
Harry Potter and the Blood Traitor

Sometimes worlds are born from the willful creation of an Author that writes a story a lot of people would like to find themselves into. The collective intent of the readers is heard by the universe and it creates a world in another plane of existence.... Alas every author leaves some kind of loophole in a way or another and the story they write is never perfect, the world adjusts himself and many things may change: from the way an ipotetic magic would work to the choices the caracters in the story make, choices they would not have made if they werent forced by the author himself for the sake of plot.... A soul from Earth gets reincarnated into one of these worlds: a world born from the mind of J.K Rowling as the twin brother of Draco Malfoy: his new name is Raon Malfoy. The world he knows and love changed, some characters have different personalities from canon, some events major or minor adapted to these changes and even the way magic works is not the same anymore. He understands, the plot doesnt protect him, he wont find absolute power just by walking in the forest, neither will a celestial being protect him at the right moment and neither will he find a misterious teacher out of nowhere: unlike last life this time he swears to protect those close to him. i dont own any of the caracters or the world per se, they all belong to J.K.Rowling.

DodgeThatAuthor · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 8: First day of school



wanted to answer some of the doubts that are surfacing around my story up until now

-this story is different from canon, it might seem the same right now, but only because it just started... can't spoil much more really....

-the magic is different from canon, someone asked why is he able to use stupeficium (stupefy but cooler name) even if It is a fourth-year spell... The reason is simple: the only reason why he can learn those spells is that, as stated earlier, his core is like the one a fourth-year guy would have, a bigger core means better affinity with magic and a better understanding of what the caster is asking him; it is like a toddler growing up, at first he can only answer basic commands then, as it grows bigger, he learns higher difficulty commands hence being able to understand that his caster is telling him to give the exact mana needed for the spell that is then correctly transformed into the correct spell by understanding the intent behind the caster coupled with hand movements and incantation to easier the process... boom you now have your stupeficium. This is also the reason why it is possible to learn chantless and ''gestureless'' magic, your core is like a computer, if he is able to understand exactly what you ask him he will deliver exactly that, however it is more like a human in the sense that it needs to grow and ''age'' (becoming bigger or evolving to higher tiers) to be able to understand commands better.

- wandless magic is still not possible I will answer later why, it is something that the mc tried to do but can't

hope this answers most

-Thursday morning, September 5, 1991-

For some bloody reason class didn't start on Monday... NO! it had to start on Thursday..... first the Sorting ceremony in no alphabetical order and now this... my OCD meter levels are going through the roof right now...

The first lesson starts with my favorite, professor Flitwick the lesson starts at 8:00 but I was there at 7:30, the reason is that I did some training outside the castle and then I directly went to class after a quick breakfast alone at 6:00, alone yes since everyone mostly arrives at 7:00...(for the first week I better not try to get in the RoR students and teachers would get a bit suspicious of a student disappearing from sight in the first week of studies when classes did not even start.. I might be a bit too careful but as I like saying: better safe than sorry).

From Monday to Thursday I did not slack off, practiced simple magic the night in my room while training the body early in the morning, hanged out with my friends till lunch while going to the library in the afternoon studying the third-year curriculum... The librarian looked at me with pity in her eyes whenever she sees me taking books too difficult for my year, probably thinking that I have no friends and should instead go out and makes some like all the normal kids.... if she knew what would happen in these 7 years she would instead give me more books I think to myself

The classroom door opens and I see a very short half-goblin man with a white beard and a smile plastered on his face probably enjoying the fact that he is gonna teach new students.

None should ever underestimate this tiny man that I immediately recognize as professor Filius Flitwick, he started his teaching career in 1970 but before that he was crowned Dueling Champion, earning himself numerous trophies and medals in the process, during the first wizarding war he opposed Lord Voldemort and with his skills he defeated multiple death eaters even with the most simple of charm giving huge headaches to his enemies whenever he was around... truly an incredible wizard.

