
Harry Potter and the Blood Traitor

Sometimes worlds are born from the willful creation of an Author that writes a story a lot of people would like to find themselves into. The collective intent of the readers is heard by the universe and it creates a world in another plane of existence.... Alas every author leaves some kind of loophole in a way or another and the story they write is never perfect, the world adjusts himself and many things may change: from the way an ipotetic magic would work to the choices the caracters in the story make, choices they would not have made if they werent forced by the author himself for the sake of plot.... A soul from Earth gets reincarnated into one of these worlds: a world born from the mind of J.K Rowling as the twin brother of Draco Malfoy: his new name is Raon Malfoy. The world he knows and love changed, some characters have different personalities from canon, some events major or minor adapted to these changes and even the way magic works is not the same anymore. He understands, the plot doesnt protect him, he wont find absolute power just by walking in the forest, neither will a celestial being protect him at the right moment and neither will he find a misterious teacher out of nowhere: unlike last life this time he swears to protect those close to him. i dont own any of the caracters or the world per se, they all belong to J.K.Rowling.

DodgeThatAuthor · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 10: Flying Lesson

12 September 1991, Thursday morning

A week went by since my first RoR training and I got addicted to it...

Sunday and Monday were spent almost completely in the room only getting out for lunch and for dinner, while during the week since the first term does not have afternoon classes I spent the free hours till dinner training. The 'after dinner' was used to chat with my friends about the things we learned in class during the day or about the newest in the gossip world (a conversation led by Daphne herself, I found out she could talk about gossips for days... these guys are so different from canon, and I really like their different personalities.

They asked me what I did when I randomly disappear after class, I always answer I have meetings with professors, or I do some training on the school grounds... They were suspicious but they never really questioned me much about it, they were kids yes, but still born in high society, they have been taught when to ask and when to retreat. I will tell them about the room, now though is not the right time. I need to focus on getting my core up to second-tier and if I can find more information on rituals (since, before doing it, I will at least need to understand the basic concepts and theories around rituals, the mana synthesizer ritual is dangerous and not to be taken lightly ) in the school library I will start studying them starting today.

Why the school library you might ask? Simple because I need to show myself more outside the RoR to avoid suspicion... What would you think of a guy that disappears from existence in the afternoons to reappear half beaten during dinner? Yea, something is up... At the cost of my training I will show myself more and study rituals as an added bonus. The school btw forbids the usage and study of specific rituals but not the general theories behind rituals! That's why those books are not located in the Forbidden Section and that's why I don't need to actually stay in the RoR to be able to read them...

About the training well... It is just amazing really

There were four rounds R1) consisted in the training I did Friday R2) Consisted in learning to quick cast stupeficium and expelliarmus against moving targets but I already mastered the spells so I was able to cast them with minimal hand gestures and no incantation ( something I would never be able to do if not for my 4th year-liker core). R3) Was actually 10 moving targets in front of you that casted speels at random intervals, accepted actions being protego, stupeficium, expelliarmus and body dodging. This took 3 afternoons to complete and was honestly really helpful R4) Was an extremely tiring mix of all other courses repeated till you fail and there is no real completion, I did it only for one afternoon.

Then there is the costume course: I can choose the number of enemies, the spell that can be used, the frequency of attacks etc.etc., in the custom course there is also the mock fight option where I'm against big T.D. and he cast all the spells normally used in dueling.

He destroyed me all afternoon but it was amazing, I got a real feel on what dualling actually means and I will keep doing it till I beat the guy and I develop my own style (little did he know that big T.D is actually a monster designed do imitate professor Flitwick dueling style and speed and improving it a bit in both; to beat the guy he will suffer a lot without knowing when he will actually complete the feat, that he beat the improved version of the dueling champion).

During this week I learned some more spell enough to use them in a fight: the easy Flipendo mastered after a few tries and Incarcerous.

It is now breakfast and I enter the Hall a little later than usual after the usual body training in the morning still in my tight training outfit that can't hide my muscles and well-toned body. Draco was holding Neville's Remembrall, Professor McGonagall was quick to notice the trouble around her house table and was already storming there, seeing things move as per canon I did not need to do anything and started moving towards my table.

My relationship with Draco is weird, he was a bit hostile at first because he wanted to compete for father's approval. When he found out that I had no interest in that he relaxed and we started to have a decent relationship. He ignores my ''weird antics'' and I help him either getting father's approval or covering his fuckups... In the end, you will never see us fighting each other or being overly cheesy for that matter. We talk normally when we feel like talking and we ignore the other when we feel like doing so.

