
God of the Verses

Op mc traveling worlds, fucking any girls he desires because of plot. He does whatever he wants cause no one can stop him. First World: Twilight Second world:???? Third world???? Give me some suggestions

VoNtheGoAt · Movies
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31 Chs

Chapter 4

(3rd Person Pov)

We now see Vincent walking through the hallways of the school while all the girls are looking at him in awe he is busy looking at a piece of paper.

(Mc Pov)

As I'm walking through the school hall looking at my time table while these girls are eyeing me like a pack of wolves (horny wolves)staring at a piece of meat.

It seems I was too focused on reading the list of classes I have today because I ended up stumbling into someone. After the impact I heard a thud putting away my paper I look down and guess who I see.

The female protagonist sitting down on the floor We lock eyes and I start feeling this thug in my chest whoever I snapped out of it so I could extend my hand to the girl who still looks like she's in a daze.

Snapping my fingers seems to have brought her back as she takes my hand still looking into my eyes. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going"I said.

She begins"It's ..Um okay". I reply "Well I'm truly sorry my name's Vincent"I stopped looking into her eyes and continued"Vincent de Raizel".

She begins saying" Um yeah I'm Isabella but you can uh call me bella" she says meekly I found it cute. "So bella no last name" I asked. She replied "Swan".

I chuckled at that ( cringe incoming) "well you are certainly as beautiful as a swan" . This reply gets a blush and a small smile from her. I walk pass her saying" see you around bella". I hear a small"yeah see you around Vincent"

(3rd Person Pov)

As Vincent continues to look for his class let's see what Isabella was thinking about during the encounter.

(Bella Pov)

I was walking along the hallways. I could feel there eyes on me as I walked so I kept my head down and continued walking forward until suddenly I bumped into someone's chest falling onto the floor.

As I looked up to see who it was. I was instantly captivated by his beautiful icy blue eyes that seemed to want to swallow me (🤨).

He stretched out his hand towards me seeming to want to help me up but I was too captivated by his eyes to take his hand. He started snapping his fingers getting me out of my daze.

I was embarrassed why did I stare at him like that does he think I'm weird. So as I took his hand and got up he began speaking " Im sorry I wasn't paying attention to where I was going".

I reply "it's um... okay". Well I'm truly sorry my name's Vincent" he pauses looking into my eyes "Vincent de Raizel" he continues . Wait why did he pause and stare at me like that I thought.

I replied "Um I'm Isabella but you can uh call me bella. "So bella no last name" He asked. 'Swan" he starts chuckling at that. What did he find something funny about it I thought. He begins "well bella you are certainly as beautiful as a swan".

I felt a small heat rise to my cheeks (🤨) and couldn't help let out a small smile before I could reply thank you he walks away but before he leaves he says "see you around bella" I reply"yeah see you around Vincent" not sure if he heard .

(3rd Person Pov)

Meanwhile that encounter was happening a distance away you could see five women having a conversation.

"Is that him Alice"says a beautiful dark brown haired woman with golden coloured eyes same as her 'siblings' she had plump cherry red kissable lips and a thin nose.

"Yes that's him jasmine"replies a small petite woman."And that's the human" asked a big breasted woman (first feature you would see).

"Obviously Emily "says a blonde we know as Rosalie. "You've been awfully quiet Edythe something wrong" asked Jasmine ."I can feel it calling me" replies edythe.

"Yeah we all can"says emily."Not the mate bond but the girl her blood it's calling for me"says Edythe. "Can you fight it"asked Alice.

"When he was there blocking off her presence I could but now that he's gone I just want to drain her dry"says Edythe. "Well that's bad says "Emily

Suddenly the Bell goes off and we see the Mc mates going to there respective classes

Luckily and Unluckily for edythe she had both her singer and mate in her first session.

(Mc pov)

I arrived at my first session biology. I hate biology but gotta sacrifice for something huh. As I approach the door to open it I felt a tug on my heart as I opened the door and walk in my eyes were instantly attracted to a figure(check comments for picture)

Edythe my mate the first of them I've met hopefully she ain't a creep like Edward was but I guess a beautiful vampire babe watching me sleep would be nice still creepy but at least she ain't a man.

The teacher approaches me"Hello Mr Raizel please introduce yourself to the class"he said. "Hello" I began I could see Edythe perk up in interest and curiosity "My name is Vincent de Raizel I'm 18 it's nice to meet you all" I finished.

"Thank you now Mr Raizel please have a seat beside miss Cullen"the teacher said.

As I make my way towards the seat we kept eye contact until I arrived Infront staring down into her beautiful golden coloured eyes . I reintroduce myself "Hello my name is vincent your's" she replied"edythe " in a calm and slightly cold tone .

I simple smiled and sat down as we were waiting for the rest of the students to arrive I could feel her burning gaze staring me down as if she wants to see my soul. I decided to have some fun so I looked at her as she quickly shifts her gaze looking down and acted like she wasn't looking at me.

I simply said "wondering why you can't read my mind". I could see her body stiffen as she quickly looks at me with a puzzled and cautious gaze.

Yo stayed up late for this one so another today and then that's it gn or gm also Please leave a review so I know if I'm doing good or not.

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