''Good morning professor'' I say while standing up

''Oh, oh good morning to you mister...'' he asks with a bit of his standard excited-surprised voice

''Raon sir'' I said always preferring to use my name to introduce myself

''Mr. Raon, you are here early, was there something you wanted to ask me?'' be wittily asked

''Yes sir, I would like to ask something after class if possible'' I politely ask

''Ohoh, the energy of young students surprise me every year'' he laughs '' the class has not even started and you already ask me for a meeting after class'' he continues a bit excited before saying ''unfortunately I can't after class because I have to teach the second years, however, I'm free tonight after dinner if you want''

''Thanks professor I will be there'' I say with my polite smile while thinking ' I'm glad that this professor will not say no to his students asking for his help, he loves to see bright students grow up and he enjoys seeing their growth first hand... mind you however that no professor will ever say yes if you ask them for example: please teach me to fight; no the correct way of asking is to ask them for guidance when you are stuck or when something in your work is missing. For example, there is a combo in this world for dueling: depulso (which in this world is very slow so it is always cast first or second), expelliarmus, flipendo(that I still haven't learned and will be my next one since it is actually a first year jinx... too focused on stupefy and the patronus....I'm an idiot I know) if you go to the professor showing him the combo and ask for guidance you will receive pointers for making it faster or stronger... you will never have the answer, only pointers to reach it... and that is the best I could ask for'

Students started arriving one after the other, today and tomorrow we have lessons with Gryffins, it is clear that the school wants to create a climate of rivalry between the two houses to encourage everyone to do their best, the House War like students call it is there for the same reason.

Theo comes near me followed by Pansy And Daph, while opposite to me I see Harry and Seamus Finnigan, the explosion guy, in the seat right above them was a sleepy Ron and Hermione right beside him, I gave all of them a nod with a smile which Harry and Hermione responded to with a smile while Ron decided to ignore... 'Fuck you Ronald' I thought...

''Hey Raon'' said Theo with a sleepy smile

''Hey Theo, hey girls wassup'' I asked with a bright smile

''Sleepy man...How can you be so active during the morning is still a mystery to me'' Answered Theo

''I just hope this day ends fast, I want to explore the castle a bit more this thing is huge'' says Daphne ''Pansy you coming right? today I heard the third years and up will fly on the Quidditch field to prepare themselves because there will be the tryouts next week... Maybe there will be some good looking boys there''

''o-okay Daph'' answers pansy a bit embarrassed

I laughed and said '' wow Daph the year hasn't even started properly and you are already on the hunt phwee (whistle sound)'' we all laughed a bit waking up completely

I looked in front of me in the direction of Hermione watching her take out all of her stuff carefully on the desk, everything is placed orderly and efficiently so that she would have everything she will need for the class ready without taking extra space or making it difficult for others to place their stuff... If I had to grade her preparations I would say 10/10

Theo noticing my smile while watching the girl asked with a slight frown ''why do you keep being nice to that girl, she is a muggle-born'' I can see the concern in his eyes while asking this question, without a doubt he is a good guy, however, the brainwashing he has been exposed to all his life was not negligible. It will take time to change his point of view, 'I need to send my letter to Andromeda Black quickly...' i think

''she may be a muggle-born but her abilities as a wizard are outstanding for her age, she is probably the strongest and the brightest after me here'' I say but seeing his slight pout while still frowning I continue ''I see you don't believe me... well then let's make a bet: I know that we will try a spell later after the theoretical explanation from professor Flitwick, if you can cast yours better than hers I will stop talking to her, what do you say?'' with a slightly cheeky smug

This seemed to have sparked his competitiveness for he answers ''sure if my spell is better than hers you will have to listen to me this time'' with fire in his eyes

I chuckle a bit knowing fully well how good the red-haired future beauty is compared to everyone else

While Theo and company were positioned on my left there was a spot on my right reserved for Alice who luckily came late and, not finding any place to sit other than that, had to begrudgingly take the seat much to my amusement... 'It has been too long since I annoyed her'

''Hey Alice, good morning, did not know that it was custom of the Leyfire family to arrive late to class'' I say with my mischievous smile