I then notice strange looks directed at me and I look around seeing what is the deal... Needless to say, I almost slap myself in the face at the realization: all the girls were looking at my body, some with surprise, some with lust and some blushing in embarrassment. Ofc I'm a complete idiot, what did I expect entering the Hall filled with teens in puberty dressed like this... I think I sighing

I looked at the Gryffins once again table and seeing the situation calming down I was about to move my gaze when I saw McGonagall furrowed brows directed at me

''Mr. Raon what's with that outfit? Did you lose your uniform?'' she asks in her usual authoritative tone

''Sorry professor, I finished my practice late today and I feared losing breakfast...'' I said trying to look as apologetic as possible while still feigning innocence and cluelessness on what exactly is the problem

''Well, try to get yourself dressed properly next time'' commented the Professor getting angry looks by the female body with me having an inward chuckle seeing the reactions

I then turned to look at Hermione that was looking at me in embarrassment, seemingly being unable to redirect her gaze somewhere else.

I decided to show her a warm smile making her blush even more before sitting.

It was finally time for the afternoon flight lesson exactly at 3:30 PM

Everything went almost as canon dictated only this time with a few changes thanks to me

Only me Draco and Harry were able to make our broom fly to our hand from the ground

I saw Hermione look of disbelief while she tried to do the same growing agitated at the fact that she could not do the same. Seeing her like that I frowned without even noticing I did and decided to help her. Since the two houses are facing each other separated by a small pathway I looked in Hermione's direction and said.

''Hermione'' I start ''calm down first and take a deep breath, if you are not completely calm and concentrated you can't correctly direct magic from your palm to the broom, then when you are ready just chant 'UP' with conviction, you need to make sure to think that the action you have in mind (meaning the broom reaching your hand) is going to happen. You have already mastered more difficult spells and incantation I know you can do something like this'' I conclude with a genuine smile

The whole class turns silent and I see Madam Hooch looking at me with surprise, Hermione if at the start was surprised I called her but after I started explaining she took in all the information I was giving with greediness trying to not miss anything. After all she witnessed the speed my broom went in my hand.

After thinking for a bit she clams herself down she tries to move her mana to her hand and finds out that the process became quicker the moment she got rid of her stress, then she chants ''UP'' as if commanding the broom to move if it laying on the grass and not being held in the girl's hand was the stupidest thing imaginable (intent in this world: being almost certain that your command changes the future and knowing that the future is going to be exactly as you imagined it to be). Under the gaze of everyone present the broom actually shots up and is now tightly held in her hand. Everyone gasps and immediately tries to do the same.

She looks at me with the same big smile I unknowingly longed to see again after that transfiguration class. I reply with a smile of my own and a nod

''10 points to Slytherin, for helping and giving the right advice to another student of another house, good job mister Raon'' says Madam Hooch while thinking ' yes this is how I want students to be, this Slytherin kid did not hesitate to help a visibly struggling student of another house, something someone of the green will never do. Not only that but seeing the girl's success everyone else's morale improved; I need to encourage this kind of behavior'

Theo standing beside me with finally his broom in hid hand says '' and here I was about to say something about interacting with that girl again... not only did you also helped me getting my broom up faster but you also got points for the house... I think I will just shut up from now on''

'' About time man, you finally get it hu?'' I say with a big laugh to which he laugh too

'I love spending time with this guy' i think again

The rest of the class went as canon, there was no need to interfere so I didn't, there was only one dialogue that did not appear in the books... the one with me and Ron.

While Harry and Draco were taking flight with Neville's Remembrall in the latter hands Ron looks at me with rage and says

''He is your brother, can you tell him to get down and give the ball back? Or are you also fine with stealing another person's property?''

I stop both Daphne and the normally reserved, shy and calm Pansy that were about to say something both with extremely angry faces (probably angry at the fact that the idiot was implying that I was a bad person that condoned stealing) saying a brief and effective ''Let me''

''He is my brother Ronald, not my dog; why don't you go to Fred and George and tell them to stop with their jokes? Wanna see what happens? He can do whatever he sees fit, if he makes a mistake it will be his fault and his responsibility to deal with'' I say sternly

Ron just shuts up and glares at me knowing he had no way to really counter my argument, after all he also realizes that a brother cannot always be responsible for everything the other members of the family do, he also took punishments he did not deserve because of his brother's actions.

After this Harry caught the ball Draco threw before hitting a wall with brilliant control and ability while being seen by Professor McGonagall in the process. Under four minutes she comes down in the courtyard from her study and takes the future young Seeker away.

News that Harry Potter became the new seeker spread like wildfire, Draco challenged Harry to a duel and the trio plus Neville found Fluffy... Too much action for one single day...


next day, 5:00 PM

I'm heading to the library after my RoR practice with my book on Rituals in hand. I decided to ask if I could borrow one so I did not have to go to the library anytime, something the librarian immediately agreed to.

