
God of the Verses

Op mc traveling worlds, fucking any girls he desires because of plot. He does whatever he wants cause no one can stop him. First World: Twilight Second world:???? Third world???? Give me some suggestions

VoNtheGoAt · Movies
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31 Chs

Chapter 6

Author:this is mainly edythe pov

(Edythe pov)

"How do you know that I am a vampire and are you a vampire "I had to ask him I just have to know. He proceeds to tell me not to worry about it and that he is one hundred percent human.

If he's not going to tell me about how he knows I'm a vampire. I at least need to know how he knows about the existence of vampires so I asked " how do you know about vampires" .

What he said shocked me he said he fought one and killed it. It was like lightning struck me I was going crazy a human fought a vampire and killed him." How I asked" He replied "I ripped his head off and he was still talking shit so I lit his body on fire to hear his screams".

With a dark smile on his face I don't know why but I felt myself getting wet from the way he described it and that smile oh god that smile.

I was about to ask him how he over powered a vamp until a smell hit my nose which causes me to tense up ."You good" I hear my mate ask and seeing the worry on his face warmed my heart.

"Yeah it's just my singer is here you know what those are right" I asked but immediately after saying that I felt stupid. Just because he managed to kill a vampire doesn't mean he is gonna know everything about us I thought.

Surprisingly he responded "Humans that smell extremely appealing to a certain vamp" he says but then immediately asked a dumb question "so who's singer am I" I just looked at him dumfounded .

"How am I supposed to know that" I asked. He shrugs and reply " Idk" I look at him for a while and then I felt her approaching .

The door opened and there she was. My singer standing there fidgeting looking gullible I started imagining me draining her dry of blood but I had to quickly snap out of it before blood lust consumed me.

She looked at us or more specifically my mate who was waving at her smiling which she responded back with a smile. I don't know why but I felt the need to just kill her right then and there Intensify .

I felt this overwhelming sense of possessiveness towards him. My mind was telling me to kill her and keep him for myself. I snapped out of it when my singer now identified as Isabella or bella as she said she wanted to be called approached our table apparently assigned to sit there with us by the teacher.

Every step she took towards the table increased the feeling I had to drain her dry. As she finally sat down I felt myself losing control I was about to rush over to her and drain her dry when I felt a hand grip my thigh.

It brought me back under control as I felt the heat from his palm run up my thigh spreading across my body it slightly aroused me but it was also keeping me calm.

He was about to remove his hand meanwhile apologizing but I felt the calm slowly leaving along with his hand and the bloodlust returning even though it wasn't as intense as before but it was still coming back.

Quickly grabbing his hands and placing it back . He gives me a cute confused expression I quickly say "keep it there it calms me down". He just smiles oh god his smile is making me even wetter I hope he doesn't notice I thought.

He continues massaging my thigh but he starts talking to bella I felt the jealousy returning but with a squeeze from his hand I calmed down and began focusing on the board after a while the teacher reprimands them much to my relief.

He apologized to the teacher and began focusing on the lesson while still massaging my thigh. I was getting wetter overtime until I heard the bell much to my relief and dismay. I say bye to him and quickly run to the bathroom.

Calling my sisters to meet me there. Soon enough I hear them opening the door. We quickly check if there was anyone else in the bathroom before locking the door soon after I hear rosalie asking "what is that smell".

They do a quick sniff of the air and turn to me with a shocked expression."Are you aroused" Emily asks me. I just nod my head."You met him didn't you I can smell him on you" I hear Alice say.

"How did he get you aroused"Jasmine asked with a raised eyebrow. "well I had him and my singer in the same class and my lust for the girls blood was going haywire so he massaged my thigh to keep me calm"I told them."

Wait how did he know to do that to keep you calm"rosalie asked.

"Well he knows about me being a vampire so I think he knows about y'all too and he apparently killed one". "What how" asked Emily.

"I don't know' I replied ." So How did it feel "Alice asked hyped up . A blush crept up on my face and before I could reply I heard Jasmine say "do you really have to ask the girl is practically dripping" and finishes with a chuckle.We begin to talk about how we'll Introduce ourselves to him.

(Mc POV)

I was now walking along the hallways looking for my next class while still getting the thirsty looks from the girls and angry looks from the boys.

I arrive inside the class taking a seat and laying my head down on the desk closing my eyes. I hear the door open but I kept my head down not caring about who it was .

I started thinking about which world I'd go to after finishing what I had to do in twilight suddenly I felt a tap on my desk . Raising my head to look who it was I was shocked and a little excited it was my favorite person in twilight and now one of my mates.

"Alice" I stated. She looked startled before beginning to speak "you know my name" she questioned

Author note:Last one for today and thanks for all the support. leave a review please and thank you

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