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God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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210 Chs

Chapter 59: Reborn

Those who saw Arias's serious expression felt their hairs stand. Batman said nothing more for a moment but before he could speak Arias spoke first again. His voice shaking the building.


"Talia Al Ghul, League of shadows. It is a delicate matter I wish to discuss".

She spoke in her alluring accent and kept things short.

"You're free to stay till we're able to discuss this. You will be shown to the guest area. Next."

Arias's breathing became heavier at this point. Those who noticed thought he was unwell so the next few wanted to be as quick as possible.

"Kara Kent. I represent the Alien refugees. We seek residence and have agreed to your laws."

As the young woman spoke she gave a disappointed look towards a member of the Justice League.

"Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley or as some may call me Poison Ivy. I represent the group of meta humans handed over to the alliance as peace offerings. I am here representing all meta humans today. We too seek refuge and agree to serve and abide by your laws with a few requests".

The red-haired woman with green skin spoke quickly before turning towards Harley with a sad look in her eyes but said nothing more.

"Approved. Those with requests can wait for further discussions at another date. Next".

"Delicate matter."

Queen Hippolyta quickly spoke with nothing more added on and Arias nodded in agreement.

"Delicate matter".

Queen Maxima said with a smile on her face and relaxed posture.

"Those with extended matters shall be guided by Harley and Dr.Veritas when she is free on how to proceed. We will talk when I return another day".

Arias spoke before standing up and preparing to leave.


A figure appeared by his side holding his shoulder. Arias let a deep breath before speaking uncaringly


Superman wore a serious expression as he spoke.

"Among those refugees are criminals with life sentences to their name, they cannot be allowed to gain freedom just like that!. Either the terms change or I will personally act against this one way or another "

Superman voiced his outrage at the matter.

Arias went silent as the energy in him started to rise to higher and higher levels. A voice resounded in his head.

'Ari, too much of my chaotic energy is leaking. You must leave now'

Arias ignored the voice and turned towards Superman.

'Ari!Ari! You need to leave Now!!!'

For the first time since they met. Àpeiro raised her voice. However, Arias's eyes began to glow pure white and he threw a fist at Supermans's chest sending him flying out the building.

"I'd like to see you try"

Arias flew out and landed near Superman who had made a crater in the ground.

Other members of the league soon surrounded him and were ready to attack but stood still. He opened his arms as if welcoming attacks them then an aura suddenly exploded from him and covered the island and began spreading rapidly to the solar system, then the galaxy, and then the universe but it wanted to go further.

Arias's hair grew longer and longer and turned pure white. Dr.Veritas created Barriers around him that constantly kept breaking. Any second longer and people would die but Nearítheá rushed towards Arias and hugged him tight absorbing the aura he was releasing.

3 seconds in and Nearítheá's body began to glow while her hair grew to touch the floor like Arias's now white hair. Blood started to come from her nose and mouth and her grip began to loosen.

'Arias!!! Our Daughter Will Die!!!! Please Snap Out of it!!!!'

Arias looked down at the crying woman holding him right. He slowly pushed her away and mumbled something only she could hear before ascending into the skies and vanishing. As he left his aura got weaker at that place but never disappeared.

Arias could only be seen as a shooting star as he dashed through the universe. Every system he passed felt his chaotic aura and felt only death awaits when confronting such.

'Stop this is it, The center lies here. Now quickly expelled the chaotic energy and I shall mold it into a form..my form!!'.

Arias never spoke. He felt like he couldn't as excruciating pain filled his body as he began to eject the energy.


A painful shout could be heard by all who resided in this universe.

Back on Earth a Glowing woman with Blonde hair that reached her legs had tears running down her face as one sentence ran through her mind over and over.

'If I don't return, be good to your mother'.

The people around her could only watch from afar as no one could come close to her as she radiated the massive amounts of energy she absorbed.

'Arias don't die, I swear if you leave me I will end myself and all reality shall join us in the nothingness, you promised...'

Arias grit his teeth harder and expelled the last of the chaotic energy that gathered into a Dark sun the size of a Galaxy. At that time it began to shape into the figure of a woman. When the form became stable. A loud burst occurred.

At that moment everything appeared white to forms of existence. Unable to contain this unknown energy the borders between the infinite number of universes and realities that exist shattered. Making all beings high and low see a white flash before them.

When the flash ended Arias opened his eyes and the most beautiful scene appeared in front of his eyes. He stared at a gorgeous white-haired woman that sat in the center of the universe. She was the size of a galaxy but slowly began to shrink bit by bit.

When she reached a normal size Arias showed her a smile before everything went black. The woman held his body and smiled as she felt his warmth.


When Arias awoke he found himself on the lap of a beautiful white-haired woman.


He muttered weakly.


She said with a smile as her beautiful voice reached his ears making him smile.

They were on a beautiful planet sitting on the grass. They enjoyed each other's presence in silence for a time unknown. It was only until Arias had enough energy to stand that they began to speak.

"That chaotic energy is a part of me, Ari...In my eyes, everything other than you is useless to me. Even our daughter holds only a small part in what is now my heart...do you accept to spend eternity with such a being... I may cause trouble or I may not be li-"

Arias planted his lips on hers as she fell into his embrace.

Black smoke covered Arias as his attire began to return. He held her hand and smiled as he began to ascend. White smoke covered her as she wore a silver armor of her own and ascended alongside him.

"My Foes are you Foes".

"And your Woes are My Woes".

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