
God of the Verses

Op mc traveling worlds, fucking any girls he desires because of plot. He does whatever he wants cause no one can stop him. First World: Twilight Second world:???? Third world???? Give me some suggestions

VoNtheGoAt · Movies
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31 Chs

Chapter 5

"Wa.. what do you mean"she says stuttering. I look at her and start chuckling. "Don't act stupid now I know who and what you are" I move my face closer to hers I see her face get a little red " little vampire".

I wisphered her face morphs into one of shock and confusion. "How do you know that are you a vampire too if so why can't I smell you and why do you have a heartbeat" she asked.

I smile at this "For how I know this don't worry about it and you can hear my heart beating right plus I'm sure you smell my blood so to answer your question I'm one hundred percent human" I told her.

At least for now I thought."How do you know about vampires" she asked. I replied "I had to fight one" (cap this man has not fought shit throughout his entire life ).

"She seems shocked by this "what you fought a vampire and survived how" I look at her and reply "Ripped his head off and he was still talking shit so I decided to burn his body see If I could hear his screams" with a smile on my face even though I was lying.

She was about to say something but she smelled the air and her face instantly changed to one of uncomfort and worry.

'"You good " I asked her she looks at me and kind of relaxes "yeah it's just my singer is here you know what those are right" she says looking at me.

I respond "Humans that smell extremely appealing to a certain vamp". "So who's singer am I " she looks at me dumfounded "how am I supposed to know that" I shrug "I don't know ". She looks at me for a while and stiffens as the door opened and there she stood.

Isabella 'bella' Swan the protagonist of this world (your mate) and edythe's singer standing at the front of the class fidgeting.

"Introduce yourself to the class please miss swan" says the teacher. She looks up and locks eyes with me I give her a wave and a small smile to which she gives a small smile back and begins introducing herself.

" Um hello my name's Isabella but you can call me bella"she says. The teacher looks around and begins saying "thank you miss swan you may have a seat beside Mr Raizel and miss Cullen.

She begins making her way over to us and I can sense edythe getting more uncomfortable. As bella reaches our desk and takes a seat beside me ( he is in the middle).

I feel edythe moving a bit too dangerous so I quickly grab her thigh squeezing it ( why not hand who knows) bringing her out of her stupor she looks down and sees my hand and I begin apologizing to her "I'm sorry" and go to remove my hand she grabs it as I'm about to move it and places it back .

I look at her confused she says " keep it there it calms me down" I simply smile

I turn to bella and begin" didn't expect to see you so soon bella " She looks at me and replies "yeah I uh didn't expect to see you so soon either vincent".

"Miss swan and Mr Raizel stop the talking and focus on the lesson" says the teacher. I look up at him "uh yeah sorry sir it won't happen again".

Massaging edythe's thigh and focusing on the lesson at same time was difficult so I thought of a skill I should have gotten from the get go. {System} I thought.

[Yes Host]

{Create the skill Multiple Simultaneous Attention and Thought Acceleration} (the pure dedication of this man creating two skills just to massage some thighs)

[Completed Host skills have been created]

{Alright thanks system}

[Your welcome Host]

So as I get back to 'calming' edythe's nerves I can more easily focus. I look over at her and see her staring at me with a reddish face "Better"I ask She looks at me with a small smile and responds "yeah".

As the class came to an end I had to regrettably take my hands of those beautiful soft and fleshy thighs. I told her and bella I'll see them around.

(Edythe POV)

I arrived in the class after finishing up the conversation with my sisters about our mate. As I sit there thinking about him.I began smelling him come closer the door suddenly opens and I see him standing there.

The most handsome and alluring creature I have ever seen. As we lock eyes I can feel my belly filling up with butterflies (soon enough it will be full of something else 😏).

I see the teacher approaching him asking him to introduce himself. "Hello" I hear him begin I couldn't help sitting up out of curiosity and interest. As he begins speaking again I hear that sexy voice of his saying "My name is vincent de Raizel I'm 18 it's nice to meet you all".

He finished I hear the teacher telling him to come and sit beside me I could feel the butterflies in my belly intensify . As he approached my desk we kept eye contact and I could feel myself being lost in his beautiful icy blue eyes.

He reaches the desk still looking down into my eyes while I look up into his. I could lose myself in those I thought. He introduced himself to me and asked for my name so I do the same telling him Edythe but I realized something my tone was a little cold I started fretting would he think I'm not interested .

He simply gave me a smile a smile so beautiful I could almost feel my dead heart beating again. As he sat down I was intoxicated by his smell but I realized something I tried reading his mind but I felt a huge blockage it's like I ran into an impenetrable wall.

As I keep staring at him trying to figure out why I couldn't read his mind. He turns to look at me so I quickly lowered my head.

Oh god would he think I'm a creep I thought .I suddenly feel his breath getting closer he stops and says a couple words that almost drew my soul from my body "wondering why you can't read my mind" he said.

I was shocked how did he know . "wa what do you mean" I stuttered out in shock and denial. He simply chuckled oh even his chuckle sounds hypnotizing.

"Don't act stupid now I know what and who you are" he moves his face even closer causing the venom to rise to my cheeks (🤨). He continues "little vampire"I felt like my soul was drawn from my body how did he know was he one too he couldn't be I can hear his heart beating I can feel and smell his blood running through his veins, was he a shifter no I thought. I would smell the wet dog on him so how did he know.

(this is me speaking)

[system speaking]

"having a open conversation"

{Vincent talking to the system in his mind}

I'm thinking about only writing from Vincent pov what do y'all think let me know.

Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter thanks to all of you for the support so far. Please leave a review so I know if I'm doing good or not

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Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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