
Harry Potter and the Blood Traitor

Sometimes worlds are born from the willful creation of an Author that writes a story a lot of people would like to find themselves into. The collective intent of the readers is heard by the universe and it creates a world in another plane of existence.... Alas every author leaves some kind of loophole in a way or another and the story they write is never perfect, the world adjusts himself and many things may change: from the way an ipotetic magic would work to the choices the caracters in the story make, choices they would not have made if they werent forced by the author himself for the sake of plot.... A soul from Earth gets reincarnated into one of these worlds: a world born from the mind of J.K Rowling as the twin brother of Draco Malfoy: his new name is Raon Malfoy. The world he knows and love changed, some characters have different personalities from canon, some events major or minor adapted to these changes and even the way magic works is not the same anymore. He understands, the plot doesnt protect him, he wont find absolute power just by walking in the forest, neither will a celestial being protect him at the right moment and neither will he find a misterious teacher out of nowhere: unlike last life this time he swears to protect those close to him. i dont own any of the caracters or the world per se, they all belong to J.K.Rowling.

DodgeThatAuthor · Book&Literature
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19 Chs

Chapter 7: Sorting Cerimony

We get off the train excited about the year to come, a horde of dark-robed kids is swarming the platform unsure about what to do. I was tempted to use depulso and make everyone fall like dominoes but I refrained myself from doing so as it would spell death from the revenge of all the victims.. or worse EXPULSION. (priorities am I right?)

''First years, first years over here...'' we hear probably from big boy Hagrid

Both me and Harry stop for a bit to greet him

''Hagrid!'' screams Harry with a wide smile on his face

''Hey Harry, how are ya doin lad, get on the boat will ya. Oh Raon is also here, lookin' good boy'' say Hagrid with a noticeable smile on his face

'hu, he is not on guard anymore, I feel like I made a good impression that day... but I will still need to be careful around him, he is too close to Dumbledore' i think before replying ''hey big man, all good here hope you passed a good month'' I say while I leave Harry and Hagrid exchange words on my way to the boats.

In a boat with me there are Pansy, Theo and Daph we exchange a few words on the ride before stopping to look at the incredible castle coming straight out of a fairy tale

''wow it is beautiful'' comments Pansy dazed by the medieval structure, with the other two nodding in agreement

'i admit that the movies don't make it justice' you realize while looking at something so big and majestic how insignificant you are in this world, your actions right now will never shake those walls, you are powerless and incomplete like an ant in front of a human..... but it is not all, you know that thanks to this very same castle you will be able to grow yourself, both as a wizard and as a man, your sense of inferiority is replaced with determination and this rapid exchange of emotions is what make all the kids daze in front of the structure losing themselves in those feelings for a little while.

While I, trained by life to over analyze everything I encounter (which is probably the reason I still haven't fallen in love with anyone), just admire the castle for its beauty and its atmosphere during the night.

We finally find ourselves in the castle blocked by professor McGonagall who starts speaking '' I will need to inform the Headmaster you all arrived safely and we will commence shortly the Sorting ceremony to declare the house you will be in for the rest of your time here in Hogwarts. The Sorting is a very important ceremony, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within these walls and cannot be changed by any means. While you wait for me to come back be good and don't cause a ruckus'' she says turning around and leaving.

'huu, it seems like the speech changed a bit, but I'm not surprised really, my father is not the same as depicted in the movies or books, he is more confident, more calculative and rarely you can see him losing his temper when dealing with important matters. It is no surprise to me that what people say and do will also change since this is a real world.... let's take Quirrel for example, why did he try to touch Harry when he had a wand.... he could easily overpower Harry and incapacitate him, he already knew very well since the handshake at the Leaky Cauldron that harry could hurt him with a touch... I don't question even for a moment that he will do things differently this time..... probably since I'm here as well...'

'So is Draco still going to.... yea of course he is' i think to myself.... will his speech change?

''So it is true, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.... This is Crabbe and this is Goyle'' he starts making everyone whisper about the shocking news of the boy who lived here with them

Draco gets close to him and says in his usual self-important demeanor ''My name is Draco, Draco Malfoy'' 'and I'm Bond, James Bond' i think while Ronald Dorkley starts snickering

''You find my name funny? I don't even need to ask yours, red hair, hand-me-down robes.. you must be a Weasley!'' he declares as per script before continuing ''you will find out very soon that some families are better than others.. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort... I can help you with that'' he declares before extending his hand

I cant see harry face, he probably hates him for insulting his friend; not only that but I also might or might not have told Harry about who my brother was and what he did in his childhood making him hate him a bit more (oops, sorry brother).... as per script he answers ''thanks, but I think I can choose my friends pretty well Draco''

In the books Draco was actually the first person Harry met in Diagon Alley, he tried to befriend him and not because he was the boy who lived... Harry was turned off by his actions because they reminded him of Dudley... Draco is a sad guy, he is a bit of a tsundere in need of approval, his actions though can be seen as overbearing and domineering, but he isn't a bad guy per se... It could be said that what sparked his animosity towards Muggles, and his desire to become a death-eater in his quest for confirmations was not because of his parent's brainwashing or because he was inherently evil, but because of Harry's public rejection of him..... He is in the truest sense an unfortunate character.

