolite. For someone like me trained to look and study human behavior, this exchange is gold.

"For your information, Potter, asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite. Well? Why aren't you all copying that down?" roared Snape waking all of us from our thoughts.

The practical lesson starts and I pair myself with Theo, while everyone is starting I tell Theo to review with me the steps so that he knows what to do, never go full retard when doing potions always look carefully at the steps first and then act

Add crushed snake fangs to your cauldron and stir.

Slice your Pungous Onions finely and place in a cauldron, then heat the mixture.

Add dried nettles.

Add a dash of Flobberworm Mucus and stir vigorously.

Add a sprinkle of powdered ginger root and stir vigorously again.

part 2

Add pickled Shrake spines.

Stir gently, so as not to overexcite the Shrake spines.

Add a glug of stewed horned slugs.

Add porcupine quills.

Finally, wave your wand over the cauldron to finish the potion

''THEO!'' I say loudly

''Nettles coming up!'' he shouts back

''Perfect!'' our coordination was very good, all because we took 5-10 minutes to review the steps carefully, imagine if we practiced like this for a few days...

In the end, our potion was the best of the class and we even got praised by Snape

''Mr. Malfoy, Mr. Nott 10 points each to Slytherin, superb work'', while we looked smugly at each other and gave ourselves a well-deserved high5

Seamus cauldron exploded (figures) that guy could make even grass explode just by looking at it for too long...

Snape blamed Harry for some reason and took 20 points from the Gryffins... ez I think

After lunch, I head to the seventh floor and I find myself looking at a wall 'I think it is here'

I close my eyes and think really hard about what I need right now: a room to train magic against moving targets, I hear the sound of a door opening and proceed to enter the room

The first thing that comes to mind is 'huge' a big rectangular room with a circle drawn on the floor, around the circle stand multiple wooden humanlike dolls with a wand in hand; the circle divides me and a bigger doll compared to the rest, the doll starts talking as soon as my eyes focus on it

''Welcome to the training room, we are T.D., we will commence the training shortly, stand on the circle when you are ready. Round 1 is: Battle Movements, you will only focus on protective spells or avoiding by moving your body, once the timer starts we will commence attacking with the Mock Jinx (A/N made it up it is a spell equal in casting speed and travel speed to stupeficium but the effect is just a little sting), you will also be able to move everywhere in the room and use everything in the room to help you. Any other spell except transfiguration magic or protego are prohibited in round 1.''

I stand on the circle and the round commences, a timer is projected in the air counting down 9:59

at the same time I see the big T.D. launch a quick spell, I quickly protect but more are coming from all directions, to avoid most of them I decide to sprint forward, barely avoiding. More are coming I'm now very close (5-6) meters from T.D., I can feel speels being cast by all the smaller T.D.s: 6 are coming straight at me while the big boss is chanting his, I sprint right and I avoid most of them I cast protect again to defend from two rouge spells but as I was about to sprint again I'm hit in the back by the bigger T.D. ...

''You lost, please stand in the circle again and retry''

'i failed'.... I need to think about why I failed and how to avoid this from happening again

mmh... I noticed two main problems, my first mistake was sprinting forward: it is true that I was able to avoid all the spells from the smaller T.D.s but then I also did not improve my situation... It is hard to avoid spells you do not see, soo if all I have to do is avoid... I need to get into a position where I see all of them and so I need to sprint back towards the door!

The second mistake I made was the use of protego, Instead of standing still waiting for the enemy spell to hit I could just train my senses to see the spells, just use a small protego on the tip of my wand and intercept the spells directed at me while at the same time being able to move my body to avoid the others.... let's try this!

As soon as the timer starts big T.D. casts a spell that I avoid by protegoing my wand and intercepting his spell while sprinting backward to avoid those from around me. Seeing my success with the protego ordeal I feel happy but the very next moment something makes me frown heavily

All the T.D.s, at slightly different intervals, cast a spell directed in my directions

''This will be hard I say, but I wanted this LET'S GO'' I shout

the first spell to come is the Big T.D.'s which I immediately protect my self from at the same time I move my body to the right avoiding another one, three others are coming my way one to the head one to the left leg and one a bit more to the right. My senses are not up to pace Im able to protect from the one to the head bot the other hit me making me fall on one knee.

Before the T.D.s could say anything I shout ''CONTINUE PLEASE, DON'T STOP''

I get up and I see more spells coming towards me

''Oh boy... this will be a hard Afternoon...'' I mutter

I found myself looking at the ceiling completely exhausted, A robotic voice rings in my head

''Round 1 completed successfully come again tomorrow for round 2''

I was able to avoid seven spells cast almost at the same time for 10 minutes, my senses improved greatly and my reaction time improved exponentially. Of course, they are not real wizards, but as training, it is probably the best I could ask for at Hogwarts.

I find somehow my way to dinner dragging my body to the Slytherin table under the surprised eyes of everyone

''what happened to you man'' asked Theo

''it feels like you just fought against 100 wizards'' double down Daph

''How are you feeling, Raon? If you want I can help you go to the infirmary'' says in a cute voice our shy neighborhood Pansy

''yea guys, I feel hella tired, thanks pansy but it is really fine'' I say with a smile before launching myself on the food

''Have you heard? It seems that Quidditch's tryouts will start on Tuesday, but our first flying lesson only starts Thursday, it is a shame, they are not giving first years time to prepare'' says Daph

''well not that it matters really, really rarely are first-years taken in a Quidditch team, they have to be monsters to get chosen'' said Theo 'eh.. I think you might see a monster very soon man' i think while laughing

''The real problem here is not Quidditch right now but professor Snape!'' says Pansy ''How can he give homework on the first lesson of the year! And a thesis at that regarding what we learned today, is he crazy?''

''Shhh'' I intervene ''Remember that he always gives us free points, you will just need to scribble a few things down and it will just be fine'' I say to pansy who was getting all flustered

''I actually think we should prank professor Quirrel when he gives us homework'' I continue with a grin

''Ohh, you have my attention Raon'' says Daph with a big smile

''I'm thinking of studying the Rune Alphabet and writing my homework in that language just to make him work more, I heard he never really excelled at the subject when he was at Hogwarts'' (and I doubt Voldy would help him I add in my mind)

''But that also means more work for us..'' Theo retorts

''Yea but think about it if a lot of us write like that, we would only lose some time individually, while he just loses more time in general, he will get a huge headache''

''mmmh, well writing in Rune is not hard... since we have the Alphabet converter and we don't need to infuse magic... might as well do it later down the line if we get more people to join'' says Daph with a smirk

''looks like a plan to me'' says Theo with the same evil grin as me

We then all go to sleep after a quick chat in the common room


I'm still testing my writing style and I wanna fix as much mistakes a possible before getting into the story, bear with me for a while guys. The pace is defo gonna pick up soon

much love and thx for reading :3

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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