
God of Valyria

A Chad Grandpa died and found himself in the body of a son of Zeus, fated to overthrow the Heavens and take the throne for himself, ushering Ancient Greece into a new age. ~ Mc is the progenitor of Valyria. He will create his own kingdom and destroy everyone on his path to glory leaving destruction in its fullest wake. ~ AU Crossover. You will love it regardless.

_oinkchan · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Good Morning!! Goodbye Hunters!!

Thetis blinked her eyes. Her expression turned stupid.


Umu! I nodded. Holding her by the cheeks I repeated for her again.

"I enjoyed our fucking, let's do it again sometime."

Thetis was silent, her eyes empty as if she had lost connection to the world itself. I waved my hand in front of her face.

"Hello? Mom? On the count of three, I will fuck you again- 1,2-"

She clutched my hand and pounced onto my body. I fell back in surprise.

"You are quite excited aren't you?"

I was going to blubber a bit more but the woman stuffed her hand into my mouth... which was fine as well because I started to lick it.

She gazed dangerously and spoke.

"Do you have any idea what you are saying?"

My tongue froze and my head nodded. I tried speaking but it all came gibberish because of her hand.

She raised it upon seeing me answering.

"Yes, mother... do not worry. I know the truth."

Her body trembled as she lost power for a second, I pushed her down this time, my cock touching her stomach tightly.

Lowering my head, I bit her ears. The woman whimpered a little while her body trembled below me.

"I do not have a spec of nymph blood flowing within me..."

Grasping her hair with my palms, I pressed her nape with my chin.

"-and you are not my biological mother."

"Mhmm..." The woman moaned. My lips sucked onto hers, pulling it with my teeth. Then my tongue entered inside, invading any and every part of her mouth that refused to bow down to me.

"Ahh~!" The woman gasped as I broke off the kiss. Rough pants could be heard as licked her nape off.

Then I got up, letting go of her face with my index finger, and then-


I slapped her perky ass cheeks extremely fucking hard.

Looking down at the woman lying in the grass, against the tree as the only cloth that covered her turned transparent due to sweat and other juices, I spoke softly.

"Do you trust me, mother?"

Thetis peeked from the gaps in her fingers and nodded meekly. I smiled seeing the milfy woman so obedient and shy.

"Good. You belong to me."

I bent to her level and glared into her emerald eyes, I could feel my divine blood rushing into my body as otherworldly energy filled me up.

Pretty sure, my purple eyes glowed like a death star in the middle of the night.

Similar to an animal, I held her by the waist tightly and held the part of her ass that I had spanked rough.

"I have marked you. Never betray me... remember your shame forever... and serve me well. Do your part as a mother and a partner."

Ignoring her reaction, I stood up, walking away from the oak tree and towards where the pond was... away from the hunters and other nymphs dancing.

I needed some time to bathe and relax. Some personal time.


*Chirp* *Chirp*

My eyes fluttered open, sparrows chirped in the air, and naids on the other end, giggled playfully while looking at me.

I closed my eyes again.

Is it necessary? I wondered. Shaking my head, I stood up.

"It is not."

My face instantly grimaced seeing wrinkles on my body. It seems I fell asleep in the pond.

My head seemed a little heavy, seeing my reflection in the water... my face instantly deadpanned.

The wannabe fried chicken was sitting on my has and sleeping. Picking it up, I gazed hard at it and used my full strength to think of KFC.


Hedwig instantly opened his eyes, struggling to get out of my clasp.

"Hehe." I smiled lightly before throwing him away in the air.

Today was a new day, a new beginning. A fresh page in the diary.

I could not help but scream.


Using the grass nearby as a board, I pushed myself out of the pond. A few nymph little baby girls ran towards me with cheerful smiles

"Good morning."

Kneeling at them, I patted their hair pinching a little nymph's cute little cheeks.

"Good morning."

Then I frowned. I had never in my life seen this little girl nor the others running behind. Shrugging my shoulders, I walked towards the grasslands where all my sisters and mothers were sitting.

One by one, everyone greeted me as I greeted them back. They put rings of flowers on my head, neck, arms, feet, and cock while I gave them kisses on their cheeks.

I looked at a beautiful black-haired woman who for a change smiled at me. Closing my eyes, I nodded. Good morning.

By the side, all the hunters had gathered up along with Artemis. They all stood, gathered in their hunting dresses as if soldiers but more free ones since they spoke with each other, happy.

The Moon Goddess sat on a bear this time. I have no idea where she found it from. It was not there last night, that I am sure off.

She waved towards me with a smile and made a gesture as if calling me.

Jogging towards the silver-haired woman and her entourage, I spoke with a bright smile.


Artemis gazed at the surrounding nymphs who were dancing and playing with each other. Her gaze turned to me.

She pressed her hands to her cheeks and expressed lightly with an alluring expression.

"Sadly yes. We have stayed long enough."

I looked down at my feet and nodded, sighing exaggeratedly.

"You will be missed."

She rolled her eyes.

"Lying does not suit a gorgeous man."

Artemis pursed her lips for a moment before opening them again, however this time with a teasing smirk.

"Would you like to turn into a girl and become my personal chef?"

I raised my eyebrow and smiled kindly.

"Good luck Lady Artemis... if fate allows then we shall meet again."

The woman clicked her tongue and looked away.

"Take care of Cery."

Slapping the butt of the bear, she disappeared into the wind with her hunters behind.

My yeux stared at their backs as they vanished in the distance. It was not a lie, they will be missed.

Many of the hunters turned behind to look at me and waved for one last time. Happiness and laughter in its fullest form.

Looking at them made me a little jealous however one look at my nymph family, a content smile crept across my face.

"I wonder if we will meet again."


Can y'all do me a favor and review this? Since I need three more to get ratings.

Have a Great Sunday!!! For the Asians... Have a Good Night!!! I had a fever and the electricity fused out. ENJOY BOIS AND GIRLS, WE CAN DO THIS!

_oinkchancreators' thoughts