Of course things changed since I became his brother, but not by that much..


The doors opened and we can now see the Great Hall in all its glory countless heads all turned to us with curiosity

I notice that I'm at the forefront walking with nonchalance with Hermione while everyone was lagging behind probably feeling a bit shy because of the stares

Hermione completely ignoring the gazes while looking at the ceiling while telling me '' the ceiling is fake, it is made with magic to replicate the one outside, I read it all in the bok 'Hogwarts History' '' she declares in her usual know it all voice, looking at me with proud eyes while waiting for my answer probably challenging my knowledge as she did in the train

''it is very beautiful, in fact this particular one was made by professor Dumbledore himself, it is said that every headmaster will change the ceiling to their liking as soon as their mandate starts'' I tell her with my smileTM ( a/n I made it up, some useless trivia for yall)

she then looks away with a smile, probably happy to have found someone that is interested in the things she studies.... When you have the knowledge you will feel the need to tell people about what you know especiall when you are a kid... her drive for knowledge though is bigger than most kids making them feel inferior and jealous of her, since her attitude doesn't help and none ever told her how to act she finds herself often excluded (as I said earlier)... That's why it is not surprising that she is a bit happy...

We abruptly come to a halt as various names get called to get sorted by the talking hat but not in alphabetical order for some reason.

I will spare you all from the pain of reading the hat's song, thank me later....

''Theodore Nott?'' says McGonagall

''Slitheryn'' announces the hat

Hannah Abbot and Susan Bones get sorted into Hufflepuff

''Hermione Granger?''

''go, don't worry'' I tell her will touching her back she just trots ahead in a semi dazed state

''Gryffindor'' as expected

''Ronald Wesley''

''Gryffindor'' Expected as well, the main problem is Harry I need to make him want to go to Gryffindor since he really doesn't hate Slytherin because of meeting me, half knowing that I will be placed there

''Harry you know?'' I start with a smile getting a questioning look from his face ''both your parents were Gryffins, go make 'em proud'' i tell him

''Harry Potter?'' timely announces the professor, snapping him from his thoughts

This time Harry doesn't say no Slytherin but please Gryffindor... the hat doesn't surprise and screams

''Gryffindor!'' making the whole red table scream in joy, Harry looks at me and I look at him nodding my head while sporting a big smile. He smiles back and runs next to Hermione

Everyone gets sorted and expectedly all my friends get sorted in Slytherin as per canon making me sigh in relief; right now I'm the last one remaining

I roll my eyes at the cliché scene while chuckling internally, OF COURSE it had to be me the last one...

''Raon Malfoy''

I slowly walk regally like a noble towards the stool with the talking hat on top of it taking all the time I need, I notice a lot of girls looking at me 'after all I'm kinda handsome ngl, I think to myself'.

Getting closer to the stool I take our my want and pointing it towards the hat

''Scourgify'' I chant finally ticking the box of another thing every reincarnator has to do in Harry Potter after accioing the poor Trevor, cleaning the talking hat

I can hear loud gasps, not because of my magic but because people were thinking 'why didn't I do it, damnit', professor McGonagall also nods in approval and that makes me feel very accomplished; after all it is hard to gain that professor approval, and it is something I need to do for my plans.

The hat goes on top of my head and says loudly without telepathy ''thanks kid I really needed that cleanup''

''no problem Ahah'' I politely laugh

still without telepathy, he says, so everyone can hear for some bloody reason, getting me unnecessary attention '' I could very well put you in every house you fit every house criteria and you know the pros and cons of them as well..... what to do... what to do''

I can see a very surprised McGonagall, and very surprised students probably still trying to take in the information they just received

I tell him in a moderate voice but still resonating clearly in the hall '' we both know that there is only one house for a Malfoy hat... let's not make it any more difficult'' I say before adding a whisper only the hat and the professor can say ''or you would prefer to have a disowned kid on your conscience''

the professor's eyes widen at my words before the hat finally seals the deal

''indeed there is only one, your cunningness and ambition are certainly the most prevalent, it is safe to put you.... in Slytherin!'' this time it is the green table that shouts with joy, happy to have booth Malfoys in the house

I slowly sit up and with a smile I rejoin my friends, this time at the table, expectedly Alice was also put in Slytherin, she acted like a wasn't even there while talking to some girls that probably wanted connections.... I was sooo tempted to annoy her but decide to refrain from doing so, it was her moment after all and I'm gentleman enough to let her enjoy her time.

The rest of the evening pans out as per script, with the headmaster admonishing everyone to not go to the third-floor cause reasons..... yea right..... like he doesn't know what happens if he sparks the curiosity of kids like that.... this guy.....

Everyone goes to the dorms, me and my friends all talk for a bit about what happened today in the common room before going to sleep to prepare for a new day to start


From now on the pacing will pick up a bit, i plan on going to christmas in two/three chs: you will finally see how ur mc fights aganist the troll and in the RoR room where he actually can show what he is made of :3

lemme know if you like the pacing rn or if you believe i should focus more on how a school year works, focusing on what is explained during lessons or what a normal hogwarts week looks like

one thing i dont wanna do is copy paste dialogues everyone knows about but i might add some of the best nonetheless, writing this chapter made me realize how hard it is ahaha

thx for readin :3

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