''It's not'' she said slightly glaring at me ''I got lost because of all those stupid moving stairs... can't understand why would anyone think this is a good idea''

''So you are saying... you got outplayed by stairs?'' I asked while laughing a bit

I could see her face becoming red with anger and I knew I had gone too far, she even started talking politely to me, that was not a good behaviour; someone like her... is better having as a friend than as an enemy, I will try to change her thinking later down the line, maybe she can become an ally in the future... better apologize for now

''sorry, sorry i have gone too far'' she ignores me, looking in front of her with still slight anger on her face, I needed a bit more than this ''look everyone gets lost with those stairs, before learning how they work I lost my way too many times to count, one time I was looking for the bathroom and ended up into the office of professor Trelawney, you should have seen her face when I asked for the bathroom... I had to listen to her talking about destiny and fate of our encounter before I could finally relieve myself... A night i don't wish to repeat sigh''

I could see her smiling a little while trying to still look angry and I knew I needed just a little push

(btw you have to know that even if we did not have classes up until now we knew a lot about the Teachers and their personalities because we interacted with them a lot these days.)

''If you want we can go together to the next classes today until you don't get lost'' I said with a smile

''ok sure, whatever... we have transfiguration next right? it is a bit far from here...'' she said a slight frown

'she is quite mature mentally for her age, she doesn't blush like an idiot for every little thing, and she understand human nature a little bit; I also realized that she is quite manipulative, she made me ask to accompany her like she probably wanted... she is also no tsundere, if she is angry, she is angry no question asked no blush after a few cute words. I have to be on guard with her, I don't like this feeling'

after half an hour of theoretical teachings from Flitwick, we move to the practical part: trying the spell Wingardium Leviosa

Theo looks at me and then he redirects his attention to Hermione with an 'I challenge you look' the girl completely ignored, Alice was already trying it out but completely messing the hand gesture... I'm not going to correct her she will find it soon enough anyways...

I heard Hermione say ''it is Le-viò-sa not Le-vio-sàààà''

Alice looks at me and says ''you don't try it?'' with an eyebrow raised questioningly

'' there is no need for me to 'try' '' I answer with a mug

''you don't want to embarrass yourself do you?'' she says as if she completely caught me

I stare deadpan in her eyes, take out my wand and chant ''Wingardium Leviosa'', the feather started flying up in the air

Everyone is looking at me gasping, while Alice is in complete shock not expecting me to actually do it.. bitch I mastered this spell when you were still playing with dolls...

I then look at Hermione looking at me with surprise, I give her a genuine smile surprising myself a bit since normally my expressions are controlled, I move my head a bit as if saying 'your turn', she understood took her wand and chanted the spell

To the amusement of everyone present two feathers started floating up in the air touching each other as if dancing in the air... I turn to Theo and say ''looks like I won'' with a smirk on my face

Theo still looking a bit dazed answered ''yes... yes you won... even though she is a muggle-born.... she is good...why..'' I smiled at his words, Theo is a very pragmatic person when he is thought something he cannot wait to test it out, that's why out of everyone a single event like this can shake him the most... When you are someone that relies a lot on your brain and that tries to build your life basing yourself on facts an event like this that goes against everything you are thought is really devastating. So I decided to double it down

''I don't believe I need to say anything more Theo, you are very bright, I know you can come to the conclusion on your own'' I say remaining mysterious with my words as if I know something that he does not, if I did not say anything he would probably come to the conclusion that she is the exception that confirms the rule. However, if someone says those words and it is a son of a Malfoy that speaks them then the whole thing assumes a very different connotation and those words immediately relevant... This just shows how important it is to have prestige, fame and power.

I exit the classroom and I'm greeted by a cute looking ice queen with green eyes

''Hey Alice, ready to go?'' I ask, I already told my friend to go on without me

''Yes let's go'' she answers without a smile ''you made me wait.....''

''You can get yourself a leg massage later from those third-year simps that always try to get your attention'' I say jokingly

she furrows her brows a bit before saying '' I could but...what is a simp?''

