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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 10: The Means

After coming to an agreement Arias left the gruesome scene and headed towards his hotel room with Harley in tow. Once they arrived in his hotel room, he casually removed his mask and began heading towards the stairs.

"Ouu, not bad Mr Boogeyman"

Arias ignored her remark and began heading up the stairs.

"I'm going to take a shower don't break anything".

Having said that he went upstairs....but not to the bathroom. He quickly went to his room and leapt out of his window and flew at a crazy speed towards Jokers old hideout before in the alley near it. After checking two dumpsters he found the files everyone had been looking for in bag written "do not touch just junk".

He skimmed through the files before copying the useful data to a chip on his phone. After doing so, he contacted the contractor who wanted Harley.

"Hello? If you're unhappy about the compensation, we can work something ou-"

A lovely voice had picked up the phone call and immediately began to speak but was soon cut off by Arias.

"I've found the files. Give me an offer or they go public."

Arias was straightforward in making his request and cut the call immediately after speaking. He then sent copies of the files as proof and just as planned, he received a call almost immediately.

"The Boss wants to set up a meeting to negotiate terms."

The lovely voice spoke quickly and waited for Arias's response which didn't take long.

"I refuse. You have 5 minutes to give me a satisfactory amount. Ask your Boss this, Be greedy and have your empire fall or send the money and continue to live carefree?"

Once again after speaking, Arias cut the call immediately and didn't pick up again. He kept on receiving phone calls but continued to ignore them. Finally when one minute remained a notification popped with a sum of money in the Billions.

After transferring all his money to Bank specifically for those who wish to stay out of the limelight he then took off into the air and flew the opposite direction to his hotel reaching the local police station building.

Once at the station, he simply dropped off the incriminating files and left. After that, he sent copies to well known news stations as well before finally breaking his phone.

'Phase one done. Once the major players are out of the picture, everyone will struggle to become top dog. Chaos is bound to follow, which is just what I need. It means less attention towards me'.

'Now for phase two'.

He stood in front of an apartment building dressed in all black clothing with a mask on. Once on the second floor he knocked on the door and when he heard the voice of a middle aged man respond he immediately kicked the door and sent the man flying with it into the room.


He quickly let himself in and as the man tried to stand he held his hand slammed it to the floor, afterwards he brutally beat the man blow after blow but held his strength back. Each time the man tried to turn he'd get his face planted into the floor.


A weak voice escaped the middle aged man. Arias leaned into the man's and ear and spoke in a faked voice

"The joker sends his regards".

After speaking, Arias used his abysmal smoke to create two grenades. He dropped one on the 2nd floor and the other on the ground floor before leaving the building.

He now stood on top of a building a few hundred meters away with his arms crossed. As he did so, he heard a familiar lovely voice in his mind.

'You have no qualms eliminating your own kind to achieve what you seek'.

Arias looked towards the building he had just left, he let out a deep breath before snapping his fingers. This set off the grenades and soon a large inferno broke out at the building.

'No I don't. Morals only get in the way. All my life I tried living a peaceful life despite the many things I endured but that only led to more suffering.'

Àpeiro went silent momentarily before responding.

'I do indeed know of your life yes. It was...less than ideal. From what I've observed, morals, fairness, equality and the like are simply a concept created by the weak to survive. It is an interesting system but one that locks you into a role.'

'The once weak who taste power manipulate it in such a way, that it suits them best. It is rare for one born into a low role to go higher and just as hard for one in a high role to fall. Only those who refuse to follow a system created by another are truly capable of achieving whatever they wish but only if...they have the means to do so'.

'I have given you the means Ari... No one can tell you how to live any longer.'

Àpeiro's voice soon faded as quickly as it came. Arias looked at the burning building once more before returning to the hotel.

Just under an hour hand passed from going out to coming back. After arriving walked down stairs in sweatpants and a towel around his neck. Harley was busy walking around the living room touching everything in sight and fiddling with it

"Where's the switch to the secret lair?"

After Arias made his presence known, Harley let out an innocent smile before speaking.

"I didn't break a thing."

Arias looked at her for a moment but chose to ignore her and instead went to the balcony and conversed with Àpeiro while occasionally checking the time before deciding to head back at exactly 9:50 pm.

Upon reaching inside he found Harley slouching on the couch watching what looked like this worlds version of fear factor. Ignoring the woman on his couch he grabbed the remote and turned to the news channel.

"Oh c'mon Mr Boogeyman I was watching that..just gimme 5 more-"

Harley's plea was interrupted by the news broadcast that had began on the TV.

"Gotham has been turned upside down today, About an hour prior to now Gotham's police commissioner Gordon was attacked and left in a critical state at his co workers apartment which was also set ablaze due to explosives, chief Regan stated he had had gone out to buy a meal and drinks when the attack took place. Commissioner Gordon is currently in critical care.

"Hah! serves him right for always trying to lock up me and my puddin"

Harley proudly said while showing a large smile, but that didn't last long as the broadcast continued.

"In other news, files and data that have concrete evidence about many major families and moguls in Gotham and beyond where released today..they contained everything from weapon and drugs trafficking to tax evasion and money laundering, even Gotham's mayor wasn't spared. We've heard no response from the accused as they refuse to release any statements and now for other headlie-*CRACK*".

Harley in a fit of rage threw the remote at the TV cracking it.

"How'd they find it!, I was sure no one would look there".

"Probably got desperate and started looking for any clues..with the data out in public it...along with you have lost their value to me *sigh* I need some air".

Arias left Harley with slight smirk on his face.

'Once Gordon gives his statement they'll think joker was behind the attack. I mean he has clear motive and as for the crime lords they'll think he released the data as well...He'd be safer turning himself in at this point not that it matters either way.'

As arias was deep in thought he overheard Harley talking and decided to focus in on what she focus in on what she was saying.

"What do you mean it's my fault!?...I-I am sorry puddin I tried I really did,I'll explain when we meet.....I-...But pudd....please puddin I'm sorry think this through...You couldn't have thought about it already you're just upset..you can't stay mad at your litt.....but what am I supposed to do?.....Puddin I have nowhere to go, Ivy hates me and Waller will keep looki-"


Harley sat silent on the couch tears running down her face carrying her makeup along with it, she made no moves just kept muttering 'what now?' Over and over again.

Midnight passed and there she still sat asking herself 'what now'. Arias shook his head and glanced at her before heading upstairs pretending he didn't overhear her.

"I'm heading to bed we'll talk in the morning."

He said coldly without looking back at her. Harley then contemplated on his words

"Talk?....talk...? maybe....."

A faint glow could be seen in Arias's eyes as he looked out of the window to his room smiling while sipping some liquor with his gaze directed at the moon, he let out a satisfied sigh before saying to himself.

"This became more interesting than I anticipated".

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