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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 9: For Now

Harley, who was tied in the corner of room let a cheeky laugh as she heard one of the members voice their worries.

"Oh oh someone bit off more than they could handle and now they're gonna chock!, hehe serves ya right. You want my advice? be sure to swallow!."

Harley's teasing only escalated the worried member's concern.

"Boss they've already sent the 450 mil let's just beat it this, chick is making worry more about what may happen..."

Despite her predicament the Harley found pleasure in taunting her captors. Before the boss among them could retort an intimidating voice suddenly echoed in the room.

"He's right y'know".

A tall figure clad dressed in all black casually walked slowly into the room looking around at the 5 members 3 guys and 2 women. They all seemed to be in a daze and just stared at him but didn't dare to make a move but before anyone could speak, Harley did so first.

"Is this the boogeyman you're sacred of? Heh. Fight Fight my money is on the scary looking fella'.

The Boss among the group seemed a bit nervous but still chose to speak up while facing Arias.

"Listen...just walk away there's no bad blood here"

Unable to see his facial expressions because of his mask, the group could only tell his mood from his voice. When he spoke again, they could clearly hear the lack of patience in his voice.

"Transfer the money to me and you can leave".

The Boss reached for his weapons after hearing such an absurd request but before he could grab it. Arias moved at a scary speed to the man's comrades, in just that moment two heads had already started rolling on the floor...brutally ripped off from their bodies.


Everyone in the room was shocked, Harley had looked on in silence for a moment before showing a smile. Unlike her the never faced someone who treated his opponents so brutally and at such blinding speed. One of the women tried to leave through the window but was stopped by a black chain that coiled around her throat.

The woman's eyes grew wide as she looked to her Boss for help. But before she could voice her words, the chain tightened furiously and with such force that her eyes popped out of their sockets before blood began to leak from her other orfices. The remaining woman looked at her boss with a panicked expression, raising her hands in the air showing no hostility. The boss clenched his fists in anger before shouting.

"Fine stop!! But do you know the price for for disobeying the cont-*SLASH!*...AHHHH Fuck! My hand you cut off my fucking hand!!".

The Black chain Arias had used quickly became enshrouded in smoke before taking the shape of a long dark bladed weapon. As the leader of the group spoke, Arias did not hesitate to swing his weapon and slice the man's arm clean off.

"See there you go again not doing what I asked, send the money and leave I didn't say talk now did I? Repeat the same mistake and you'll lose more than just a limb."

Harley shifted from side to side in the corner enjoying every minute of what was happening.

"Cut his wiener Off Mr Boogeyman!!!"

Ignoring Harley's comment Arias keeps his blade on the man's shoulder before it changed shape once more.


The man grit his teeth madly before falling to the ground in pain. Arias walked over with a black pistol in his hand and aimed it at the man's legs.

"Biding your time we'll only make things worse for you".

Despite the pain he was feeling, the man took out his phone with his remaining wounded arm and sent the money to the account Arias stated. After Arias saw the notification and then nodded at him.

With the transaction done, the leader and the remaining women began heading for the door. As soon as they turned their backs towards Arias, they could feel a pain spreading from their chests.


As the leader looked down. He found a black and sharp javelin shaped object protruding out of his chest. It had first past through his subordinate and then him. As the object turned into smoke and fade, he collapsed to the ground knowing full well his end was near. In his last moments, he could only give Arias a hateful look.

" I said you could leave, I never said I wouldn't kill you..".

Having finished with the group he turned to Harley who was tied in the corner of the room fidgeting to get free. Arias slowly walked towards before stopping just a few inches away from her.

"Why do they want you alive?".

Harley closed her eyes and turned her head away from Arias.

"I ain't saying nothin..wait wait...no need to bring that smoke thingy near me Mr Boogeyman"

Arias ignored her pleas and allowed his abysmal smoke to hover around her before speaking.

"Crime Lords want you ,The cops want you and am pretty sure you're on some heroes radar so one way or another someone will catch you and once they do, you're pretty much a goner".

Harley hummed while looking at the ceiling as if deep in thought before answering.

"Well what can I say men find me irresistible they wanna catch me no matter what, being so talented is hard work I tellz ya".

Arias let out a sigh before making his abysmal smoke take on the shape of numerous sharp needles hovering around Harley. Harley pleaded once more but showed no fear, just a cheery smile.

"The files puddin stole are hidden at the hideout but that place is filled with those nasty goons after em but I'm sure they'll never find em I hid em in dumpster just outside not to far away, those dummies would never look there."

Arias was unsure of how to take her answer.

"No sane person would...."

'I'd have to check it out to confirm. She's pretty hard to read...'

Arias cut the rope using one of the needles, after setting her free, he began walking away but as he did so, Harley tried to attack him with her bat but before she could land a hit Arias reacted and had her pinned against the wall.

Harley let out a chuckle and made an innocent expression.


Just as she said that she tried to hit arias again but this time with a broken piece of glass she had hidden, but which he stopped it as-well.

"Gee you're not so easy to kill Mr Boogeyman"

Harley said mischievously as she fidgeted in his hold. Arias began to grow annoyed by her and spoke.

"You know it's pointless either you give me the files or you die".

Harley didn't seem to care much after hearing Arias's threat.

"I'm dead either way Mr Boogeyman if you get the files I'll still get caught by those goons and get killed when they don't find the files....unless you can let me lay low in your hide out....no one will look for me at the boogeyman's place".

Arias was taken aback for a moment.

'Seems she's thought this out already'.

Arias stayed silent for awhile thinking about her proposal while Harley continued to flash pleading eyes at him.

"Alright, that works fine".

'For now'

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