I try to find a comfortable place to sit, without many people, when I see Hermione studying on what looks like the first-year potion book; I find my way towards her and ask ''can I sit here?'' with a polite smile

She looks up with curiosity and then I see her expression relax into a smile saying ''sure get yourself some space''

I sit down next to her surprising her a bit but she did not voice or show any kind of rejection so I just smile and take out my book

She notices that it is not a book for any class, so she asks ''what is this book about? I don't recognize it'' she says in her habitual commanding tone which I unknowingly started to decipher in what exactly she wants to know and what her true emotions are at the moment. right now, for example, she is full curious mode with a bit of expectation about the topic someone like me is interested in.

'' Yes it is not in the curriculum, it is a book about ritual and their theories, it is a fun topic'' I tell her maintaining my smile

''I read a bit about rituals'' she says in a proud voice probably happy at the fact that she knows what I'm talking about so she can continue the conversation '' they are very complex and everything can go wrong when doing them.....''

Our exchange went on like this for a while before we stopped talking and stopped reading. We went on like this for hours till it was time for dinner. We enjoyed the moment, like this, in silence, we were happy with the company of the other and no words were needed. The atmosphere was not dull but calm and pleasing, if it was not for dinner we could stay like that for another hour or two without tiring ourselves.

Raon did not notice that in the library he lost control of his expression, there was a big genuine and happy smile on his face. He never felt like this even in his first life, there was never a situation like this and he was not prepared; he could have never known that he could enjoy the time with another person, without talking, that much.

In summary, since he was not prepared he lost control of his emotions and his expressions focusing himself only on the book in front of him and enjoying the company of the person next to him.

Unknowingly, for the first time in years, Raon felt truly... relaxed.


Two weeks later- RoR room

It was Friday afternoon this time in the or room you could see two figures in a standoff with wands sheathed.

'Let's try it' i think

The battle between Raon and big T.D. started

Raon starts the duel off casting in quick succession depulso, flipendo and stupeficium

The Dummy does not just stand there, he uses the same protego technique Raon used casting a big concentrated (hence stronger) protego at the tip of the wand, to block the first spell coming which (since depulso in this world is slower) is flipendo he then dodges to the side to avoid depulso and counters stupeficium midway with one of his own.

I don't give him the time to counterattack, like the doll himself taught me i try to hit him with multiple stupeficiums and expelliarmuses directed at him. With brilliant reflexes he avoids most intercept some and protego the few that he cannot intercept.

This standoff doesn't last much longer, my mana reserved is already halved the doll starts to counterattack. With speed and good reflexes I'm able to avoid a stupeficium coming my way by dodging to the left however this disrupts my onslaught and the dummy starts counterattacking.

I see the famous combo stupeficium,expelliarmus and pietrificus totalus, known for the fast casting speed but also for its power and mana usage.

I'm barely able to avoid a fast stupefy, but I know I cannot really defend from the other two without being left open to another attack so an idea comes to mind.

I quickly transfigure the ground into a steel strong metal wall in front of me; since my concentration is not as good as when I am not in combat, the mana usage is very big.

I was able to get some transfiguration dueling tips two days ago after I was finally able to complete the transfiguration of a small magic golem from a small piece of rock. He gave me some basic tips for dueling, and what I am doing right now is just the basic of basics of the art.

The two spells hit against the wall destroying hit but not passing through I then transfigure the destroyed pieces in small kunais and launch them all towards the doll.

I have only mana for one spell and in exasperation, I also add a bombarda into the mix


After a loud explosion, the fog created by it slowly disperses and I see a completely intact dummy pointing its wand at me.

''You lost'' he says making me sigh in disappointment

''However this was your best attempt yet, if your mana was higher you would have probably put me in a difficult position'', ''Your last attack was very commendable'' it says immediately making me smile

''How did you defend from the last attack I thought I had you''

''One: your control is not good enough, for example you could have added rotations to your kunais, Two: you did not have enough mana to add more speed to the kunais making my job easier. All I did to defend was transfigure the ground as you did and adding a protego behind it to protect from your bombard as well; you have to know that your attack destroyed both my protections: well done'' It concludes before disappearing

'I improved a lot... But not enough' i think while clenching my fist

I then think of going to the library, a smile forms on my face knowing that like almost every day in these weeks, I will be able to read with her.

However, I did not notice that smile...


What do you think about the fight scene?

Also, I changed the meeting between Harry and Raon on ch 4.. cause reasons and will probably do more of this in the future

My finals are coming up so probably no daily upload if at all

3000 words.. absolutely beat

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

DodgeThatAuthorcreators' thoughts