''Eh long story'' say while chuckling and getting a glare and a frown at the same time

''you know, if you keep frowning like that you will get wrinkles earlier'' I say jokingly making her think for a bit

after a while she asks cautiously ''is that...true?''

which makes me laugh out loud ''you already care about wrinkles? ahahaha don't you worry they are not going to come anytime soon''

''mmh'' she answers

''the next crossroad go left'' I say suddenly

''but why... shouldn't we go straight...''

''I know a secret route we will get there faster this way, and we will also avoid the most changing stairs''

''ok then, if we are late you are going to pay'' she says with conviction to which i reply

'' pfft, sure sure as you say'' getting myself another glare(figures) (A/N her pov showing her inner thoughts will come later down the line)

we did not say anything till we reached the Transfiguration room

there are a few students already seated, I find a seat alone in the first row while Alice stays on the back... Yea no, another lesson with her would be suicide, I can't really relax with her around it is too stressing and I need some peace at the moment.

I then notice the cat on the desk and I already know who that is much to the surprise of everyone I stand up towards the cat that is looking around the room and say ''Good morning Professor McGonagall'' with a smile on my face

People start snickering thinking I'm joking, ohh little do they know eheh

Then a red haired ball of energy and knowledge enter the classroom, seeing me in the first row she trots to me and asks ''is this spot taken?'' with a very cute smile

''No please, sit with me'' I say with a beautiful smile, not one of those controlled smile but again a genuine pure smile

''Thank you!''she says ''did not expect you to come in the front row, do you like the subject?'' she said with her usual inquisitive tone that expects an answer at all cost

I notice her attempt at making conversation, it is not something she normally does probably knowing that no one thinks like her and thinks that her questions are just going to annoy people she talks to. I'm not blind I saw that except Ron and Harry no one really talks with her; probably after seeing I was the only one who was able to make the feather fly apart from her, she gained the courage to try asking questions again as I was the most similar to her and we probably would have the same interests.

This, is a good attempt ''yea I want to try adding transfiguration to dueling and I want to sponge as much information as possible'' I say in a voice loud enough for the cat to hear

Hermione surprised and excited by the prospect of hearing something she doesn't know said ''wow, is it really possible?''

''It is still a theory of course, I will be visiting professor Flitwick tonight to ask him about this project and see if it feasible'' again in a voice loud enough for the vibin catto to hear

As canon Harry and Ron came late and McGonagall transformed into a human, everyone in the room present when I said good morning to the professor proceeded to look at me in amazement. After scolding the two dunderheads the professor looked at me with a bright smile and said ''very well done mister Raon for spotting that the cat was indeed me, 20 points to Slytherin'' Hermione looks at me with strange eyes and I responded by shrugging.

In the end, I was the first one to change a match into a needle, needless to say first try, getting an envious look by Hermione. Professor McGonagall, this time with a bright smile, visibly happy said ''incredible Mr Raon, the needle is perfect and you even did it at the first try, 30 points to Slytherin''. At that moment I became Slytherin's hero for the day.

I gave some pointers to Hermione, making her able to show much better results in canon gaining myself the best smile I have ever seen in my life... worth it...

DADA was disappointing to say the least, exactly the same as canon when the student asked the professor how he defeated the zombies he started talking about the weather...

''Is this guy even a professor?'' asks Daph beside me

''For Merlin's sake, this guy is a joke.. he wants to teach us how to defend against the dark arts but is afraid to face even his own shadow'' I comment getting some snickers

''Hey, he is still a professor, you can't talk about him like that!'' says Hermione that spawned beside me without me noticing in her usual commanding voice

''but we are not talking about a professor, we are talking about a joke!'' a weak and childish rebuttal that, coupled with Quirrel's behavior, gets a snicker out of the present and a small smile on Hermione's face. When dealing with kids childish rebuttals always work, even though I cringed a bit saying that...

It is now evening and I'm getting to Flitwick's study to talk about the present topic: how to make transfiguration work in dueling.


35459 words.. my lord I guess that for today it is all.... I'm beat

thx for reading :3