
Guardian Of Infinite Earths

Aliens wish to invade the Earth? Did I allow it? In the M.I.B., he was Agent N. In Transformers, he was a crazy driver. In the Avengers, he was a superhero who could arm-wrestle with the Hulk...

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78 Chs

IE: Chapter 71. The Joy of Harvest.

"N, how did you find him?" J came running. Being able to team up to take out an invisible alien was awesome! It's just that the alien was behind Noah, 'When did Noah see that guy's footprints?'

"The sound of his footsteps, and his breath stinks. I just tested it with a shot, luckily, he really was there." Noah walked around, pretending to observe the alien, 'luckily this guy also left a treasure chest behind.'

'Was it luck?'

J didn't think so. 'N isn't the kind of guy who would rely on luck, risking his own life.' However, he didn't want to dig into it. The better his partner was, the safer he would be, and the quicker he would get promoted.

"Get some rest, I'll report back to Zed. This time, we wiped out a group of alien smugglers, but the ones on the ship still escaped. I'll teach you the art of reporting. Take notes."

"Hi, Chief, yeah... I got some good news. Yes, we found alien smugglers here in New Jersey. N and I had to take them out."

"No, no, no, they fired first. They used high-powered weapons. Right, right, they were smuggling weapons, alien weapons."

"A group of them saw me and N appear, and they quickly ran away. We couldn't chase them because some were still left, resisting arrest. But I don't think those guys would come back, they know the M.I.B are around. The ones that resisted? Yeah, we shot them. Well it's not like LunarMax has some rooms to spare, right?"

"Okay, the locator is on. Can you get some people from the cleanup crew to come over? We'll both watch over the site for now."

Letting a ship full of aliens off to catch the bigger fish, turned into letting them escape in J's mouth. A mistake became a merit. Even killing Horton's gang, became resisting arrest.

"N, did you hear that? Zed said it's a job well done. I think these guys must have a ship too, right? The bonus for capturing an illegal alien ship is quite a lot."

"I'll check those two boxes again. If the contents are important, I'll highlight them in my report."

"Okay, I'll check the bodies, maybe we missed something."

Noah wandered around the woods, picked up all the treasure chests, and sat down at the river bank. He didn't move any of the alien bodies. He left them to the professional colleagues in the logistics team, who would minimize the alien traces left behind.

3 hours later, J was driving, Noah was sitting in the co-pilot seat, and the two of them returned to headquarters together.

"Why can't we go back tomorrow? I still want to have a good time here." J regretted it a bit. They didn't get a lot of opportunities to travel.

"How long do you think it will take them to find that alien ship? I don't think they would find it. We might as well stay behind and help them." J wondered, 'If they can't find it, what about our bonus?'

Noah turned his head, "The logistics department has devices to help them with that kind of stuff. If they can't find it, what makes you think we can? If we stay, the best we can do is help them clean up the dead bodies, plants, soil, and so on. Their blood contaminated everything. You want to stay and dig up sand or cut down trees?"

"Didn't you work with them once? Oh, but that was just for a few days, right? Cleaning up in the city isn't the same as cleaning up in a forest. No wonder they have such a high turnover rate."

J remembered the days he had just joined the M.I.B, training with the logistics department. None of the agents had a smile on their faces, they were all expressionless. He was lucky there wasn't a big incident while he was with them.

If he did that kind of work every day, he would also lose his emotions.

"N, how many times do you think we could get promoted with missions like this one? The top agents at the core of the M.I.B had some say in the organization's matters, while our own access to some information is still restricted."

J, like Noah, was usually in the office, logging in into the database, trying to amuse himself with stories of cases when he had nothing else to do during working hours.

However, as he was ready with some of the documents, getting to the climax of the case, a dialog box would pop up, telling him that the rest of the information was confidential. How was that any different than a power outage when he was watching a great movie? It was terrible.

"I don't know. But the good news is, there isn't a quota for top agents. I think, with a few more decent missions, we'll be on our way up."

Noah also wanted to get promoted, not for any power and salary, but for the system's tasks.

Back at headquarters, after a face-to-face report to Zed, Noah went back to the dormitory. As soon as he entered the room, the orange cat Orion kept meowing at him.

Looking at many things knocked over in the room, as well as cat litter scattered on the ground and empty food bowls, it seems that Weaver hadn't come to tidy up during his 2 days away.

Weaver was more and more addicted to research and often stayed in the laboratory, which left Noah feeling helpless. The woman seemed to be more interested in aliens than in him.

After cleaning up, and watching Orion happily eat his cat food happily, Noah leaned back against the head of the bed and opened the treasure chest!

This time he collected five treasure chests, including one silver treasure chest and four bronze treasure chests.

[Reward Super Vision LV1]

[Reward free attribute point +1]

[Reward Charm +1]

[Reward free attribute point +3]

[Reward Health +10]

In the treasure chest, unexpectedly, were some health points.

[Noah Anderson]

[Gender: male]

[Level: 8]

[Health: 146]

[Spirituality: 10.1]

[Strength: 14.3]

[Speed: 14.1]

[Special ability: Combat Proficiency LV5. Alien radar LV5. Super Sense of Smell LV1. Super Hearing LV1. Super Vision LV1.]

[Weapons: Series 2 De-Atomizer, Proficiency LV5.]

[Free Attribute Points: 8]

[Task: Become a top Agent for the M.I.B.]

This time, incidentally, he went up another level, and gained 4 attribute points. Looking at the accumulated 8 attribute points, Noah was very satisfied. The attribute points are more than enough for him to feel excited.

Unfortunately, opening the chest didn't bring up invisibility or anything, an ability he really wanted. Either flying or something else was fine, he wasn't picky.

With this current combat strength, adding up all the attribute points, he was still no match for Hancock, so his joy instantly faded by more than half.

After experimenting with Super Vision, Noah stared at Orion, who was eating. His vision more than doubled, and it seemed that the whole world became clearer.

Orion suddenly stopped eating, looked around, and found that there were no other cats before burying his head in his food again.


Suddenly, the door opened and Weaver came in.

"N, your back. Listen, today, I made a major breakthrough in my research. I heard that you and J brought back some alien gene samples this time, it was wonderful."

"Were you injured in the mission? Come here, I'm a doctor, I'll examine you thoroughly."

Weaver stood at the door of the bathroom, hooking his finger at Noah.

After a while, Orion heard some strange cries again. This time, he wasn't scared and didn't hide under the bed. 'Seems like every time that female human comes, they would make that noise. I better keep eating, it doesn't concern me.'