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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 60: Unfeeling Power

??:?? PM/AM ' Center of The Universe '

Two figures floated in the vast emptiness of space. One had long white hair and the other had short black.

"I'm almost reluctant to leave this peaceful sphere, I would be content with anything so long as I share your presence".

Àpeiro spoke in her lovely voice while floating towards the barrier she created around the center of the universe.

"That does sound tempting but then we would miss out on the many adventures to be experienced that you created".

Arias said with a smile on his face as he flew to her side.

As soon as Àpeiro broke the barrier she immediately frowned. This was the first time seeing her make such an expression for Arias as she has always been smiling around him with the occasional sadness when she worried he wouldn't accept her. Arias too felt something was off but couldn't quite tell what that was.

Àpeiro held Arias by the shoulder and they immediately vanished. When they appeared the scene in front of them caused their energies to begin to bubble up.

A gigantic woman the size of several planets with long black hair sat on a throne as her maniacal laugh echoed throughout.

"Foolish girl accept your fate and die! Resistance is futile for I stand above all a mere mistake such as you must be corrected! hahaha. If you tell me where you stole such pure energy I may just reduce to lower existence say hmm an ant? Hahaha."

The gigantic woman was constantly shooting a red beam of light towards a golden barrier.

Behind this barrier was a woman with long blonde hair and a glowing body that seemed to become dimmer and dimmer as the barrier she was keeping up was hit constantly.

"I was born with the power granted to me by my father and mother. I feel closer to them when I wield it! My father has taught me much and has touched the hearts of many! My mother can only be just as amazing to receive my father's attention! An ugly witch-like you is nothing them!."

"Can't we help in any way?. She's been holding the barrier for weeks!"

Down on the earth, a boy with glowing red eyes clenched his fists tight as he spoke looking up. A woman in a lab coat walked up to him and patted his shoulder while also looking up with a grim expression.

"This is beyond us. Ari...where are you..."

The gigantic black-haired woman had appeared some days after the white flash enveloped all existence. She appeared next to earth as if out of thin air and immediately began recking havoc as if probing the planet. Cities were in a sad state and the world fell into panic. The league failed to defeat this foe and sought help from infinity Island. No matter how hard they tried to attack no attacks fazed this woman that is until Nearítheá appeared.

She had originally wanted to stabilize her energy but was left with no choice. She attacked and to the surprise of many her attacks did massive damage to the being. It was then that the gigantic woman became serious with her attack.

Sensing the impending danger Nearítheá went on the defensive and has been like that since. If she faced the attack she would survive but she knew the people of infinity Island wouldn't. Weeks passed and she hadn't moved from the defense only the energy she gave off seemed to grow dimmer and dimmer.

Now the gigantic woman seemed to grow angry.

"Insolence!! If your parents were so great even I the great Perpetua would have heard of them and since I have not you, your mother and father are nothing but-*SLAP*"

Before she could finish with her words the sound of a slap resounded throughout all creation.

Arias who was about to make a move looked to his side to find Àpeiro gone. In the blink of an eye, another figure the size of several planets had appeared but this one was different. She had long white hair and skin that was beyond pure. She looked like the embodiment of perfection even with the frown she wore on her face.

"Ari I understand you are angry as well but if I don't ease the bloodlust I feel right now I will not be at peace. May I?"

The newly appeared figure asked.

Arias appeared by Nearítheá's side and held her in her arms as she spoke weakly.

"I knew you'd come, Father. Did I do good? I protected them like you would Father. I-is that my mother?".

Arias smiled at her and nodded. Nearítheá looked up at the figure and smiled.

"Do you think I'm prettier".

The girl said weakly before falling asleep in Arias's arms.

Àpeiro looked back at the girl sleeping in Arias's arms and felt something she did not understand, all she knew was she did not like whatever she was feeling at that moment, she turned and faced the shocked Perpetua and held her by the chin with no expression on her.

"Oh you foolish,foolish child...True Insolence is having the audacity to insult my daughter in front of me. You seem to think you are the pinnacle of existence. Let me enlighten you".

After she said this her eyes glowed bright white and Perpetua began to scream and foam from the mouth. This lasted only a few minutes until Perpetua's mind was broken.

"Tsk can only handle this much before she breaks...useless".

Àpeiro spoke with a straight face as she looked at the now blank white eyes of Perpetua.

"F-forgive me p-please"

Perpetua said this while her body trembled.

"Forgive? I do not know such a thing. You will now live as an immortal ant, weak and undying. But do not worry I will let you keep these memories of misery so the sufferings you experience vary as for your body it shall be reforged and new life placed within it to carry out your duties. Consider this your Redemption".

Once again Àpeiro's eyes began to glow and Perpetua's became all white.

When the light faded a beautiful woman appeared seemingly lost.

"Mother I am ready to serve".

Àpeiro turned away and began to reduce in size.

"You seem to misunderstand something, you are not my daughter. You are a tool I have placed here to act as that fool's replacement. Do your task well and I will be pleased. Fail and you will think what I just did to your predecessor was a blessing. Now leave my sight"

The beautiful woman said no words and vanished.

Àpeiro soon appeared by Arias's side and tried not to look him in the eyes.

"Do you still not wish me far away from you after seeing that? My energy...it makes me vastly different from you. I could wipeout countless worlds and not feel a thing."

asked a worried Àpeiro. Arias caressed her cheek and made her face him.

"I already gave you my answer. So please don't ask again".

Àpeiro was taken a bit aback by his commanding tone as he had never spoken in such a tone to her. She looked at him smiled with a slight blush on her face.

"That isn't fair Ari you know I can't say no to you".

Arias and released her face as they descended down. Although damage had been done it wasn't much and more importantly for Arias Infinity Island was in perfect condition. Minus a few gods whose pride had taken quite the heavy blow after witnessing such a scene.

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