
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

God_Of_Brutality · Movies
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306 Chs

Chapter 172: Arias Vs The Justice League Part 1

As Arias, Harley and Black Canary finished off the remaining enemies that had rushed them, an awkward silence took over.

The narrow metallic hall they stood in was plastered with bodies and its walls smeared with blood.

Canary found it hard to hide her disgust toward this scene and her cautious looks toward Harley who was happily twirling her bat while humming gleefully.

Soon though, Arias chose to break the silence, speaking with his words and not mind, "Any word from the others? I can't tell if the telepathic connection is no longer there or the others are just silent."

Hearing this, Canary felt somewhat anxious and made up a lie on the the spot. "J'onn can only keep it up for so long, I think he reached his limits. Other than that, I think the others have started rescuing the children by now."

Arias took off his headwear and tossed it aside while raising a brow, "Is that so?"he questioned, seemingly rhetorically.

Canary couldn't help but grow concerned over Arias suspecting her and the league. But she had no choice but to try and keep him there.

"I'm sure they'll find us." She added, with some confidence and her usual tone, trying not to give away any clues through body language.

Arias cast a glance her way when she said this but gave no reply, instead he just began walking forward.

Canary was about to make up another excuse when suddenly, a burst of wind came by, marking Flash's appearance ahead of Arias.

"Oh there you guys are, the others have already started saving the kids, I just came to find you guys, come on." Flash quickly revealed while gesturing they follow.

Arias however stayed in his spot and didn't move, instead beckoning Harley over. "I find it strange that you'd use a longer path just to tell us this, and I find it more strange that you couldn't just communicate via radio now that the infrastructure's jamming system has been destroyed."

What seemed like a rather clever deduction was just Arias making up words on the spot, a bluff if you will.

He could already see the league was planning against him at this moment, how couldn't they? When he purposefully created such a good opportunity for them to do so, and even if the league as a whole didn't, a few like Superman definitely would have, especially after Harley's frantic killing.

Hearing Arias's words, Flash choked on his own words, thinking what Arias said was true and his lie was seen through.

"Uh well, you see…" Flash trailed off for a moment before looking Canary's way, but before she could speak, Arias spoke again. "I think Harley and I will be leaving now, I believe your team can handle the rescuing."

Despite saying this, Flash didn't step out of Arias's way, "Wait, you can't leave yet," he urged, still trying not to seem suspicious but at this point it was too late and Arias had created a reasonable ground to engage.

Arias snickered and his expression no longer looked amused as he asked, "Can't leave or you won't let me?"

Even Arias's tone had changed and hearing this, Canary decided to step in. "He didn't mean it like that, it's just that we may still need your help if anything."

Even Canary was free balling answers, she knew it wasn't possible to convince him otherwise now, so instead she was stalling for time, since the plan to lure him failed.

Arias though, wasn't making it easy for her. "Oh? I had no idea that I couldn't chose weather to help you or not. I only came to help save the children, anymore than that is the league's business, so…" he moved his gaze from Canary and looked at Flash before continuing, "…move."

"Look, no hard feelings okay?" Flash suddenly said before zipping behind Arias and grabbing him. The flash had greater strength than the average person, so given what they knew about Arias, he felt it was enough.

"Hey!" Harley was quick to react and wanted to attack Flash but Canary also attacked her from behind and pinned her down, using all her strength to keep her firmly restrained.

"Don't make this any harder on yourselves, if you're really innocent then I'll personally apologize for this." Canary still tried to be the voice of reason but Arias just scoffed. "The whole U.S government would want nothing more than to see me fall and you think I'll get a fair trial? You can't be that stupid."

Arias took on a harsh tone but Canary chose to understand his feelings, but it didn't matter, because in the next moment, her eyes widened as Arias used his telekinesis to lift them up and slam them toward the ceiling.

Canary who was on top of Harley this received the heavy blow and released Harley. "Ugh!"

At the same time, Arias instructed Harley, "Aim for his legs!"

Flash was cautious and wanted to act but felt his entire body grow stiff, his arms were made to release Arias despite him struggling for control over them.

Before he could even try to plan a way out, Harley picked up her bat and came charging in, "you got it Mr.M! Hiyaa!!"

Harley swung her bat with immense force and struck flash on his kneecap, bringing forth immense pain, but she didn't stop and continued to struck other points on his legs until she heard the sound of bone breaking.

Only then was she satisfied as she gave one final blow to his crotch, "and this one's for me!"

Arias released his telekinetic hold over Flash, leaving him to fall to the ground in pain.

Canary grit her teeth and saw this scene before alerting via her com device, "We need back up!"

Following her words, she stood up and was about to use her scream which she felt Arias couldn't block with his power, but he simply waited till she was about to do it and changed her position, making her scream bounce off the metallic ceiling before hitting her.

"Dammit…" She cursed under her breath while trying to stand up, the previous enemies had already left her quite exhausted so she was far from 100%.

An uncaring Harley though took this defenseless opportunity and came above canary before hitting her in the gut with her bat.


Canary felt the air leave her lungs as she coughed blood, but Arias soon instructed Harley again.

"Aim for her throat."

A/N: Which stingy person didn't send me stones? I did the math and it's not mathetizing, something ain't right. Fine, I'll just hold a bonus chapter hostage till I see the stones flood in. I know some sickos wanna see this beat down coming, damn sadists.